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  1. This is my folder , I don't know why I still get Korean buttons ?
  2. Still waiting for any help or tip what to do ?
  3. yes I have , service_korea as well
  4. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Online Client Information</desc> <servicetype>america</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>MidgardRO</display> <address>xxxxx</address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb>www.ragnarok.com</registrationweb> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> </loading> <yellow> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> <admin>2000003</admin> <admin>2000004</admin> </yellow> </connection> </clientinfo> this is how my clientinfo looks like , when i changed any langtype still korean menu , buttons But I don't quite understand what you mean to duplicate ?
  5. Hello guys , I need another help from you ? How to fix Korean buttons and login menu ? I used translated data and system file : ROenglishRE-master I have translated items and other stuff , but login screen and the buttons are still in korean
  6. UPTADE : I used older client for now and it's working without errors ? , but still thank you all !
  7. 1. I used rathena from github link : https://github.com/rathena/rathena ( I was doing it by this guide : https://rathena.org/board/topic/111830-tutorial-video-edition-how-to-setup-rathena-and-run-ragnarok-updated-2018-7-28/ ) 2. My PACKETVER looks like this in Emulator/src/custom/defines_pre.h : // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP #define CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #define PACKETVER 20180620 #endif /* CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP */ I think is without mistakes cause rathena saw which packet version is defined : 4. I recompiled rAthena 5. I restarted server after recompilation Any other tips ? ?
  8. Ok I need to fix one by one , I still get Character_info error 144 after that that costume missing error. After changing what you advice me still the Character_info error 144 is still there. I am really frustrated , I think I tryed everything
  9. I // packet how you advice me , recompile , but still same error ?
  10. I // packet how you advice me , recompile , but still same error ?
  11. Done , but still same errors ? UPTADE : If i diff without then I don't get error I just get disconected
  12. Hello guys , Can you help me with this problems , and advice me how to fix it ? I am getting tired of it T_T ! I am using client : 2018-06-20eRagexeRE 24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended) 32 Increase Zoom Out Max 33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended) 34 Enable /showname (Recommended) 35 Read Data Folder First 36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) 38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended) 39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended) 40 Restore Login Window (Recommended) 41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended) 43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion 44 Translate Client (Recommended) 46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended) 47 Use Ragnarok Icon 48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) 49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended) 50 Skip License Screen 53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended) 61 Disable Packet Encryption 64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended) 65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) 69 Extend Npc Dialog Box 71 Ignore Resource Errors 72 Ignore Missing Palette Error 73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended) 74 Increase Screenshot Quality 76 Enforce Official Login Background 84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended) 86 Only First Login Background 88 Allow space in guild name 90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended) 91 Disconnect to Login Window 97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended) 208 Restore Cash Shop Icon 213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) 226 Disable Walk To Delay. 229 Enable Emblem hover for BG 234 Ignore Lua Errors 239 Ignore /account: command line argument 246 Increase hair style limit in game 251 Allow close cutin by pressing esc key Thank you very much for every advice or tip !!!
  13. Sorry but , that doesn't help, still no price in storage ..... just msg that I get price on the mall
