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Everything posted by Musika6988

  1. I'm not really sure but.. It's like, it has an account limit or something? Because the first time I used it, it's all working fine. But now, it doesnt give any prizes anymore. I'm not a good scripter or anything but.. if( prompt( "Cast Loots" ) == 1 ){ .@name = rand( .@party_size ); message .@party_name$[.@name],"Gained Do you think that part has something to do with the problem? It announces "Gained Angeling Coin" but you won't recieve any. But then it doesn't show any debug mes or even erros on the console. Though the Random Tier is working fine i guess? We just need to fix the prize distribution.. I appreciate your help with this Sir Sehrentos! Thanks for lending some time to help!
  2. - script WorldBoss -1,{ OnTalk: .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); .@label$ = @label$; if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( .@party_id,2 ) ){ message strcharinfo(0),"You're not Party Leader."; monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,.@label$; end; }else{ mes "[Loot Distributor]"; mes "Please ensure you distribute the Rewards. If you cancelled this, your party might not able to receive any rewards."; next; mes "Reward List :"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < @size; .@i++ ) mes "^777777 ~ "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+"^000000"; if( prompt( "Distribute Loots","Dispose Loots" ) == 1 ){ getpartymember .@party_id; getpartymember .@party_id,1; .@party_size = $@partymembercount; copyarray .@party_aid[0],$@partymemberaid[0],.@party_size; copyarray .@party_name$[0],$@partymembername$[0],.@party_size; for( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ){ if( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) .@party_name_menu$ = .@party_name_menu$ + $@partymembername$[.@i]; .@party_name_menu$ = .@party_name_menu$ +":"; } for( .@i = 0; .@i < @size; .@i++ ){ next; mes "^777777 ~ "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+"^000000"; if( prompt( "Cast Loots" ) == 1 ){ .@name = rand( .@party_size ); message .@party_name$[.@name],"Gained "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+" ( Distributed Randomly )"; } getitem @reward[.@i],1,.@party_aid[.@name]; } } mes "Congratulations!"; mapannounce .@map$,"All Rewards have been distributed.",0; end; } OnClock1315: OnClock2359: set .RandMap,rand( getarraysize( .Map$ ) ); set .RandMVP,rand( getarraysize( .MVP ) ); killmonster .Map$,"All"; .@mins = .sleep / 60000; announce "[World Boss] A rift on time and space is about to be opened! A World Boss will appear in " + .@mins + " minute! Prepare your Hunting Party!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; sleep .sleep; monster .Map$[ .RandMap ],0,0,"World Boss",.MVP[ .RandMVP ],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled"; announce "[World Boss] A World Boss "+getmonsterinfo( .MVP[ .RandMVP ],0 )+" appeared in "+.Map$[ .RandMap ]+" to wreck havoc!! Form a Hunting Party and stop it!!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; end; end; OnKilled: .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@party_name$ = getpartyname(.@party_id); .@leader_id = getpartyleader(.@party_id, 2); .@leader_name$ = strcharinfo(0, .@leader_id); announce "[World Boss] The "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" Hunting Party lead by "+strcharinfo(0, .@leader_id)+" by killed the World Boss! Congratulations!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,.npc_name$+"::OnBoxKill"; end; OnBoxKill: deletearray @reward; @label$ = .npc_name$ + "::OnBoxKill"; //@size = getd( ".tier_reward_"+.tier+"_size" ); //copyarray @reward[0],getd( ".tier_reward_"+.tier+"[0]" ),@size; // Select random tier set from a range 0-3 @range = rand(0, 3); @size = getd( ".tier_reward_" + @range + "_size" ); //@size = getarraysize(getd(".tier_reward_" + @range)); copyarray @reward[0], getd(".tier_reward_" + @range + "[0]"), @size; //doevent "WorldBoss::OnTalk"; doevent .npc_name$ + "::OnTalk"; end; OnInit: // tier reward setarray .tier_reward_0,7227,30804,30805,30806,30000,30001; setarray .tier_reward_1,7227,7227,7227,7227,7227,7227; setarray .tier_reward_2,30804,30804,30804,30804,30804,30804; setarray .tier_reward_3,30805,30805,30805,30805,30805,30805; .tier_reward_0_size = getarraysize( .tier_reward_0 ); .tier_reward_1_size = getarraysize( .tier_reward_1 ); .tier_reward_2_size = getarraysize( .tier_reward_2 ); .tier_reward_3_size = getarraysize( .tier_reward_3 ); setarray .Map$[0],"prontera","morocc","geffen","payon","alberta","aldebaran","xmas","comodo","yuno","amatsu","gonryun","umbala","louyang","ayothaya","eibroch","hugel","rachel","veins","moscovia"; setarray .MVP[0],3165,3166,3167,3169,3175,3177; .sleep = 60000; // 60000ms = 1min .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(0); setmapflag .map$,mf_partylock; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomobloot; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomvploot; end; } The random choice of Tier Reward in this one worked, but stil, it didn't give any prize, it only says "Gained" but no item obtained. and no debug errors on the console..
