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Phantom Of Rogue-Gon

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Everything posted by Phantom Of Rogue-Gon

  1. if (select("Yes I want.:Not now.") == 2) close; change to if (select("Yes I want.:Not now.") == 2) close; if(Class == 4010 || Class == 9) { mes "you cant warp"; close; }
  2. hello guys can i request somethine and how can add the script Example who have script never enter the high wizard to goldroom for easy farm?. prontera,165,149,4 script Gold Room 896,{ set .@name$, "[^0000FFGold Room^000000]"; mes .@name$; mes "Hello, do you want to join here? there are " +getmapusers("1@nyd") +" users inside."; mes "Entrance Fee ^362ED65 TCG^000000"; next; menu "Yes",-,"Cancel",L_Cancel; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Good good, let me just check"; next; if(countitem(7227)<5) goto L_NoMake; delitem 7227,5; next; if (select("Yes I want.:Not now.") == 2) close; mes .@name$; mes "Okay let's go."; close2; warp "1@nyd",301,249; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Gold Arena",0; end; end; L_NoMake: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You don't have the requirements."; mes "Please come back another time..."; close; L_Bl: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "i need this "; mes "^362ED61st Quiz Entry^000000"; mes "Please Talk " + strcharinfo(0) + " at Prontera"; mes "Please Bring me this items"; mes "^362ED6Fragment of Rossata Stone 3pcs^000000"; mes "^362ED6Tiger's Footskin 5pcs^000000"; next; menu "Accept",-, "Leave",L_Leave; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "When you are done, bring the items to me. Ok good luck finding those items."; close; L_Leave: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Maybe another time?"; close; L_Cancel: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Aw, what a shame"; mes "Giving up already?"; close;
  3. during woe the normal player cant entrance to castle example me i dont have guild i cant entrance to castle for woe
  4. if add more mvp? !getmonsterinfo(killedrid,1031,1904) !getmonsterinfo( killedrid == 5001 || killedrid == 5002 || killedrid == 5003 || killedrid == 5004 || killedrid == 5005 ) i try to combine but error
  5. i mean this master bot check to mvp lets say the normal player killed the mvp then the bot check pop up
  6. delay the time how can i change the time and date? server time delay , date and day
  7. { sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,200; },{},{} how can change the droprate example the normal droprate is 10% for all mvp mobs when i use this id or bubble gum my droprate become 2x10%=30%?
  8. - script Anti123 -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 5001 || killedrid == 5002 || killedrid == 5003 || killedrid == 5004 || killedrid == 5005 ) { set @bot_chk, @bot_chk+1; if (@bot_chk < 60) end; else set @bot_chk,0; atcommand "@die"; atcommand "@adjgmlvl -1 "+strcharinfo(0); set .@A,rand(5000); set .@B,rand(5000); mes "If A = "+.@A+" B = "+.@B; cutin "kafra_08",2; switch( rand(1) ){ Case 0: set .@Answer,.@A + .@B; mes "How many is A + B ?"; break; //Case 1: set .@Answer,.@A - .@B; mes "How many is A - B ?"; break; //Case 2: set .@Answer,.@A * .@B; mes "How many is A * B ?"; break; //Case 3: set .@Answer,.@A / .@B; mes "How many is A / B ?"; break; } input .@Input; if( .@Input != .@Answer ){ mes "Wrong"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } else if( .@Input == .@Answer ){ mes "Good Job!"; atcommand "@raise"; atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0 "+strcharinfo(0); } close; } } i try this is not working i change the id to poporing when i kill poporing nothing happen
  9. - script Anti123 -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 5001 || killedrid == 5002 || killedrid == 5003 || killedrid == 5004 || killedrid == 5005 ) { set .@m,getarraysize(.@MVP); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@m; .i++ ) { if (killedrid == .@MVP[.@i]) { set @bot_chk, @bot_chk+1; if (@bot_chk < 60) end; else set @bot_chk,0; atcommand "@die"; atcommand "@adjgmlvl -1 "+strcharinfo(0); set .@A,rand(5000); set .@B,rand(5000); mes "If A = "+.@A+" B = "+.@B; cutin "kafra_08",2; switch( rand(1) ){ Case 0: set .@Answer,.@A + .@B; mes "How many is A + B ?"; break; //Case 1: set .@Answer,.@A - .@B; mes "How many is A - B ?"; break; //Case 2: set .@Answer,.@A * .@B; mes "How many is A * B ?"; break; //Case 3: set .@Answer,.@A / .@B; mes "How many is A / B ?"; break; } input .@Input; if( .@Input != .@Answer ){ mes "Wrong"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } else if( .@Input == .@Answer ){ mes "Good Job!"; atcommand "@raise"; atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0 "+strcharinfo(0); } close; } } } Like this?
