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Everything posted by Bahmut

  1. Bahmut


    The only reliable system I know is harmony (www.harmonize.it). Every NPC Anti Bot or Anti WPE Script or Source Edit (Only Server side) I know is not really reliable and scripts are mostly just annoying for normal players.
  2. Bahmut


    Try this: http://rathena.org/wiki/Hexing You should also do some research on the forums.
  3. Client Files (LUA and TXT): http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/ Patcher (kro patcher and re patcher): http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=download_kROLinks
  4. So if I change my langtype to something else than 0 it will not appear again? EDIT: Yes this helped
  5. Hello, I'm using 2011-03-15aRagexeRE.exe and sometimes I have strange broadcasts in orange: I have already updated all my Lua files and my msgstringtable. So I don't know why it's still in korean. Anyone got an idea?
  6. I think you forgot to activate "read data folder first" or "allow multi grf"
  7. Bahmut


    if you want it to work for everyone set it to 0,0
  8. when diffing your exe turn on plain text descriptions
  9. Hi, has someone maybe Akaru's SuperGRF in version 2? I have searched the net alot a have only found offline download links. I'm searching for this maps: // Ragnarok World Championship 2004 // Requires: RWC 2004 Client // or Akaru's SuperGRF 1.64 or newer //map: rwc01 <= Got this //map: rwc02 //map: rwc03 <= Got this //Christmas & Sakura Special //Requires Akaru's SuperGRF 1.1 or newer //map: prontera_x //map: alberta_x //map: aldebaran_x //map: geffen_x //map: izlude_x //map: prt_church_x //map: prontera_s //map: pay_arche_s //Fenced Lutie //Requires Akaru's SuperGRF 1.23 or newer //map: xmas_old I'm also searching for the evt_Zombie map from an old jRO Client and the RWC maps from 2008 (2008rwc_04). Are there new RWC maps, from 2010-2012?
  10. It's working stable, but it's also in development. So new stuff will be added and when bugs appear they will be fixed.
  11. oh man i haven't thougt about this at all. sorry for bothering you guys. next time: first think simple^^
  12. Hi, I'm requesting a "OnNPCMapKillEvent" Label. It should work like this: Triggers when a player kills a monster on the same map as the NPC. Set Variable "killedrid" to Monster ID. Set Variable "killerrid" to Player ID. I would love to have this Label because I don't want to use OnNPCKillEvent. It would cause the server alot of work to run my script every time a monster is killed on the whole server. Sincerely Bahmut
  13. The mapflag was only wrong in the preview and I will stick with my solution .
  14. nice one but how do i open the map ingame? never used it
  15. hi i have rewritten your script. And posted it here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/60393-release-boss-time-attack-based-on-jin-freecs-script/#entry86236
  16. Hi, I liked the idea of a MVP Time Attack Event like Jin Freecs Boss Time Attack script. So I started editing his script to be more easy to configure and use. How to use it To start the script just whisper anything ingame to NPC:MVPTA You can configure the script easily. There are comments in it, on how to add new spawnable monsters and theres also a config area where you can set this Settings: set .@mapName$,"pvp_2vs2"; // On which map should the event be set .@spawnCordX,40; // X-Cordinate where the mob spawns set .@spawnCordY,33; // Y-Cordinate where the mob spawns set .@minGmRank,99; // Minimal GM level to use this script set .@globalAnnounce,1; // Should the script announce kills global Preview Download MVPTimeAttack.txt Credits Bahmut Jin Freecs Changelog 1.0 Initial Release I'm planning to add a full ladder with SQL, but for now this will have to be enough.
  17. Oh ok that info would have helped a lot. So many work for nothing xD. But I will create a only html version too.
  18. I have finished my Design and I have to say that CeresCP really sucks from a designers perspective. When you find bugs please report them to me per PM. Preview: http://root.bahmut.de/cerescp/ Normal User Login: Account: testuser Password: test Admin User Login: Account: testadmin Password: test Screenshots: When my design wins, I will upload the whole modified CP, because else I will use it for myself. (Ind if you want to see the whole code please PM me and I will upload it for you)
  19. I updated my sql-files and now it's working.
  20. I will give it a try when my Client is complete. Please keep suggesting because I also need a mirror.
  21. Hi, I'm going to start a ragnarok server soon but I could not find a proper host for my full client because I don't want to host it on my root so i can keep my traffic lower (traffic limit -.-) Requirements for a proper host: Maximum 2 Parts but best would be only one part (Easy for Players) Moderate Speed (At least 300kb) Stays online for long time (At least 90 Days until it gets deleted) Host I already considered: Mediafire (Too many parts, 200mb) Google Code(Too many parts, 200mb) Torrent (I personaly don't like Torrent) Dropbox (Has anyone tried this? Do they block it with too many traffic?) Rapidshare (Users will only get fullspeed if I say that my files are legal, but are they?) Any other suggestions? If this topic is wrong her please move it. I didn't know were to put it so I started it here.
  22. Hi I have extracted the jRO data.grf (16.03.2012) and have uploaded the npc cutins from the illust folder, so everyone can use them. I haven't really searched for more so here is every illust file beginning with "jpn_": Examples: Download: http://files.bahmut.de/illust.zip The NPC Sprites for this Cutins by Aerie: http://rathena.org/b...ro-npc-sprites/
  23. Thanks Xantara got it working. Just needed more SQL rights (CREATE, ALTER) with my rAthena SQL User.
  24. Hello, After installing my FluxCP on my server I got this error: What I am using: Debian 6.0 - LAMP PHP 5.3.3 FluxCP r1093 also tried r1000 What I have done: Turned PHP SafeMode off Set my URL and BaseUri in application.php config file Set every file to 777 also tried 775 Reinstalled several times Also tried to configure my server.php config file Checked if PDO extension is installed and turned on When I was using r1000 he didn't show the error from the start. Appeared after I typed my SQL Username and Password and pressed "Install and Update Everything". I have installed FluxCP on several webspaces and servers and I never experienced this error. Does anyone know what is wrong with my server configuration and/or my FluxCP configuration? - Bahmut
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