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Posts posted by sietse11

  1. Hey,


    I updated my server yesterday.

    And I applied some sql updates for the pincode system and stuff.

    One of my test players used the stylist and changed cloth collers, then proceeded to become ranger and got a sprite error.


    After investigating I decided to undo the style changes in my database.

    Here I found out that after my last update my char and charlog queries are bugging out on me


    I get these two errors

    Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'int, dex, luk, max_hp, hp, max_sp, sp, status_point, skill_point, option, karma,' at line 1
    Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'int, dex, luk, hair, hair_color FROM 'ragnarok'.'charlog'' at line 1

    any easy fix for this?

  2. Yeah, well I did all that on my test server. problem persists.

    Main server works without a problem tho.


    My guess is I have to do something with mysql. maybe run the main.txt file again or something.

    One of these last revisions changed something that has been causing me some problems.


    The code is fine. But I think the town name error is from an sql database. The errordebug line says something about townname_idtable.

    I was gonne add a screeny but the forum says i dont have the right to add the file format.

  3. Hey I was trying out scripting but my mapserver is giving me some trouble.


    lutie,157,128,3	shop	Robbin Hood's arrows	51,1750:-1,1751:-1,1752:-1,1753:-1,1754:-1,1755:-1,1756:-1,1757:-1,1759:-1,1762:-1,1765:-1,1766:-1,
    xmas,157,128,3	shop	Robbin Hood's arrows	51,1750:-1,1751:-1,1752:-1,1753:-1,1754:-1,1755:-1,1756:-1,1757:-1,1759:-1,1762:-1,1765:-1,1766:-1,
    'lutie',157,128,3	shop	Robbin Hood's arrows	51,1750:-1,1751:-1,1752:-1,1753:-1,1754:-1,1755:-1,1756:-1,1757:-1,1759:-1,1762:-1,1765:-1,1766:-1,
    'xmas',157,128,3	shop	Robbin Hood's arrows	51,1750:-1,1751:-1,1752:-1,1753:-1,1754:-1,1755:-1,1756:-1,1757:-1,1759:-1,1762:-1,1765:-1,1766:-1,

    I tried these codes to set up an arrow dealer in lutie.

    However my mapserver claims im using an unknown town.


    So I looked in my files and found for prontera npc's they use prontera

    I did this,

    prontera,157,128,3	shop	Robbin Hood's arrows	51,1750:-1,1751:-1,1752:-1,1753:-1,1754:-1,1755:-1,1756:-1,1757:-1,1759:-1,1762:-1,1765:-1,1766:-1,

    now my map server is telling me prontera is an unknown map.

    Since in the wiki they use this example,

    prontera,156,145,4	script	Test NPC::test	589,{

    So I have no clue why my mapserver is telling me the town name doesnt exist

    ima try removing the ' in the npc name

    I have tried the same thing on my main server. Same file same location no bugs.


    As a result i tried updating my test server but this resulted in visual studio detecting 38 errors.

    The same thing happend to my main server a couple of days ago which required me to reinstall mysql and the server.


    So now im guessing it has something to do with svn updating my rathena server folder. Creating these errors

  4. Hi,


    I just wanne take a moment and tell everybody about the new wikia.


    This wikia is meant to help you out when you get lost.

    It provides a step by step guide to setting up your server and client.

    Currently it only supports off-line use.

    But when I get the translations part good and ready, the On-line part will be added.

    As for now you will have to make do with the Judas bible.


    For all you veterans. Feel free to make this wikia the best it can be.




    ReRo Wikia

  5. And if the above posters didn't help you enough.




    This wikia page is founded by yours truly.

    It holds all information you need to create your own Off-line server.


    And pretty soon it will tell you how to bring that server On-line aswell.


    ReRo Wikia is meant to help new people and veterans to create their own RO server with all the recent releases.

    Keep in mind its only goal is to provide easy to read rAthena support

  6. where can i find a full english translation for my client?


    currently im using translated lua to lub 2012 04 10

    But my client is filled with NO MSG and the defaulth is still korean.


