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Everything posted by McNeri

  1. But oftentimes when autoclose to login in-game and not a black background and exit. bump! bump!
  2. How to reduce cart termination skill delay?
  3. I can find source code through search:( please tell where i can get that source code.
  4. Yes Winz sometimes black and exit... and sometimes like this: how can i fix it is the security system of rAthena to avoid black and exit.
  5. i've got the same error but not just when my players afk, sometimes when login in-game...
  6. okay, it is langtype from clientinfo?
  7. Why having |00 at the end of the name of their character of my other players? sometimes show from thier chat in-game message, so they can pacticipate to Disguise Event...
  8. im still getting error when login and said "close program". what is the frequently problem when login in-game error and suddenly to close program? it is on item wrong script from client data? or what? bump!
  9. yes, is it everyone BUT the guildmaster recieves them.
  10. thanks emistry its working.. but i have a questions; - This script gives gpacks to each guild members not to guild master? - This script also gives gpacks, the 8 members of guild must be online? And the other members of guild were offline will not recieve the gpack. thanks in advance... bump ??? any response?
  11. NO NPC APPEAR SIR Guild_Pack_Giver.txt
  12. Hi, Can anybody edit this one, unclickable npc... And can you add the script, npc will give gpacks to each guild member if the guild already have 8 members online, and it will record the account id not IP. Guild_Pack_Giver.txt
  13. Help me how to fix this? when i login ingame my character will freeze! and here display on my MAP Tab: "unknown group id" I GOT THIS ERROR ON MY MAP BAT TAB: [Warning]: pc_group_pc_load: (AID:2000008) logged in with unknown group id (99)! kicking... I think this is from phpmyadmin databae? FIXED - wrong script of group.conf FIXED - wrong script of group.conf FIXED - wrong script of group.conf
  14. thanks darristan [sOLVED]
  15. Hi, i changes my packet_db then now i got error from RO_Char Tab, everytime i click Call Homunculus Skill of Creator: [sql]: DB error - Unknown column 'prev_class' in 'field list' [Debug]: at int_homun.c:101 - INSERT INTO `homunculus` (`char_id`, `class`,`prev_class`,`name`,`level`,`exp`,`intimacy`,`hunger`, `str`, `agi`, `vit`, `int`, `dex`, `luk`, `hp`,`max_hp`,`sp`,`max_sp`,`skill_point`, `rename_flag`, `vaporize`) VALUES ('150635', '6003', '0', 'Filir', '1', '0', '2100', '32', '290', 350, '90', '80', '300', '90', '10', '90', '0', '25', '0', '0', '0') Help me guys:(
  16. Hi, anyone can make me script for ceres vote4points in-game NPC, selling items using points from vote.
  17. im using transcent job sir not 3rd job, i think kagerou is included to 3rd job changer
  18. Hi, Please add to this script the Kagerou/Oboro Job changer, add as 2nd job of Ninja. Im Just using Transcend Job. jobmaster.txt
  19. HI, Help me guys how to change the gm sprite in my client, the cloth and gm cart also?
  20. Hi, I wanna reduce the sonic blow skill cast delay of ass X, coz when i hit sonic blow to other player at pvp room it will cast 2x sonic blow in 1 hit. Sorry bad english.
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