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Everything posted by Jupeto

  1. May nasolve na po na ganyan din ang prob, this might help... http://rathena.org/b...from-ip-127001/ I actually googled it using "rathena parse_char unknown packet received 0x67" keywords XD
  2. Mind if you tell us how did you solve that for others to see the solution.
  3. 1. Connect to your database server 2. Copy and paste the code below in your query window. USE mysql; SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `user` = 'ragnarok' 3. Hold CTRL + SHIFT then press Enter keys in your keybpard. 4. Wait for the result 5. If there are any result then you actually have a 'ragnarok' user for your eathena database, but check the host name. 6. So you have the result below, then check for each row's host field values, what do you see in each row? Please answer my question from #6 above if there are any result before continuing. If none then continue reading below. 7. If you have no ragnarok user at all for etiher hosts (localhost,, %) then execute this query in your query window insert into `user`(`Host`,`User`,`Password`,`Select_priv`,`Insert_priv`,`Update_priv`,`Delete_priv`,`Create_priv`,`Drop_priv`,`Reload_priv`,`Shutdown_priv`,`Process_priv`,`File_priv`,`Grant_priv`,`References_priv`,`Index_priv`,`Alter_priv`,`Show_db_priv`,`Super_priv`,`Create_tmp_table_priv`,`Lock_tables_priv`,`Execute_priv`,`Repl_slave_priv`,`Repl_client_priv`,`Create_view_priv`,`Show_view_priv`,`Create_routine_priv`,`Alter_routine_priv`,`Create_user_priv`,`Event_priv`,`Trigger_priv`,`Create_tablespace_priv`,`ssl_type`,`ssl_cipher`,`x509_issuer`,`x509_subject`,`max_questions`,`max_updates`,`max_connections`,`max_user_connections`,`plugin`,`authentication_string`) values ('%','ragnarok','*08FF2D2DB3AEFCADCFEF4918974CD7FFE29916ED','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','','','','',0,0,0,0,'',''), ('','ragnarok','*08FF2D2DB3AEFCADCFEF4918974CD7FFE29916ED','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','','','','',0,0,0,0,'',''), ('localhost','ragnarok','*08FF2D2DB3AEFCADCFEF4918974CD7FFE29916ED','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','','','','',0,0,0,0,'',''); Query above will insert 3 rows ( 3 same username and passwords but 3 different host namely `localhost`, ``, and `%` ) The password for each ragnarok usernames is ragnarok too
  4. 1. May user ka ba na ragnarok sa sql server mo? If none: For PHPMyAdmin Users: a. Login ka sa database server mo with administrator rights. b. Check kung merong ragnarok user with all privileges sa databases mo ( http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/user_management ) For SQLYog Users: a. Login ka sa database server mo with administrator rights. b. Expand mysql database c. Expand Tables d. Select or highlight "user" table and press F11 in your keybard e. check on the right if merong ragnarok user with all privileges 2. if no. 1 fails, check in your inter_athena.conf, and change values to 3. If no. 2 fails, check in your inter_athena.conf, change values to leave everything unchanged except above parameters.
  5. Got it working na without search function! final code below po, in modules/castle/index.php copy below and replace your current castle index code <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $title = 'Castles'; // $sql = "SELECT castles.castle_id, castles.guild_id, guild.name AS guild_name, guild.emblem_len FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild_castle AS castles "; // $sql .= "LEFT JOIN guild ON guild.guild_id = castles.guild_id ORDER BY castles.castle_id ASC"; // $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); // $sth->execute(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(castle_id) AS total FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild_castle"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(); $paginator = $this->getPaginator($sth->fetch()->total,array('perPage'=>(int)Flux::config('CastleLimit'))); $sql = "SELECT castles.castle_id, castles.guild_id, guild.name AS guild_name, guild.emblem_len FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild_castle AS castles "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN guild ON guild.guild_id = castles.guild_id ORDER BY castles.castle_id ASC"; $sql = $paginator->getSQL($sql); $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(); $castles = $sth->fetchAll(); $castleNames = Flux::config('CastleNames')->toArray(); ?