  14. Hello guys, I need help with this Script , it's bit complicated for me to re-script it to my desires . I ask for helping me how to change it , where that ITEM REWARDS goes after win to the char inventory. I have disabled mail system , so I need to change it , right now it is scripted to give char reward to mail . Pretty please help me how it should look like ! Thank you in advance ! //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= Auto Event //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.01 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Auto Event //===== Comments: ============================================ //= [Stolao] // db/import/instance_db.txt // 30,Emp Breaker,900,300,sword_1-1,215,206 // // src/map/chat.h // #define MAX_CHAT_USERS 20 // Increase as needed for your server size //===== To Do: =============================================== //= Make Rewards Editable in game //= Add A Vote4Event(ingame) Feature //= Add Force End Comamnd //= Add Devil Square Event //= Add Disguise Event //= Add Invasion Event //= Add X-O Event //= Add MVP Arena //= Add Dead Branch Event //= Add Requested Events //= Add Ranking System //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 2.00 Remake //= 2.01 Fix bug in Lucky Pick //===== Contact Ifo: ========================================= //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ prontera,260,268,4 script Event Information 835,{ function Func_Countdown; function Func_Add_Time; function Func_Prizes; freeloop(1); //================================== OnMenu: //-- Click Menus //================================== mes "[ Event Information ]"; if($@CurrentEvent > 0) mes "Current Event: ",.ColorName$[$@CurrentEvent]," "; .@Time = gettime(4) * 24 + gettime(3); for(.@i = .@Time + ((gettime(2)>.StartTime?1:0)); .@i < .@Time + 168; .@i++){ if($EVENT_CONTROL[.@i%168]){ mes "Next Event:",.ColorName$[ $EVENT_CONTROL[ (.@i % 168) ] ] +" ~ "+ .Days$[ .@i % 168 / 24 ] +" - "+ Func_Add_Time( (.@i % 168) % 24); .@e += 1; break; } } if(!.@e) mes "Auto Events Disabled."; switch(select((($@CurrentEvent > 0)?" ~ Join event...:":":")+ ((.@e)?" ~ Check schedule...:":":")+ ((getgmlevel()<.GMAccess)?"":" ~ Manage events...")+ ": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 2: next; mes "[ Sunday Event Schedule ]"; for(.@i = 0; .@i < 168; .@i++){ if($EVENT_CONTROL[.@i]) mes .ColorName$[$EVENT_CONTROL[.@i]] +" ~ "+ Func_Add_Time(.@i % 24); if( !( ( .@i + 1 ) % 24 ) && .@i < 144){ next; mes "[ "+ .Days$[.@i / 24 + 1] +" Event Schedule ]"; } } close; case 3: while(1){ switch(select(" ~ Add a event...: ~ Delete a event...: ~ ^777777Go back^000000")) { case 1: next; mes "[ Add Event ]"; mes "Pick a Day."; .@Day = select(" ~ "+implode(.Days$,": ~ ")) - 1; next; mes "[ Add Event ]"; mes "Pick a Time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@D / 24]+"."; .@menu$ = ""; .@e = 0; for(.@i = .@Day * 24; .@i < .@Day * 24 + 24; .@i++){ if(!$EVENT_CONTROL[.@i]){ .@menu$ = .@menu$ +" ~ "+ Func_Add_Time( .@i % 24 ) +":"; .@e += 1; } else .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ":"; } if(!.@e){ mes "No Events Times Remaining for "+ .Days$[ .@Day ] +"."; close; } .@D = select(.@menu$) + .@Day * 24 - 1; next; mes "[ Add Event ]"; mes "Select a event for ^0055FF"+ .Days$[.@D / 24] +" ~ "+ Func_Add_Time(.@D % 24) +"^000000."; next; .@Event = select(implode(.ColorName$,": ~ ")) - 1; mes "Are you sure you want to add "+ .ColorName$[.@Event] +","; mes "for ^0055FF"+ .Days$[.@D / 24] +" ~ "+ Func_Add_Time(.@D % 24) +"^000000?"; next; .@A = (select(" ~ ^0000CCAdd event...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")); mes "[ Add Event ]"; if(.@A == 2) mes "Cancelled."; else { $EVENT_CONTROL[.@D] = .@Event; mes "Event Added."; } break; case 2: next; mes "[ Remove Event ]"; mes "Which Event?"; .@menu$ = ""; for(.@i = .@e = 0; .@i < 168; .@i++){ if($EVENT_CONTROL[.@i]){ .@menu$ = .@menu$ + .Days$[ .@i / 24 ] +" - "+ Func_Add_Time( .@i % 24 ) +" ~ "+ .ColorName$[ $EVENT_CONTROL[ .@i ] ]+":"; .@e += 1; } else .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ":"; } if(!.@e){ mes "No Events Setup."; close; } .@D = select(.@menu$) - 1; next; mes "[ Remove Event ]"; mes "Are you sure you want to add the "+ .ColorName$[.@D] +","; mes "for ^0055FF"+ .Days$[.@D % 168 / 24] +" ~ "+ Func_Add_Time(.@D % 168 / 24) +"^000000?"; .@A = (select(" ~ ^FF0000Remove event...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")); if(.@A == 2){ mes "Cancelled."; } else { $EVENT_CONTROL[.@D] = 0; mes "Event Removed."; } break; case 3: next; goto OnMenu; } } case 4: close; case 1: next; break; } //================================== OnJoinEvent: //-- Join Event //================================== if($@CurrentEvent < 1) mes "[ Event Management ]","Sorry no event is running."; else { mes "[ "+ .EventName$[$@CurrentEvent] +" ]","Want to join the "+ .ColorName$[$@CurrentEvent] +"?"; if($@CurrentEvent == 2) mes "[ "+ .EventName$[$@CurrentEvent] +" ]","Must be a Novice Level 10/10 or lower."; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) mes "[ "+ .EventName$[$@CurrentEvent] +" ]","Ok come back later.",bc_self|bc_blue; else if((Baselevel > 10 || JobLevel > 10 || Class != Job_Novice ) && $@CurrentEvent == 2){ mes "[ "+ .EventName$[$@CurrentEvent] +" ]","Sorry you must be a Novice Level 10/10 or lower."; } else if($@CurrentEvent < 1){ mes "[ Event Management ]","Sorry event closed before you hit yes."; } else { warp .EnterMap$[$@CurrentEvent],.EnterX[$@CurrentEvent],.EnterY[$@CurrentEvent]; end; } } close; //================================== OnRunEvent: //-- GM Run //================================== if($@CurrentEvent) mes "[ Event Management ]","Sorry an event is already running"; else if(agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) mes "[ Event Management ]","Sorry cannot run event during woe"; else { mes "[ Event Management ]","Pick an Event."; .