  3. Here's what I'm currently using.. For now it doesn't show any error i think? Emma try to use your version../ok And no it does not show any error i think? - script WorldBoss -1,{ OnTalk: .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); .@label$ = @label$; if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( .@party_id,2 ) ){ message strcharinfo(0),"You're not Party Leader."; monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,.@label$; end; }else{ mes "[Loot Distributor]"; mes "Please ensure you distribute the Rewards. If you cancelled this, your party might not able to receive any rewards."; next; mes "Reward List :"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < @size; .@i++ ) mes "^777777 ~ "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+"^000000"; if( prompt( "Distribute Loots","Dispose Loots" ) == 1 ){ getpartymember .@party_id; getpartymember .@party_id,1; .@party_size = $@partymembercount; copyarray .@party_aid[0],$@partymemberaid[0],.@party_size; copyarray .@party_name$[0],$@partymembername$[0],.@party_size; for( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ){ if( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) .@party_name_menu$ = .@party_name_menu$ + $@partymembername$[.@i]; .@party_name_menu$ = .@party_name_menu$ +":"; } for( .@i = 0; .@i < @size; .@i++ ){ next; mes "^777777 ~ "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+"^000000"; if( prompt( "Cast Loots" ) == 1 ){ .@name = rand( .@party_size ); message .@party_name$[.@name],"Gained "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+" ( Distributed Randomly )"; } getitem @reward[.@i],1,.@party_aid[.@name]; } } mes "Congratulations!"; mapannounce .@map$,"All Rewards have been distributed.",0; end; } OnClock1159: OnClock2359: set .RandMap,rand( getarraysize( .Map$ ) ); set .RandMVP,rand( getarraysize( .MVP ) ); killmonster .Map$,"All"; .@mins = .sleep / 60000; announce "[World Boss] A rift on time and space is about to be opened! A World Boss will appear in " + .@mins + " minute! Prepare your Hunting Party!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; sleep .sleep; monster .Map$[ .RandMap ],0,0,"World Boss",.MVP[ .RandMVP ],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled"; announce "[World Boss] A World Boss "+getmonsterinfo( .MVP[ .RandMVP ],0 )+" appeared in "+.Map$[ .RandMap ]+" to wreck havoc!! Form a Hunting Party and stop it!!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; end; end; OnKilled: announce "[World Boss] The "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" Hunting Party killed the World Boss! Congratulations!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,.npc_name$+"::OnBoxKill"; end; OnBoxKill: deletearray @reward; @label$ = .npc_name$+"::OnBoxKill"; @range = rand(4); @size = getarraysize(getd(".tier_reward_"+@range)); copyarray @reward[0], getd(".tier_reward_"+@range+"[0]"), @size; doevent "WorldBoss::OnTalk"; end; OnInit: // tier reward setarray .tier_reward_0[0],7227,30804,30805,30806,30000,30001; setarray .tier_reward_1[0],7227,7227,7227,7227,7227,7227; setarray .tier_reward_2[0],30804,30804,30804,30804,30804,30804; setarray .tier_reward_4[0],30805,30805,30805,30805,30805,30805; .tier_reward_0_size = getarraysize( .tier_reward_0 ); setarray .Map$[0],"prontera","morocc","geffen","payon","alberta","aldebaran","xmas","comodo","yuno","amatsu","gonryun","umbala","louyang","ayothaya","eibroch","hugel","rachel","veins","moscovia"; setarray .MVP[0],3165,3166,3167,3169,3175,3177; .sleep = 60000; // 60000ms = 1min .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(0); setmapflag .map$,mf_partylock; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomobloot; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomvploot; end; }
  4. Ow okay Sir Sehrentos! Thanks for this emma try this out! My other problem now is that, it doesnt give any rewards anymore after I cast the loots with my party members. It only says on the screen "Gained TCG" but it doesn't give any items at all.. Anyways, I'll wait for your update just incase! Thanks so much for helping out on this!
  5. I got this error Sir Sehrentos.. And.. How come it does not give all the rewards? Some reward goes missing and other PT Member didn't get any reward at all.
