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Blue Jem

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Everything posted by Blue Jem

  1. lets say the kriem castle own by me all my guildmates have Buffs only have castle can buffs the npc!
  2. Error is [Error]: script:delitem: failed to delete 1 items (AID=2000020 item_id=17108). [Debug]: Source (NPC): earo at phtownall (160,248) this my script phtownall,160,248,5 script earo 803,{ mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hello I can enchant your armor"; mes "and give them +2 to +10 depending"; mes "of your luk. However, the armor could"; mes "break, and this if you have sloted or refined"; mes "armor you will loose then so I advice you"; mes "to use a clean sloted armor."; mes "Remember this procces will cost you 5,000,000z"; mes "And Break the armor is 15%"; next; mes "If you have same armor in the inventory"; mes "same as you have equiped, those will"; mes "loose refinement effects, cards and status too."; mes "So, make sure you bring me one by one armors equiped."; next; menu "High Quality Armor",Lhigh; Lhigh: if( zeny < 5000000 ) { mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hey sorry not enough money."; close; } for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.ids3); set .@c, .@c + 1) { if (isequipped(.ids3[.@c]) == 1) { mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "I see you have ^FF0000[" +getitemname(.ids3[.@c]) +"]^000000 equiped."; next; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Let's go, will go to procces.."; mes "Good luck!..."; next; callfunc("Enchant"); close; // Close, no more loop if armor detected } // End if } // End loop mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "You should equip your armor first."; close; OnInit: // Big part I know, but I wanted you to know wich armor is every ID, this will make your life easier when you want to post a guide how this work in your private RO forum setarray .ids3[0],20110, // Meteo Plate[1] 20052, // Orlean's Uniform[1] 17161, // Diabolus Robe[1] 17033, // Diabolus Armor[1] 2375, // Sprint Mail[1] 2317, // Kandra[1] || Gandora[1] 2342, // Naga Scale Armor[1] 2364, // Life Link[1] 2357, // Refined Tights[1] 2376, // Assaulter Plate[1] 2377, // Elite Engineer Armor[1] 2378, // Assassin Robe[1] 2379, // Warlock Battle Robe[1] 2380, // Robe of Order[1] 2381, // Elite Archer Suit[1] 2382; // Elite Shooter Suit[1] end; } // End Script function script Enchant { set @itemid,getequipid(EQI_ARMOR); set zeny, zeny - 5000000; set @porcentaje, rand(0,100); if (@porcentaje >= 0 && @porcentaje <= 15) { // 10% break delitem @itemid, 1; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "You have loose your armor I'm sorry."; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 10) { // 1% + 10 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4709,4739,4749,4719,4729,4759; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 13) { // 1% + 9 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4708,4738,4748,4718,4728,4758; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 14) { // 1% + 8 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4707,4737,4747,4717,4727,4757; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 18) { // 1% + 7 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4706,4736,4746,4716,4726,4756; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 20) { // 1% + 6 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4705,4735,4745,4715,4725,4755; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 30) { // 1% + 5 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4704,4734,4744,4714,4724,4754; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 50) { // 1% + 4 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4703,4733,4743,4713,4723,4753; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 80) { // 1% + 3 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4702,4712,4722,4732,4742,4752; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } else if (@porcentaje >= 11 && @porcentaje <= 99) { // 9% + 2 stat X delitem @itemid,1; setarray .@level[0],4701,4711,4721,4731,4741,4751; set @enchant_id, .@level[rand(0,5)]; getitem2 @itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @enchant_id; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Hooray ~ Here you are your enchanted armor !"; } // End if return; } // End function please help me
  3. can you send the link master
  4. i try master can you show the correct script master?
  5. - script mvp-ss -1,{ OnInit: set .map$,"guild_vs1"; end; OnClock0129: mapannounce .map$,"Begining blablabla",0; sleep 2000; set .@mobCount,0; initnpctimer; // Start the timer monster .map$,0,0,"Angeling",1096,1,"mvp-ss::OnWave"; monster .map$,0,0,"Archangeling",1388,1,"mvp-ss::OnWave"; monster .map$,0,0,"Ghostring",1582,1,"mvp-ss::OnWave"; end; OnWave: set .@mobCount, .@mobCount + 1; if(.@mobCount == 3){ mapannounce .map$,"First wave ended blablabla",0; sleep 2000; set .@mobCount,0; monster .map$,0,0,"Maya Purple",1289,1; monster .map$,0,0,"Mutant Dragon",1262,1; monster .map$,0,0,"Tirfing",1204,1; end; } } this is my full script OnClock0129: mapannounce .map$,"Begining blablabla",0; sleep 2000; set .@mobCount,0; initnpctimer; // Start the timer monster .map$,0,0,"Angeling",1096,1,"mvp-ss::OnWave"; monster .map$,0,0,"Archangeling",1388,1,"mvp-ss::OnWave"; monster .map$,0,0,"Ghostring",1582,1,"mvp-ss::OnWave"; end; this is the 1st mob to summon after killed all monster or mob show the 2nd batch but i have problem of this script the 2nd batch never pop up for 2nd batch for mobs OnWave: set .@mobCount, .@mobCount + 1; if(.@mobCount == 3){ mapannounce .map$,"First wave ended blablabla",0; sleep 2000; set .@mobCount,0; monster .map$,0,0,"Maya Purple",1289,1; monster .map$,0,0,"Mutant Dragon",1262,1; monster .map$,0,0,"Tirfing",1204,1; end; } } what is my wrong? please help me
  6. ok tnx i try OnTimer310000 stand for 31 secound?
  7. how can add the map limit in hr1 auto kick all player inside to map Like my Page:>https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jemz-Hamada/103277729768264?fref=ts and how can add the GM activation key Like my Page:>https://www.facebook...9768264?fref=ts
  8. OnTimer10000: stand what time? 1min?
  9. prontera,165,141,1 script MVP 726,{ OnInit: disablenpc "prtevent"; end; prontera,177,163,0 warp prtevent 2,2,pvp_n_1-2,98,100 OnClock1742: OnTimer10000: announce "MVP has started.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"angeling",1096,1,"MVP::OnMVPKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"Archeling",1388,1,"MVP::OnMVPKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"diveling",1582,1,"MVP::OnMVPKill"; end; OnMVPKill: // do something OnTimer310000: stopnpctimer; killmonsterall "guild_vs1"; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1.gat","You'll be warp at prontera in a short while.",16; sleep2 10000; mapwarp "guild_vs1","prontera",155,166; end; } i show you i script edit i got error and i dont know i cant fix im not scripter but i try my best
  10. ph ka pala Patskie XieXie is work pwede mo ba add ng npc kung oras ng event papakita un npc then mag wawarp sa loob
  11. that all ?? monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"angeling",1096,1,"OnMVPKill::OnMVPKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"Archeling",1388,1,"OnMVPKill::OnMVPKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"diveling",1582,1,"OnMVPKill::OnMVPKill"; like this? if like this i have error same from my svn
  12. prontera,165,141,1 script MVP 726,{ OnClock1642: OnTimer10000: announce "MVP has started.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"angeling",1096,1,"MVP::OnMVPKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"Archeling",1388,1,"MVP::OnMVPKill"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"diveling",1582,1,"MVP::OnMVPKill"; end; OnTimer310000: stopnpctimer; killmonsterall "guild_vs1"; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1.gat","You'll be warp at prontera in a short while.",16; sleep2 10000; mapwarp "guild_vs1","prontera",155,166; end; } i have error after killed mobs
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