  10. the normal player Open the Box she/he get cashpoint
  11. ok i try this ok i got error master Btw im EA
  12. hello and good day mam and sir i here again for requesting anti bot for mvp after i kill the mvp the antibot pop up - script Anti123 -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: set @bot_chk, @bot_chk+1; if (@bot_chk < 60) end; else set @bot_chk,0; atcommand "@die"; atcommand "@adjgmlvl -1 "+strcharinfo(0); set .@A,rand(5000); set .@B,rand(5000); mes "If A = "+.@A+" B = "+.@B; cutin "kafra_08",2; switch( rand(1) ){ Case 0: set .@Answer,.@A + .@B; mes "How many is A + B ?"; break; //Case 1: set .@Answer,.@A - .@B; mes "How many is A - B ?"; break; //Case 2: set .@Answer,.@A * .@B; mes "How many is A * B ?"; break; //Case 3: set .@Answer,.@A / .@B; mes "How many is A / B ?"; break; } input .@Input; if( .@Input != .@Answer ){ mes "Wrong"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } else if( .@Input == .@Answer ){ mes "Good Job!"; atcommand "@raise"; atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0 "+strcharinfo(0); } close; } this my script can i add all mvp id
  14. sorry this is long topic about teleport with party
  15. i try do edit your script master function script warptomap_func { mes "Enter Map Name"; do{ input .@map$; }while( getmapusers( .@map$ ) < 0 ); set .@party_id,getcharid(1); if( .@party_id ){ warpparty .@map$,0,0,.@party_id; }else{ warp .@map$,; } return; } is work but all my party member ramdom position???? in one map can change to 1 position where we are master
  16. function warptomap { mes "Enter Map Name"; do{ input .@map$; }while( getmapusers( .@map$ ) < 0 ); set .@party_id,getcharid(1); if( .@party_id ){ warpparty .@map$,0,0,.@party_id; }else{ warp .@map$,0,0; } return; } and item db ,,,,,,{ callfunc "warptomap" },{},{} error //By Skorm eA Version2 - script Party-Summoner -1,{ OnEvent: set(.@pid,getcharid(1)); if(!.@pid){ dispbottom "You're not in a party!"; end; } mes ((@arg)?"Would you like to warp you and your party members to a map?":"Would you like to summon your party members?"); next; if(select("Yes:No")-1) close; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; copyarray(getd(".paid"+.@pid+"[0]"),$@partymemberaid[0],128); set(.@len,$@partymembercount); if(@arg) { mes "Where would you like to warp you and your party members?"; mes "(All lower-case please!)"; input(.@map$); warp .@map$,0,0; } for(setd(".i"+.@pid,0); getd(".i"+.@pid)<.@len; setd(".i"+.@pid,getd(".i"+.@pid)+1)) { set(.pid,.@pid); donpcevent "PartyWarp#"+getd(".i"+.@pid)+"::OnStart"; } set(@arg,0); close; } - script PartyWarp#0 -1,{ OnStart: set(.@pid,getvariableofnpc(.pid,"Party-Summoner")); set(.@i,getvariableofnpc(getd(".i"+.@pid ),"Party-Summoner")); set(.@aid,getvariableofnpc(getd(".paid"+.@pid+"["+.@i+"]"),"Party-Summoner")); set(.@pl$,rid2name(getpartyleader(.@pid,1))); getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@pl$); attachrid(.@aid); if(!playerattached()) end; if(.@pl$==strcharinfo(0)) end; attachnpctimer; startnpctimer; specialeffect2(35); mes "The party leader has summoned you would you like to join him/her?"; mes "This link can only be maintained for 60 seconds!"; if( prompt("Yes:No")==1&&!.@a&&playerattached() ) { stopnpctimer; specialeffect2(36); warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; } stopnpctimer; specialeffect2(73); close; OnTimer60000: stopnpctimer; mes "-Time-Out-"; mes "...Link Disengage!..."; specialeffect2(73); set(.@a,1); close; } - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#1 -1 - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#2 -1 - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#3 -1 - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#4 -1 - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#5 -1 - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#6 -1 - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#7 -1 // Add more party member slots like.. // - duplicate(PartyWarp#0) PartyWarp#8 -1 item db { doevent("Party-Summoner::OnEvent"); },{},{} or {set(@arg,1); doevent("Party-Summoner::OnEvent");},{},{} i try but not working
  17. how to use this? i try to say like this 0:08 1 person use this 501 and warp to another place with party or like this please watch timeline 21:06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdcGjdvjVSI gon use 1 item to teleport with killua im using EA i got erro master
  18. if my party warp to another 1map? lets say i have only one in party member 501 then i want to warp to another place and my party with me
  19. can i requesting script auto kick when the player login :Dbut not gm normal account
  20. function script warpto_func { i think this is the error BTW um using EA i got error now the scroll not healing item i replace to red potion is work 7099 to 501 master can you change the @goto. to Party warp lets say i have 4 members of my party when i use this id 7099 my party members and me warp to poeple?
