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Posts posted by Kido

  1. At the current point in time, the development team has decided not to merge this.  I think the previous points given are enough.



    Totally agree, glad to hear that :3 


    Well if that's rathena decision to be stuck to the old item_db.txt with so many unwanted ,,,,,,,,,,,, so be it


    ow i can't imagine using this awful item_db and, what a pity! i'm not just saying this to provoke anyone


    i say this because that item_db totally does not fallow a basic principle that any devolper/scripter must fallow and that's the





    what's next, a modification that makes the server lag?


    One thing is improve and other thing is getting worsen, no offense

  2. Your best bet is to gather as much info from this guy as possible. I.E What company hosts it, what VM platform is used to control the VPS. What are the IPs of both, are they on the physical machine, etc.


    You don't need to post the IPs, but you should be able to answer Brian's questions and figure out what's wrong with that information.


    The problem was with the old vps, a misconfiguration it looks


    The person who setup your 2 VPS might even be able to answer your questions and fix the issue.


    Thanks i talked to the guy and we kinda find the error, a misconfiguration on the /trunk/cong folder and files of the old vps, the new one that the guy installed is working properly


    i had to check the ips and the db connections to make sure they don't be the same and it worked !


    Thanks again for the reply, to both!

  3. You can run as many VPS as you want, as long as they are properly configured (most importantly: different IP addresses). How did you create the new VPS --

    did you just clone the VPS as-is, or did you create a new VPS and set everything up?

    When you say "the old one turns off" -- does the VPS actually shutdown?

    or do you just lose network connectivity?

    Thanks for the repply, allow me to answer in that order:

    I payed to a guy for the service of setting up the VPS, so i don't totally know how he did all of that. In that case, what should i ask him to know?

    I don't know because i payed a service for the setting up D:

    Yeah, i can't put both servers running because one of them will shut down, for example, if i turn on the old, the new shutdowns and vice-versa

    Not sure about the last question, i guess yes D:

  4. how can change?


    please psot a image where it shows the stats and equipment of the job


    also, an image of the targeted player wich is not reciving the damage and its equipments


    so it would be more easy to find out at's going on :)

  5. if i get over that problem i would just anounce to my players that they will need to download an "update"

    that "update" will be a new editable GRF so they may use the encrypted GRF content and a new one

    the problem is that you will end having many GRFs, but at least you'll be able to edit the main part


    good luck with that lady

  6. i'm stuck on that too, i'm pretty well until the URL thing


    i don't know what URL to put there D:!


    what if i put a special url in my website and then recive notifications there? like this




    i mean, how is that possible they will send me notifications by that ? i would easy understand if we were talking about an e-mail, but a URL?


    help here please ):

  7. @Akkarin hello, thanks for the reply, yeah managed to edit that part you mentioned but i just waste the whole day looking for editing the other bars x_X

    so here goes what i foun,d hope it helps for other players

    To edit main menu (left bar)

    public_html/config/application.php then hit ctrl+f and search the next text

    	'MenuItems' => array(

    down there, edit the first  ' field ' after array {, for example

    	'MenuItems' => array(
    		'Menu name'   => array( //change the Main Menu betwon ' and ', should change the name)
    			'Home and news'          => array('module' => 'main'),//can't figure out the module main thing
    			'Forum'        => array('exturl' => 'http://tairyu-ro.com/forum/'),//yout forum direction

    also what i can't find is where to add more links and or edit the links redirection documents x_X



    i also was looking for guides but the only guides i found was on how to install it


    many noobies like me and he future ones would apreciate a lot if some one makes a full editing this flux cp x_x


    i don't have a lot of $ to pay for a guide or for support to edit this but, i would try to donate at least x_x


    so, have any one got news on how to edit this flux cp?


    thanks in advance o:!

  8. Hello, i'm trying to update the date and time of my server, but it doesn't allow me to ):

    i got this


    i use linux centos ):


    i also tryied with this and did not work too ):



    any idea?


    thanks in advance

  9. Maybe it's not related but it seems the last line in your picture miss some bracket. Have you any error on your mapserv when you use @reloaditemdb ?

    ...{ callfunc "Sample"; },{}// miss the last bracket.. nope?

    oh i have not

    on the emulator and on the test server both does not give error

    also that's just a part of the script text, because it was so big so i just cut it


    i don't know why, with others mvp cards it works


    the thing is that if a player equips the restricted cards in a specific order they will be able to equip them


    how that can be ¿?


    i don't want to bother with a request for mvp restriction, i have tested a few (like 1 or 2) that i found on google but they don't wrok too ):

  10. Sorry for resurrect this post again, but i just noticed that this script does not work at all

    a player can equip more than the ip of the cards inc ertain order

    i don't know why ):

    function	script	Sample	{
    if( isequippedcnt( 4357,4359,4361,4363,4365,4367,4457,4463,4462,4459,4456,4458,4441,4408,4430,4263,4403,4419,4376,4399,4407,4451 ) > 2 ){
    message strcharinfo(0),"You can't equipo more than 2 of these cards, Biolab, Nidhoggur, Naght, Tendrilrion, Mammoth, Rata, Duneyrr,Fallen Bishop, Gloom, Ifrit, Incantation, Kiel, Ktullanux, Tanee, Thanatos, Randgris, Crothen.";

    help ):

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