@i = select(implode(.ColorName$,": ~ ")) - 1; } switch(.@i){ default: break; case 1: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnEmpStart"; break; case 2: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnZombieStart"; break; case 3: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnDiceStart"; break; case 4: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnPvPStart"; break; case 5: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnMazeStart"; break; case 6: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnPoringStart"; break; case 7: donpcevent "Cluckers::OnEventStart"; break; case 8: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnLuckyStart"; break; case 9: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnBombStart"; break; case 10: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnHuntStart"; break; case 11: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnShroomStart"; break; } close; //================================== //-- Functions //================================== function Func_Add_Time { return ( ( (getarg(0) < 10)?"0":"" ) + getarg(0) + "." + ( (.StartTime < 10)?"0":"" ) + .StartTime ); } function Func_Countdown { for(.@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i--){ announce .EventName$[$@CurrentEvent]+" will begin in "+ callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@i,"minute") +"!",bc_all|bc_blue; Announce "Please type @joinevent to join",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 60000; } Announce .EventName$[$@CurrentEvent] +" Has Begun!",bc_all|bc_blue; return; } function Func_Prizes { announce "Congrats "+strcharinfo(0,getarg(0))+", a winner in the "+getarg(1)+" Event.",bc_all|bc_blue; query_sql("INSERT INTO `mail` (send_name,dest_id,title,message,nameid,amount,identify,zeny,time) VALUES ("+ "'no-reply',"+getarg(0)+",'** "+getarg(1)+" **',"+ "'Congratulations!% You have won % in the "+getarg(1)+" Event% % % % % % % % [ Your reward is attached. ]',"+ $@RewardID+","+$@RewardQNT+",1,"+$@RewardZeny+",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()))"); announce "Rewards hava been sent via mail.",bc_self|bc_blue; query_sql("UPDATE `mail` SET message = REPLACE(message,'%',CHAR(13)) WHERE send_name = 'no-reply'"); } //================================== OnMinute00: //- Start Events //================================== if(agitcheck() || agitcheck2() || $@CurrentEvent) end; sleep .StartTime * 60000 + 1000; .@Time = gettime(4) * 24 + gettime(3); switch($EVENT_CONTROL[.@Time]){ default: break; case 1: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnEmpStart"; break; case 2: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnZombieStart"; break; case 3: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnDiceStart"; break; case 4: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnPvPStart"; break; case 5: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnMazeStart"; break; case 6: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnPoringStart"; break; case 7: donpcevent "Cluckers::OnEventStart"; break; case 8: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnLuckyStart"; break; case 9: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnBombStart"; break; case 10: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnHuntStart"; break; case 11: donpcevent strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnShroomStart"; break; } end; //================================== OnEmpStart: //-- Emperium Event //================================== $@CurrentEvent = 1; waitingroom "Emperium Event",99; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -1; $@BestTime = $@BestCid = 0; getwaitingroomusers strnpcinfo(1); if(.@waitingroom_usercount >= .MinPlayers[1]){ for(.@i = 0; .@i < .@waitingroom_usercount; .@i++){ attachrid(.@waitingroom_users[.@i]); callfunc("dispell"); switch(instance_enter("Emp Breaker")){ default: instance_create("Emp Breaker",IM_CHAR); instance_enter("Emp Breaker"); case 0: } } delwaitingroom; sleep 900000; // 15 mins should be enough? } else { delwaitingroom; Announce "Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[1]+"!",bc_blue|bc_area|bc_npc; } Func_Prizes($@BestCid,.EventName$[1]); $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; //================================== OnZombieStart: //-- Zombie Event //================================== mapwarp "1@zombie","prontera",155,181; $@CurrentEvent = 2; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -2; if(getmapusers("1@zombie") < .MinPlayers[2]){ mapannounce "1@zombie","Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[2]+"!",bc_blue; mapwarp "1@zombie","prontera",155,181; } else { //Insert Rules sleep 25000; for(.@wave = 1; .@wave < 11; .@wave++){ if(.@wave < 10) mapannounce "1@zombie","Wave "+.@wave+"!",bc_blue; else mapannounce "1@zombie","FIANL WAVE!",bc_blue; sleep 1000; for(.@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i--){ mapannounce "1@zombie",""+.