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Posts posted by Yoona

  1. that's why I keep telling .... use CONSTANT ....

    2 reasons for using constant ...

    1. it makes the script has higher readability

    2. if somehow the developer updates the script engine, it less likely that your script getting bugs due to revision update

    I change the no.4 into IT_WEAPON




    @Annie i've tested the script and this one pops out.

    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Refine Master at prontera (127,86)
    [Info]: Saved char 150009 - [ Admin ] Yoona shi ~ : inventory status.
  2. @Annieruru i already tested it. and its working find but something is missing the Size effect and Berzerk effect. also the variable that on it is pk_point? or should i change this line into?

    pk_point += #PKPOINTS; // variable name here

    like this?

  3. Well..


    I bet someone has this kind of script out there!


    but here i am, requesting it. so.. can I request this kind of script?



    1. PvP Points on Specific Maps only.

    2. Every time someone got the Godlike tittle on PvP ( on the specific Map ) Size of the player will be Bigger with a Berzerk effect on him/her.

    3. If someone reach the Godlike tittle it will receive 1 PK Points every 1 Minute ( must be on the specific map only ) outside will be disable.

    4. When Nobody Kills the Godlike Player for 1 hour. Player will be automatically teleported outside the PvP map.

    5. Player without Tittle killed the Godlike Player. automatically gives the Berzerk Effect but not the size. till he reach the Godlike tittle.

    6. Thanks! and credits will be name on you <3

  4. Hi there! i am trying to look at the item bonuses and cant find what im looking for so can you guys tell me how to reduce Skill Delay on Specific Skills? like



    i will reduce Hundred Spear for 30%



    can anyone help me with this? :)

  5. prontera,148,170,6	script	MVP Ladder	891,{
    	mes "[MVP Ladder]";
    	mes "Hello!";
    	mes "What are you doing here?";
    	switch(select("Check rankings.:My stats.:Nothing...")) {
    	case 1:
    		mes "[MVP Ladder]";
    		query_sql("SELECT char_id,CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str` = 'MVP_Rank' ORDER BY CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) DESC LIMIT 20",.@cid,.@value);
    		for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@cid); set .@i,.@i+1) {
    			query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id = "+.@cid[.@i]+";",.@j$);
    			set .@name$[.@i], .@j$;
    		if (!getarraysize(.@cid))
    			mes "The rankings are empty.";
    		else for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@cid); set .@i,.@i+1)
    			mes "["+(.@i+1)+"] "+.@name$[.@i]+" ~ "+.@value[.@i]+" kills";
    	case 2:
    		mes "[MVP Ladder]";
    		mes "You have killed "+((MVP_Rank)?"^0055FF"+MVP_Rank:"no")+"^000000 MVP"+((MVP_Rank == 1)?".":"s.");
    	case 3:
    	if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid,22)) {
    		set MVP_Rank, MVP_Rank+1;
    		if (MVP_Rank == 1)
    			query_sql("INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`char_id`,`str`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'MVP_Rank','1',3,0)");
    			query_sql("UPDATE `global_reg_value` SET `value` = '"+MVP_Rank+"' WHERE char_id = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `str` ='MVP_Rank'");
    		dispbottom "~ You've killed "+MVP_Rank+" MVP"+((MVP_Rank == 1)?"":"s")+". ~";
    		specialeffect2 313;

    Created by Euphy

  6. I just want to remove the resetting of base level :)



    here the script : thanks!

