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  1. yea same but i think this script is divide to how many party member i want if i kill 1514=20 cashpoints 1511=30 cashpoints 1548= 40 cashpoints 1609 = 60 cashpoints then my party member same my Cashpoints LETS SAY I KILL THIS 1609 ID MOB I GOT MY CASHPOINT IS 60 AND MY PARTY MEMBERS GOT 60CASHPOINTS EACH. NOT DIVIDED SAME THE OTHER ID MOBS 1514 , 1511 ,1548
  2. good day can i request about cashpoint details one party name PARTYLIST 5members when i kill this mobs 1514 my partymembers got cashpoints20 all members same like my points and annouce the partyname kill this mobs and 1609 i kill this mobs i got 50cashpoints and my party members and annouce the party members this party kill this mobs this details for mobs 1514=20 cashpoints 1511=30 cashpoints 1548= 40 cashpoints 1609 = 60 cashpoints
  3. i try not work! i got error and when i type @account say no command unknow
  4. done replace your code. but i got problem from script
  5. youtube


    i got error from script im EA
  6. youtube


    all member got 100 cashpoint?
  7. nasa item_db po yan official item yan if wala kang sprite update your kRO Renewal or download mo yung Miruku
  8. youtube


    All castle owners after WoE will receive prize
  9. youtube


    item trade to Cashpoint?
  10. youtube


    this is script how to change the reward item setarray .Rewards[0], 512,1, // Day 1 513,2, // Day 2 514,3, // Day 3 0,1000; // Day 4 end; } to Cashpoint
  11. youtube


    you have script all guild member have cashpoint if the guild have castle. auto reward after woe?
  12. i mean the player say the bad words automatic mute for 15mins or 30mins i use Eathena . this script not working to Ea i think . i need someone help me to fix that script master
  13. i mean how to make GRF the data folder
  14. Guys how to make a installer for RO from step 1 to finish and release the installer ?
  15. youtube


    show your script
  16. data/manner? client or SVN?
  17. youtube


    //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= Daily Prize, OnPCLoginEvent //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.48 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= A reward system for players who play more frequently //===== Comments: ============================================ //= Todo: //= Revamp Exp and Points System, its kinda meh //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.00 Daily Prize //= 1.01 Fixed Typo //= 1.02 Removed unessisary calculation //= 1.03 Added a sleep2 for delayed reward //= 1.04 Added dispbottom //= 1.05 Made Clearer //= 1.06 Made Disbutton Dynamic //= 1.07 Added .RewardQnt for configable Reward Quantity //= 1.08 Fixed Typo //= 1.09 Seperated .ZMulti into .Mode and .ZMulti //= 1.0A Changed zeny formula for .Mode 0 //= 1.0B Changed Variable Names, More detailed exsplanations //= 1.0C Fixed typo again lol //= 1.0D Added in .PointType$, can now configure zeny into any point types //= 1.0E Added LoginCount //= 1.0F Made LoginCount Customisable //= 1.10 Changed Variable Names, More detailed exsplanations //= 1.11 Added Wipe feature //= 1.12 Fixed bug, changed "close;" to "close2;" //= 1.13 Changed .LogCount to bitwise //= 1.14 Changed .wipe to a whisper event, per Euphys Suggestion //= 1.15 Changed Formatting of config, per Euphys Suggestion //= 1.16 Added Login Reward Countdown, on each login //= 1.17 Added .PointName$ //= 1.18 Fixed Typo //= 1.19 Added Checkweight //= 1.1A Changed query_sql for $LOGINCOUNT to set //= 1.1B Fixed bug with #DRewardCon, arraysize compersison (Thanks AnnieRuru) //= 1.1C Added meathod for characters online for attachrid //= 1.1D Actually Fixed the 1.1B Bug //= 1.1F Changed zeny formula to remove .ZMulti from mode 0 //= 1.20 Changed .Reminder to .Welcome //= 1.21 Fixed missing details in Welcome Message //= 1.22 Changed .Mode to be bitwise //= 1.23 Added Item enable disable to .Mode //= 1.24 Changed whisper to allow for player Whispers //= 1.25 Added "time" Whisper Command for players, Thanks arzzae for suggestion //= 1.26 Made Whisper commands configable //= 1.27 Made GmLvl for wipe Configable //= 1.28 Fixed "Points" bitwise //= 1.29 Added Exp to .Mode //= 1.2A Optimized Rewards Script a little //= 1.2B Bug Fix with Display message on reciving rewards //= 1.2C