    I have to find the options menu and select my own english skin (I replaced all buttons in the skins folder with english ones)

    However im missing buttons to replace. cant find the buttons that are used for the log in window.


    The translation files im using translate npc text and skill text.

    But my chat window isnt translated

    My item window tabs all hold NOMSG



    If any1 would be willing to guide me to a fix, cause google wants to send me to Romania


    Changed the data.grf with one I got from Judas



    -NO MSG


    Still needs fixing

    -Item window equipment tab




    Still like to know where I can change all this manually

  7. go to http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=download_kROLinks


    1.download data.grf and rdata.grf from depositfiles

    2.download dll pack from any of the links

    3.download tortoise svn   http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html ---- install it

    4.create a new folder anywhere and name it rAthena

    5.open the server and rightclick -- in the dropdown menu select svn checkout --- add this link in the svn window  https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/ and click OK

    6.right click rAthena folder and  svn update

    7.create a new folder named RO anywhere --- add both grf files and the dll pack ----unpack the dll pack


    8. download and install mysql according to the wiki --- cant go wrong doing this according to the wiki

    9. change your clientinfo.xml using notepad ---- change the ip to

    10. download the 2012-10-04 client in download section


    once you ve done these 10 steps pm me and ill help you along

    • Upvote 2
  8. Hi, Im trying to start a renewal server with some custom mobs.

    The wiki entry about this is however rather lacking, or i cant read.

    So I'll post everything I've tried here and hope you people know the answer.


    I am using a client I got from judas (2012 04 10)

    Its using LUB files.


    He provided me with translated LUB files. Which look exactly like LUA files and nothing like the LUB files in my data.grf.

    So I went and downloaded a converter if need be.

    This converter works perfectly. (google LUA to LUB)


    I am trying to add ACT and SPR files from this collection of custom porings

    I have renamed 1.ACT and 1.SPR to cowring.ACT/SPR


    Now What i got from the wiki is this.



    I have to go into trunk/crc/common/MMO.h

    And change max mob db.  Defaulth is 3000 -- changed to 9000. Player clones is max_mob_db -999 so everything from 8001 to 9000 should now be used for clones.


    I have to go to trunk/db/mob_db2

    And add my custom mob. This was no problem at all. (exept for some minor table errors like one 0 to many)



    I went into my data folder and looked up the translated LUB files.

    Located in data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo

    Here I changed npcidentity.LUB and jobname.LUB

    This let me to find all sorts of weirdness, like;

    Cowring showing up as a poring which couldnt be attacked.

    Cowring showing up as a wraith/poring/tentical which could be attacked

    Client crashing .


    @monsterinfo (@mi) has always worked perfectly and I used it to fix the parameters set in mob_db2




    Next  I used Gryff to add the ACT and SPR files which according to the wiki should be put into sprite/npc, this however is wrong. since my windows XP cant read the language and shows it as squares  I had to try it on another system and I found thet the second folder of squares is the mob ACT and SPR folder (I checked this using google the find the actual folder name in its real language, no weird numbers and stuff for me)


    So now i have the cowring ACT and SPR files located in both npc and mob sprite folders.




    	["JT_TREASURE_BOX_TE_9"] = 2461,
    	["JT_TREASURE_BOX_TE_10"] = 2462,
    	["JT_MONSTER_LAST"] = 2463,
    	["JT_COWRING"] = 2465,
    	--Mercenary & Homunculus Start
    	["JT_MER_LIF"] = 6001,
    	["JT_MER_AMISTR"] = 6002,


    	[jobtbl.JT_THIEF_PORING] = "MASTERING",
    	[jobtbl.JT_BABY_STRANGE] = "ORC_BABY",
    	[jobtbl.JT_COWRING] = "COWRING",
    	[jobtbl.JT_TREASURE_BOX_TE] = "TREASUREBOX_2.gr2",
    	[jobtbl.JT_TREASURE_BOX_TE_1] = "TREASUREBOX_2.gr2",


    // own creations
    // rAthena Dev Team

    Using these settings the cowring shows up as the image below.