  7. Can anyone please help me on how to add more Sets of Tier Reward in this script? I got everything all working fine, it's just that, I want this to be like, everytime OnBoxKill 1324, a random set of Tier Rewards will be shown instead of the same set over and over. Instead of every OnBoxKill 1324: setarray .tier_reward_0,7227,30804,30805,30806,30000,30001; that is the only Set of Tier Reward it has.. was hoping that it has a random % chance maybe of selecting different Set of Tier Rewards to be distributed for Ex:: setarray .tier_reward_1,7227,7227,7227,7227,7227,7227; setarray .tier_reward_2,30804,30804,30804,30804,30804,30804; setarray .tier_reward_4,30805,30805,30805,30805,30805,30805; Something like that? And, how do I include the name of the Party Leader on the: announce "[World Boss] The "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" Hunting Party killed the World Boss! Congratulations!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; Thanks in advanced! - script WorldBoss -1,{ OnTalk: .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); .@label$ = @label$; if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( .@party_id,2 ) ){ message strcharinfo(0),"You're not Party Leader."; monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,.@label$; end; }else{ mes "[Loot Distributor]"; mes "Please ensure you distribute the Rewards. If you cancelled this, your party might not able to receive any rewards."; next; mes "Reward List :"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < @size; .@i++ ) mes "^777777 ~ "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+"^000000"; if( prompt( "Distribute Loots","Dispose Loots" ) == 1 ){ getpartymember .@party_id; getpartymember .@party_id,1; .@party_size = $@partymembercount; copyarray .@party_aid[0],$@partymemberaid[0],.@party_size; copyarray .@party_name$[0],$@partymembername$[0],.@party_size; for( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ){ if( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) .@party_name_menu$ = .@party_name_menu$ + $@partymembername$[.@i]; .@party_name_menu$ = .@party_name_menu$ +":"; } for( .@i = 0; .@i < @size; .@i++ ){ next; mes "^777777 ~ "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+"^000000"; if( prompt( "Cast Loots" ) == 1 ){ .@name = rand( .@party_size ); message .@party_name$[.@name],"Gained "+getitemname( @reward[.@i] )+" ( Distributed Randomly )"; } getitem @reward[.@i],1,.@party_aid[.@name]; } } mes "Congratulations!"; mapannounce .@map$,"All Rewards have been distributed.",0; end; } OnClock1159: OnClock2359: set .RandMap,rand( getarraysize( .Map$ ) ); set .RandMVP,rand( getarraysize( .MVP ) ); killmonster .Map$,"All"; .@mins = .sleep / 60000; announce "[World Boss] A rift on time and space is about to be opened! A World Boss will appear in " + .@mins + " minute! Prepare your Hunting Party!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; sleep .sleep; monster .Map$[ .RandMap ],0,0,"World Boss",.MVP[ .RandMVP ],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled"; announce "[World Boss] A World Boss "+getmonsterinfo( .MVP[ .RandMVP ],0 )+" appeared in "+.Map$[ .RandMap ]+" to wreck havoc!! Form a Hunting Party and stop it!!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; end; end; OnKilled: announce "[World Boss] The "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" Hunting Party killed the World Boss! Congratulations!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,.npc_name$+"::OnBoxKill"; end; OnBoxKill: deletearray @reward; @label$ = .npc_name$+"::OnBoxKill"; @size = getd( ".tier_reward_"+.tier+"_size" ); copyarray @reward[0],getd( ".tier_reward_"+.tier+"[0]" ),@size; doevent "WorldBoss::OnTalk"; end; OnInit: // tier reward setarray .tier_reward_0,7227,30804,30805,30806,30000,30001; .tier_reward_0_size = getarraysize( .tier_reward_0 ); setarray .Map$[0],"prontera","morocc","geffen","payon","alberta","aldebaran","xmas","comodo","yuno","amatsu","gonryun","umbala","louyang","ayothaya","eibroch","hugel","rachel","veins","moscovia"; setarray .MVP[0],3165,3166,3167,3169,3175,3177; .sleep = 60000; // 60000ms = 1min .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(0); setmapflag .map$,mf_partylock; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomobloot; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomvploot; end; }
  8. Hello rAthenians! Can i ask for a modification on this wonderful script? 1. A Treasure Chest will spawn right after the World Boss dies and all players can hit it and once it dies (The Treasure Chest) it will give RANDOM Item to all the players on that fild? 2. The World Boss spawn only twice a week? 3. If possible, it will have like 3 kinds of MVPs and spawn 1 only in Random. 4. Instead of Towns, it spawns in Fields to avoid some afk players or vendors receiving Reward. 5. And if no one kills the World Boss, it will disappear. With lets say maybe like, 1 Hour duration before it disappears? 6. For example, no one killed it and that is Saturday which is the 1st of Twice a week spawn, it will disappear and reSpawn on Sunday which is the 2nd day of Twice a week spawn? I would really appreciate this so much! Hope someone would bother. - script WorldBoss -1,{ OnClock2021: .@map$ = .townMap$[rand ( getarraysize ( .townMap$ ) - 1 )]; .@mins = .sleep / 60000; announce "[World Boss] A World Boss will appear in " + .@mins + " minutes", bc_all, 0xFF0000; sleep .sleep; monster .@map$, 153, 175, "--ja--", .wBossId, 1, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnWBossDied"; announce "[World Boss] A World Boss has appeared in " + .@map$ + " to wreck havoc!!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; end; OnWBossDied: announce "[World Boss] " + strcharinfo(0) + " killed the World Boss! Congratulations!", bc_all, 0xFF0000; getitem .rewardId, .rewardCount; end; OnInit: setarray .townMap$[0],"prontera","geffen"; .wBossId = 1001; // monsterID .rewardId = 512; // reward ID .rewardCount = 50; // how many rewards .sleep = 60000; // 60000ms = 1min end; }
  9. Hi rAthena Scripters! Can anyone please help me on how to add 20 mins. Idle check, Vending Check, on this script please so that it won't give rewards? It will be very much appreciated!
