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Posts posted by Asura

  1. Ceres and FluxCP are completely safe if used correctly.

    If settings are left at their defaults and modifications are applied that are not penetration tested correctly, bad things happen.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with either CP package, merely the idiots who use them incorrectly.

    If you were hacked, you were obviously foolish enough to leave a security exploit to begin with such as a default password or misconfiguration security setting.

    It is not our job to teach you common sense- perhaps if you lack the proper understanding of basic security measurements server hosting is not for you. A game server as *Athena may be, basic security features/practices still apply to it.

    Hi Hatake Kakashi,

    The only person in this whole topic which is speaking the absolute truth is CalciumKid. SQL Injection is not possible for FluxCP because of the way it parses the SQL requests in it's panel system.

    If you had your own website, and tried to improperly integrate Flux; then I can see there might be a chance of vulnerability for SQL Injection. Or if there was an add-on you used, which was poorly coded.

    A firewall will not protect you from a SQL Injection, nor blocking ports.

  2. Hi choidk,

    For your char_athena.conf, I would recommend the following settings...

    char_ip: <domain>.no-ip.com

    And as for the map_athena.conf,

    map_ip: <domain>.no-ip.com

    Make sure that you have enabled port forwarding on ports 6900, 6121, 5121 for your LAN IP: Then in your clientinfo.xml, use the <domain>.no-ip.com hostname for your clients to connect.

  3. You are running rathena with root privileges, it is not necessary.

    Is this harmful?


    can you tell me what or how to fix this?

    Hi simplynice,

    Usually this means you are currently logged in as the 'root' user, an account which can do things an ordinary account cannot. I will assume that you are using a Linux-distribution OS to run your rAthena server; so, you must make another user on your system and run rAthena with that account instead to avoid seeing this warning.

    Running under root is never harmful to your emulation; but it has a slight chance or being harmful to your system, overall.

    In order to create a normal user in your system, the usual command is 'useradd <NAME>' or 'adduser <NAME>'.

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