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Everything posted by Lary

  1. but i use this.. my solution is i change the regular homunculus lvl to 150 then it not continue to lvluping 600+ it solved my Issue...
  2. Relax, Even thats how i started for myself... Be patient u'll learn it.... I Hope this helps you, http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_171105&feature=iv&src_vid=f06EBENhV84&v=3LTOOEjRtUo just follow Part 2 of the video as well....
  3. Hello, i am using rAthena SVN 17231, Where can i find the file " itemcountslottable.txt " to change the number of slots for my custom items, a Billion in Advance....
  4. if everything fails, just move the npc to some other place....
  5. To remove Magic Gear NPC = npc > re > merchants > renters.txt
  6. Hello rAthena, As the title says a Million in Advance...
  7. *Solved* system > towninfo.lub / lua =====> and remove the navigation
  8. Hello, 1.} I am using Rathena SVN 17231 2.} Whenever i start my start my server it reads renewal database, Now what do i have to do to make my server read pre-renewal database...
  9. Hello, renewal doppleganger effect gives only +1 aspd, How do i change it to pre-renewal....
  10. Looking for sprites

  11. search the forums, before you post anything..... i hope this helps you http://rathena.org/board/topic/61407-popular-requested-links/
  12. Hello, I am using 2012 - 04 - 10 1.} why cant i make no cast ? 2.} my server runs renewal automatically, How do i change it to Pre - Renewal ? Plz help
  13. i am using the map pvp_n_4-5, and i have updated as you told 100,pvp_n_4-5,Breaker Room,test,1 But still i get the above mention error, Plz help....
  14. My players in my server can see other people public chat in their chat box, But for me only my public chat is visible in my chat box - other people public chat is not showing, Plz help
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