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Posts posted by sietse11

  1. Would anybody be willing to help me set up my renewel server?

    I have tried a few guides but they keep ending up in my server kciking the clients.

    I know how to setup the server and sql so it runs.

    What I need help with now is getting the client to connect.

    I have downloaded about15 hex clients and none of em seem to work.

    My map server did say something about the packets being wrong and that it was most likely the acaunt id being wrong.

    So, i changed user 1 to 20001 same problem, changed it to 200001 same problem.

    Added second user. char server shows id should be over 2000000. changed user2's id to 2000001.

    Worked got trough to map server #6 error

    client side i managed to get into char select once. tried some other hexed clients. main hexed client now gives een error about charsize.

    so server is running fine. but i dont know what packet version it uses. (//packet db 23 // packet db defaulth // packet 5) I feel like im missing something here. And dont know where to find this in the client.

    on a different note, im trying out to get this done using your wiki. hope i get some help cause i fear information is still limited.

    thanks in advance ppl

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