  10. Hi guys? Can anyone pls help me with my problem? I tried recompiling on Linux using rorecompile but it wont get fix.. "make[1]: Leaving directory /root/Trunk/src/char' make[1]: Entering directory/root/Trunk/src/map'MKDIR objCC atcommand.catcommand.c: In function 'atcommand_go':atcommand.c:1873:5: error: 'MAP_INVEK' undeclared (first use in this function){ MAP_INVEK, 147, 161 }, // 0=Invek^atcommand.c:1873:5: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears inmake[1]: *** [obj/atcommand.o] Error 1make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/Trunk/src/map'make: *** [map] Error 2" You'll be so much appreciated.
  11. Can i pls ask for a favor?? Can you pls help me a little with my refiner script?I just want this to like, detect the weapon refine first.. If the weapon is only +1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 it will say you lack refine level.. and if it's +10, then it will proceed to the mechanics.. just the first line for detecting if it's +10..Hope you could spare a couple of seconds.. heres the script by the way..if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 10) {mes "[Nepthalie]";mes "It seems I have no business with you.";close;}else{mes "[Esmeralda]";mes "Seems you are almost to awaken your ^CC0000Rusty Weapon?^000000!";mes "Do you want to awaken its true power now?^000000!";next;if(select("Yes:No") == 2) {mes "[Esmeralda]";mes "Okay just let me know when you are ready to harvest that great power.";close;}
  12. Hi Crazy, thanks for the reply.. I already solved that by adding scripts on Client side.. Now i have another problem that's rather odd.. I tried to edit those scripts but it still says the same error.. the "npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown Syntax in file".. I tried editing it but it always say the same error, even the once on npc/re and npc/pre.. Kinda odd, i have it on my npc/quest/eden/86-90.txt and npc/quest/eden/86-90.txt..
  13. When i tried to load the Eden quest on my server, an error says source file is missing? Sorry i cant upload any screen shots because I don't have my files in this laptop. Hope someone can help me out.
  14. But 1st be sure that it has the same bitRate or else it won't play, that is if you're using the up to date SVNs.. If not, just download a MP3Bitrate changer..
  15. thanks sir themon for this useful links, but i was hoping for a Lub to Lua decompiler.. Uhmmm.. i tried following the Chunkspy guid on youtube but, can't seem to get it right cause I'm not so familiar with Notepad++..
  16. Can someone please help me Decompile my Lub into Lua?.. I tried some tutorials but can't seem to get it right.. I just need to decompile the accname.lub and accessoryid.lub into .lua..
  17. It's not broken i guess, It only has the sprite folder, but it doesnt contain even 1 of my custom items.. So.. If it's secured, is there any way to unsecure it and open it to view all the files?
  18. Uhmm.. I'm no sure if this is the right section for this but,.. I just want to ask,.. Because there's this Developer that i hired, and i asked for the server files.. He gave it to me but,.. It has some custom items in it, but I'm wondering, when i tried adding more customs, i realized that my ro.grf is just 15mb, and when i extracted it, not even 1 of my custom item files are there?.. So, I'm trying to locate it and wondering how does that happen.. Does anyone know this trick?.. There's no problem with the server, it runs well on offline, it's just that i wanted to add more Custom Items and i wanted to remove some but i cant seem to locate there whereabouts..
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