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Posts posted by Kido


    Hello good day, 
    I have a problem that I can not solve, already tested in several emulators are all with the same problem, if anyone knows the solution, the items that give bonus attack on race are not working. 
    5374,L_Magestic_Goat,Gigantic Majestic Goat,4,20,,800,,5,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,256,,0,1,380,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,12; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,12; bonus bBaseAtk,(JobLevel*2)/7; },{},{}


    ask some moederado to change the topic of place inadvertently posted in the wrong area.



    what's your revision? are you using latest rAthena? because i have that script too and it's working o:

    5374,L_Magestic_Goat,Gigantic Majestic Goat,4,20,,800,,5,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,380,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,12; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,12; bonus bBaseAtk,(JobLevel*2)/7; },{},{}
  2. What folder are they located and what files do i need to make new ones?? 





  3. ahh i see, so i need to recompile everytime i make changes? btw, thanks for the reply :)


    nope, you need to recompile every time you edit something inside the folder src D:


    for the others, you just @reload and see options there


    sometimes resart the server will be enough


    but always you need to recompile after editing something inside the SRC folder o;!

  4. Hello, here you can edit the delay and cool down of the skills


    trunk/db/pre-re/skill_cast_db.txt if you are using pre-renewall



    trunk/db/re/skill_cast_db.txt if you are using renewall



    To modify the skills damage and so on you will require to do src modification for everyone (look at skill files)



    You will need to know about C and minor edit. After you mod. the skills you want, you have to recompile so they will take effect.


    Please make a backup before doing, in case that something goes wrong, because if it goues, you won't be able to run the server D:

    • Upvote 1
  5. Thanks! huh with the help of everyone i think we will not totally stop the scamming but yes reduce the numbre of them, there are some cool ideas o;!

  6. Thanks,


    Ha maybe. My C/C++ is a little rusty and my RO server/client knowledge is aegis and about 10 years out of date though!


    Yeah I already got a server up and running and a client working. Pretty good documentation. 


    nice o: some scripts and codes are changed so you just need to update a little your skills o; give a try to the staff applications >:DD!

  7. Cydh dunno if you edited your spoiler but that wasn't what was there o:

    Skorm dunno why they are not active but since Akkaring is the admin most active naturally he would be the one doing this post o;!


    Huh i really hope see new Staff Members :333!

  8. i'm not bothering them D: i also did not tryied to DDDD: it was in answer for skorm, that Akkaring is the most active admin. so that's why he is the one doing this post DDD: if it was interpreted like you say please accept my deepest apologize @AllAdmins DDD:!

  9. Hello, first of all, this Guide was requested by a friend of mine, there's an already existing guide in the Wiki http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items and it's more detailed, you may use it as reference


    Remember that this Guide is for 2012-04-10 clients and simillar!


    Before starting, you will need the following Diffs at least (recommended):

    • Uncheck "read data folder first" so it will read first your GRFs
    • Uncheck "load lua before lub" if you have .lua i recommend you to change them all to .lub
    • Checked "Increase Item View ID" (i recommend 15,000 View IDs, max 30,000)
    • Checked "Read multiple GRF" (i recommend max 2 custom GRFs)

    Also, make sure that your DATA.INI reads your GRFs


    This Guide doesn't use iteminfo.lub, just lua files



    Text files:

    • idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt file (located inside data folder)
    • idnum2itemdesctable.txt file (located inside data folder)
    • idnum2itemresnametable.txt file (located inside data folder)
    • num2itemdisplaynametable.txt file (located inside data folder)
    • num2itemdesctable.txt file (located inside data folder)
    • num2itemresnametable.txt file (located inside data folder)
    • itemslotcounttable.txt file (located inside data folder)
    • accessoryid.lub file (located in data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/ )
    • accname.lub file (located in data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/ )
    • item_db.txt (used to be item_db2.txt )file (located in trunk/db/import/ )

    Tools that we will use:

    • WinSCP (in my own personal and experienced opinion, much better than File Zilla)
      Note: i don't know/remember if it's allowed to put a link to download 3rd party software, so just google it, the icon is like this:


    • GRF Editor (in my own personal and experienced opinion, much better than GRF Tool/Builder)) http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2766-grf-editor/

    .sprt & .act files:

    • This Guide is mean to add Armors and Headgears, for Weapons it's a different guide
    • This Guide is not mean to teach how to do .spr & .act files, you should already have them; that would be another guide

    Locations to add the .sprt & .act files:

    • data/sprite/¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ( data/sprite/아이템 ) this is what will displayed when the item is dropped at the floor
    • data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/³² ( data/sprite/악세사리/남 ) this is what will be displayed when the item is equiped by a male character, only headgears (also weapons but that's another guide)
    • data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/¿© (data/sprite/악세사리/여 ) this is what will be displayed when the item is equiped by a female character, only headgears (also weapons but that's another guide)
    • data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item ( data/texture/유저인터페이스/item ) this is what the item will look like when it's in the inventory and also equped in Alt+Q
    • data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection ( data/texture/유저인터페이스/collection ) this is what it will be displayed when right-clicking the item

    For this guide, we will be adding a Nekoring Hat, a pretty cool free released by Adel

    Alright, with everything ready we can start now!

