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Everything posted by Help-Help

  1. can you pls edit this event every 1hr 20mins will start the event and pls edit the times descrip and rid some announce like talk to me for the next round i want this event 1 round only thank you gonryun,167,130,5 script Stop the Clock 102,{ if(.game == 1 && stopped != 1) { set stopped, 1; set @stopped, .i; message strcharinfo(0), "You stopped the clock at "+@stopped+"."; if(.lowest > @stopped) { set .lowest, @stopped; set .winner$, strcharinfo(0); } end; } else if(.game == 1) { message strcharinfo(0), "You already stopped the clock."; end; } set .name$, "[ Event Manager ]"; set .menu$, "Times:Information:Price:Leave"; if(strcharinfo(0) == .winner$) { set stopped, 0; mes .name$; mes "Here you get your price."; mes "Your Price is:"; mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000"; getitem $prize_id, $prize_amount; set .winner$, ""; close; } if(stopped == 1) { set stopped, 0; mes .name$; mes "You activated your char for the next round."; close; } if(getgmlevel() > 60) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":StartGame:SetPrice"; mes .name$; mes "Welcome to the ^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000."; next; switch(select(.menu$)) { case 1: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000 starts each day at:"; mes "^00800015:00^000000, ^00800018:00^000000 and ^00800021:00^000000 o'clock."; close; case 2: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000"; mes "is a game where you need to"; mes "click on me exactly when the counter reached 0."; next; mes .name$; mes "It counts down from ^0080001000^000000 to ^ff00000^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "To win, you need to have the ^ff0000closest value to 0^000000 but at least ^ff0000below 50^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "The winner will recieve a prize."; mes "^ff0000Don't forget to talk to me after the Event is over,"; mes "to reset your counter to take part on the next event.^000000"; close; case 3: mes .name$; mes "The Price is:"; mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000"; close; case 4: close; case 5: sleep2 100; close2; goto l_start; end; case 6: mes .name$; mes "Enter the item id of the prize:"; input $prize_id; next; mes .name$; mes "Enter the amount if items the winner will recieve:"; input $prize_amount; next; mes .name$; mes "The price id is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id+"^000000"; mes "^008000("+getitemname($prize_id)+")^000000."; mes "The amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount+"^000000."; close; } OnClock1500: OnClock1800: OnClock2100: l_start: announce "Aline: We are going to start an Stop the Clock Event in 1 Minute at Prontera!",bc_all; sleep2 30000; announce "Aline: We are going to start in 30 Seconds!",bc_all; sleep2 20000; announce "Aline: Hurry up! Event starts in 10 Seconds!",bc_all; sleep2 5000; announce "Aline: Get Ready only 5 seconds left!",bc_all; sleep2 5000; announce "Aline: START!!!",bc_all; sleep2 5000; set .winner$, ""; set .game, 1; set .lowest, 1000; for(set .i, 1000; .i > 300;set .i, .i - 100) { announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_npc; misceffect 377; sleep2 1000; } for(set .i, 300; .i > 50;set .i, .i - 10) { announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_npc; misceffect 377; sleep2 100; } for(set .i, 50; .i > 0;set .i, .i - 1) { announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_npc; misceffect 377; sleep2 10; } set .game, 0; if(.winner$ == "") { announce "Nobody hit the clock at the right moment. There is no winner.",bc_blue; end; } announce .winner$+" won Stop the Clock. He stopped it at "+.lowest+".",bc_blue; sleep2 5000; announce .winner$+"Please talk to me to get your price.",bc_blue; sleep2 5000; announce "To activate your char for the next round, please talk to me, too.",bc_all; end; }
  2. npc can spawn satan morroc in alb2trea. it's like a invasion but only satan morroc prize every kill of satan is 10TCG but if you kill the last satan morroc you will get 15 TCG i see this event in DaredevilRO old old server pls add announce who kill how many tcg and how many satan morroc staying in the map this event only can active the gm thank you sorry for my bad english im from mexico jajajajaja
  3. Help-Help

    Who have

    KoE script That cant abuse the prize giver pla share share