  21. prontera,184,177,5 script Refine Master 851,{ mes .npc$; mes "Hello there!"; mes "I can refine your items,"; mes "without fail if you have"; mes "the correct refinement deed,"; mes "and "+.price+" "+.cost$+"."; emotion e_no1,0; next; if(select("Yes:No")&2) { mes .npc$; mes "Alright, thanks anyways!"; close; } if(getd(.cost$)<.price) { mes .npc$; mes "You don't have enough "+.cost$+". You need "+(.price-getd(.cost$))+" more."; close; } mes .npc$; mes "Which equipment would you like to refine?"; next; while(set(.@a,.@a+1)<=.e_len) { if(getequipid(.@a)>-1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+.eqp$[.@a-1]+"- [^0000FF"+getitemname(getequipid(.@a))+"^000000]:"; else set .@menu$, .@menu$+"^adb4be"+.eqp$[.@a-1]+"- [Empty]^000000:"; } select(.@menu$); set .@eq_loc, @menu; set .@eq_itm, getequipid(.@eq_loc); if(.@eq_itm<0) { mes .npc$; mes "Hmm, I don't think you have anything equipped there."; close; } if(!getequipisenableref(.@eq_loc)) { mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry but it seem that item cannot be refined..."; close; } set .@menu$, ""; set .@a, -1; while(set(.@a,.@a+1)<getarraysize(.en_deed)) if(getiteminfo(.en_deed[.@a],2)>-1) if(set(.@c,countitem(.en_deed[.@a]))) { set .@menu$, .@menu$+getitemname(.en_deed[.@a])+" - x"+.@c+":"; set .@b,.@b+1; set .@item[.@b], .en_deed[.@a]; } if(.@menu$=="") { mes .npc$; mes "Hmm, you don't seem to have any refinement deeds(tickets)."; close; } mes .npc$; mes "Please, choose the ^314a34Weapon or Armor refine deed^000000 you want to use."; next; select(.@menu$); set .@itm, .@item[@menu]; set .@itm_n$, getitemname(.@itm); set .@a, 4; if(.@eq_loc!=4&&getiteminfo(getequipid(.@eq_loc),2)!=4) { if(compare(.@itm_n$,"Weapon")) { mes .npc$; mes "You may only use Weapon deeds on weapons.."; emotion e_ag,0; close; } } else { if(compare(.@itm_n$,"Armor")) { mes .npc$; mes "You may only use Armor deeds on armor equipment.."; emotion e_ag,0; close; } } set .@eqrf, getequiprefinerycnt(.@eq_loc); while(set(.@a,.@a+1)) if(compare(.@itm_n$,""+.@a)) break; if(.@a<=.@eqrf) { mes .npc$; mes "I'm sure you don't want to waste a"; mes "deed by refining that to a lesser"; mes "or equal value."; emotion e_swt,0; close; } mes .npc$; mes "Great."; mes "as you wish!"; mes "i have my own special way to"; mes "refine..."; sleep2 1000; misceffect 901; misceffect 101; mes "......Kaboom!"; next; delitem .@itm,1; setd(.cost$,getd(.cost$)-.price); set .@crd0, getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,0); set .@crd1, getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,1); set .@crd2, getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,2); set .@crd3, getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,3); delitem2 .@eq_itm, 1, 1, .@eqrf, 0, .@crd0, .@crd1, .@crd2, .@crd3; getitem2 .@eq_itm, 1, 1, .@a, 0, .@crd0, .@crd1, .@crd2, .@crd3; emotion e_no1,0; mes .npc$; mes "All done!"; equip .@eq_itm; close; //NPC Constants OnInit: //=-=-=-=-=-=-=Configuration=-=-=-=-=-=-= set .npc$ , "[^0000FFRefine Master^000000]"; // NPC Name set .cost$ , "#CASHPOINTS"; set .price , 10000; setarray .en_deed, 6228, 6229, 6230, 6231, 6232, 6233, 6234, 6235, 6238, 6239, 6456; // Range of IDs selected for enchanting. setarray .eqp$ , "Upper Headgear", "Armor", "Left Hand", "Right Hand", "Garment", "Shoes", "Accessory1", "Accessory2", "Mid Headgear", "Low Headgear"; set .e_len , getarraysize(.eqp$); //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Skorm-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } i try this master can you change you +7 only master this imba Lets say i have this item 6230 then i want to ups any part of my equipment or shoes to +7 limit and max master this item for weapon only? 6230
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