> save and exit. in themes/your_theme_name/castle/index.php copy below and replace your current castle index code <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?> <h2>Castles</h2> <p>This page shows what castles are activated and which guilds own them.</p> <?php if ($castles): ?> <?php echo $paginator->infoText() ?> <table class="vertical-table"> <tr> <th>Castle ID</th> <th>Castle</th> <th colspan="2">Guild</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($castles as $castle): ?> <tr> <td align="right"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($castle->castle_id) ?></td> <td> <?php if (array_key_exists($castle->castle_id, $castleNames) && $castleNames[$castle->castle_id]): ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($castleNames[$castle->castle_id]) ?> <?php else: ?> <span class="not-applicable">Unknown<?php echo " (".$castle->castle_id.")" ?></span> <?php endif ?> </td> <?php if ($castle->guild_name): ?> <?php if ($castle->emblem_len): ?> <td width="24"><img src="<?php echo $this->emblem($castle->guild_id) ?>" /></td> <td> <?php if ($auth->actionAllowed('guild', 'view') && $auth->allowedToViewGuild): ?> <?php echo $this->linkToGuild($castle->guild_id, $castle->guild_name) ?> <?php else: ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($castle->guild_name) ?> <?php endif ?> </td> <?php else: ?> <td colspan="2"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($castle->guild_name) ?></td> <?php endif ?> <?php else: ?> <td colspan="2"><span class="not-applicable"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(Flux::message('NoneLabel')) ?></span></td> <?php endif ?> </tr> <?php endforeach ?> </table> <?php echo $paginator->getHTML() ?> <?php else: ?> <p>No castles found. <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Go back</a>.</p> <?php endif ?> save and exit. in lib/Flux/Paginator.php find public function infoText() { $currPage = $this->currentPage; $results = Flux::config('ResultsPerPage'); $infoText = sprintf( Flux::message('FoundSearchResults'), $this->total, $this->numberOfPages, ($currPage*$results-($results - 1)), $currPage * $results < $this->total ? ($currPage*$results) : ($this->total) ); return sprintf('<p class="info-text">%s</p>', $infoText); } change to public function infoText() { $currPage = $this->currentPage; // $results = Flux::config('ResultsPerPage'); $results = $this->perPage; $infoText = sprintf( Flux::message('FoundSearchResults'), $this->total, $this->numberOfPages, ($currPage*$results-($results - 1)), $currPage * $results < $this->total ? ($currPage*$results) : ($this->total) ); return sprintf('<p class="info-text">%s</p>', $infoText); } save and exit. in config/application.php find 'CharRankingLimit' => 10, // add above 'CastleLimit' => 5, // Number of castle limit result per page save and exit. now try your castle list
  6. I see, in this case, kelangan mong itweak yung themes/your_theme_name/castle/index.php... ewan lang kung meron na jang existing code for that per ginagawan ko na ng script yun... di ka naman siguro nagmamadali hehe
  7. Look for $sql .= "LIMIT ".(int)Flux::config('LimitCastle'); Change to $sql .= "LIMIT 5"; EDIT: Yung guild ranking limit kasi nasa config/application.php so I think nandun din ung castle limit. kapag nandun ung LimitCastle na variable un na lang palitan mo para di mo na palitan tong line na to $sql .= "LIMIT ".(int)Flux::config('LimitCastle');
  8. Same topic has already been solved here http://rathena.org/b...g-emperiums-hp/
  9. Jupeto

    Icons fluxcp

    I think he is referring to those image files with item id as its file name. for apple as 501.gif / 501.png something like that
  10. Posting your current config file po would be a great help for us to support you. or maybe yung folder structure ng patch file mo, anu anung files and nandun... check for filenames and folder names...
  11. Thanks for your suggestion, will add it in my list. Thanks
  12. Anung version na mga natry mo? As far as I know dude, yung mga 1.6.X versions ng TSVN supported ung sp2 eh... try mo muna temporarily...