@i+"...",bc_blue; sleep 1000; } mapannounce "1@zombie","Begin Wave!",bc_blue; for(.@i = 0; (.@i < getarraysize(.Zombies)); .@i += 2) monster "1@zombie",0,0,"--ja--",.Zombies[.@i], .@wave * .Zombies[.@i+1],strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKillZombie"; if(!getmapusers("1@zombie")){ .@wave += 255; } else { mapannounce "1@zombie","There "+((getmapusers("1@zombie")>1)?"are":"is")+" "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",getmapusers("1@zombie"),"player")+" left",bc_blue; sleep 56000; } } killmonsterall "1@zombie"; if(getmapusers("1@zombie")){ addrid(5,0,"1@zombie"); if(HP > 0 && strcharinfo(3) == "1@zombie") Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[2]); } } $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; OnKillZombie: dispbottom "Don't do that",0xCC0000; sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,300000,10; percentheal -20,-100; heal -5,0; end; //================================== OnDiceStart: //-- Dice Event //================================== mapwarp "quiz_01","prontera",155,181; $@CurrentEvent = 3; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -3; sleep 9000; if(getmapusers("quiz_01") < .MinPlayers[3]){ mapannounce "quiz_01","Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[3]+"!",bc_blue; mapwarp "quiz_01","prontera",155,181; $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; } else { mapannounce "quiz_01","Ok the rules of "+.EventName$[3]+" are as follows",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Each player picks a box 1, 2, 3 or 4",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","There will be a count down from 10 to 0",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","at 0 a four sided die will be rolled",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Anyone in the box of the number rolled will be warped to town",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","as well as anyone on the stairs or outside the box",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","the number of players remaining will be announced",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","this prosses will repeat till only one player remains",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "quiz_01","take a few moments to fnd a box",bc_blue; sleep 15000; mapannounce "quiz_01","we will now begin, please find a box",bc_blue; sleep 6000; for(.@1234 = 0; .@1234 < 100; .@1234++){ for(.@i = 10; .@i > 0; .@i--){ mapannounce "quiz_01",.@i+"...",bc_blue; sleep 1000; } .@i = rand(1,4); mapannounce "quiz_01","0... Good Bye Box "+.@i,bc_blue; switch(.@i){ case 1: areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,59,"prontera",155,181; break; case 2: areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,59,"prontera",155,181; break; case 3: areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,59,"prontera",155,181; break; case 4: areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,59,"prontera",155,181; break; } areawarp "quiz_01",182,94,228,88,"prontera",155,181; //Upper Area areawarp "quiz_01",185,87,188,82,"prontera",155,181; //Stairs 1 areawarp "quiz_01",197,87,200,82,"prontera",155,181; //Stairs 2 areawarp "quiz_01",209,87,212,82,"prontera",155,181; //Stairs 3 areawarp "quiz_01",221,87,224,82,"prontera",155,181; //Stairs 4 if(getmapusers("quiz_01") <= 1){ .@1234 += 100; } else { mapannounce "quiz_01","There are "+getmapusers("quiz_01")+" Players Remaining.",bc_blue; mapannounce "quiz_01","Take a few moments if you want to change boxes.",bc_blue; sleep 20000; } } if(getmapusers("quiz_01")){ addrid(5,0,"quiz_01"); if(HP > 0 && strcharinfo(3) == "quiz_01") Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[3]); } $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; } //================================== OnPvPStart: //-- PvP Event //================================== mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",155,181; pvpoff "pvp_n_1-5"; $@CurrentEvent = 4; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -4; sleep 9000; if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5") < .MinPlayers[4]){ mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[4]+"!",bc_blue; } else { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","The Rules of "+.EventName$[4]+" are as follows",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","This is a Free for all Last man Standing",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","there is a 20 min time limit in place if there is no clear winner within 20 mins the Event ends",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Everyone has 1 Life so Res, Ygg Leafs and Kazail dont work",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Spread out PVP will begin in 10...",bc_blue; sleep 1000; for(.@i = 9; .@i > 0; .@i--){ mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",.@i+"...",bc_blue; sleep 1000; } pvpon "pvp_n_1-5"; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Begin",bc_blue; sleep 5000; for(.@P = 0; .@P < 20; .@P++){ if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5") < 2){ .