    //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= Class Specialization
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Euphy
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.2
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A class expansion system allowing characters to
    //= "specialize" in a particular aspect of their job.
    prontera,166,173,3	script	Class Specialization	440,{
    function Option;
    // --------------------- Config ---------------------
    //  Max: Maximum base level, maximum job level,
    //		and maximum job level for Super Novices.
    // SReq: Items required to specialize.
    //		Format is "ID1,Count1,ID2,Count2,..."
    //		If no requirements, use a single 0.
    // DReq: Zeny, in MILLIONS, to despecialize.
    //		If no requirement, use 0.
    	setarray .Max[0],255,120,90;
    	setarray .SReq[0],30002,100;
    	set .DReq,10;
    	set .n$,"[Class Specialization]";
    // --------------------------------------------------
    	mes .n$;
    	if (BaseLevel < .Max[0]) {
    		mes "You must be level " + .Max[0] + " to use this feature."; close; }
    	if (Class != 23 && (Class < 4008 || Class > 4022)) {
    		mes "This feature is not available for your class."; close; }
    	if ((JobLevel < .Max[1]) || (Class == 23 && JobLevel < .Max[2])) {
    		mes "You must master your class before using this feature."; close; }
    	mes "So you've mastered your class~"; sleep2 500;
    	mes "The process of ^0055ffspecialization^000000 can greatly enhance your attributes."; mes " "; sleep2 750;
    	mes "^ff0000You may only choose once, so think carefully before deciding.^000000"; sleep2 750;
    	if(select("I want to specialize.:I'll think about it.")==2) goto Closing;
    	mes .n$;
    	for (set .@i,3350; .@i<=3377; set .@i,.@i+1)
    		if (countitem(.@i)>0) { sleep2 1000; goto Despecialize; }
    	sleep2 500;
    	if (getarraysize(.SReq)) {
    		mes "The process is not simple."; sleep2 1000;
    		mes "I require the following items:"; sleep2 750;
    		set .@i,0;
    		while (.@i < getarraysize(.SReq)) {
    			mes "  ~ ^FF0000"+getitemname(.SReq[.@i])+"^000000 [^0055ff"+countitem(.SReq[.@i])+"^000000/"+.SReq[.@i+1]+"]"; sleep2 100;
    			set .@i, .@i+2; }
    		if(select("I've got them all.:I'll come back later.")==2) close;
    		set .@i,0;
    		while (.@i < getarraysize(.SReq)) {
    			if (countitem(.SReq[.@i]) < .SReq[.@i+1]) {
    				mes .n$; sleep2 500;
    				mes "You're missing some items."; sleep2 500;
    				mes "I'll need all the materials";
    				mes "for this to work.";
    				close; }
    		set .@i, .@i+2; }
    		mes .n$; }
    		case 23: Option("Ultra Novice","Heightened magical powers",3372,"Hyper Novice","Insurmountable in strength",3373);
    		case 4008: Option("Slayer","Agile sword-bearer",3350,"Lancer","Spear expert",3351);
    		case 4009: Option("Cardinal","Divine healer",3354,"Battle Priest","Powerful acolyte-warrior",3355);
    		case 4010: Option("Evoker","Bolt-oriented magician",3364,"Sorcerer","Area-oriented spellcaster",3365);
    		case 4011: Option("Goldsmith","Master forger",3376,"Battlesmith","Impulsive axeman",3377);
    		case 4012: Option("Scout","Swift archer",3368,"Ranger","Dagger-wielder",3369);
    		case 4013: Option("Virus","Strength in poison",3362,"Reaver","High-defense killer",3363);
    		case 4015: Option("Guardian","Unstoppable tank",3352,"Templar","Holy mercenary",3353);
    		case 4016: Option("Brawler","Lethal combos",3356,"Zealot","Fanatic striker",3357);
    		case 4017: Option("Geomancer","Single-spell sorcerer",3366,"Enchanter","Melee assaulter",3367);
    		case 4018: Option("Raider","Cunning marksman",3374,"Backstabber","Delusive assassin",3375);
