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Posts posted by Asura

  1. Hi Kaze,

    I'm not very familiar with using MySQL Workbench, however, try to look for a non-verbose method of importing/executing the SQL file. I believe the fact that the item_db.sql is an extremely long query gets your program stuck when it's trying to process it.

    So try to look for a way to import the file, without it displaying everything.

  2. Hi altious,

    In my current experience, 3TB/3000GB worth of bandwidth would be able to serve a constant 500 active players at all times with a website running as well on the server. Here are my very raw and somewhat accurate calculations...

    50 players = .05 mb/s [180mb used in 1hr] | [4.32gb used in 24hrs] | [129.6gb used in 31 days]

    100 players = .1 mb/s [360mb used in 1hr] | [8.64gb used in 24hrs] | [267.84gb used in 31 days]

    500 players = .5 mb/s [1.8gb used in 1hr] | [43.2gb used in 24hrs] | [1339.2gb used in 31 days]

    Remember, you must have 500 active players on at all times to even achieve using 1.3~1.4GB of bandwidth in a month of 31 days.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Hi Genesis,

    Please turn on error reporting and debug mode.

    Debug mode (config/application.php)


    'DebugMode' => false,


    'DebugMode' => true,

    Error reporting (config/error.php)


    $showExceptions = false;


    $showExceptions = true;

    Try to repeat the process of adding the item again, and paste the error that you get when it does not work.

  4. Hi lalasmonk123 and glemor123,

    Please edit the file, 'trunk/src/common/mmo.h'


    #ifndef PACKETVER
    #define PACKETVER 20111116
    //#define PACKETVER	20100730


    #ifndef PACKETVER
    #define PACKETVER 20111122
    //#define PACKETVER	20100730

    Then re-compile your server, and try again. Remember to check to see if you have all the proper packets as well in 'trunk/db/packet_db.txt'.

  5. Hi altious,

    It depends on what really fits your needs. Under a low performance server, Debian 6 would work best since it's a very lightweight Linux OS. Also, Scientific Linux has been on the rise, it's a lightweight version of CentOS.

    For user friendliness, I would recommend CentOS 6 or 5.7(Final); or even Ubuntu. Of course it's a bit bulkier; but once you shed the processes and applications which you do not require, it should run almost as good as Debian or Scientific Linux.

    32bit is for running a server with 3GB or less of RAM, while 64bit is running a server with more than that. Running a server with more than 3GB worth of RAM requires 64bit otherwise the excess RAM is ignored.

  6. Hi Poseidon,

    This is something that is not short and sweet... you'd need to have a decent amount of experience in HTML/CSS before proceeding to do this. I can only suggest that you research via Google on this subject as it's not possible to list a couple of steps and expect everything to be potatoes and gravy.


    I wish you best of luck on that great design of yours, looks real nice.

  7. Hi gakuto000,

    Seems to me like you mis-configured your 'inter_athena.conf'.

    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: ragnarok
    log_db_pw: ragnarok
    log_db_db: ragnarok
    log_login_db: loginlog

    The 'log_login_db' should not be changed.

  8. Hi Aerlinniel,

    You must make sure that the web server and the game server have white-listed each other to allow each to communicate with each other. Usually, it is your webhost which blocks all external connections. I would recommend contacting them and request them to whitelist your game server's IP to allow it to communicate outside.

  9. Hi wakoko321,

    I would agree with CalciumKid, but make sure you get Cloud VPS from a reputable company. Some providers pass of their normal VPS as a Cloud VPS and it's not the same; so just because they charge /minute does not mean that it is a true Cloud VPS.

    1 of the more reputable CloudVPS providers is RackSpace; definitely a bit more expensive, but is a true CloudVPS.

  10. Hi Peopleperson49,

    Then I would suggest that you should always pay monthly. You never knows what happens to a host, and you may end up being dissatisfied with the service you are getting later on. I have seen a plague affecting many owners, they have been signing up their domain names with the provider; and it forces them to stay with the provider, so you need to watch out for that.

    Always purchase your domain from a domain provider by yourself; then you get full control and ownership of your domain name.

    About the host, I would suggest you take a look at providers whom provide a pre-installed system for the Linux OS. I know a couple of companies such as System in Place, FranTech, Bluesky Hosting, NickyZai Hosting, EliteVPSHost, and even I offer hosting.

    If you want a very seasoned and experienced host, I would recommend FranTech. But they are usually out of stock... anyways, you should do some research out of the companies I listed; they all offer Linux-based hosting for RO.

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