@P += 20; } else mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","There are "+getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5")+" Players Remaining",bc_blue; sleep 60000; } if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5") == 1){ addrid(5,0,"pvp_n_1-5"); if(HP > 0 && strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_1-5") Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[4]); } else { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Time Is up",bc_blue; } } pvpoff "pvp_n_1-5"; $@CurrentEvent = 0; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",155,181; end; //================================== OnMazeStart: //-- Maze Event //================================== mapwarp "maze","prontera",155,181; enablenpc "mazeroadblock"; disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; $@CurrentEvent = 5; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -5; sleep 9000; if(getmapusers("maze") < .MinPlayers[5]){ mapannounce "maze","Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[5]+"!",bc_blue; } else { mapannounce "maze","Rules are simple first to get to end of maze wins, so begin~",bc_blue; disablenpc "mazeroadblock"; enablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; for(.@maze = 40; .@maze > 0; .@maze--){ if(getmapusers("maze")<1) .@maze = 0; mapannounce "maze","There are "+(.@maze)+" Minuets Remaining",bc_blue; sleep 60000; } mapannounce "maze","Time Is up",bc_blue; } disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; sleep 5000; mapwarp "maze","prontera",155,181; $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; //================================== OnPoringStart: //-- Poring Event //================================== mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",155,181; $@CurrentEvent = 6; pvpoff "pvp_n_1-5"; setmapflag "pvp_n_1-5",mf_noskill; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -6; if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5") < .MinPlayers[6]){ mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[6]+"!",bc_blue; } else { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Rules are simple",bc_blue; sleep 3000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Kill the 'Poring' with the correct name, and get a warped to town with a prize.",bc_blue; sleep 4000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Kill the wrong one and get warped to town with nothing.",bc_blue; sleep 4000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","There are 2 right poring and a 30 min timer.",bc_blue; sleep 4000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Event will now Begin~",bc_blue; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.Poring$); .@i++){ monster "pvp_n_1-5",0,0,.Poring$[.@i],1725,5,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKillWrong"; } monster "pvp_n_1-5",0,0,"--ja--",1725,2,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKillRight"; for(.@poring = 30; .@poring > 0; .@poring--){ if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5") < 1) .@poring = 0; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5",callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@poring,"Minute")+" Remaining.",bc_blue; sleep 60000; } } mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Time Is up",bc_blue; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-5"; removemapflag "pvp_n_1-5",mf_noskill; $@CurrentEvent = 0; sleep 5000; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",155,181; end; OnKillWrong: monster "pvp_n_1-5",0,0,.Poring$[rand(1,getarraysize($@Mobs))],1725,1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnKillWrong"; warp "prontera",155,181; end; OnKillRight: Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[6]); warp "prontera",155,181; end; //================================== OnLuckyStart: //-- Lucky Event //================================== $@CurrentEvent = 8; waitingroom "Lucky Event",99; Func_Countdown; getwaitingroomusers strnpcinfo(1); delwaitingroom; $@CurrentEvent = -8; if(.@waitingroom_usercount >= .MinPlayers[8]) Func_Prizes(.@waitingroom_users[rand(.@waitingroom_usercount)],.EventName$[8]); else Announce "Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[8]+"!",bc_blue|bc_area; $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; //================================== OnBombStart: //-- Bombring Event //================================== mapwarp "quiz_02","prontera",155,181; $@CurrentEvent = 9; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -9; .@totalplayers = getmapusers("quiz_02"); if(.@totalplayers < .MinPlayers[9]){ mapannounce "quiz_02","Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[9]+"!",bc_blue; mapwarp "quiz_02","prontera",155,181; } else { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ ) setmapflag "quiz_02", .bombflag[.