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  1. source int instance_create{ ... // Searching a Free Instance // 0 is ignored as this mean "no instance" on maps ARR_FIND(1, MAX_INSTANCE_DB, i, instance_data[i].state == INSTANCE_FREE); if( i >= MAX_INSTANCE_DB ) return -4; ... } I think the MAX_INSTANCE_DB should be replaced by MAX_INSTANCE_DATA because size of instance_data can be found in instance.h. extern struct instance_data instance_data[MAX_INSTANCE_DATA];
  2. English version is from subversion. Chinese version is made by ItemConverter
  3. User-defind item ofuda which could used in catching dead monster. https://vimeo.com/74098869 NPC: - script Ofuda -1,{ end; OnUse: getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0); @SummonName$ = strcharinfo(0)+"'s monster"; switch(select("call","call back","catch")){ case 1: killmonster @mapname$,"Ofuda::On"+@SummonName$; if (MonsterID > 0) summon @SummonName$,MonsterID,300000,"Ofuda::On"+@SummonName$; break; case 2: killmonster @mapname$,"Ofuda::On"+@SummonName$; break; case 3: specialeffect2 EF_SPHERE; sleep2 3000; if(rand(100)<50){ emotion e_omg,1; dispbottom "failure"; }else{ set MonsterID,killedrid; emotion e_heh,1; dispbottom "success"; } default: break; } end; } item_db2 Item number is 26000. 26000,Ofuda,Ofuda,2,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{doevent "Ofuda::OnUse";},{},{}
  4. @QQfoolsorellina I think it is OK. You can use any text editor, but do not change coding format. For example, Sublime can only read/write in UTF-8 so the game can not understand it.
  5. @hendra814 As you wish. Video is in #1
  6. @hendra814 It's OK. In fact, my base-iteminfo is english version.
  7. CASE 1: My iteminfo is extracted from twRO in order to obtain Chinese translation, but the number of item in twRO is much less than the number of item in kRO. How to efficiently combine these two files? CASE 2: When kRO update, I have to check which new item is added and update my iteminfo. Lot of trouble. Solution: Maintain two iteminfos. video https://vimeo.com/73637203 pw : ItEmInFoInRo For example, you can edit/add item in iteminfo-TW and edit iteminfo-EN in same method in video when getting newest iteminfo-EN.
  8. @Lionhardt - I try it and It can not work. I have a stupid way. Learn skill when loging every map. e.g. I'm not sure whether this way would greatly increase the load on the server.
  9. @Patskie My script is very similar with yours.
  10. I want creat a NPC for learning skill "Item Appraisal" and "Teleport". Now I success get new skill in other skill page. I can find record in skill table(MySQL DB), so I am convinced that the character are learning new skill successfully. But when character change map, the new skill disappear. Can someone tell me how to fix it?
  11. I have successfully used ROLeX in the Chinese environment. version: 2013-05-22Ragexe clientinfo.xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="BIG5" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>taiwan</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <extendedslot>2</extendedslot> <connection> <display>伺服器</display> <desc>測試</desc> <balloon>測試</balloon> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>36</version> <langtype>4</langtype> </connection> </clientinfo> simple diff: Change Gravity Error Handler Disable Ragexe Filename Check Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen Disable HShield Disable Packet Encryption Disable Swear Filter Read Data Folder First Remove Gravity Ads Remove Gravity Logo Remove Hourly Annonce Remove Serial Display Use SSO Login Packet Use Ragnarok Icon
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