Optimize a little more //= 1.2D Added server xp rate to config //= 1.2F Re-added checkweight //= 1.30 Move Checkweight up higher in script, makes more since //= 1.31 Removed XP Dispbutton //= 1.32 Added Buffer //= 1.33 Made BUffer Toggle-able //= 1.34 Made Buffer Dynamic //= 1.35 Optimized Buffer a little //= 1.36 Made Buffer More Dynamic //= 1.37 Optimized Buffer a little more //= 1.38 Fixed a typo in "seem" was "see" //= 1.39 removed "typo" bindatcmds //= 1.3A Fixed bug with sc_, didnt support names had to switch to ids //= 1.3B Fixed bug in buff bonus (time and rate) //= 1.3C Revamped buffs to take only 1 variable (now can only be 32 buffs) //= 1.3D Made Day(s) dynamic //= 1.3E Removed "Time" reqirement from players to check there Next Login Bonus //= 1.3F Added an Else after checkweight //= 1.40 Fixed typo in .BuffInfo //= 1.41 Reorganized rewards script //= 1.42 changed .@i -> .@x in Option & 32 (bug report by rakuzas) //= 1.43 Removed Login Count related scripts, as its not really part of rewards system //= 1.44 Made @loginreward do whole script, instead of relogging, //= 1.45 Removed Disable/Enable for whole script (just remove npc) //= 1.46 Changed A few Description, for easier understanding //= 1.47 Move sleep2 up to prevent possible multi rewards bug //= 1.48 Deleted unnecessary line "if( #DRewardCon == 0 ) set #DRewardCon,1;" //===== Contact Ifo: ========================================= //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ - script LOGIN -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: OnLoginCmnd: OnPCLoginEvent: sleep2 1000+.Rest*60000; set .@i,(gettime(7)*365*24)+(gettime(8)*24)+gettime(3); set .@g,getarraysize(.Rewards); if(.@i >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)){ if(.@i < #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait){ set #DRewardCon,#DRewardCon+1; } else { set #DRewardCon,1; } if(#DRewardCon*2 > .@g-1){ set .@p,.Rewards[.@g-2]; set .@q,.Rewards[.@g-1]; } else { set .@p,.Rewards[#DRewardCon*2-2]; set .@q,.Rewards[#DRewardCon*2-1]; } if(.Mode&1&&.@p){ if(!checkweight(.@p,.@q)){ dispbottom "You seem to be oveweight, put some stuff away and relog to claim prize"; end; } else { getitem .@p,.@q; dispbottom ""+.@q+" "+getitemname(.@p)+""; } } if(.Mode&2) set .@A,#DRewardCon*.ZMulti; if(.Mode&8) set .@A,.@A+.@q; if(.Mode&2||.Mode&8){ setd .PointType$,getd(.PointType$)+.@A; dispbottom ""+.@A+" "+.PointType$+""; } if(.Mode&4){ set .@B,#DRewardCon*.XPMulti[0]; set .@C,#DRewardCon*.XPMulti[1]; } if(.Mode&16){ set .@B,.@B+.@q; set .@C,.@C+.@q; } if(.Mode&4||.Mode&16){ getexp .@B,.@C; } if(.Mode&32){ for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x+4){ if(#DRewardCon % .BuffInfo[.@x+1] == 0) sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x+2]*60000, .BuffInfo[.@x+3]; } } dispbottom "You have collected your daily reward, for "+#DRewardCon+" day"+((DRewardCon>1)?"s":"")+" in a row."; set #LastDailyReward,.@i; } else { dispbottom "You have "+(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait-.@i)+" hours till your next reward"; } end; OnInit: // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Daily Reward // ----------------------------------------------------------- //To Enable @ Command '@LoginReward' unslash next lines // * Needs extra commands for typos // bindatcmd("loginreward" ,"LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); //Minimum Hours Between Collecting Daily Reward // Day: 22-24 // Week: 168 set .MinWait,22; //Hours Before Lose Consecutive Daily Rewar // Day: 48-50 // Week: 336 set .MaxWait,50; //Number of mins after logging before collecting prize set .Rest,0; //Type of Points/Zeny earned // eg: CASHPOINTS, Zeny, LoginPoints set .PointType$,"Zeny"; //Toggle // 1: Item | 2: "Points" from Multi | 4: Exp from Multi // 8: "Points" from Days with ItemID of 0 |16: Exp from Days with ItemID of 0 // 32: Gain Buffs Every X Consecutive Days logged in // (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi) set .Mode,1+2+4+8+16+32; //Consecutive Day Points Multiplier // * If players login longer than the last set day, // they will keep getting a larger Multiplier set .ZMulti,100; //Consecutive Day Exp Multiplier // <Base Exp>,<Job Exp>; // * If players login longer than the last set day, // they will keep getting a larger