@i]; mapannounce "quiz_02","Okay listen up, this is how it works.",bc_blue; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Bombrings will run rampant in this area.",bc_blue; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","and all of them will go booooooom!",bc_blue; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","all you have to do is avoid them and stay alive :P",bc_blue; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","This will run for 30 seconds for 5 total rounds.",bc_blue; sleep 2000; mapannounce "quiz_02","Sooooooooooo, ready or not here they come!!!",bc_blue; sleep 25000; for(.@wave = 1; .@wave <= 5; .@wave++){ if(.@wave < 5){ mapannounce "quiz_02","Wave "+.@wave+"!",bc_blue; } else mapannounce "quiz_02","FIANL WAVE!",bc_blue; if ( (3 * .@totalplayers) <= 60) areamonster "quiz_02",48,334,71,357,"Run for you life!",1904,3 * .@totalplayers; else areamonster "quiz_02",48,334,71,357,"Run for you life!",1904,60; if(!getmapusers("quiz_02")) .@wave += 10; else sleep 1000 * 5 / .@wave; } sleep 30000; if(getmapusers("quiz_02")){ addrid(5,0,"quiz_02"); if(HP > 0 && strcharinfo(3) == "quiz_02") Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[9]); } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ ) removemapflag "quiz_02", .bombflag[.@i]; } $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; //================================== OnHuntStart: //-- Man Hunt Event //================================== mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",155,181; enablenpc "ManhuntPrize"; $@CurrentEvent = 10; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -10; if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5") < .MinPlayers[10]){ mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Event Stopped! Not Enough Players Joined the "+.EventName$[10]+"!",bc_blue; } else { mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","The goal is this event is to kill the target within 60 seconds.",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","The one who managed to kill the target will gain a prize",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","But if the target surivived, the target will gain the prize",bc_blue; sleep 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Man-Hunt Event start!",bc_blue; for(.@round = 1; .@round <= 10; .@round++){ if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-5") < 3){ mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Sorry there are no longer enough players for another round",bc_blue; } else { if(.@round < 10) mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","Next Round will begin in 10 seconds!",bc_blue; deletearray .@AID[0],getarraysize(.@AID); addrid(5,0,"quiz_02"); .@AID[getarraysize(.@AID)] = getcharid(3); $@Target = rand(getarraysize(.@AID)); sleep 10000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","[Round "+.@round+"] Our target is "+rid2name($@Target)+"!",bc_blue; atcommand "killable "+rid2name($@Target); atcommand "size "+rid2name($@Target)+" 2"; sleep 60000; if($@Target != -1){ if(attachrid($@Target) && strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_1-5") Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[10]); } atcommand "alive "+rid2name($@Target); atcommand "killable "+rid2name($@Target); atcommand "size "+rid2name($@Target)+" 0"; } } } sleep 5000; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-5","prontera",155,181; $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; OnPCDieEvent: if($@CurrentEvent == -4 && strcharinfo(3) =="pvp_n_1-5") warp "Save",0,0; if($@CurrentEvent == -10 && getcharid(3) == $@Target ){ Func_Prizes(killerrid,.EventName$[10]); $@Target = -1; } end; OnPCLogOutEvent: if($@CurrentEvent == -10 && getcharid(3) == $@Target){ mapannounce "pvp_n_1-5","The target has logged out of this game. This round will be nulled.",bc_blue; $@Target = -1; } end; //================================== OnShroomStart: //-- Mushroom Event //================================== .Map$ = .ShroomMaps$[rand(getarraysize(.ShroomMaps$))]; killmonster .Map$,"All"; $@CurrentEvent = 11; .EnterMap$[$@CurrentEvent] = .Map$; Func_Countdown; .@Spawn = .Spawn = rand(1,getusers(1) / 5); if(1 > .Spawn) .@Spawn = .Spawn = 1; monster .Map$,0,0,"Please don't kill me!",1084,.Spawn,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnShroomKilled"; announce "Find the Mushroom : Total of "+.Spawn+" Mushrooms have been spawned in "+.Map$+"!",bc_blue; sleep 60000 * 45; if(.Spawn == .@Spawn) Announce .EventName$[11]+" Has Ended with No Winner!",bc_blue; killmonster .Map$,"All"; $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; OnShroomKilled: .Spawn--; Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[11]); if (.Spawn) announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has killed a Mushroom. There are now "+.Spawn+" Mushroom(s) left.",bc_map|bc_blue; else { announce "The Mushroom Event has ended. All the Mushrooms have been killed.",bc_blue; $@CurrentEvent = 0; } end; //================================== OnInit: //-- Config //================================== // ------------------- // Rewards // ------------------- // Does not support multiple item rewards // Rewards are Mailed to winners $@RewardID = 7539; $@RewardQNT = 10; $@RewardZeny = 100000; // ------------------- // At Commands // ------------------- // Run Event Command to manually run event