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  1. youtube

    request npc

    2011 client is work to EA?
  2. please share this wing i dont know what name please see the picture below the red wing please
  3. /* Author Goddameit Version 2013/02/06 Web http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F Special thanks for : Euphy >> New 'reason' and command input type QQfoolsorellina >> IP range check concept AnnieRuru >> command protection and Bug report */ - script ban_ip_atcommand -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "banip",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBan"; bindatcmd "unbanip",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUnBan"; end; OnBan: if ( !.@atcmd_numparameters ) { message strcharinfo(0), "usage: @banip <ip> <reason>"; end; } set .@atcmd_parameters$[0],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); set .@atcmd_parameters$[1],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); set .@tmp$, implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@reason$, substr(.@tmp$,getstrlen(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]),getstrlen(.@tmp$)-1); set .@oaid, getcharid(3); set .@ip$, replacestr(.@atcmd_parameters$[0], "*", "%"); for(set .@j,0;;set .@j,.@j+1) { deletearray .@aid[0],128; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` LIKE '"+.@ip$+"' LIMIT "+(.@j*127)+",127",.@aid; set .@num, getarraysize(.@aid); for( set .@i,0; .@i<.@num; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( attachrid(.@aid[.@i]) ) { Announce "You have been banned because GM reject IP ["+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"]. Reason : "+.@reason$,bc_self; addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKick"; detachrid; } } if( .@num < 127 ) break; } attachrid .@oaid; query_sql "SELECT `ban_id` FROM `ipbanlist2` WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'",.@c; if( .@c ) { query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `ban_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `ban_reason` = '"+.@reason$+"' WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; } else query_sql "INSERT `ipbanlist2` VALUES('"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"','"+.@reason$+"','',1,"+.@oaid+",0)"; message strcharinfo(0),"Ban IP:"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; end; OnUnBan: if ( !.@atcmd_numparameters ) { message strcharinfo(0), "usage: @unbanip <ip> <reason>"; end; } set .@atcmd_parameters$[0],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); set .@atcmd_parameters$[1],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `status` = 0 WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `unban_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `unban_reason` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[1]+"' WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; message strcharinfo(0),"Unban IP:"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; end; OnPCLoginEvent: query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3),.@ip$; set .@ip$, .@ip$[0]; deletearray .@my_array$[0],128; explode(.@my_array$, .@ip$, "."); setarray .@my_array1$[0],.@my_array$[0],.@my_array$[1],.@my_array$[2],"*"; setarray .@my_array2$[0],.@my_array$[0],.@my_array$[1],"*","*"; setarray .@my_array3$[0],.@my_array$[0],"*","*","*"; setarray .@my_array4$[0],"*","*","*","*"; set .@my_array1$,implode(.@my_array1$, "."); set .@my_array2$,implode(.@my_array2$, "."); set .@my_array3$,implode(.@my_array3$, "."); set .@my_array4$,implode(.@my_array4$, "."); query_sql "SELECT `list`,`ban_reason` FROM `ipbanlist2` WHERE `list` = '"+.@ip$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array1$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array2$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array3$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array4$+"' ",.@list$,.@ban_reason$; set .@num, getarraysize(.@list$); if( .@num ) { Announce "You have been banned because GM reject IP ["+.@list$[0]+"]. Reason : "+.@ban_reason$[0],bc_self; addtimer 5000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKick"; } end; OnKick: atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; } please help me this im use EA
  4. how can i change i try to change if ( zeny < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) { if ( zeny < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) end; to if ( #CASHPOINTS < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) { if ( #CASHPOINTS < getd(".group"+ .@group +"cost") * .@amount ) end;
  5. youtube