    ( if some1 would be as kind as to tell me how to use spoiler and show the actual picture in the post via pm)


    I changed my id too 2464 and instead of a wraith my cowring is now a zombie

    2464 - zombie

    2465 - wraith

    2466 - ghoul

    2467 - arclouze

    2468 - raydric

  9. I have another problem,


    I changed some (lua?) files in my datainfo folder to accept new custom mobs and sprites.


    for example npcidentity.lub  the text in here is in English.

    Now when I use gryff to compile it into my data.grf I get an error.


    So when I open npcidentity.lub using gryff its actually not English at all. and looks like gibberish.

    I have been told i need to use a lua to lub converter. But all the files are .lubs.


    Do i still need to convert my lub files in my datafolder? so i can compile them to my data.grf?

    Or do I need translated lua files?




    I just looked up the translated lua files from this link -- http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lua%20files/datainfo/jobname.lua --


    this is exactly what my lub files look like in my data folder.


    my lub files in data.grf are completely different.


    So I am going to download the translated lua files, and try to convert them to lub.

    I think this will probably work.

    I'll keep ya updated

  10. im having the same issue

    when i spawn the mob a poring comes out w/ the same table attributes of the supposed summoned monster.

    I believe this problem means you have to check jobname and npcidentity for your entries. I have spawned my mob several times now with a wrong sprite but never with the correct one.

    I just changed max mob db from 4000 to 8000. This means i should now be able to get my custom sprites to work under database id's 7001-8000.



    7001 to 8000 are used for clones.

    so 6500 to 7000 should be safe i think

  11. no, how do i do that?  cant find it.

    on a different note,

    1.  I read that only xray clients can have additional mob id's, so does this mean i can only replace sprites with custom sprites?

    1-1 where is a list of unused mobs?


    2 would it be posible to diff/hex my client to accept new mob id's?

    2-2 which of the two?

    2-3 would it be posible to give custom mobs a range like id 2500-3000 is custom mobs.

    2-4 would i need to add the mob_db2 as the source of these mobs?


    3 would anybody be willing to explain this to me in a 30 minute skype session?

  12. so heres what i did.


    mob_db_2 [ inserted mob according to wiki]

    amatsu.txt[added line //new_1-1,50,100,55,105 monster cowring 2999,70,5000,0,0]


    now for the luo files.


    i went to my data folder - sprite-luafiles514-luafiles-datainfo

    jobname.lub[added to last line [jobtbl.JT_COWRING] = "cowring",]

    npcidentity.lub[added to last line ["JT_COWRING"] = 2999,]


    @mobinfo shows the mob as, MVP MONSTER.'3'/'Cowring'/'COWRING'(2999)


    could it be i need to change the lua's in the data.grf?

    and how come when i extract jobname.lua and npcidentity.lua the text files show jibberish instead of the code in the data folder?



    changing the id of my cowring to 2390 made the client stop crashing, however its the wrong sprite now !!

  13. would anybody be willing to check my files and show me what im doing wrong to get my client to work?

    Id like to do this using some sort of help from a distance program.

    if you feel like helping me, add itsa,me on skype.

    Or leave a message with your skype name.

    I am from the netherands so i prefer ppl in my time zone

  14. I accidentally deleted thta folder while i was using the wiki.

    I now have the server from the wiki.

    Compiled with visual studio 2010 since 12 wont work on xp.

    the server runs but,

    login server states that loginlog doesnt exist.

    however it does connect after de debug message.

    so then i proceeded to download 3 clients from 20120401.

    mmo.h is set to that too.

    but the 3 clients either dont work or give me a dll error.

    I would apreciate some help on skype.

    cause im at a loss, wiki has no usefull info and when all the steps in the wiki are completed your server gives you a DB error on the login serverand your client doesnt do anything or gives you dll errors

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