bindatcmd("runevent",strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnRunEvent",60,99); // Join Event Command bindatcmd("joinevent",strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnJoinEvent",0,99); // ------------------- // Event Data // ------------------- // Gm Level to access GM Menus .GMAccess = 99; // How Many Mins after the hour till event starts // Don't forget 5 mins for Func_Countdown .StartTime = 25; // Event Names setarray .EventName$[1], "Emperium Event","Zombie Survival","Dice Event","PvP Event","Maze Event", "Find The Poring","Cluckers","Lucky Pick","Bombring Event","Manhunt", "Find The Mushroom"; // Colored Event Names setarray .ColorName$[1], "^00CCCCEmperium Event^000000","^CC00CCZombie Survival^000000","^00CC00Dice Event^000000","^CC0000PvP Event^000000","^00CC00Maze Event^000000", "^00CCCCFind The Poring^000000","^00CC00Cluckers^000000","^00CC00Lucky Pick^000000","^CC00CCBombring Event^000000","^CC0000Manhunt^000000", "^00CCCCFind The Mushroom^000000"; // Min Players // Cluckers & Mushroom don't check setarray .MinPlayers[1], 2,1,2,3,2, 1,0,3,1,3, 0; // @JoinEvent warp points setarray .EnterMap$[1], "prontera","1@zombie","quiz_01","pvp_n_1-5","maze", "pvp_n_1-5","prontera","prontera","quiz_02","pvp_n_1-5", "prontera"; setarray .EnterX[1], 161, 0,205, 0,371, 0,155,161, 59, 0, 0; setarray .EnterY[1], 168, 0, 92, 0,143, 0,227,168,345, 0, 0; // Zombies Spawned per Wave // MobID1,Quantity1{,MobID2,Quantity2{,{....}} // Quantity is multiplied by number of waves // so 10 will become 100 in last wave // and mobs are not killed between // so 10 will have 550 spawned in last wave setarray .Zombies,1394,10,1423,5,1298,1; // Fake Poring Names setarray .Poring$,"Porjng","P0ring","Porlng","Porimg","Porinq","Poporing","This One","Right","Kill Me","Poning","qoring","Pooring","Pouring","Polling","~Poring~","Winner","Prize","Porirg","Paring"; // Bombring Mapflags setarray .bombflag,mf_nowarp,mf_nowarpto,mf_nosave,mf_nomemo,mf_noteleport,mf_nopenalty,mf_noreturn,mf_nobranch,mf_nomobloot,mf_nomvploot; // Mushroom Event Possible Maps setarray .ShroomMaps$[0],"izlude","geffen","morocc","prontera"; // ------------------- // Don't Touch Ever // ------------------- $@CurrentEvent = 0; if( .StartTime > 59 ) .StartTime = 59; if( .StartTime < 0 ) .StartTime = 0; setarray .Days$[0],"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"; end; } //================================== //-- Emperium Event Extras //================================== sword_1-1,216,208,4 script Emp_Break -1,{ OnAgitBreak: stopnpctimer; .@Time = getnpctimer(0); .@m = .@Time / 60000; .@s = (.@Time - .@m * 60000) / 1000; .@ms = .@Time % 1000; if(.@Time < BestTime || !BestTime) BestTime = .@Time; if(.@Time < $@BestTime || !$@BestTime){ $@BestTime = .@Time; $@BestCid = getcharid(0); announce "[Emperium Event]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" now holds the top time of "+((.@m)?callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@i,"minute")+" ":"")+""+((.@s)?.@s+""+((.@ms)?"."+.@ms:"")+" seconds":"")+".",bc_all|bc_blue; } mapannounce 'Map$,"You have a "+((.@Time == BestTime)?"new personal best ":"")+"time of "+((.@m)?callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@i,"minute")+" ":"")+""+((.@s)?.@s+""+((.@ms)?"."+.@ms:"")+" seconds":"")+".",bc_area|bc_blue; sleep2 2500; instance_destroy; end; OnInstanceInit: initnpctimer; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0,strnpcinfo(1); 'Map$ = strnpcinfo(4); monster 'Map$,223,206,"Emperium",1288,1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnAgitBreak"; 'GID = $@mobid; setunitdata 'GID,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,1; sleep2 2000; mapannounce 'Map$,"[Emperium Event]: Goal is simple, kill the Emperium as fast as you can~",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep2 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"[Emperium Event]: Once Countdown is done have at it.",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep2 2000; mapannounce 'Map$,"5",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep2 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"4",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep2 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"3",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep2 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"2",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep2 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"1",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep2 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"Go~",bc_map|bc_blue; startnpctimer strnpcinfo(1); setunitdata 'GID,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,0; end; } //================================== //-- Maze Event Extras //================================== maze,358,148,0 warp mazeroadblock 2,2,maze,371,149 maze,369,162,4 script Event_Agent#Maze 405,4,4,{ mes "[Event Agent]"; mes "Walk up to me to claim prize~"; close; OnTouch_: announce "Congrats "+strcharinfo(0)+", a winner in the Maze Event.",bc_all|bc_blue; query_sql("INSERT INTO `mail` (send_name,dest_id,title,message,nameid,amount,identify,zeny,time) VALUES ("+ "'no-reply',"+getcharid(0)+",'** Maze Event **',"+ "'Congratulations!