  4. meron ba kayung broadcaster na bawal mag mura pag may mura kasama magging red yung box post post here eathena version kung pwede hehehe
  5. dude i having error with this script im using eathena prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ mes "Hello, ^F509DE"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000"; mes "Do you want to broadcast something? Payment is^FAEB60 "+.item_quantity+" "+getitemname( .item_id )+"^000000."; if( countitem( .item_id ) >= .item_quantity ){ next; if( select( "YES","NO" ) == 1 ){ mes "Enter messages."; mes "Blocked words will be auto filtered."; input .@message$; explode( .@message_array$,.@message$," " ); .@message_array_size = getarraysize( .@message_array$ ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@message_array_size; .@i++ ) if( compare( .filter_word_check$,":"+.@message_array$[.@i]+":" ) ) .@message_array$[.@i] = "***"; mes "Select a Color"; .@color = select( .color_name_menu$ ) - 1; delitem .item_id,.item_quantity; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ]:"+implode( .@message_array$," " ),0,"0x"+.color_code$[.@color]; } } close; OnInit: // required item .item_id = 671; .item_quantity = 1; // Colour Name List setarray .color_name$,"RED","BLUE"; setarray .color_code$,"FF0000","0055FF"; .color_name_menu$ = implode( .color_name$,":" ); // Filter Words setarray .filter_word$,"fuck","you"; .filter_word_check$ = ":"+implode( .filter_word$,":" )+":"; end; }
  6. done done TY SIR EMISTRY
  7. how can i prohibit the deal in woe?
  8. done Edit : Request to modify an announcer script to filer bad words like "fuck","damn" and etc.
  9. nah its not a pvp point system its only a vote points but the admin change the name hahaha arci bla bla oh yeah or change the prize to gold coins 100x yeah yeah 100 Gold coins per Achievement
  10. PvP (Player vs Player) Achievements: Ranks and Required Kills: Sergeant -- 100 PvP Kills Staff Sergeant -- 175 PvP Kills Sergeant Second Class -- 300 PvP Kills Sergeant First Class -- 500 PvP Kills Master Sergeant -- 800 PvP Kills Second Lieutenant -- 1,300 PvP Kills First Lieutenant -- 2,000 PvP Kills Captain -- 3,000 PvP Kills Major -- 4,500 PvP Kills Lieutenant Colonel -- 6,500 PvP Kills Colonel -- 9,000 PvP Kills Brigadier General -- 12,000 PvP Kills Major General -- 15,000 PvP Kills Lieutenant General -- 19,000 PvP Kills General -- 24,000 PvP Kills Chief of Staff -- 30,000 PvP Kills server Screen shot will be like this and you can earn 5 achievement points but achievement poits its = a Vote for points and kills only can get on this maps guild_vs3 guild_vs4 force_4-1
  11. gonryun,162,122,4 script Write Review 860,{ cutin "kafra_08",2; mes "[ ^ff0000Rathena RO^000000 ]"; mes "Please write a review on ^0055AAwww.rathena.net^000000"; mes "Please check this link -> ^0055AAhttp://rathena.org/board/^000000"; mes "To write a review for ^ff0000RathenaRO^000000 , Just click "; mes "Super High Rate -> ^ff0000Rathena Ragnarok Online^000000 -> CLick Write a Review."; mes "Ty!!"; mes " -^9F79EERathena^000000"; close; } how can i close the image at the side
  12. MVP Rank Script //= --- //= MvP Rank Improved v1.0 //= --- //= This Rank will count every MvP you kill, //= to be more clear, will count every mob //= defined inside the array ".mobid[0]", //= so, if you add the poring ID will count in the rank //= you can modify and ad miniBoss because this array //= only have all MvPs, that's the idea, only MvPs... //= --- - script Rank MvP -1,{ OnInit: // Script Configuration setarray .mobid[0],1511,1647,1785,1630,1399,1039,1874,2068,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1957,1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1688,1646, 1373,1147,1059,1150,1956,2022,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1502,1623,1650,1583,1708,1312,1751,1685,1648,1917,1658; // MvP Ids set .a, 0; // Broadcast who killed the MvP and wich MvP and wick Map [0 Off - 1 On] set $@top, 10; // Max. Top Rank (Hihgly recommended between 5~10, more maybe bug the server (limited variables) end; OnNPCKillEvent: // Script execution for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.mobid); set .@c, .@c + 1) if (killedrid == .mobid[.@c]) set .@s, 1; // If a MvP if (!.@s) end; if (.a) // If announce On announce "The user [" +strcharinfo(0) +"] has killed a [" +getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0) +"] in the map [" +strcharinfo(3) +"]",bc_blue|bc_all; set MvP, MvP + 1; callfunc ("MvPRank",MvP,strcharinfo(0)); end; } // End Script gonryun.gat,153,139,5 script MvP Rank 414,{ // NPC que mostrará el Rank mes "[ MvP Rank Top " +$@top +" ]"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "^996600" +(.