Multiplier. setarray .XPMulti,10,10; // Consecutive Days Buff // Each buff contains 4 variables (32 Total Max) // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1 // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2 // ...; // // Example: 188,7,45,3 // -Every 7th consecutive day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins // // Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example // -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt // Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28.... // Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins // Rate is buff strength, in this example player gains 3 Str setarray .BuffInfo ,188,7,45,3 // +3 Str for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,189,7,45,3 // +3 Agi for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,190,7,45,3 // +3 Vit for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,191,7,45,3 // +3 Int for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,192,7,45,3 // +3 Dex for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,193,7,45,3 // +3 Luk for 45 Mins Every 7th Day ,194,4,45,25 // +25 Hit for 45 Mins Every 4th Day ,196,4,45,25 // +25 Flee for 45 Mins Every 4th Day ,198,10,60,10 // +10% Hp for 60 Mins Every 10th Day ,199,10,60,10 // +10% Sp for 60 Mins Every 10th Day ,200,13,30,10 // +10% Atk for 30 Mins Every 10th Day ,201,13,30,10 // +10% Matk for 30 Mins Every 10th Day ,257,9,120,50 // +50% Exp for 120 Mins Every 9th Day ,258,9,120,50; // +50% Item Drops for 120 Mins Every 9th Day // Daily Prize items (max 64 days): // <itemID>,<amount>, // Day 1 // <itemID>,<amount>, // Day 2 // ...; // * If players login longer than the last set // day, they will keep getting the last prize. setarray .Rewards[0], 512,1, // Day 1 513,2, // Day 2 514,3, // Day 3 0,1000; // Day 4 end; } how to change the reward to cashpoint + 20
  18. //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= InGame Forum //===== By =================================================== //= llchrisll //===== Version ============================================== //= 1.0 - Script Made //===== Credits ============================================== //- goddameit for allowing me use his World Chat as example // So that I understood it I wrote it by myself so I didn't really "Copy&Paste" it ;O //====== ToDo List =========================================== //= Adding a pool maybe ;I // //===== Compatible/Created/Tested With ====================================== //= eAthena SQL 14434 Trunk //===== Description ========================================== //= This Script handles an InGame Board as you can call it. // GM's can make announces and player's can post their comments to it. // Or creating an pool. Maybe there will be a Chatroom-like Option too. //===== MySQL Entries ======================================= /* DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `igb_anno`; CREATE TABLE `igb_anno` ( `anno_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT 'Creation Fail', `text` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `date` varchar(255) DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`anno_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `igb_com`; CREATE TABLE `igb_com` ( `anno_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `com_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `com_txt` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Test Message', `author` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None', `date` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `approved` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'No' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; */ //============================================= - script ChatRoom -1,{ end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@b_chat) setd("$@igb_ch_"+@b_chat+"_ppl$["+@igb+"]"),""; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if(@b_chat) { set .@mes$,strcharinfo(0); set .@chat_txt$,"[Chat] ["+strcharinfo(0)+"]: "+@whispervar0$; dispbottom .@chat_txt$; for( set .@a,0; .@a < getarraysize(getd("$@igb_ch_"+@b_chat+"_ppl$")); set .@a,.@a + 1) { if(.@mes$ != set(.t$,getd("$@igb_ch_"+@b_chat+"_ppl$["+.@a+"]")) && attachrid(getcharid(3,.t$))) { dispbottom .