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  1. Cyro's post in [FIXED] seach helps for have gold room plz was marked as the answer   
    add this to your mob_db.txt
    then add this script 
    prontera,167,178,3 script Gold Room Manager 965,{ mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]"; mes "I can warp you to the gold room."; next; if (select("Okay.:Not now.") == 2) { mes "[Gold Room Manager]"; mes "Come back to me if you've changed your mind."; close; } mes "[Gold Room Manager]"; mes "You'll be there quickly. c;"; next; mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]"; mes "Enjoy."; close2; warp "guild_vs1",50,50; end; } // Mob Spawn guild_vs1,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Dokebi 3000,300,0,0,0 // Exit guild_vs1,49,49,5 script Exit#1 790,{ warp "prontera",155,181; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Gold Gold Gold",0,0; end; } then reload script/npc , mobdb
  2. Cyro's post in (SOLVED) Stuck at Checking DB Integrity charserv.bat after recompile.. was marked as the answer   
    try checking your databse names in inter_athena.conf
  3. Cyro's post in [bindatcmd] how to implement? was marked as the answer   
    try this
  4. Cyro's post in CLIENT Side Guide? was marked as the answer   
  5. Cyro's post in Newest Renewal Data GRF was marked as the answer   
  6. Cyro's post in How to make a forums on fluxcp for any themes was marked as the answer   
    Click here
  7. Cyro's post in warper script was marked as the answer   
    if( BaseLevel > 10 ){
    mes "only players with below ten kevel can use my services!";
  8. Cyro's post in Enable Buying on vending was marked as the answer   
    It's Bulk Buyer Shop License
    you can just sell that in tool dealer or let your players do that quest
  9. Cyro's post in Freebies by Date was marked as the answer   
    Try using search function, there is more similar scripts
  10. Cyro's post in FluxCP Server name issue was marked as the answer   
    Remove all cp_ tables from your database and reinstall,
    Take a backup before you do that 
  11. Cyro's post in GM which not Admin cannot user certain charcommand? Something wrong or have setting? (SOLVED) was marked as the answer   
    Job: [true:true]
    In your gm group id
  12. Cyro's post in How can I prevent players from entering while I'm working on the server? was marked as the answer   
    In login_athena.conf
    group_id_to_connect: -1 change this to your gm group id
  13. Cyro's post in help warper with requirements was marked as the answer   
    you didn't copy pasted my script properly , you missing one "}"
    copy here and paste properly 
    prontera,162,176,0 script Mining 1907,3,3,{ mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "Before i warp you to mining ground you must have mithril coin from skill matching event"; mes "5x Mithril Coin"; mes "1x Gold Coin US"; next; mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "you want to go for mining?"; switch(select("I have requirements!","no thanks...")) { case 1: if(countitem(674) >= 5 && countitem(7720) >= 1) { mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "Great! You have the items."; select("Warp Me"); delitem 7720,1; delitem 674,5; warp "force_2-2",173,121; end; } else { mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "Bring me the items I asked for!"; close; } case 2: mes "[^0000FFMining Entrance^000000]"; mes "ok! see you next time!"; close; } }  
  14. Cyro's post in plz help me for change jobname.lub to lua was marked as the answer   
  15. Cyro's post in Problem in FluxCP install was marked as the answer   
    You can login and can use reinstall option from admin menu,
    In your case you already removed your database so i assume u must not be able to login  ur fkuxcp
    To solve this goto your servers.php and change your server name (add extra spaces or letters) and save
    That makes fluxcp to take you to installation page
    Or try like this
  16. Cyro's post in Installation Walkthrough was marked as the answer   
    rathena is keep getting updated, even an one month old guide is not 100% updated to latest version of rathena 
    check this links 
  17. Cyro's post in NPC exchanger cant click was marked as the answer   
