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Posts posted by Anubis-K

  1. If you explained the problem further (hopefully with apples and potatoes) than "up" or "80% working" I might be able to help, and if you do a video use a decent casting time (2-3 secs)

    Also, please paste here the code of the skill, using the code applet.

  2. As far as I understood the problem is not related to the delay, is an animation problem. I was searching for a solution for my own, because I hate that behavior too. So here it is.
    go to src/map/skill.c
    Search for:
     			// Ashura Strike still has slide effect in GVG
    			if ((mbl == src || (!map_flag_gvg2(src->m) && !map[src->m].flag.battleground)) &&
    				unit_movepos(src, mbl->x + x, mbl->y + y, 1, 1)) {

    Now replace 

    unit_movepos(src, mbl->x + x, mbl->y + y, 1, 1)


    unit_walktoxy(src, mbl->x + x, mbl->y + y, 2)

    The problem: unit_movepos() is a kind of teleport, not a walk. If you want, you can also remove the slide which gives a glitch that I also hate.

    That was I found after comparing with eAthena code. also, if you think that the damage way before the movement, move, not copy paste, move 


    (it is around line 4404), just before:

    // Ashura Strike still has slide effect in GVG

    Why does it works like that now? I have not idea, but I hate it.

    • Upvote 3
  3. Did you take your own en_us.php.php (or another language file)?

    the problem is in the lang file, it that does not have the required labels for the menus (or not all of them).


    There is a "new" method to set the labels that allows to translate them, but gives that bug when the labels do not exist.



  4. @Darkpurple : what version of the emulator do you have? at least with 20ff69e, works ok. How did you applpy the patch?


    @Ginji: my bad, it is a duplicated line. if you take a look to the method where that line belongs, you will see it twice.


    @fictionx: In the same page of googlecode where I found the patch. Remember, those NPC may not work correctly (bugs). So you need to optimize them, and I'm not planning to do that.


  5. I will say it like this: I will make a patch, but the implementation is already done by Zephyrus who developed eamod.

    Important is that I just fix the patch, the ideas and coding itself it are not mine, I want to make that really clear.

  6. @fictionx: Guild system: That is the good think about Eamod BG. When you join the BG your char will be added to the teams which in that case are guilds. Then, the "guild master" (Team Leader) can use emergency call and the guild skills. That guild is a "Virtual Guild" just for the BG until you log out or the match end, you do not lose information about your own guild (if you have one).

  7. I did not check the other one,  I do not know.

    It took a long time until it was accepted (submited since september 14) in the download section and in the meantime the other was uploaded. That is the only one reasson why there are two of them.

  8. File Name: BG Eamod

    File Submitter: Anubis-K

    File Submitted: 13 Sep 2014

    File Category: Source Modifications

    Content Author: Zephyrus, recode AnubisK



    I'm not the autor, I just made the code compatible with rathena. All the credits go to the guy that developed Eamod, whoever Zephyrus is.

    I found this (original file): https://code.google.com/p/eamod-retail/source/browse/trunk/eAmod-A/Diffs/battleground/eAthena.patch

    And I was informed that the same file can be dowloaded from: http://eamod.wordpress.com/

    The BG NPCs are in: https://code.google.com/p/eamod-retail/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FeAmod-A%2FDiffs%2Fbattleground%2Fnpc%2Fbattleground

    Compare with rathena NPCs and modify acoording you need.

    I Just made it compatible and compilable, please inform any bug you find.

    Have fun.

    Note: compatible with 20ff69e


    Click here to download this file



    Note: This version does not have the guild system... yet

    • Upvote 4
  9. File Name: cell_pvp

    File Submitter: Anubis-K

    File Submitted: 14 Sep 2014

    File Category: Source Modifications

    Content Author: Ize - compatibilized by AnubisK


    With this you can set a cell as a pvp zone, therefore a zone in a map that is pvp and the rest it is not.

    I'm not the outor. I just think that this is cool So I made compatible with the last version of the emulator.

    More informatino here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/97799-cell-nopvp-cell-pvp/
    and here: http://hercules.ws/board/topic/4589-pk-area/?p=29693

    You need the folowing "npcs":

    -	script	CELLPVP	-1,{OnInit:	setcell "morocc",143,113,157,103,cell_pvp,1;	end;	}-	script	deathmatch_core	-1,{	callfunc("pvp_scstart");	end;}function	script	pvp_scstart	{	sc_start SC_INC_AGI,120000,5;	sc_start SC_BLESSING,120000,5;	sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,120000,3;}

    Click here to download this file

  10. I did not know about the : script_set_constant(), therefore I do not now know how to use right now, but i'll search in the code to figure it out.