@chat_txt$; detachrid; } } } else { dispbottom "[Chat] [Manager]: You didn't join an Room yet."; } end; } prontera,100,100,0 script Board Manager 100,{ set .@n$,"[Board Manager]"; set .gm_lvl,60; mes .@n$; mes "Hello "+ strcharinfo(0)+"!"; query_sql "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'igb_anno'",@ch_IGB$; query_sql "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'igb_com'",@ch_IGB2$; if(@ch_IGB$[0] == "" || @ch_IGB2$[0] == "") { mes "I'm sorry, but the Board has not be installed yet."; close; } mes "How can I help you?"; switch(select("- Join Chat Room (Testing first):- Board Access:- Leave")) { case 1: next; mes .@n$; mes "How this works:"; mes "First you'll have to join an Chat Room, afterwards"; mes "you type into your WhisperBox \"NPC:ChatRoom\"."; mes "Then you type your message you want to post."; next; mes .@n$; if(@b_chat) { mes "You'll have to leave the old chat room first."; mes "before you can join a new one."; if(select("- Leave Chat Room:- Nothing") - 1) close; setd("$@igb_ch_"+@b_chat+"_ppl$["+@igb+"]"),""; set @igb,0; set @b_chat,0; next; mes .@n$; } mes "Now choose which Room you want to join:"; mes "The number in the curles = User Quantity."; select("- #1 ("+getarraysize(getd("$@igb_ch_1_ppl$"))+")", "- #2 ("+getarraysize(getd("$@igb_ch_2_ppl$"))+")", "- #3 ("+getarraysize(getd("$@igb_ch_3_ppl$"))+")"); next; mes .@n$; if(getarraysize(getd("$@igb_ch_"+@menu+"_ppl$")) >= 128) { mes "I'm sorry, this room is full already."; close; } set @b_chat,@menu; for( set .s,0; .s < 128; set .s,.s + 1) { if(!@igb && getd("$@igb_ch_"+@b_chat+"_ppl$["+.s+"]") == "") { setd("$@igb_ch_"+@b_chat+"_ppl$["+set(@igb,.s)+"]"),strcharinfo(0); } } mes "You have joined Room #"+@b_chat+" and took the "+@igb+". Position which was the next free one."; close; case 2: next; set @a_id,0; deletearray @a_title$[0],128; deletearray @a_aut$[0],128; deletearray @a_date$[0],128; mes .@n$; query_sql "SELECT `anno_id` , `title` , `text` , `author` , `date` FROM `igb_anno` WHERE `anno_id` > '0'",@a_id,@a_title$,@a_txt$,@a_aut$,@a_date$; mes "There "+( (@a_id != 1)?"are":"is")+" "+@a_id+" Announce(s)."; if(getgmlevel() > .gm_lvl) { mes "Want to create one?"; if(select("Yes:No") == 1) goto F_CT; } if(!@a_id) goto F_Quit; next; mes .@n$; mes "Info/Rules:"; mes "1.) Don't flame in this \"Forum\"."; mes "2.) Comments only related to the thread are allowed."; mes "3.) There is a delay of 5 Minutes till the next comment."; mes "4.) Double-comment will be prevented automatically."; mes "More will be coming..."; next; mes .@n$; set @an_m$,""; mes "Choose from the titles below."; for( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize(@a_id); set @a,@a + 1) { mes @a_id + ". "+@a_title$[@a]; mes "Created by: "+ @a_aut$[@a]; mes "On "+@a_date$[@a]; mes "=================="; set @an_m$,@an_m$ + "- "+(@a + 1)+".:"; } set @an_m$,@an_m$ + "- Cancel"; if((prompt(@an_m$) - getarraysize(@a_id)) > 0) { goto F_Quit; } else { next; set @ap_m$,""; set @cm_id,0; set @ap,0; set @b,@menu - 1; mes .@n$; mes "You have chosen"; mes @a_title$[@b]; mes "Is that correct?"; if(select("- Yes:- No") == 2) goto F_Quit; next; mes .@n$; mes @a_txt$[@b]; mes " "; mes "What now?"; // while(1) { switch(select("- Create Comment:- Read Comments: "+ ( (getgmlevel() > .gm_lvl)?"- Unapproved Comments:- Delete Comments:":"") + "- Leave")) { case 1: next; mes .@n$; if(getgmlevel() < .gm_lvl && (IGB_Delay > gettimetick(2))) { mes "I'm sorry, but the comment delay is still active."; mes "There are "+ (IGB_Delay - gettimetick(2))+" seconds left."; close; } set IGB_Delay,0; query_sql "SELECT `author` FROM `igb_com` WHERE `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"'",@cm_aut$; if(@cm_aut$[getarraysize(@cm_aut$) - 1] == strcharinfo(0)) { mes "Double-Posting is not allowed."; mes "Please wait till another player has posted"; mes "an comment."; //continue; goto F_Quit; } mes "Type now the comment please:"; mes "Maximum 200 letters."; if(input(@an_cm$,1,200) != 0) { mes "Invalid Entry."; //continue; goto F_Quit; } next; mes .@n$; mes "Following will be posted:"; mes " "; mes @an_cm$; if(select("- Confirm:- Leave") - 1) goto F_Quit; //if(select("- Confirm:- Leave") - 1) continue; next; query_sql "SELECT `com_id` FROM `igb_com` WHERE `anno_id` = "+@a_id[@b],@cm_n; query_sql "INSERT INTO `igb_com` ( `anno_id` , `com_id` , `com_txt` , `author` , `date` , `approved` ) VALUES ( '"+@a_id[@b]+"' , '"+(@cm_n + 1)+"' , '"+escape_sql(@an_cm$)+"' , '"+escape_sql(strcharinfo(0))+"' , '"+escape_sql(gettimestr("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",21))+"' , 'No')"; mes .