    /* Author Goddameit Version 2013/02/06 Web http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F Special thanks for : Euphy >> New 'reason' and command input type QQfoolsorellina >> IP range check concept AnnieRuru >> command protection and Bug report */ - script ban_ip_atcommand -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "banip",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBan"; bindatcmd "unbanip",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUnBan"; end; OnBan: if ( !.@atcmd_numparameters ) { message strcharinfo(0), "usage: @banip <ip> <reason>"; end; } set .@atcmd_parameters$[0],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); set .@atcmd_parameters$[1],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); set .@tmp$, implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@reason$, substr(.@tmp$,getstrlen(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]),getstrlen(.@tmp$)-1); set .@oaid, getcharid(3); set .@ip$, replacestr(.@atcmd_parameters$[0], "*", "%"); for(set .@j,0;;set .@j,.@j+1) { deletearray .@aid[0],128; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` LIKE '"+.@ip$+"' LIMIT "+(.@j*127)+",127",.@aid; set .@num, getarraysize(.@aid); for( set .@i,0; .@i<.@num; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( attachrid(.@aid[.@i]) ) { Announce "You have been banned because GM reject IP ["+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"]. Reason : "+.@reason$,bc_self; addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKick"; detachrid; } } if( .@num < 127 ) break; } attachrid .@oaid; query_sql "SELECT `ban_id` FROM `ipbanlist2` WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'",.@c; if( .@c ) { query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `ban_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `ban_reason` = '"+.@reason$+"' WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; } else query_sql "INSERT `ipbanlist2` VALUES('"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"','"+.@reason$+"','',1,"+.@oaid+",0)"; message strcharinfo(0),"Ban IP:"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; end; OnUnBan: if ( !.@atcmd_numparameters ) { message strcharinfo(0), "usage: @unbanip <ip> <reason>"; end; } set .@atcmd_parameters$[0],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); set .@atcmd_parameters$[1],escape_sql(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `status` = 0 WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `unban_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `ipbanlist2` SET `unban_reason` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[1]+"' WHERE `list` = '"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]+"'"; message strcharinfo(0),"Unban IP:"+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; end; OnPCLoginEvent: query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3),.@ip$; set .@ip$, .@ip$[0]; deletearray .@my_array$[0],128; explode(.@my_array$, .@ip$, "."); setarray .@my_array1$[0],.@my_array$[0],.@my_array$[1],.@my_array$[2],"*"; setarray .@my_array2$[0],.@my_array$[0],.@my_array$[1],"*","*"; setarray .@my_array3$[0],.@my_array$[0],"*","*","*"; setarray .@my_array4$[0],"*","*","*","*"; set .@my_array1$,implode(.@my_array1$, "."); set .@my_array2$,implode(.@my_array2$, "."); set .@my_array3$,implode(.@my_array3$, "."); set .@my_array4$,implode(.@my_array4$, "."); query_sql "SELECT `list`,`ban_reason` FROM `ipbanlist2` WHERE `list` = '"+.@ip$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array1$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array2$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array3$+"' OR `list` = '"+.@my_array4$+"' ",.@list$,.@ban_reason$; set .@num, getarraysize(.@list$); if( .@num ) { Announce "You have been banned because GM reject IP ["+.@list$[0]+"]. Reason : "+.@ban_reason$[0],bc_self; addtimer 5000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKick"; } end; OnKick: atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; } i got error im using EA not RA and HER
  6. youtube


    guys how can i ask @commands like @banip to ban IP with time example your account has bee im using EA
  7. youtube

    request npc

    tnx for this look at this master when i click the npc only ordinary msg
  8. guys can i request npc when the npc click pop up the SITE or Website of facebook
  10. guys can you share your filesm, about change the font i use KRO latest
  11. how can add cashpoint in player like @cashpoint (cashpoint) (name of character) command? description when the player want to add cashpoint to admin then the admin add the cashpoint to player using command? or npc? im using EA
  12. when the player say the bad word the player mute in 5mins? im using EA
  13. when i say bobo there are no action about script. if i say bobo automatic jail
  14. - script restricted_manner -1,{ OnInit: setarray .@bad_word$, "tangina", "t@ngin@", "t@ng1ng@", "tanga", "t@ng@" , "t@nga", "bobo" , "bob0"; .@size_b = getarraysize( .@bad_word$ ); for( ; .@i < .@size_b; .@i++ ) defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\s"+ .@bad_word$[.@i] +".$", "warning"; activatepset 1; end; warning: @warning++; if ( @warning == 3 ) { @warning = 0; deltimer strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnDelay"; atcommand "@mute 5 "+ strcharinfo(0); } else { deltimer strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnDelay"; addtimer 300000, strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnDelay"; message strcharinfo(0), "Be careful with your language... Warning "+ @warning +"/3"; } end; OnDelay: @warning = 3; end; } need help
  15. youtube


    i got error when i use this is the SS - script restricted_manner -1,{ OnInit: setarray .@bad_word$, "tangina", "t@ngin@", "t@ng1ng@", "tanga", "t@ng@" , "t@nga", "bobo" , "bob0"; .@size_b = getarraysize( .@bad_word$ ); for( ; .@i < .@size_b; .@i++ ) defpattern 1, "([^:]+):.*\\s"+ .@bad_word$[.@i] +".$", "warning"; activatepset 1; end; warning: @warning++; if ( @warning == 3 ) { @warning = 0; deltimer strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnDelay"; atcommand "@mute 5 "+ strcharinfo(0); } else { deltimer strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnDelay"; addtimer 300000, strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnDelay"; message strcharinfo(0), "Be careful with your language... Warning "+ @warning +"/3"; } end; OnDelay: @warning = 3; end; }
  16. when the players say the badword automatic jail in 1hr please share jail
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