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Phantom Of Rogue-Gon

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Everything posted by Phantom Of Rogue-Gon

  1. //////////////////////// prontera,165,147,3 script Monster Arena 843,{ if(lifetime >= 1) goto LLT; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "What do you want to do?"; menu "Enter Monster Arena",-,"Exchange Arena Points",Lex,"Check Arena Points",Lcheck; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "You can earn points by killing monster that are inside there, and the points you earn can be traded for cool stuffs."; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "There are two kinds of Gate pass, the ^0000FFone-time ticket^000000 is for one entry which cost 10 TCG and there's a ^0000FFlife-time ticket^000000 that can give you access anytime which cost 100 TCG."; mes "What entry do you want to go to?"; menu "One-Time Ticket",-,"Life-Time Ticket",Llife; next; if(countitem(7227) < 10) goto Lnen; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go! Come & Visit us again!"; mes "*Stamp Stamp*"; delitem 7227,10; close2; warp "mal_dun01",40,232; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Monster Arena HERE!!",0; end; Llife: if(countitem(7227) < 100) goto Lnen; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Wow! you must be rich! Here you go! Come & Visit us again!"; mes "*Stamp Stamp*"; delitem 7227,100; set lifetime,1; close2; warp "mal_dun01",40,232; Lnot: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Suit yourself!"; close; Lnen: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Not enough TCG!"; close; LLT: mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "What do you want to do?"; menu "Enter Monster Arena",-,"Exchange Points",Lex,"Check Arena Points",Lcheck; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "I see you have a life-time pass.."; mes "Do you want to enter the Monster Arena?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",Lnot; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Bye! Shazam !"; close2; warp "mal_dun01",40,232; end; Lnoep: mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Not Enough Points!"; close; Lcheck: next; mes strcharinfo(0)+"'s Arena Points : ^0000FF"+arenapoint+"^000000 Point(s)"; close; Lex: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Choose from the categories below :"; menu "Cards",-,"^0000ffCustom Items^000000",Leqp,"^FF00FFGuild Supplies^000000",Lsupp; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Choose from my card album.."; menu "Ghostring - 5,000pts",-,"Deviling - 1,000pts",Ldev,"Kiel - 15,000pts",Lkiel,"Lady Tanee - 12,000pts",Ltanee,"Thanatos - 80,000pts",Lthana,"Fallen Bishop Card - 200,000pts",Lfbh,"High Wizard - 130,000pts",Lhwiz,"High Priest - 120,000pts",Lhp,"Lord Knight - 280,000pts",LLK,"Sniper - 200,000pts",Lsni,"Whitesmith - 150,000pts",Lws,"Assassin Cross - 300,000pts",Lsinx; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 5000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4047,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-5000; close; Lfbh: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 190000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4441,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-190000; close; Ldev: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 1000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4174,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-1000; close; Lkiel: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 15000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4403,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-15000; close; Ltanee: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 12000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4376,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-12000; close; Lthana: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 80000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4399,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-80000; close; Lhwiz: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 130000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4365,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-105000; close; Lhp: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 120000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4363,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-120000; close; LLK: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 280000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4357,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-280000; close; Lws: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 150000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4361,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-150000; close; Lsni: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 200000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4367,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-200000; close; Lsinx: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 300000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 4359,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-300000; close; Leqp: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Choose from the available equipments.."; menu "Headphones - 9,000pts",-,"Blank Eyes - 10,000pts",Lemg,"Dark Traveler Hat - 100,000pts",Luth,"Luminous Ensign - 105,000pts",Lluminous,"Remorse Ensign - 105,000pts",Lremorse,"Red Valkyrie Helm - 19,000pts",Lredvh,"Black Valkyrie Helm - 18,000pts",Lblackvh,"Infernal Bapho - 95,000pts",Ltcg,"Kakashi Headprotector - 40,000pts",Lkak,"Traveler Hat - 25,000pts",Lth,"Robot Ears - 20,000pts",Lrobo,"Red Dragon Wing - 30,000pts",Lrvh,"Black Dragon Wing - 25,000pts",Lbvh,"Ensign Helm - 35,000pts",Lens,"Cyclops Eye - 30,000pts",Lcyc,"White Dragon Wing - 55,000",Lbalm; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 9000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17024,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-9000; close; Lremorse: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 105000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17175,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-105000; close; Lluminous: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 105000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17175,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-105000; close; Luth: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 100000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17175,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-100000; close; Ltcg: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 95000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17175,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-95000; close; Lblackvh: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 18000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17052,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-18000; close; Lredvh: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 