@n$; mes "Your comment has been saved."; set IGB_Delay,gettimetick(2) + 300; close; case 2: next; query_sql "SELECT `com_id` , `com_txt` , `author` , `date` FROM `igb_com` WHERE `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"' AND `approved` = 'Yes'",@cm_id,@cm_txt$,@cm_aut$,@cm_date$; mes .@n$; if(@cm_id[0] != 0) { for( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize(@cm_id); set @a,@a + 1) { mes "Post No.: "+@cm_id[@a]; mes "----------------"; mes @cm_txt$[@a]; mes "----------------"; mes "On "+@cm_date$[@a]; mes "By "+@cm_aut$[@a]; mes "=================="; mes " "; } } else { mes "There are no comments to be displayed."; close; } break; case 3: if(getgmlevel() < .gm_lvl) goto F_Quit; next; mes .@n$; query_sql "SELECT `com_id` , `com_txt` , `author` , `date` FROM `igb_com` WHERE `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"' AND `approved` = 'No' ORDER BY `com_id`",@cm_id,@cm_txt$,@cm_aut$,@cm_date$; if(@cm_id[0] != 0) { mes "Here is the list of the unapproved comments:"; next; mes .@n$; for( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize(@cm_id); set @a,@a + 1) { mes " "; mes "Post No.: "+@cm_id[@a]; mes "----------------"; mes @cm_txt$[@a]; mes "----------------"; mes "On "+@cm_date$[@a]; mes "By "+ @cm_aut$[@a]; mes "=================="; set @ap_m$,@ap_m$ + "- "+@cm_id[@a]+".:"; } next; select(@ap_m$); set @ap,@menu - 1; mes .@n$; mes "You have chosen Post No. "+@cm_id[@ap]+","; mes "what now?"; next; switch(select("- Approve:- Delete:- Nothing")) { case 1: mes .@n$; mes "The Post No. "+@cm_id[@ap]+" has been succesfully approved."; query_sql "UPDATE `igb_com` SET `approved` = 'Yes' WHERE `com_id` = '"+@cm_id[@ap]+"' AND `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"'"; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "The Post No. "+@cm_id[@ap]+" has been succesfully deleted."; query_sql "DELETE FROM `igb_com` WHERE `com_id` = '"+@cm_id[@ap]+"' AND `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"'"; close; case 3: goto F_Quit; break; } } else { mes "There are no comments to be displayed."; close; } break; case 4: if(getgmlevel() < .gm_lvl) goto F_Quit; next; set @ap_m$,""; mes .@n$; query_sql "SELECT `com_id` , `com_txt` , `author` , `date` FROM `igb_com` WHERE `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"' ORDER BY `com_id`",@cm_id,@cm_txt$,@cm_aut$,@cm_date$; if(@cm_id[0] != 0) { mes "Here is the list of the comments:"; next; mes .@n$; for( set @a,0; @a < getarraysize(@cm_id); set @a,@a + 1) { mes " "; mes "Post No.: "+@cm_id[@a]; mes "----------------"; mes @cm_txt$[@a]; mes "----------------"; mes "On "+@cm_date$[@a]; mes "By "+ @cm_aut$[@a]; mes "=================="; set @ap_m$,@ap_m$ + "- "+@cm_id[@a]+".:"; } next; select(@ap_m$); set @ap,@menu - 1; mes .@n$; mes "You have chosen Post No. "+@cm_id[@ap]+","; mes "what now?"; next; switch(select("Delete:- Nothing")) { case 1: mes .@n$; mes "The Post No. "+@cm_id[@ap]+" has been succesfully deleted."; query_sql "DELETE FROM `igb_com` WHERE `com_id` = '"+@cm_id[@ap]+"' AND `anno_id` = '"+@a_id[@b]+"'"; close; case 2: goto F_Quit; break; } } else { mes "There are no comments to be displayed."; close; } break; case 5: goto F_Quit; break; } } case 3: goto F_Quit; break; F_CT: next; set @an_date$,""; set @an_author$,""; set @anno_id,0; set @anno_txt$,""; set @anno_title$,""; mes .@n$; mes "What title should this announce have?"; mes "Note: Maximum 50 letters."; mes "Type 'Cancel' for aborting."; next; if(input(@anno_title$,1,50) != 0 || @anno_title$ == "Cancel") { mes .@n$; mes "Invalid Title,"; mes "Maximum 50 letters."; goto F_Quit; } mes .@n$; mes "Now type the message you want."; mes "Note: Maximum 200 letters."; mes "Type 'Cancel' for aborting."; next; if(input(@anno_txt$,1,200) != 0 || @anno_txt$ == "Cancel") { mes .@n$; mes "Invalid Message,"; mes "Maximum 200 letters."; goto F_Quit; } query_sql "SELECT `anno_id` FROM `igb_anno`",@a_id; mes .