% You have won % in the Maze Event% % % % % % % % [ Your reward is attached. ]',"+ $@RewardID+","+$@RewardQNT+",0,"+$@RewardZeny+",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()))"); announce "Rewards hava been sent via mail.",bc_self|bc_blue; mapwarp "maze","prontera",155,181; query_sql("UPDATE `mail` SET message = REPLACE(message,'%',CHAR(13)) WHERE send_name = 'no-reply'"); $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; } //================================== //-- Cluckers Event //================================== prontera,155,227,4 script Cluckers 800,{ if ($@CurrentEvent == -7) { specialeffect2 EF_HIT3; switch(rand(16)) { case 0: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; unitkill getcharid(3); skilleffect "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion e_omg; break; case 1: npctalk "Cluuuuuck!~"; break; case 2: unitkill getcharid(3); skilleffect "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; break; case 3: sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0; break; case 4: npctalk "CLUUUUUUUUUCK!!!"; unitkill getcharid(3); skilleffect "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion e_omg; break; case 5: sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 6: sc_start SC_Stone,10000,0; emotion e_gg; break; case 7: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; unitkill getcharid(3); skilleffect "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion e_omg; break; case 8: npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; unitkill getcharid(3); skilleffect "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion e_omg; break; case 9: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 10: sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; emotion e_gg; break; case 11: npctalk "Cluck! Cluck!"; break; case 12: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 13: unitkill getcharid(3); skilleffect "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; break; default: if (!rand(7)) { npctalk "WOOF!..........."; specialeffect2 EF_SPHERE; announce "Congrats "+strcharinfo(0)+", a winner in the Cluckers Event.",bc_all|bc_blue; query_sql("INSERT INTO `mail` (send_name,dest_id,title,message,nameid,amount,identify,zeny,time) VALUES ("+ "'no-reply',"+getcharid(0)+",'** Cluckers **',"+ "'Congratulations!% You have won % in the Cluckers Event% % % % % % % % [ Your reward is attached. ]',"+ $@RewardID+","+$@RewardQNT+",0,"+$@RewardZeny+",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()))"); announce "Rewards hava been sent via mail.",bc_self|bc_blue; query_sql("UPDATE `mail` SET message = REPLACE(message,'%',CHAR(13)) WHERE send_name = 'no-reply'"); $@CurrentEvent = 0; } else { npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; unitkill getcharid(3); skilleffect "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; npcwalkto rand(152,159),rand(234,241); } break; } end; } mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?"; mes "Cluck...."; close; OnTimer15000: npcwalkto 70+rand(17),135+rand(16); setnpctimer 0; end; OnInit: npcspeed 75; npcwalkto rand(152,159),rand(234,241); initnpctimer; end; OnEventStart: $@CurrentEvent = 7; for(.@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i--){ Announce "Cluckers Event Will begin in "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@i,"minute")+"!",bc_blue; Announce "Please type @joinevent to join",bc_blue; sleep 60000; } Announce "Cluckers Event Has Begun!",bc_blue; $@CurrentEvent = -7; sleep 60000 * 45; if($@CurrentEvent == -7){ $@CurrentEvent = 0; Announce "Cluckers Event Has Ended with No Winner!",bc_blue|bc_area|bc_npc; } end; } //================================== //-- Event Shops //================================== prontera,267,262,3 itemshop Event Headgear Shop 877,33001,5381:50,5391:50,5462:50,5463:75,5596:75,5214:100,5380:100,5210:100,5226:100,5227:100,5228:100,5229:100,5230:100,5231:100,5232:100,5233:100,5234:100,5235:100,5236:100,5237:100,5283:100,5288:100,5293:100,5313:100,5314:100,5315:100,5324:100,5372:100,5376:100,5377:100,5378:100,5503:100,5505:100,5529:100,5286:125,5263:125,5098:125,5382:125,5238:175,5239:175,5240:175,5241:175,5242:175,5374:500 prontera,267,268,3 itemshop Event Shop 877,33001,12209:1,12211:2,604:3,7621:3,12299:5,12212:5,12311:5,12221:7,608:10,607:15,12208:15,14592:15,12210:15,12214:20,7776:20,12041:10,12042:20,12043:30,12044:40,12045:50,12046:10,12047:20,12048:30,12049:40,12050:50,12051:10,12052:20,12053:30,12054:40,12055:50,12056:10,12057:20,12058:30,12059:40,12060:50,12061:10,12062:20,12063:30,12064:40,12065:50,12066:10,12067:20,12068:30,12069:40,12070:50
  15. still the same T_T .... I know problem is doing that " Invalid version auth_vers "20" Because it write it when I have in my clientinfo.xml wrote down the 55 version . When I write to the .xml the 20 version I get further but my client crash after I hit enter to choose server .... How to change thath " auth_vers 20 to 55 ?
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