19000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17051,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-19000; close; Lbalm: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 55000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 20050,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-55000; close; Lcyc: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 30000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 5135,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-30000; close; Lemg: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 10000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 5102,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-10000; close; Lth: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 25000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 16802,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-25000; close; Lkak: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 40000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 16803,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-40000; close; Lrobo: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 20000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 17005,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-20000; close; Lrvh: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 30000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 16910,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-30000; close; Lbvh: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 25000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 16912,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-25000; close; Lens: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 35000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 16804,1; set arenapoint,arenapoint-35000; close; Lsupp: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Choose from the available supplies."; menu "Guild Glistening Coat Supply - 7,000pts",-,"Yggdrasil Berry Bulk Supplies - 14,000pts",Lsupbox; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "...."; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 7000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12476,5; set arenapoint,arenapoint-7000; close; Lsupbox: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "You can get these for ^FF00FF500^000000 Points, Do you still want it?"; menu "Yes",-,"Nevermind",Lnot; next; if(arenapoint < 14000) goto Lnoep; mes "[ ^00FF00 Gate Keeper ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 12474,50; set arenapoint,arenapoint-14000; close; } - script monsterarena -1,{ OnGuardianKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+1; dispbottom "You earned 1 Arena Point"; end; OnBowGuardianKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+2; dispbottom "You earned 2 Arena Point"; end; OnDestroyerKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+200; dispbottom "You earned 200 Arena Points"; end; OnIceKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+40; dispbottom "You earned 40 Arena Points"; end; OnGiantKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+4; dispbottom "You earned 4 Arena Points"; end; OnFireKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnEarthKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+40; dispbottom "You earned 30 Arena Points"; end; OnWindKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+40; dispbottom "You earned 40 Arena Points"; end; OnRBonusKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+40; dispbottom "You earned 40 Arena Points"; end; OnBBonusKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnYBonusKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnKeeperKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnAssassinKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+20; dispbottom "You earned 20 Arena Points"; end; OnGodKill: set arenapoint,arenapoint+600; dispbottom "You earned 600 Arena Points"; end; } mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Lord 1916,3,1,7200,monsterarena::OnGodKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Weed 3618,20,5,900,monsterarena::OnGuardianKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Bowl 3612,20,5,900,monsterarena::OnBowGuardianKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp High Guardian 3623,7,5,7200,monsterarena::OnDestroyerKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Kraken 3614,10,5,900,monsterarena::OnIceKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Star Fish 3620,12,5,900,monsterarena::OnWindKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Blue Flower 1934,5,5,3600,monsterarena::OnBBonusKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Red Flower 1935,5,5,3600,monsterarena::OnRBonusKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Yellow Flower 1936,5,5,3600,monsterarena::OnYBonusKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Eel 3619,13,5,1800,monsterarena::OnKeeperKill mal_dun01,0,0,0,0 monster Swamp Demonoid 3621,10,5,900,monsterarena::OnAssassinKill /////////// how can change the mobs points / item exchanger lets say i wanna buy from this script 1 item using Cashpoint and the player is enough cashpoint she/he cant buy the items from npc
  2. Use this is work every 1hr get 2 points cash - script hourlypoint1s -1,{ //--Start of the Script OnPCLoginEvent: attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: //Check if Vending (normal or @at) if(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) { dispbottom "The hourly badge rewards has stopped because you were vending / Pub Room. Please relog if you wish to start again."; stopnpctimer; end; } OnTimer60000: set @minute, @minute + 1; //Check for 1 Minute if(@minute == 60){ set @minute,0; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 2; dispbottom "You received 2 CASHPOINTS for staying 1 hour in-game."; set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1; } //Check for 12 hours consecutive if(@consecutive_hour == 5) { set @consecutive_hour,0; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 20; dispbottom "You received 20 CASHPOINTS for staying 5 hours in-game."; } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } //--End of the Script
  3. hello iwant to request a script example when the player kill the poring or another mobs the get cashpoint specific map
  4. i try this one what kind of mob is hard to kill? - script OnGoldRoom -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if( killedrid == mobID) { specialeffect2 725; specialeffect2 378; sleep2 900; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+1; getitem 969,1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Cash points and 1 Gold. Total is "+#CASHPOINTS+" Cash points." this one script where can put the map?
  5. can i request again example in arena or gold room when i kill poring i got 1 cashpoint
  6. if the player have 0 balance cashpoint they can trade or else?