@n$; mes "Result:"; mes " "; mes "Post No.: "+set(@anno_id,@a_id + 1); mes "Title: "+@anno_title$; mes "----------------"; mes @anno_txt$; mes "----------------"; mes "On: "+ set(@an_date$,gettimestr("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",21)); mes "By: "+ set(@an_author$,strcharinfo(0)); mes "=================="; mes "Is that correct?"; if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) goto F_Quit; next; mes .@n$; mes "Your announce has been saved"; mes "and broadcasted on the server."; close2; query_sql "INSERT INTO `igb_anno` ( `anno_id` , `title` , `text` , `author` , `date`) VALUES ( '"+@anno_id+"' , '"+escape_sql(@anno_title$)+"' , '"+escape_sql(@anno_txt$)+"' , '"+escape_sql(@an_author$)+"' , '"+escape_sql(@an_date$)+"' )"; announce "New Announce added to the Board!!",0; sleep2 2000; announce "Post No.:"+@anno_id+" - Title: "+@anno_title$+" by "+@an_author$,0; end; } F_Quit: next; mes .@n$; mes "See ya again."; close; } please help me
  19. //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Security System //===== By =================================================== //= llchrisll //===== Version ============================================== //= 1.0 - Script Made //= 1.1 - Fixed SQL Bug (SQL Injection) - Thanks to ToastofDoom //= 2.0 - Shortened a bit and made it more dynamically // - Removed OnWhisperGlobal // - Renamed variables (always temp character variables ....) // - Added prevention to use "ALT+M" shortcuts and dying via // Attacks like Mob or PvP Maps after Login until the security password has been put //===== Compatible With ====================================== //= Every eAthena MySQL Version //===== Description ========================================== //= Security System - Simple //===== Comments ============================================= //= None.... //============================================================ prontera.gat,150,180,4 script Security Manager 109,{ if (getgmlevel() >= 80) { mes .n$; mes "Which Menu?"; menu "- Player Menu",-,"- GM Menu",M_GM; next; } mes .n$; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "What do you wanna do?"; next; switch(select("- Add/Change my Password:- Nothing")) { case 1: if($security_pass == 0 && #security_pass == 1) { set #security_pass, 0; mes .n$; mes "The System isn't enabled."; close; } else if($security_pass == 0 && #security_pass == 0) { mes .n$; mes "The System isn't enabled."; close; } else if($security_pass == 1 && #security_pass == 0) { mes .n$; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "So you want to set your Password?"; next; menu "- Yes, please.",-,"- Naa, not now.",N_now; setit: mes .n$; // In case the database has not been cleaned before the script has been removed, extra check.... query_sql "SELECT `pass` FROM `security_sys` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'",.@sec_pass$; if(.@sec_pass$ != "") { mes "It seems like that the database hasn't been cleared before removing the script."; mes "I will use your password from before, which is "+.@sec_pass$+"."; set #security_pass,1; close; } mes "Okay, type the password you want."; input .@sec_pass$; next; mes .n$; mes "The Password is:"; mes .@sec_pass$; mes "Is that correct?"; next; if(select("- Yes, it is:- No,repeat please") == 1) { set #security_pass, 1; callfunc "SS_PW",$@serv_mode,2,3,.@sec_pass$; mes .n$; mes "Thank you for your time."; mes "Your Password and IP got saved."; mes "Remember it carefully."; close; } else goto setit; N_now: next; mes .n$; mes "Okay, please come back as soon as possible."; close; } else if($security_pass == 1 && #security_pass == 1) { mes .n$; mes "So you want to change"; mes "your Password?"; if(select("- Yes:- No") == 2) { close; } else { next; mes .n$; mes "Please insert the new Password."; mes "^FF2200 Note: Type \"Cancel\" into"; mes "the box to cancel your attempt.^000000"; input .@ch_pass$; next; mes .n$; if(.@ch_pass$ == "Cancel") { close; } else if( callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,1,1,.@ch_pass$) == 1) { mes "I'm sorry, but the new"; mes "Password matches the old"; mes "one."; close; } mes "The new password is:"; mes .@ch_pass$; next; mes .n$; mes "Is that correct?"; if(select("- Yes, it is correct:- No, I don't want to change it.") == 2) { next; mes .n$; mes "Okay, see you next time."; close; } next; mes .n$; mes "Thank you for your time."; callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,2,1,.