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Everything posted by arievz

  1. in conf/mapflag/restricted.txt add this: ordeal_3-2 mapflag restricted 3 in skill_nocast_db.txt add this 1013,3
  2. you can set the time ex: sc_start SC_INCSTR,60000,255; (60000=1minute)
  3. this can help you to fix it: Klick here or Here
  4. Try this prontera,157,182,7 script Example 873,{ setarray .@item_id, 501,502,503; getitem .@item_id[rand(getarraysize(.@item_id))], 1; }
  5. What i mean is for example a player used apple then he will be granted of maxing his all stats by 255...what is the script for it? Like This? 501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_INCSTR,60000,255; sc_start SC_INCAGI,60000,255; sc_start SC_INCVIT,60000,255; sc_start SC_INCINT,60000,255; sc_start SC_INCDEX,60000,255; sc_start SC_INCLUK,60000,255; },{},{}
  6. change this: prontera,156,195,6 script Item Rewards 836,{ To: - script ItemRewards -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("reward","ItemRewards::OnAtCmd"); end; OnAtCmd:
  7. edit the equip effect at item_db then edit the restriction at item_noequip.txt located at db/re/item_noequip or (pre renewal) db/pre-re/item_noequip
  8. - script AutoPickEvent -1,{ OnClock2000: while(1) { query_sql "select account_id from `char` where online = 1 order by rand() limit 1", .@aid; attachrid .@aid; if(CheckVending()) { DetachRID(); continue; } announce strcharinfo(0) +" won in Lucky Pick Event.", 0; getitem 7227,1; break; } end; }
  9. I'm using the unused gat above from the house
  10. New Update v1.1 - Fixed Gat - Added more Object - Added Flying Ship (Cordinate 237,82) - New Flags - Added Novend and NoPub at Center - Added Vending Line Script (image 4)
  11. File Name: ARZA MAP File Submitter: arievz File Submitted: 12 Jan 2014 File Category: Maps & 3D Resources Content Author: Arievz Arza Map Contact: Skype: ariev.zackie12 YM : artsoulinc FB : www.facebook.com/artsoulinc v1.1 NEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 OLD Click here to download this file
  12. Artz PVP Map Contact: Skype: ariev.zackie.12 YM : artsoulinc FB : www.facebook.com/artsoulinc Screen Shoot: Download This File
  13. udah kk, tapi tetep aja ga mau pake baju nya Ohh, klo semua nya udah benar, mungkin Client nya masih baca sclientinfo bukan clientinfo
  14. Thank You Anglisk, I'm still learning about Lighting XD
  15. Artz Green Prontera Artz Green Prontera Support vending area, NPC area. Contact: Skype: ariev.zackie.12 YM : artsoulinc FB : www.facebook.com/artsoulinc Screen Shoot: Download This File
  16. Arza Map Contact: Skype: ariev.zackie12 YM : artsoulinc FB : www.facebook.com/artsoulinc Update v1.1 What's New in Version 1.1 (See full changelog) - Fixed Gat - Added more Object - Added Flying Ship (Cordinate 237,82) - New Flags - Added Novend and NoPub at Center - Added Vending Line Script (image 4) v1.1 NEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 OLD Click Here to Download
  17. Hi Lil Troll, Thank you so much for the script, Can you make the rewards can't be stolen by other players?
  18. Hi all, can I request Eat Mode command? example: if player use @eatmode it will take 15 minutes eating mode, then after done eating he will get more random stats bonus for 1 hour +5str,+5agi, etc.. thank you in advance
  19. can u tell me the exacly file please
  20. I'm using 2012-04-10 everytime I login its show /h command with Unknown Letter :
  21. v2.1 work great for r17237 Thank You So Much Lilith.
  22. try this: 516,-0,8,4,-1,0x2,3,10,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, GS_DESPERADO,Desperado
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