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Azura Skyy

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Files posted by Azura Skyy

  1. Free

    RuheLuft (Angel Faction Sky Map)

    RuheLuft - Angel Faction Sky Map

    RuheLuft (roughly translated to Calm Air) is a Rachel themed Angel Faction map. I took this map as a free request, with the understanding that it would be a free release. RuheLuft is composed of 7 islands- a town square, residential, commerce, faction camp, park, spring, and temple, all combined by bridges and a floating path.


    Adding a sky map- Adding a sky map is the same as adding any other map. The only difference is that you need to hex edit another map (which will be replaced and must be the same number of characters in length. To change the name, open the map in
    BrowEdit r586 and 'save as' desired name.) Hex Editor used in on adding sky maps.

    ~Azura Skyy



  2. Free

    Cliff Model Pack

    Just some retextured cliff models used most noticeably in Yuno. This provides models to match the textures of Payon, Moscovia, Lighthalzen, Morroc, Veins and some mystery snow map that nobody can identify. To use them in BrowEdit, make sure you add the models to your grf. You can simply drag the whole 'CliffPack' folder into your data.grf data > models and add the contents of the romodels.txt to the end of your romodels.txt in your BrowEdit > data folder.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Hope to see some awesome sky maps or just general terrain with these models in the near future!

    ~Azura Skyy



  3. Free

    Ithavoll - Field of Deeds

    Ithavoll 'Splendour Plain' - Field of Deeds

    Old map from 2014 that I no longer have any use for. I think people enjoyed the map enough that they might get some use out of it. I know the map is a bit rough, I like to think I've learned a fair bit since then that will hopefully shine through in a different release later this month!

    Ithavoll, regarded as the 'Meeting place of the Gods'in the first poem of the Poetic Edda. Being that Ragnarok is based on Norse Mythology, I've taken to a lot of the locations,themes, and events discussed in the poems. Ithavoll was supposedly a flat land home to great temples for the Gods. It is suggested that few Gods ever saw Ithavoll twice (having endured many casualties during the events of Ragnarok).

    ~Azura Skyy



  4. Free

    Quest Skipping NPC

    Quest Skipping NPC

    Latest Additions:
    Added an additional failsafe to prevent misuse of the NPC
    Edit Mode (GM only) allows GMs of a desired level to choose which features are enabled
    Added toggles for Xp Rewards, Item Requirements, Level Requirements, GM Requirement
    Added all New World Quest
    General clean up and ease of use.

    What is it?
    This NPC allows Players (or GM) characters to skip any main story-line quest including the New World.
    Currently offers an option for GM characters to complete a quest with or without a quest overview, covering main details of the quests
    Allows all quests in the Republic of Schwartzvald, Arunafeltz storylines, and all New World Quests
    Also allows users to skip the: Friendship, Bruspetti, Juperos, and Kiel Hyre quests

    Known Issues
    If you are missing any prerequisite to a quest, the NPC will only reply with 'You do not yet know Quest1, and Quest2.' If you are only missing one prerequisite, the NPC will not identify which, but instead, tell you both.
    Quest Exp given is based on iRO

    Future Releases (Things marked in red are implemented)
    Identify which prerequisite is not met
    Add commented out section to XP rewards so they may be toggled
    Possible remove non-GM options from the dialogue entirely
    Add additional quests (Possibly New-World)
    Add toggle for item rewards (Necessary rewards such as Bio Lab Pass and Light of El Dicastes are already implemented)
    Add more standalone quests

    If you would like to request a quest, or quest line to be added to the NPC, please post or inbox me.
    Alsvid - means the allknowing.
    I feel I've been thorough in covering any potential questions in my opening post, however, should you feel my post inadequate, I am available for questions through PM, comments. or the email provided in the commented out section of the script. Further information provided below.

    Please feel free to contact me for any support or requests on this script. Send me a message here.
    If you wish to contact me through other means, please check the first few lines of the script.

    ~Azura Skyy



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