@ch_pass$); close; } } case 2: close; } M_GM: next; if($sec_table_created == 1) { mes .n$; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "What do you want to do?"; next; switch(select("- Disable/Enable the System"+( ($@serv_mode == 1)?":- Delete Table":"")+":- Nothing") ) { case 1: mes .n$; mes "The Security System is " + ( ($security_pass) ? "^00BB22Enabled^000000." : "^FF2200Disabled^000000."); if($security_pass == 0) { mes "Wanna enable it?"; if(select("- Yes,please:- No,Thanks") == 2) { next; mes .n$; mes "The Security System is still disabled."; close; } next; mes .n$; mes "The Security System is enabled now."; announce "The Security Systen has been enabled.",bc_yellow|bc_all; set $security_pass, 1; close; } else if($security_pass == 1) { mes "Wanna disable it?"; if(select("- Yes,please:- No,Thanks") == 2) { next; mes .n$; mes "The Security System is still enabled."; close; } next; mes .n$; mes "The Security system is disabled now."; announce "The Security Systen has been disabled.",bc_yellow|bc_all; set $security_pass, 0; close; } case 2: if($@serv_mode == 0) close; mes .n$; mes "Do you really want to delete the whole table?"; switch(select("- Yes, I want!!:- Noooo, I misclicked ya o_O")) { case 1: next; mes .n$; mes "Okay, it's a 'One-Way Ticket'!!!!"; query_sql "DROP TABLE `security_sys`"; set $sec_table_created,0; set $security_pass,0; close; case 2: next; mes .n$; mes "Okay, No Problem."; close; } case 3: next; mes .n$; mes "Goodbye, see ya next time."; close; } } else { mes .n$; mes "There isn't a table in your database yet."; mes "Want to create?"; next; if(select("- Yes, I want to create one:- No, don't wanna") == 1) { mes .n$; mes "The Table is created now."; query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `security_sys` ( `last_ip` VARCHAR( 100 ) , `account_id` INT( 11 ) , `pass` VARCHAR( 32 ))"; set $sec_table_created, 1; set $security_pass, 1; close; } mes .n$; mes "The table wasn't created."; close; } OnInit: set .n$,"[Security Manager]"; //======= Server Mode ======= //- 0 > TxT //- 1 > SQL set $@serv_mode,0; if($@serv_mode == 0) // If Server Mode is TXT, set this to 1. set $sec_table_created,1; end; } - script SS_PW_Login -1,{ end; OnPCLoginEvent: set .@n$,"[Security Manager]"; // Server Name set .@serv_name$,"<Server Name>"; // Mail Address set .@serv_mail$,"<Server Mail Address>"; // ========== System is offline ======= if($security_pass == 0) { // Either Password has not been set or the system was temporarly down if(#security_pass == 0 || #security_pass == 3) end; // Password is set but system offline else if(#security_pass == 1) { announce "The Security System is momentally offline.",bc_red|bc_self; set #security_pass,3; // System Offline but Jail active } else if(#security_pass == 2) set #security_pass,0; // ============= System is online ============= } else if($security_pass == 1) { // Checking if the Server Mode has been changed: if(#sec_info != $@serv_mode) { announce .@n$+": Seems like the Server Mode has been changed....",bc_red|bc_self; set .@pw$,callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,1,1,"mode"); if( .@pw$ == "-2") // Checking for available password set #security_pass,0; // I know this is unsecure, but until the I make an Password Recovery function (somewhere in the future q.q), it should be enough else announce .@n$+": It seems like you got an password for this mode already, which is \""+.@pw$+"\".",bc_blue|bc_self; set #sec_info,$@serv_mode; } // No Password set yet if(#security_pass == 0) { mes .@n$; mes "Your Security Password hasn't been set yet."; mes "Please come to me and set it."; close; // Jail..... } else if(#security_pass == 2) goto W_Jail; // System was temporarly offline else if(#security_pass == 3) { announce "The Security System is back online.",bc_red|bc_self; set #security_pass,1; // Password was set } else if(#security_pass == 1) { // Check if Password was set if( callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,1,2) == 1) goto PW_PASS; // IP Check (SQL Only) sc_start 112,999999,1; //Berserk State, not able to talk/using commands pcblockmove getcharid(3),1; // Preventing from moving atcommand "@battleignore"; // Preventing the player from dying from attacks set @lock,1; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Password for your own Security."; next; input .