@c + 1) +"^000000: ^006699" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$") +"^000000 with ^00AA00" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c) +"^000000 MvP killed."; close; } // End if function script MvPRank { set @mvptotal, getarg(0); set @nomb$, getarg(1); for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) { if (@mvptotal >= getd("$topmvp" +.@c)) { if (strcharinfo(0) == getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$")) { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { if (getd("$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$") == "") { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1), getd("$topmvp" +.@c); setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$", getd("$topmvp"+.@c+"$"); setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } // End if } // End if } // End if } // End loop return; } // End function PVP Ladder Script //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= eAthena PVP-Ladder //===== By: ================================================== //= Terces //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.7.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any Athena Version that has "for" implemented //===== Credits: ============================================= //= The whole eAthena Board and the eAthena Chat //===== Notes: =============================================== //= Note 1: //= Experience gain works like this formula: //= ($@LadderLength-(<new position>-1))*$@LadderExp //= so if someone gets the first place he'll get //= $@LadderLength*$@LadderExp experience points. //============================================================ //= Fixxed by Dante //= V1.7.2 //= Hosted by Dant3 aka Dante // HAFE FUN! READ THE TOPIC! IT DONT WORKS MAYBE ON OLDER REV // // // LAST UPDATE: 12th,February.2008 // // Main Script - Terces (Main Thanks to Terces ) // V1.7.0 - Dant3 // v1.7.1 - AnnieRuRu // v1.7.2 - Dant3 // THIS SCRIPT WORKS ONLY ON THE NEW EATHENA REVISIONS! ENJOY! - script PVPLADDEROPTIONS -1,{ end; OnInit: // 0 = Disabled (NO) // 1 = Enable (YES) set $@languageselect, 0; //Enable/Disable language selection [English/German] (Default: 1) set $@LadderAnnounce, 0; //Enable/Disable the announcement when a char reaches a new position in the ladder (Default: 1) set $@LadderLength, 30; //Set the length of the Ladder [!Not higher than 128!] (Default: 30) set $@LadderSteps, 10; //Set the views per page (Default: 10) set $@LadderExpGain, 100; //Enable/Disable experience gain when reaching a new position in the ladder (*Note1) set $@LadderExp, 150; //Set Experience gain value (*Note1) // Update v1.7.0 set $@LadderZenyGain, 100000; //Enable/Disable zeny gain when reaching a new position in the ladder set $@LadderZeny, 500000; //Set Zeny gain value set $@LadderChatRoom, 0; //Enable/Disable an Chat Room over the NPC with the message "PvP Ladder" (Users can not enter the Chat room) // Update v1.7.1 (Thanks to AnnieRuRu) // Added GM PvP Ladder Reset Function // Update v1.7.2 // Thanks to for the Feedback set $@LadderAskLogin, 1; //Enable/Disable that the NPC asks about the Broadcast when a Player logins / or with the Npc Chat (0 = Login Ask , 1 = Npc Chat) Related: 0 } - script PVPLADDERS -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets) { dispbottom "Please relog your character, in order to get the correct kills for you in the PVP ladder."; dispbottom "Because a GM just reset the ladder."; end; } if ( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) { set PVPDeaths, PVPDeaths +1; set #PVPDeathsAccount, #PVPDeathsAccount +1; set @PVPDeathstoday, @PVPDeathstoday +1; end; } set $@PVPcounter,$@PVPcounter+1; set getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter),getcharid(3); //getd to avoid errors when more than 1 people kill someone attachrid(killedrid); set PVPDeaths,PVPDeaths+1; set @PVPDeathstoday,@PVPDeathstoday+1; set #PVPDeathsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount+1; set getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$"), strcharinfo(0); //again, getd to avoid possible glitches detachrid; attachrid(getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter)); CountKills: set PVPKills,PVPKills+1; set @PVPKillstoday,@PVPKillstoday+1; set #PVPKillsAccount,#PVPKillsAccount+1; setarray @playerstats[0],@PVPKillstoday,@PVPDeathstoday,PVPKills,PVPDeaths,#PVPKillsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount; l_ladder: set @considerdeath,0; for (set @PosinLadder, 0; @PosinLadder < $@LadderLength; set @PosinLadder, @PosinLadder + 1){ if (PVPKills >= $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]){ //Player deserves to be in the ladder //Check if Death plays a role on the position if ((PVPKills == $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]) && (PVPDeaths > $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder])) set @considerdeath,1; //Consider Deaths //Check if the player only topped his own scores if ($terces_PVP_names$[@PosinLadder] == strcharinfo(0)){ set $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder],PVPDeaths; end; } //Moves all characters in the Ladder for (set @beginmoving, $@LadderLength; @beginmoving >= (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @beginmoving, @beginmoving - 1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@beginmoving] == strcharinfo(0)){ //If the player already is in the Ladder it only has to move players between characters new position and characters old position callsub L_LadderMove,0; end; } else if (@beginmoving == (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)){ //Player is not in the Ladder and therefor it has to move all players from characters new position downwards callsub L_LadderMove,1; end; } } end; } } L_LadderMove: if (getarg(0) == 0) set @length,@beginmoving; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @length,$@LadderLength; for (set @movecycle, @length; @movecycle > (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @movecycle, @movecycle - 1){ set $terces_PVP_names$[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_names$[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_kills[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_kills[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_deaths[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_times[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_times[(@movecycle-1)]; } //sets the character's stats in the new position set $terces_PVP_names$[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],strcharinfo(0); set $terces_PVP_kills[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPDeaths; set $terces_PVP_times[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],gettimetick(2); //Experience Gain if ($@LadderExpGain == 1){ set BaseExp,BaseExp+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp)+" base experience points"; } //Zeny Gain if ($@LadderZenyGain == 1){ set Zeny,Zeny+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny)+" Zeny"; } //Announcement (Setting for Char) if (pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } //Announcement (Setting for Account) if (#pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets){ set PVPDeaths,0; set @PVPDeathstoday,0; set #PVPDeathsAccount,0; set PVPKills,0; set @PVPKillstoday,0; set #PVPKillsAccount,0; set terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets; } if ($@LadderAskLogin == 0){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } } gonryun,148,138,5 script PvP Ladder 419,{ if ($@LadderChatRoom == 1) { waitingroom "PvP Top "+$@LadderLength+"",0; // Look on the configuration! } set @name$,"[PvP-Ladder]"; //Colour of: Position Name Kills Deaths Time setarray @colour$[0], "^996600", "^006699", "^00AA00", "^FF0000", "^EE8800"; if ($@LadderAskLogin == 1){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! ^_^"; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } access_eng: mes @name$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; mes "If you want to I can show you your PVP stats."; next; M_selection_eng: if ( getgmlevel () < 99 ) menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; else menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Reset Ladder",L_reset,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; M_Ladder_eng: mes "Alright...I'll show you the Top "+ $@LadderLength +" with "+$@LadderSteps+" entries per page."; mes "It'll be viewed like this:"; mes @colour$[0]+"Place^000000: "+@colour$[1]+"<name>^000000 :"+@colour$[2]+"<kills>^000000:"+@colour$[3]+"<deaths>^000000 "+@colour$[4]+"<time>"; next; callsub L_Ladder; goto M_selection_eng; M_seitLogin_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats since your login:"; mes @PVPKillstoday+"/"+@PVPDeathstoday+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_dieserChar_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of this Char:"; mes PVPKills+"/"+PVPDeaths+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_vomAccount_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of the whole account:"; mes #PVPKillsAccount+"/"+#PVPDeathsAccount+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_abbrechen_eng: mes @name$; mes "OK. You can come back to me and see your stats whenever you want."; close; L_reset: if (getgmlevel() < 99) end; mes "Do you want to reset the ladder?"; if (select ("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; mes "Are you really really sure you want to reset it?"; menu "Yes, ffs!!",-,"No",L_end; deletearray $terces_PVP_kills,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_deaths,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_names$,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_times,128; set $terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets +1; L_end: mes "Okay...cya"; close; L_Ladder: for (set @y,0; @y < $@LadderLength; set @y,@y+$@LadderSteps){ for (set @x,@y; (@x < (@y+$@LadderSteps)) && (@x < ($@LadderLength)); set @x,@x+1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@x] != ""){ mes @colour$[0]+(@x+1)+"^000000: "+@colour$[1]+$terces_PVP_names$[@x]+"^000000 "+@colour$[2]+$terces_PVP_kills[@x]+"^000000:"+@colour$[3]+$terces_PVP_deaths[@x]+"^000000 ~ "+@colour$[4]+callfunc ("Gettime",$terces_PVP_times[@x])+"^000000"; } else { mes "^DD0000"+(@x+1)+": ^006699None^000000 "; } } next; } return; } function script Gettime { if (getarg(0)==0) return; set @difftimedays,(gettimetick(2) - getarg(0)); set @difftimehours,@difftimedays%86400; set @difftimeminutes,@difftimehours%3600; set @difftimeseconds,@difftimeminutes%60; set @days,@difftimedays/86400; set @hours,@difftimehours/3600; set @minutes,@difftimeminutes/60; set @seconds,@difftimeseconds; set @result$,""; if(@days != 0) set @result$,@result$+@days+"d "; if(@hours != 0) set @result$,@result$+@hours+"h "; if(@minutes != 0) set @result$,@result$+@minutes+"m "; if(@seconds != 0) set @result$,@result$+@seconds+"s"; return (@result$); } who can convert the mvp rank like the pvp ladder.
  13. Skorm and can you rid that try to increase your win by trying to quest hahahah
  14. Emistry or capuche how to rid the farm limit bla bla i want to delete that and Emistry i need to say this super nice script hahahaha gonryun,164,139,4 script Treasurer 804,{ function RandomizeItem; while( 1 ){ mes "[ Treasurer ]"; mes "Would you like to go to the Treasurer Room?"; switch( select( "What is Treasurer Room?:Get in and farm staff" )){ Case 1: next; mes "You can call it, Farm Zone."; mes "Inside, you'll find a lot of mobs"; mes "And they'll give you rewards."; mes "when you are able to kill them."; next; mes "But there are some Condition:"; mes "You can only get inside the Room once every ^FF0000 "+.RoomCleanMin+" minutes.^000000"; mes "And only a maximum of ^FF0000"+.MaxPlayers+" Players.^000000"; mes "are allowed per ^FF0000"+.RoomCleanMin+" Minutes.^000000"; next; mes "There will be a ^FF0000Room Cleaning^000000 too"; mes "All players will be kicked out, it is your bad luck if you meet this."; mes "When you die, or get warped out for whatever reason it may be, ^FF000015 minutes^000000 of re-entry delay will be applied. You can't re-enter."; next; break; Case 2: if( #HuntRoomDelay > gettimetick(2) ){ set .last,#HuntRoomDelay - gettimetick(2); set .@min, .last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / (60); next; mes "Wait for ^FF0000"+.@min+" more minutes^000000."; close; }else if( getarraysize( .Hunter ) >= .MaxPlayers ){ mes "Currently the Room is Full. Please try again later."; close; }else{ warp .Map$,0,0; set .Hunter[getarraysize( .Hunter )],strcharinfo(0); set #HuntRoomDelay,gettimetick(2) + ( .DelayMin * 60 ); set #FarmHunt,0; end; } } } OnInit: // Maximum Player can join per X Minutes. set .MaxPlayers,10; // Adding X Minutes of Delay before can go in again. set .DelayMin,15; // Maximum Hunt Limit per round inside the Zone. set .MaxItemLimit,30; // Map that will be used in thos Zone. set .Map$,"guild_vs5"; // Clear Map Every X Minutes. set .RoomCleanMin,10; // Mapflag Initialization setmapflag .Map$,mf_nogo; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nomobloot; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nomvploot; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nochat; setmapflag .Map$,mf_novending; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nocommand,60; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nogo; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nojobexp; setmapflag .Map$,mf_nobaseexp; while( 1 ){ killmonster .Map$,"All"; mapwarp .Map$,"gonryun",160,110; monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-1,80,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill"; deletearray .Hunter,getarraysize( .Hunter ); announce "Treasurer has been Cleaned up, another 10 Players may go in now.",bc_blue; sleep ( .RoomCleanMin * 60000 ); mapannounce .Map$,"Treasurer: Room Clean Up now...All Users will be warped Out.",0; killmonster .Map$,"All"; sleep 3000; } end; OnNormalKill: RandomizeItem( 0,rand(1,5) ); monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-1,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; end; OnBossKill: RandomizeItem( 1,rand(1,3) ); monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill"; end; // Function that used to Generate Random Items function RandomizeItem { set #FarmHunt,#FarmHunt + getarg(1); // Normal Monster in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 0 ) setarray .ItemList[0],607,678; // Normal Boss in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 1 ) setarray .ItemList[0],7227,671; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= getarg(1); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem .ItemList[ rand( getarraysize( .ItemList ) ) ],1; } deletearray .ItemList,getarraysize( .ItemList ); dispbottom "Treasurer: Farmed "+#FarmHunt+" / "+.MaxItemLimit+" Items"; if( #FarmHunt >= .MaxItemLimit ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Limit Reach , you may join again later."; sleep2 2000; warp "gonryun",160,110; } return; } } emistry rid the farm limit bla bla bla pls pls
  15. enter > Yes, I Play How to play Go away i have this script pls edit it like at the image ty cmd_in02,181,98,2 script Dicer 57,{ //These variables allow you to set the amount of zeny people can bet set @betzeny1,500; //500 zeny set @betzeny2,1000; //1000 zeny set @betzeny3,2000; //2000 zeny set @betzeny4,10000; //10000 zeny //Variable for the number guess zeny bet set @betnum, 1000; //1000 Zeny mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Welcome to the Revolution Dice Game.You wanna check your luck with dices?Remember I am the dice expert and rarely someone was able to beat me."; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; menu "Play",L_play,"Info",L_info,"Go away",L_go; L_go: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Please come again when you are ready."; close; L_info: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Please choose one of the following options for more informations:"; next; menu "Main Rules",L_main,"Bets and Wins",L_bet,"Extra Games",L_extra,"Go away",L_go; L_main: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "^0080FFRoll A Dice^000000 is a very simple game.The game allows you and the NPC to throw 3 dices.Whoever gets a higher total number wins."; next; goto L_info; L_bet: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "You have 4 zeny amounts to choose for your bet.If you choose a high bet your win will also be higher,it is that simple.Also various extra games can increase your win."; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Example:"; mes "^0080FFBet^000000 ^0080FFWin^000000"; mes "500 1000"; mes "1000 2000"; mes "2000 4000"; mes "10000 20000"; next; goto L_info; L_extra: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "You can also try increasing your win by playing extra games like guessing your total number at the end of the game.It will cost you an extra amount of zeny but if you guess the number your win will be tripled instead of doubled."; next; goto L_info; L_play: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Ok,please choose the amount of zeny you want to bet:"; next; menu ""+@betzeny1+" Zeny",L_zeny1,""+@betzeny2+" Zeny",L_zeny2,""+@betzeny3+" Zeny",L_zeny3,""+@betzeny4+" Zeny",L_zeny4,"Too rich for my blood...",L_go; L_zeny1: if(Zeny < @betzeny1) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny1; goto L_gamea; L_zeny2: if(Zeny < @betzeny2) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny2; goto L_gamea; L_zeny3: if(Zeny < @betzeny3) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny3; goto L_gamea; L_zeny4: if(Zeny < @betzeny4) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny4; goto L_gamea; L_nzeny: mes "[Dicer]"; emotion 20; mes "Sorry but it seems you don't have enough zeny!"; close; L_gamea: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Would you like to try to increase your win by trying to guess the number you will get?"; mes "It will cost you another ^0080FF"+@betnum+"^000000 zeny."; next; menu "Yes",L_gamec,"No",L_gameb; L_gamec: if(Zeny < @betnum + @bet) goto L_nzeny; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Please input the number you think you will get (3-18)."; input @numg; if(@numg<3) message strcharinfo(0),"Number is too low, input again."; if(@numg>18) message strcharinfo(0),"Number is too high, input again."; if(@numg<3||@numg>18) goto L_gamec; set Zeny, Zeny - @betnum; next; goto L_gameb; L_gameb: set @dea1, rand(1,6); set @dea2, rand(1,6); set @dea3, rand(1,6); set @pla1, rand(1,6); set @pla2, rand(1,6); set @pla3, rand(1,6); set @deatot, @dea1+@dea2+@dea3; set @platot, @pla1+@pla2+@pla3; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "I will be the first one to roll the dices,and after that you will throw them.I am feeling lucky today, so you better go away before I take every zeny you have."; next; mes "[^0080FFDicer 1st Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing first dice!"; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; emotion 58; mes " "; mes "First throw: ^0080FF"+@dea1+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFDicer 2nd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing second dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Second throw: ^0080FF"+@dea2+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFDicer 3rd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing third dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Third throw: ^0080FF"+@dea3+" ^000000"; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Now it's your turn to throw the dices.I bet you can't get higher numbers then me."; next; mes "[^0080FFPlayer 1st Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing first dice!"; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; emotion 58; mes " "; mes "First throw: ^0080FF"+@pla1+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFPlayer 2nd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing second dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Second throw: ^0080FF"+@pla2+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFPlayer 3rd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing third dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Third throw: ^0080FF"+@pla3+" ^000000"; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Let's look at our total numbers:"; mes " "; mes "Dicer Total: ^0080FF"+@deatot+" ^000000."; mes "Player Total: ^0080FF"+@platot+" ^000000."; next; if (@platot < @deatot) goto L_lose; if (@platot == @deatot) goto L_again; if (@platot > @deatot && @platot == @numg) goto L_win2; if (@platot > @deatot) goto L_win1; L_lose: mes "[Dicer]"; set Zeny, Zeny - @bet; emotion 39; mes "I got a higher number!!!"; mes "See I told you nobody can beat me!"; mes " "; mes "You lost ^0080FF"+@bet+"^000000 Zeny."; next; goto L_againa; L_again: mes "[Dicer]"; emotion 54; mes "It seems it's a draw.Let's play again."; next; goto L_play; L_win1: mes "[Dicer]"; set Zeny, Zeny + @bet*2; set @wona, @bet*2; emotion 36; mes "I can't belive I lost. Here take your money."; mes " "; mes "You won ^0080FF"+@wona+"^000000 Zeny."; next; goto L_againa; L_win2: mes "[Dicer]"; set Zeny, Zeny + @bet*3; set @wonb, @bet*3; emotion 36; mes "You even guessed the total number you got.I can't belive I lost. Here is your money."; mes " "; mes "You won ^0080FF"+@wonb+"^000000 Zeny."; next; goto L_againa; L_againa: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Would you like to play again?"; next; menu "Yes",L_play,"No",L_go; } and pls change zeny to poring coin
  16. how to add heal,agi and bless buffs rontera,150,184,5 script Healer#h1-1::Healer 742,{ mes "[ MamaRO Nurse ]"; mes "I'll heal you, stand still."; next; mes "[ MamaRO Nurse ]"; mes "You are now healed."; mes "I also gave you Agi and Bless."; mes "Enjoy your time."; close; }
  17. i dont want to change the name i want the real name of monster.
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