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Posts posted by Asura


    Hi Z e r o,


    It's simple; just edit your '/conf/inter_athena.conf' and change the "" values to "localhost". Save and run; it should work just fine. ;)


    Thanks Asura it worked, finally!  :)


    Hi Z e r o,


    Yeah, not a problem. 


    @Kenpachi - "you answer is completely pointless. Maybe you should think about your hosting service if you don't know the basics of computer systems. (I know, I sound harsh but it's the truth.)" Completely pointless? Doubt it. Truth about what again? LOL.  /hmm


    Thanks for the report. Connecting to a server doesn't really work yet. That is, the packets aren't implemented, so NPCs will not appear at this time.


    Glad to hear you're getting a good frame rate. I hope other people will also try the map loader so I can get a clue on what their performance is like at this point. I think most computers should run pretty smooth, even with lots of monsters on the screen. Though at the moment it doesn't share the processed data between actors with identical sprites, so memory consumption and loading speed can still be reduced by far. This is especially important for bigger monsters which take a relatively long time to ready for drawing.

    Hi curiosity,


    Why not host a demo so that we can all test?  :) 

    If you need a VPS, feel free to let us know; we'd be more than happy to sponsor another cool project.


    Thanks for your kind offer. Maki has also offered access to a VPS, so it looks like I'm good for now.


    I'll make sure to upload something everyone can try out soon.


    GitHub is also updated, for those who are interested.

    Hi curiosity,


    Sounds great, very much looking forward to it!

  3. and localhost are the same thing, both are pointing to the local computer, so you answer is completely pointless. Maybe you should think about your hosting service if you don't know the basics of computer systems. (I know, I sound harsh but it's the truth.)






    account root?


    After setting up your MySQL server you have to create a user which is used by the RO server to communicate with the MySQL server.



    I havent configure the privileges ( I dont know how to do that ) XD


    The account you created must have the proper privileges for your RO database to be able to select, edit and delete data. Most common way for newbie is to use the option "create database with same name and grant all privileges" (or something similar) when creating the user for the MySQL server. If you do so, you wont have to set up the privileges on your own.



    Yes i changed the s1/p1


    make sure you changes it in the config files and also in the "login" table of your database.


    I don't know where the database is located right know all i know is i can only access it using phpmyadmin in the ip given by the host ( i tried to change the to my host address but it dont accept the ip )

    account root?


    If your phpMyAdmin is accessable through it's on the local computer.


    Hi Kenpachi,


    Really? I believe I know what I am talking about. Please Z e r o, confirm my answer has worked for you; because it's been known to resolve issues in regards to this in the past.


    Your hostile attitude is irritable to people whom are here to help others, I would prefer you retract that statement. There is a difference the way and localhost is handled, because of how it involves the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Also... I think for someone with an issue whom is hosted with AsuraHosting, the guys at AsuraHosting would be the best people to ask for resolution to the issue...

  4. Hi senpuuki,


    From what I know; there's a setting within the conf which you have to properly declare the log file names... I forget which. But I recommend, as a quick fix solution to your problem; simply grab the eAthena's "athena-start" file.


    cd /location/to/your/emulator
    rm -rf athena-start
    wget http://eathena-project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/athena-start
    chmod +x athena-start


    After this, you should be able to run the "athena-start" file just fine.

  5. Hi lipitb,


    I am not sure if this will work 100%; but for your char_ip/login_ip/map_ip in the '/conf' folder, change it to your hostname from No-IP (ragnahome.servegame.com). It *should* work when your IP resets as the No-IP application would update your hostname with your new IP.

  6. Hi Yoona,


    3306 isn't required to be opened unless you are hosting your website elsewhere (other than the same place you host your RO server).


    As for your multiple GRF issue; make sure that you do not have faulty clientinfo.xml within the GRF which may lead your client to connect to the wrong service.

  7. Hi rakuzas,


    I would suggest that you change your host. MySQL 4 is pretty much deprecated. The past few years (5+ years?), people have been using MySQL 5 and more recently 5.5. Otherwise, if you are happy with your host; demand them to change it for you.


    As for your login issue; make sure that your FluxCP is installed in the same database as your Athena emulator's. This is a requirement.

  8. Hi kangfredy,


    What is the OS bit? 32 or 64? If you have a 64bit OS, you have to ./configure with the enable 64bit flag.

    ./configure --enable-64bit
    make clean
    make sql


    @funtwocrasher - How does RO .SQL have an effect on compile errors?  :wacko: You must be pretending to help.

  9. Hi P r o p e r t i e s,


    It says how to fix the issue here; "Remedy with `chmod 0600 /usr/html/cp/data/logs`"


    So you have to type the following in SSH/Terminal.

    chmod 777 /usr/html/cp/data/logs


    The 777 permission is fine, since you are most likely using nGinx. AsuraHosting customers have the "/usr/html" directory, so I'm guessing you're one of our clients. We offer free FluxCP installation, so just open a support ticket and request it.

  10. Hi panducakep,


    You need to make sure that you are using the correct version of FluxCP. You'll need the original FluxCP for eAthena, and either CalciumKid/Xantara's FluxCP for rAthena.


    The more obvious issue for login is to check is whether you have MD5-encrypted passwords, and if your FluxCP is using MD5 or not. Within "/config/servers.php", make sure the MD5 value reflects on whether you are using it or not for your RO account passwords.

  11. Hi Xii,


    Please take a look at the .SQL files you are running. It should be clear that it is only modifying the structure or converting values of your current RO database tables. There is absolutely no indication of data modification whatsoever; and I choose to believe that the rAthena developers are smart enough to make sure that the SQL upgrades that they issue, does not ruin your data.

  12. Thanks for the report. Connecting to a server doesn't really work yet. That is, the packets aren't implemented, so NPCs will not appear at this time.


    Glad to hear you're getting a good frame rate. I hope other people will also try the map loader so I can get a clue on what their performance is like at this point. I think most computers should run pretty smooth, even with lots of monsters on the screen. Though at the moment it doesn't share the processed data between actors with identical sprites, so memory consumption and loading speed can still be reduced by far. This is especially important for bigger monsters which take a relatively long time to ready for drawing.

    Hi curiosity,


    Why not host a demo so that we can all test?  :) 

    If you need a VPS, feel free to let us know; we'd be more than happy to sponsor another cool project.

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