  7. prt_fild04,249,132,5 script Jordeo 107,{ mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Hi, There...."; next; menu "Yes",-,"Cancel",L_Cancel; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Good good, let me just check"; next; if(countitem(7280)<1 || countitem(7281)<1 || countitem(7282)<1 || countitem(7283)<1) goto L_NoMake; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Please Bring me items"; mes "^362ED6Gold Coin 150pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Broken Crown 5pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Masque of Tutankhamen 10pcs^000000"; if(countitem(7517)<150 || countitem(7754)<5 || countitem(7114)<10) goto L_NoMake; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Excited??"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Excited?? i think"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Excited?? ok!!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "^362ED6Tongue 10pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Gemstone 5pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Piece of Shield 10pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Mother's Nightmare 5pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Heroic Emblem 10pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Ice Scale 10pcs^000000"; if(countitem(1015)<10 || countitem(7300)<5 || countitem(7108)<10 || countitem(7020)<5 || countitem(968)<10 || countitem(7562)<10) goto L_NoMake; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Excited??"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Excited?? i think"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Excited?? ok!!"; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Please Bring me items"; mes "^362ED6TCG 100pcs^000000"; if(countitem(7227)<100 || countitem(909)<200) goto L_NoMake; delitem 7280,1; delitem 7281,1; delitem 7282,1; delitem 7283,1; delitem 7517,150; delitem 7754,5; delitem 7114,10; delitem 1015,10; delitem 7300,5; delitem 7108,10; delitem 7020,5; delitem 968,10; delitem 7562,10; delitem 7227,100; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Give me a second....."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Ok Thanks!"; menu "Yes",-,"Cancel",L_Cancel; next; mes "excited?"; next; mes "o.0 =)"; next; announce "Wwwooowww! Aaayyyoonn ohhh!!! [" + strcharinfo(0) + "] Congrats done for Ancient Quest",0; mes "you have ^362ED6Congrats your Done^000000"; getitem 7338,1; next; mes "GoodPlayer"; close; L_NoMake: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You don't have the requirements."; mes "Please come back another time..."; close; L_Bl: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Ok all you have to do is collect:"; mes "^362ED610 TCG^000000"; mes "^362ED610 Coin^000000"; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Before Proceed the Next Challange"; next; menu "Accept",-, "Leave",L_Leave; mes "[Jordeo]"; mes "When you are done, bring the items to me. Ok good luck finding those items."; close; L_Leave: mes "[Jordeo]"; mes "Maybe another time?"; close; L_Cancel: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Aw, what a shame"; mes "Giving up already?"; close; } how can i change this if(countitem(1015)<10 || countitem(7300)<5 || countitem(7108)<10 || countitem(7020)<5 || countitem(968)<10 || countitem(7562)<10) goto L_NoMake; to this set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-1422; dispbottom "[FULL GUARD RAGNAROK EVENT] You have [POINTS -10]"; i want to this script if the player have no points she/he can trade the cashpoint to item
  8. ano dpat lagyan ko ng check para un keyboard ko kasi hinde gumagana pag nag type ng msg ee [ 2010-07-30 kRO RagexeRE v1.0 - By Diff Team ] Filename (to Save As): Custom Window Title: Font Name: DATA.INI clientinfo.xml Aura Crashfix Fix Client Freeze Langtype 1+ Change Version Into Date (Experimental) Disable HShield (Recommended) Change Gravity Error Handler (Recommended) Remove Gravity Error Message (Experimental) Adjust Font Size Allow Chat Flood (25 lines) Allow Chat Flood (50 lines) Allow Chat Flood (100 lines) Unlimit Chat Flood Default/None Extended Chat Box Extended PM Box Extended Chat Room Box Disable Charname Chat Parsing Custom Window Title (Recommended) Enable Title Bar Menu Disable lv99 Aura Enable Aura over lv99 Default/None Disable Swear Filter Enable ASCII in text Enable Quest Window Translate Client In English (Recommended) Enable /w and /who commands Enforce Official Login Background (Recommended) Black Login Background Default/None Only First Login Background Only Second Login Background Remove Gravity Logo Remove Gravity Ads Fix