    		case 4019: Option("Apothecary","Potion-brewer",3370,"Terrorist","Malicious bomber",3371);
    		case 4020: Option("Minstrel","Gifted bard",3358,"Jester","Musical killer",3359);
    		case 4021: Option("Performer","Gifted dancer",3360,"Siren","Musical killer",3361);
    		default: mes "Something went wrong. Try again."; close; }
    function Option {
    	mes "^0055ff > "+getarg(0);
    		sleep2 200;
    	mes "^777777 > "+getarg(1)+".";
    	mes " ";
    		sleep2 200;
    	mes "^0055ff > "+getarg(3);
    		sleep2 200;
    	mes "^777777 > "+getarg(4)+".^000000";
    	set @menu$,"^0055ff"+getarg(0)+":"+getarg(3)+":^777777Cancel^000000";
    		sleep2 1000;
    	switch(select(@menu$)) {
    		case 1: set @sring,getarg(2); set @sclass$,getarg(0); goto SConfirm;
    		case 2: set @sring,getarg(5); set @sclass$,getarg(3); goto SConfirm;
    		case 3: goto Closing; }
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Are you sure you want to specialize as the ^0055ff" + @sclass$ + "^000000 class?"; mes " "; sleep2 500;
    	mes "^ff0000Your base level will be reset.  This cannot be undone.^000000";
    	if(select("I need more time to think.:Yes!")==1) goto Closing;
    	progressbar "",2;
    	specialeffect2 248;
    	if (getarraysize(.SReq)) {
    		set .@i,0;
    		while (.@i < getarraysize(.SReq)) {
    			delitem .SReq[.@i], .SReq[.@i+1];
    			set .@i, .@i+2; }
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "...finished!"; sleep2 500;
    	mes "Here's your ^0055ff" + getitemname(@sring) + "^000000."; sleep2 200;
    	getitem @sring,1;
    	set BaseLevel,1;
    	set StatusPoint,100; sleep2 200;
    	equip @sring;
    	mes "You've already specialized!"; sleep2 1000;
    	if (.DReq) {
    		mes " ";
    		mes "^777777There is a way to switch, if you really want to... but it's costly.^000000"; sleep2 1000;
    		if(select("Okay, never mind.:I still want to switch!")==1) close;
    		mes .n$; sleep2 1000;
    		mes "...okay."; sleep2 800;
    		mes "To undo the specialization process, I'll need ^ff0000" + .DReq + " million Zeny^000000 to";
    		mes "obtain all the materials I need."; mes " "; sleep2 1000;
    		mes "Are you sure?"; sleep2 1000;
    		if(select("What? No way!:Yes.")==1) goto Closing;
    		mes .n$;
    		if (Zeny < (.DReq*1000000)) {
    			sleep2 500;
    			mes "You don't have enough Zeny."; sleep2 500;
    			mes "It's an expensive procedure, so please reconsider.";
    			close; }
    	} else {
    		mes "Your ring will be deleted if you despecialize."; sleep2 1000;
    		if(select("Oh, never mind then.:Let me despecialize!")==1) close;
    		mes .n$; sleep2 1000;
    		mes "Do you really want to despecialize?"; sleep2 500;
    		if(select("No, I've changed my mind.:Yes.")==1) close;
    		mes .n$; }
    	progressbar "", 2;
    	specialeffect2 338;
    	set Zeny, Zeny - (.DReq*1000000);
    	for (set .@i,3350; .@i<=3377; set .@i,.@i+1)
    		if (countitem(.@i)>0) delitem .@i,1;
    	mes "...finished!"; sleep2 1000;
    	mes "^777777(I hope you don't regret this...)^000000"; sleep2 1000;
    	mes .n$;
    	mes "Come back when you've";
    	mes "made your decision.";
    function	script	SpecEffect	{
    	function dd	{
    			set .@j, .@j+1;
    			specialeffect2 getarg(0);
    			sleep2(getarg(1)); }
    		return; }
    	if(@effectdelay < gettimetick(2)) {
    		set @effectdelay, gettimetick(2)+5;
    		dd(54,10,2); dd(55,10,2); dd(668,10,2); dd(58,10,2); dd(377,10,2); dd(500,20,2); }
  7. Im kinda new as in " new " with editing .php now i have this and im trying to put a WOE status on how many minutes WOE start.



    can anyone give me a code for this?



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