    Adding the items | Text File Side

    In this Guide we won't be adding custom items that will be droped by mobs. If you want to add custom items that will be droped by mobs you must open the num2itemdesctable.txt, num2itemdisplaynametable.txt and num2itemresnametable.txt files and add there the same as below. The name of the item that will go inside the text files must be the same name of the .spr & .act files, except the ones that differs when equipped by male and female characters ( which starts like ³²_name.spr & ³²_name.act | ¿©_name.spr & ¿©_name.act ). For this item we will be using the ID number 22024 and ViewID 960


    I recommend to first do the item_db.txt line so you can easly set the rest inside the text files, for this example we are going to use this one:

    22024,nekoring_hat,nekoring_hat,4,,,0,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,1,1,960,{ bonus bAgi,3; bonus bFlee,2; bonus bAspdRate,1; },{ },{ }

    Reference (check this before doint the item inside trunk/db/import/item_db.txt:


    Step 1:

    • Open data/idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt and add inside ID#name_of_the_item#

    Step 2:

    • Open data/idnum2itemdesctable.txt and add inside ID#<Enter>Description<Enter>#
    A cute Nekoring Hat that increases your cuteness by 1000%!
    •AGi + 3
    •Flee + 2
    •ASPD + 1%

    Step 3:

    • Open data/idnum2itemresnametable.txt and add inside ID#item_name#

    Step 4 (in our example it has 1 slot, if your item doesn't has any slot then you can skip this step:

    • Open data/itemslotcounttable.txt  and add inside ID#NumberOfSlots#

    Step 5:

    • Open data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/accessoryid.lub and add before the } ACCESSORY_Item_Name = ID,
    ACCESSORY_Nekoring_Hat = 960,

    Step 6:

    • Open data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/accname.lub and add before the }  [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Item_Name] = "_item_name",
    [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Nekoring_Hat] = "_nekoring_hat",

    We are done for the Text Files part, now we go ahead to add the .spr, .act & .bmp files

    Adding the items | Sprite Side

    Step 1:

    Open data/sprite/¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ( data/sprite/아이템 ) and drop there:

    • nekoring_hat.act
    • nekoring_hat.spr

    Step 2:

    Open data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/³² ( data/sprite/악세사리/남 ) and drop there:

    • ³²_nekoring_hat.act
    • ³²_nekoring_hat.spr

    Step 3:

    Open data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/¿© data/sprite/악세사리/여 ) and drop there:

    • ¿©_nekoring_hat.act
    • ¿©_nekoring_hat.spr

    Step 4:

    Open data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item ( data/texture/유저인터페이스/item ) and drop there:

    • nekoring_hat.bmp

    Step 5:

    Open data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection ( data/texture/유저인터페이스/collection ) and drop there:

    • nekoring_hat.bmp

    We are done for the .spr, .act & .bmp files


    And that's it, if you follow this Guide step by step without skipping the notes and so on you shouldn't have any error.


    If you are stuck or soemthing don't pm me D: just repply to this post. You may ask why, well the answer is simeple, you should repply to this post first so if someone has the same error, problem or got stucked like you it may find the answer here.


    This is really easy to do, it's about practice and you will do it automaticlly with the time. I can add 1 single custom item in about 2 minutes with everything ready to add. 


    Well, good luck!



    Q: Why it's better to use .lub instead of .lua?
    ​A: Because .lub files can be encrypted and because most fot he clients already reads .lub by deffault

    Q: How do i convert all .lua files to .lub at once?

    A: There are some converters pretty useful. You may download the .lub files

    If you already have some custom items in your .lua files, i recommend you to use a converter, there are some in rAthena or just try to google it.


    Q: I have a lot of Custom Items to implement, how much this will take me to add them?

    A: It depends how fast you can add them with practice you should be able to do it pretty fast since it's really easy. My first time adding Custom Items in this way took me around 10 min. because i had to check everything again again and again xD so don't worry if it takes you some time, just with practice you will be able to it pretty fast.


    Q: Does other server owners will be able to see my .lua/.lub files?

    A: Yeah, unless you encrypt them with a software.


    Q: I'll have to convert them to .lua files again everytime i need to make new custom items?

    A: Nope, once you convert your .lua to .lub you won't need to convert them back to .lua (for what i know)

    To do:

    • Fix some (many) grammar mistakes X
    • Add colors  (done)
    • Add FAQs 
    • Upvote 4
  10. It's not rate, but probability.



    It means,

    • Poring has chance 20/56.
    • Poporing has chance 10/56
    • Drops has chance 15/56
    • Marin has chance 10/56
    • Angeling has chane 1/56

    If my reply answers your question, please mark as solved and gimme five. /gg



    thanks that solves enought o:! ty again ;3333333  /bo  



    the bug of +1 stills e.e

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