Camera Angles (Recommended) Fix Camera Angles (less) Fix Camera Angles (FULL) Default/None Ignore Changed Alert Messages Ignore Missing File Errors Ignore Missing Palette Errors Increase Quality Screenshot to 95% ScreenShot In BMP By Default Increase Zoom Out 50% Increase Zoom Out 75% Increase Zoom Out Max Default/None Play Openning.bik Show All Buttons In Login Windows Show License Screen Always Skip License Screen (Recommended) Default/None Skip Resurrection Buttons Skip Service Select Use Arial on All Langtypes Use Custom Font Default/None Enable Official Custom Fonts Use Normal Guild Brackets Use Ragnarok Icon Enforce iRO Font Enable /showname Default/None Disable /effect Free-Form Stats Polygon Read Data Folder First (Recommended) Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) Unlimited Loading Screens Use Custom Aura Sprites Enable 127 Hairstyles GRF Adata/Bdata Support Enable Multiple GRFs Default/None Use Encoded Descriptions Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) Default/None Use Official Clothes Palettes All Langtypes Allow Multiple Windows Disable Multiple Windows Default/None Disable 1rag1 & 1sak1 (Recommended) Disable 4 Letter UserCharacter Limit Disable 4 Letter UserID Limit Disable 4 Letter UserPassword Limit Disable RagexeRE Filename Check (Recommended) Invalid Email Fix (Recommended) KOREA ServiceType XML Fix (Recommended) Show Debug Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen Disable Encryption in Login Packet 0x2b0 (Recommended) Multi Language Support Load Lua Before Lub Increase Headgear ViewID to 2000 HKLM To HKCU Chat @-Bug Enable DNS Support Enable Proxy Support Disable Nagle Algorithm Use shared palettes Translate Class Into French (Experimental) Translate String Into French (Experimental) GM Chat Color (Blue) GM Chat Color (LightBlue) GM Chat Color (Green) GM Chat Color (LightGreen) GM Chat Color (Orange) GM Chat Color (Pink) GM Chat Color (Purple) GM Chat Color (Turquoise) GM Chat 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/Aura OFF by default /Skillfail OFF by default /Loginout ON by default /Shopping (Recommended) ON by default /Notalkmsg ON by default /Notalkmsg2 ON by default /Notrade ON by default /Window (Recommended) OFF by default /Showname ON by default /Loading OFF by default /Skip Hosted by
  9. - script summon -1,{ OnMinute32: sleep rand(6) * 0 *60*1000; monster "prontera",154,173, "--ja--", .mobid[ rand(.mobidsize) ], 1; end; OnInit: setarray .mobid, 1002, 1113, 1031; set .mobidsize, getarraysize(.mobid); } i have script for ramdom mobs how can add the annouce ?? lets say Time for kill ramdom mobs in Prontera then after start summon the hunt for ramdom mob and kill with annouce? [" + strcharinfo(0) + "]
  10. hello im here again i requesting about summon mobs what script for ramdom summon mobs in field lets say i want ramdom summon mobs in 1 town or 1 field like poring - fabre - kukre - lunatic every 8hrs 1 of them of mobs ramdom summon sorry for my bad english
  11. how can add the Enchanment Deadly skill to card, Enables use of Enchanment Deadly like this.. { skill "AS_CLOAKING",3; },{},{ sc_end SC_CLOAKING; }
  12. hello and good day can i request a script check the Cashpoint NPC of character
  13. hello im here again i request something about Quest npc Lets say character is done to Quest item the character get reward after Quest Cashpoint?
  14. sorry what i say . im trying to say please support the Ea truck bcoz there no developer like you btw i got error
  15. #CASHPOINTS += .cash_amount; change to #CASHPOINTS += <amount>; ??? i got error again master
  16. Hyrule,75,106,3 script Freebies 963,{ if(#NewbieGift > 0) { mes "[Freebies]"; mes "I'm sorry, the rewards are exclusively for new players."; close; } mes "[Freebies]"; mes "Welcome! To Game Guard Rebirth RO, thank my special gift for you"; mes "Remember, This is untradable to avoid abuse Happy Gaming."; mes "as newcomers:"; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.rwd); set .@i,.@i + 2) mes .rwd[.@i + 1] + " x "+getitemname(.rwd[.@i]); close2; set #NewbieGift,1; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.rwd); set .@i,.@i + 2) getitem .rwd[.@i],.rwd[.@i+1]; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Freebies Here!!",0; setarray .rwd[0],2357,1,2524,1,2421,1,2115,1,12263,5,12264,5,17004,1,17040,6,7227,10,4174,1,4047,1,4305,2,7517,5; // Rewards: <item id>,<item amount> end; } how can add Cashpoint? from your script i got error
  17. hello and good eve scripter im here to request something about freebies shop with cashpoint 100points every account
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