  13. After a long time since the release of my flash based item editor here http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=234767, I'm back with new and improved one stop rAthena editor. Actually, this application was made way back early 2010 while updating my flash based editor. I pursue on developing this application during my free social life time but eventually it was put on hold. So now that I'm back and has some of my time rAthena, I will now continue to develop this web tool to somehow help newbies to create and customize their server's contents and materials. Ai Interactive Generator/Editor is a one stop server content editor where you can customize your server's items, monsters, pets, skills, etc. So what are the modules of this one stop rathena web application? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What are their functions then? EDITORS - You may create a new customized data of your choice or duplicate/copy any existing public and/or default datas in our database. You may also set your data's privacy with these tool if you want it to be viewed/duplicated only by you or share it to anyone by giving them a permission to view/edit/duplicate. This tool may have the ability to import data( item_db.txt or item_db.sql ) for you to edit them online ( No database information needed ) As to what have planned, I intend to do multi-type editor interface for the Item Editor module. Like for example a Healing Item, only the required and needed fields will be visible to the user ( this is for newbies which they think all fields are required, well Attack isn't needed for a healing item ). But if you want, you may use the advanced form anytime you want. The output of each generated data will be either in text or sql format. MESSENGER / NOTIFICATION - This module let you and other users communicate in a private 1on1 discussion. You may also check for notifications in this are too. DOWNLOADS - simply downloads, everything related to rAthena and Ragnarok, mainly tools too. ADVERTISEMENT- No idea... server ads? BLOG - I will use this to announce news and updates. Users may also create their own blog and post their insights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current pages I am working on. ITEM EDITOR Item List - http://aisnippets.x1...ditor/item/list Create - There are two types of editor in this function. http://aisnippets.x1...tor/item/create Simple or Compact Editor - You may use the simple editor where only necessary fields for specific item type will be shown Full Editor - Where all fields are shown. [*]View - The view page depends on the type of an item, all not important fields are not shown. http://aisnippets.x1...tor/item/view/5 [*]Edit - Just like the create function, you may use whether the simple/compact or the full editor http://aisnippets.x1...tor/item/edit/5 [*]Delete - There will be no delete function else there will be an inactive function ( for now ) [*]Duplicate- This function allows permitted users by the author to duplicate their items. [*]Generate - This function allows users to generate a single or batch datas. http://aisnippets.x1...r/item/generate This was planned to have a list view and a thumbnail view PROFILE Profile Feed - Just like facebook wall ^__^ http://aisnippets.x1.../profile/2/feed That's all what I can think off right now. If you have any suggestions, please do reply. Thank you for reading. Here's the link http://aisnippets.x10.mx Please be aware that this application is best viewed in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox for now... I'm still having issues in IE If somethings's not right with the view, please clear your browser's cache. Username: demo Password: demo PS: That is what was left before I stopped developing this apllication. There are no functions yet, I'm still coding it again. I just want to let you see what it will look like. I've updated the item database with the recent rathena sql files too. Regards,
  14. Spongebob is just for fun . No full sprite has been released since the making of the video.
  15. Is your forum's database along with your control panel's database? integration for both application is not that hard at all if that's the case.
  16. File Name: Bason ( Ren Tao's Soul Guardian ) File Submitter: jupeto File Submitted: 15 Jul 2012 File Category: Animated Headgears Content Author: Jupeto Bason in Spirit Form Bason is the ghost of an ancient Chinese wujiang (a military class of ancient China) that served for the Tao family. According to both Shaman King data books, which were released only in Japan, information such as his date of birth and blood type are unknown. He carries a kwan dao (a weapon similar to a halberd but with one curved edge and one straight edge following the line of the handle). He is sworn to serve Tao Ren, and he will do so as much as he can to serve him. In his days as an ancient Chinese warrior, Bason rode into battle on a horse named Hei-Tao. The spirit of Hei-Tao can be integrated into another horse kept by Ren, named Bái-Feng, to perform the Perfect Re-enactment of the Vorpal Dance. He is capable of adding tremendous strength and speed to Ren's kwan dao, and even making it quite larger, but also uses his body in attacks such as the Golden Punch. In Giant Spirit Form, Bason appears as a gigantic robot capable of launching fireballs. See video for live action This is an edited version of my elder's fireball animated item which can be found here Click here to download this file
  17. What's up rAthena!

  18. File Name: Melody Rucksack File Submitter: jupeto File Submitted: 12 Jul 2012 File Category: Headgears Content Author: Jupeto This pack contains; - Artwor'X Custom Enhancement.jpg - Artwor'X Custom Enhancement.URL - Readme.txt - melody_rucksack.act - melody_rucksack.spr - melody_rucksack_collection.bmp - melody_rucksack_drop.act - melody_rucksack_drop.spr - melody_rucksack_item.bmp Just contact me for any problems you see in this item. Click here to download this file
  19. File Name: Kuromi Rucksack File Submitter: jupeto File Submitted: 12 Jul 2012 File Category: Headgears Content Author: Jupeto This pack contains; - Artwor'X Custom Enhancement.jpg - Artwor'X Custom Enhancement.URL - Readme.txt - kuromi_rucksack.act - kuromi_rucksack.spr - kuromi_rucksack_collection.bmp - kuromi_rucksack_drop.act - kuromi_rucksack_drop.spr - kuromi_rucksack_item.bmp Just contact me for any problems you see in this item. Click here to download this file
  20. File Name: Kerro Kerropi Rucksack File Submitter: jupeto File Submitted: 12 Jul 2012 File Category: Headgears Content Author: Jupeto This pack contains; - Artwor'X Custom Enhancement.jpg - Artwor'X Custom Enhancement.URL - Readme.txt - kerropi_rucksack_rucksack.act - kerropi_rucksack_rucksack.spr - kerropi_rucksack_rucksack_collection.bmp - kerropi_rucksack_rucksack_drop.act - kerropi_rucksack_rucksack_drop.spr - kerropi_rucksack_rucksack_item.bmp Just contact me for any problems you see in this item. Click here to download this file
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