    May be an other option could be to use a battle config option: 
    // Battleground ID: if you want to use special battleground restricted items
    // bg_charid: 14999
    // Trade restrictions for battleground items
    // bg_chartrade_restriction: 91

    therefore in the code I can call it like: 

    if( battle_config.bg_charid && bla = bla && bla bla)

    And in the npc:

    set .@cID, getbattleflag("bg_charid");

    What do you think?


    btw: as a first version I wanted to preserve the original code, new (hopefully-not-bugged) versions are coming.

  11. Hola,


             De hecho propuse algunos cambios y el autor esta de acuerdo con ellos (lo asumo ya que escuchó mis comentarios), el/ella mismo/a está haciendo, más info aca:



    Mi idea es mejorar la traducción, y debido a que he visto que eres uno de los que, en el foro en español, manejas bien el inglés, es que vine a parar acá. Pensé que al tener experiencia con traducciones podrías corregir ciertos  comportamientos de quienes traduzcan o algo así  (no texto) y obviamente en caso de querer hacerlo. Ese es el motivo de porqué mi pregunta fue "Te sumas Ziu?", mis disculpas si se entendió como algo que estaba imponiendo.


    Mi manejo del ingles es muy bueno, y por eso considero que podría mejorar la opción existente. En ese caso intentaré hacer lo mejor posible y publicaré acá las propuestas para poder discutir con eventuales interesados. 



  12. Saludos hispanohablantes,


                            Generalmente no escribo en la sección en español, pero debido a que ahora está la opción de configurar el CP en idioma español creo que sería bueno discutir un par de traducciones acá. Yo no programé el soporte, fue hecho por: http://rathena.org/board/user/13988-freyja-folkvangr/


    Antes que todo: mi español es nativo y de latinoamerica, lo cual significa que no es necesariamente lo mismo que el español de España y ese es el motivo por el que me gustaría discutir las traducciones de este archivo acá:  https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/blob/master/lang/es_es.php

    En general, me gustaría general una traducción algo "neutral", dentro de lo posible.


    Algún otro motivo?

    - deja de lado el "genero", algo que dependiendo de la perspectiva es genial o una tortura: usa siempre masculino y no masculino y femenino a la vez (ver ejemplos)

    - considero que la traducción es un poco técnica (en algunas partes), hasta me suena a que un abogado tradujo algunas cosas (ver ejemplos).



    - para la palabra hijo, se puede usar hijo(a) lo cual en LA, o por lo menos en Chile, significa hijo o hija. Forma corta de escribir.

    - "Cónyuge" : me suena más a elemento técnico jurídico, esposo(a) quedaría mejor, y para alguien que juega en un foro en español sin hablarlo le sería de más ayuda (es mi opinión, por lo tanto subjetiva y no necesariamente correcta). Si bien es un termino que no necesita género, creo que el modo propuesto sería mejor.



    Te sumas Ziu? alguien?

    De otra forma traduciré "a mi gusto" y haré un push al repositorio. Me gustaría que Ziu comentara ya que es el moderador del foro en español. Pero si no te interesa puedo proponer yo las cosas y discutir con los interesados.





  13. Hi,
       In the old forum of eathena there was a very cool mod that did the following:
    You can buy items from a certain NPC that sell them as a Battleground Items, which you can use just inside of Battleground and other approved mapflag: "bg_consume".
    Here I do a release of the updated script compatible with rAthena (eAthena's patch is comming):
    Important: You need to create a character named "Battleground" and set the apropiate char id in the src: yes hard coded.
    in: src/map/battleground.h

    //Brian Bg Items - updated by [AnubisK]
    #define BG_CHARID 165100 // char named "Battleground" // you can change the character id.
    #define BG_TRADE 91 // trade mask of BG consumables // You can edit the mask

    Known bugs:
    If you have in your inventary Bg items and normal items plus you are outside of battleground or bg_consume maps, you will not be able to use the items.
    Imagine that you are in map prontera:
    You have "1 Battleground Blue Gemstone" and one normal "Blue Gemstone"
    If you use "Warp portar", the skill will fail, because reads first the BG item.
    Note: I'm not the Autor, I just did a patch compatible with rAthena that is the only credit I can get. The credits of for the original idea must go to (as fas as I know) Brian one of the devs (http://rathena.org/board/user/237-brian/).
    Plesae inform any bug you find
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