@pass$; if( callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,1,1,.@pass$) == 1) goto PW_PASS; // Inserted Password Check mes .@n$; mes "The Password you typed is wrong."; mes "You got one more chance to login."; next; input .@pass$; if( callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,1,1,.@pass$) == 1 ) goto PW_PASS; mes .@n$; mes "You typed the Password wrong twice."; mes "You will be warped to the Jail now."; mes "After Login in, you have to write the password again and if you are write it"; mes "again wrong your account will be blocked."; close2; atcommand "@jail "+strcharinfo(0); set #security_pass,2; sc_end 112; pcblockmove getcharid(3),0; atcommand "@battleignore"; set @lock,0; sleep2 1500; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } } end; // Password Input Passed PW_PASS: mes .@n$; mes "You have successfully logged in. Have Fun on "+.@serv_name$+"."; close2; // Checking if the player has a different IP then before and update it accordingly. if(@ip_n) { callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,2,2,@ip_new$); set @ip_n,0; set @ip_new$,""; } if(@lock) { sc_end 112; pcblockmove getcharid(3),0; atcommand "@battleignore"; percentheal 100,100; set @lock,0; } end; W_Jail: sc_start 112,999999,1; //Berserk State, not able to talk/using commands pcblockmove getcharid(3),1; // Preventing from moving mes .@n$; mes "Please type the 'correct' Password now or your account will be blocked"; mes "and you have to write an e-mail to \""+.@serv_mail$+"\" with the content of the right Password."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Example:"; mes "Subject: Security System - Account Unblock"; mes "Text: Account Name: *x*"; mes " Password: *x*"; next; mes .@n$; mes "Start please:"; next; input .@pass$; if( callfunc("SS_PW",$@serv_mode,1,1,.@pass$) == 1 ) { set #security_pass,1; sc_end 112; pcblockmove getcharid(3),0; percentheal 100,100; atcommand "@unjail "+strcharinfo(0); goto PW_PASS; } mes .@n$; mes "The Password you typed is wrong."; mes "Your Account will be blocked now."; close2; atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0); end; } function script SS_PW { // getarg(0) == Server Mode // getarg(1) == Data Type // - 1= Read // - 2= Write // getarg(2) == Read/Write Type // - 1=PW // - 2=IP (SQL only) // - 3=New Entry // getarg(3) == Data Value switch(getarg(2)) { case 1: if(getarg(0) == 1) { // SQL Mode if(getarg(1) == 1) { // Data Type - Read query_sql "SELECT `pass` FROM `security_sys` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'",.@sec_pass$; if(getarg(3) == .@sec_pass$) return 1; else if(getarg(3) == "mode") if(.@sec_pass$ == "") return -2; else return .@sec_pass$; else return -1; } else if(getarg(1) == 2) // Data Type - Write query_sql "UPDATE `security_sys` SET `pass` = '"+escape_sql(getarg(3))+"' WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'"; return; } else if(getarg(0) == 0) { // TXT Mode if(getarg(1) == 1) // Data Type - Read if(getarg(3) == #sec_pass$) return 1; else if(getarg(3) == "mode") if(#sec_pass$ == "") return -2; else return #sec_pass$; else return -1; else if(getarg(1) == 2) // Data Type - Write set #sec_pass$,getarg(3); return; } case 2: // Checking if the server mode is SQL and checks the IP's afterwards if(getarg(0) == 0) return 1; if(getarg(1) == 1) { // Data Type - Read query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'",.@last_ip$; query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `security_sys` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'",.@last_ip2$; if(.@last_ip$ == .@last_ip2$) return 1; else { set @ip_n,1; // Got new IP > Update after Password Check passed set @ip_new$,.@last_ip$; // IP Itself return -1; } } else if(getarg(1) == 2) // Data Type - Write query_sql "UPDATE `security_sys` SET `last_ip` = '"+getarg(3)+"' WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'"; case 3: if(getarg(0) == 1) { // SQL Mode query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'",.@last_ip$; query_sql "INSERT INTO `security_sys` (`last_ip` , `account_id` , `pass`) VALUES ('"+.@last_ip$+"' , '"+getcharid(3)+"' , '"+escape_sql(getarg(3))+"')"; } else if(getarg(0) == 0) // TXT Mode set #sec_pass$,getarg(3); return; } } please help me this
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