    prt_in,86,91,2 script Gold Coin US Exchanger 100,{ function Exchange; switch( select( "Yggdrasilberry Box", "Royal Jelly Box", "Elunium Box", "Costume Iron Chain", "Costume Indian Hairband", "Costume Wizard Hat", "Costume Memmory of Lovers", "Costume Spiky Band", "Costume Vicious Stop Bandage", "Costume Vicious Mind Aura" )){ // Exchange( <Item Gained>,<Amount>,<Item Required>,<Amount> ); case 1: Exchange( 13517,1,7720,12 ); break; case 2: Exchange( 13516,5,7720,10 ); break; case 3: Exchange( 12997,10,7720,11 ); break; case 4: Exchange( 19528,10,7720,18 ); break; case 5: Exchange( 31130,10,7720,25 ); break; case 6: Exchange( 20093,10,7720,18 ); break; case 7: Exchange( 20376,10,7720,28 ); break; case 8: Exchange( 19527,10,7720,18 ); break; case 9: Exchange( 19825,10,7720,17 ); break; case 10: Exchange( 20407,10,7720,35 ); break; default: mes "Wrong Selection"; break; } close; function Exchange { mes "Exchange "+getarg(3)+" "+getitemname( getarg(2) )+" into "+getarg(1)+" "+getitemname( getarg(0) )+"?"; if(select("Yes","No")==1){ if( countitem( getarg(2) ) < getarg(3) ){ mes "Sorry you didnt have enough Items to trade."; close; }else{ mes "Done"; delitem getarg(2),getarg(3); getitem getarg(0),getarg(1); } } return; } }  
  18. Cyro's post in Guild Check? was marked as the answer   
    if( !getcharid(2) ){ dispbottom "You dont have a guild"; } end;  
  19. Cyro's post in how to make wiki page was marked as the answer   
    there is different kinda wiki templates available in web

    the example you showed is from is this https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
    i personally use dokuwiki since its easy to edit pages https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki#
  20. Cyro's post in script error pls help me was marked as the answer   
    remove extra )
    if (instance_id (1)
  21. Cyro's post in Job check *Send help was marked as the answer   
    @eac = eaclass(); if ((@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_SWORDMAN) mes "Your base job is Swordman."; if (@eac&EAJL_UPPER) mes "You are a rebirth job.";
  22. Cyro's post in Inventory error was marked as the answer   
    in your data folder find msgstringtable.txt
    find  this words 
    Item - Equipment - Etc - Private change them to smaller names like
    Item, Eq, Etc, Fav
  23. Cyro's post in Reset NPC was marked as the answer   
    geffen,124,68,4 script Reset Girl 124,{ if ( BaseLevel > 80 ) { .@ResetStat = 300000; // Zeny for stat reset .@ResetSkill = 300000; // Zeny for skill reset .@ResetBoth = 550000; // Zeny for resetting both together } .@ResetStat = 0; // Zeny for stat reset .@ResetSkill = 0; // Zeny for skill reset .@ResetBoth = 0; // Zeny for resetting both together //please use these to reset the lowbie if possible //.@ResetLowbieStat = 0; //Zeny for stat reset - lowbie //.@ResetLowbieSkill = 0; //Zeny for stat reset - lowbie //if( i don't know how to get the player's level here, i want to give the free reset to anyone below 80) mes "[Reset Girl]"; mes "I am the Reset Girl."; mes "Reset Stats: " + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .@ResetStat) + "z"; mes "Reset Skills: " + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .@ResetSkill) + "z"; mes "Reset Both: " + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .@ResetBoth) + "z"; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; switch(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetSkill) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .@ResetSkill; sc_end SC_ALL; resetskill; mes "There you go!"; close; case 2: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetStat) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .@ResetStat; resetstatus; mes "There you go!"; close; case 3: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetBoth) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .@ResetBoth; sc_end SC_ALL; resetskill; resetstatus; mes "There you go!"; close; case 4: close; } }  
  24. Cyro's post in Pre Renewal and Renewal was marked as the answer   
    You don't need other login table , second server use same login table , so once you players register an account they can play both servers with one account and different characters
  25. Cyro's post in FluxCP was marked as the answer   
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