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Blazing Spear

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Everything posted by Blazing Spear

  1. i think this is about maya card right? i already found solution for this pm me if interested
  2. //2545,0,6,4,0,0x1,0,1,1,no,0,0,0,none,0,0x0, GM_ITEM_ATKMAX,Maximize Attack //2546,0,6,4,0,0x1,0,1,1,no,0,0,0,none,0,0x0, GM_ITEM_ATKMIN,Minimize Attack //2547,0,6,4,0,0x1,0,1,1,no,0,0,0,none,0,0x0, GM_ITEM_MATKMAX,Maximize Magic Attack //2548,0,6,4,0,0x1,0,1,1,no,0,0,0,none,0,0x0, GM_ITEM_MATKMIN,Minimize Magic Attack how to implement that skill that only GM can use that? and any info with this new GM Skills "gm_force_transfer"
  3. try Class_Boss instead of RC_BOSS
  4. EA is much better for pre renewal server or "Classic server"
  5. just like what i expect someone will reply with this XD
  6. Example: Problem 1: Player 1: Professor cast magical skill to player 3 Player 2: Pally Devoted to Player 1 Player 3: Normal Player with maya card Result: the reflected magic attack taken to the caster not by pally? how to change this to make the pally fully take the damage from reflect? Problem 2: how to add effect when SG is soul link no reflect damage taken from cards or item of enemy or target
  7. Example: Problem 1: Player 1: Professor cast magical skill to player 3 Player 2: Pally Devoted to Player 1 Player 3: Normal Player with maya card Result: the reflected magic attack taken to the caster not by pally? how to change this to make the pally fully take the damage from reflect? Problem 2: how to add effect when SG is soul link no reflect damage taken from cards or item of enemy or target
  8. how to wipe account items char all data without deleting tables in phpmyadmin thanks
  9. yeah it works hmm it is required to put the title first then after that it will automatic added to the players list of title
  10. no i want automatic add title from killing player then it will auto add to player also then system check if the players already have that title then ignore
  11. Still not working im using the script you gave to me Bump!!
  12. still not working no response in map server i think add a player function is not working
  13. i have 1 problem now the title will not automatic add to the player when kill player in pvp
  14. rachel,163,122,4 script Title Manager 1002,{ //======== Configuration ======= set @npc_name$,"Title Manager"; // NPC's name set @gm_level,99; // GM level required //============================== if(getgmlevel()>=@gm_level) if(select("Normal","Admin") == 2) goto L_admin; mes "["+@npc_name$+"]"; mes "Hi, I can give you titles."; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Here is the list."; query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`id`,`a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title` ASC",@title_id,@title$); query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title`",@title_no$); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +")",@title_count); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +")",@title_nocount); if(!@title_count && !@title_nocount) goto L_notitle; L_normal: menu "Avaible titles ("+ @title_count +")",L_avaible,"Unaivable titles ("+ @title_nocount +")",L_unaivable,"Remove my title",L_remove,"Cancel",-; close; L_avaible: if(!@title_count) goto L_normal; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) goto L_normal; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "The title : \"" + @title$[@title_choice] + "\" is avaible to you."; if(select("Change my title","Cancel")==2) close; atcommand "@fakename "+strcharinfo(0) + @title$[@title_choice]; set title$,@title$[@title_choice]; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "That's it."; mes "Bye."; close; L_unaivable: if(!@title_nocount) goto L_normal; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_nocount; set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? "^FF0000"+ @title_no$[i] +"^000000" : @menu$ +":^FF0000"+ @title_no$[i] +"^000000"; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; goto L_normal; L_remove: if(title$=="") { mes "You don't have any title."; close; } mes "That's it."; atcommand "@fakename"; set title$,""; close; L_admin: query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title`",@title_count); mes "Hi."; mes "What do you want to do?"; menu "Delete a title",-,"Add a title",addT,"Modify a title",modifyT,"Modify a player",modifyP; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "What title do you want to delete?"; if(!@title_count) goto L_noTitle; query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } next; mes "["+@npc_name$+"]"; mes "Are you sure you want to delete : \""+ @title$[@title_choice] +"\"?"; if(select("No","Yes")==2) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "The title has been deleted!"; query_sql("DELETE FROM `title` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); goto L_admin; } next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; addT: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "What title do you want to add?"; next; input @addT$; if(@addT$==" ") { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; if(!callfunc("Add a title",@addT$)) { mes "This title is already in use!"; goto L_admin; } mes "That's it!"; goto L_admin; modifyT: next; mes "["+@npc_name$+"]"; if(!@title_count) goto L_noTitle; mes "What title do you want to modify?"; query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } mes "Currently modifying : "+ @title$[@title_choice] +"."; mes "Those players have this title avaible."; fastMod: query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice],@title_player_count); query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice],@title_player_charid,@title_player_name$); if(!@title_player_count) mes "No player."; for(set i,0;i<@title_player_count;set i,i+1) mes "- "+ @title_player_name$[i]; menu "Add a player",L_addP,"Remove a player",remP,"Modify the title's name",modT,"Modify another title",modifyT,"Return to main menu",-; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; L_addP: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Please, enter the player's name."; input @addP$; if(@addP$==" ") goto fastMod; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; switch(callfunc("Add a player",@title$[@title_choice],@addP$)) { case 1: mes "The player doesn't exist."; break; case 2: mes "The title doesn't exist."; break; case 3: mes "Player has already this title avaible."; break; default: mes "That's it!"; break; } next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto fastMod; remP: if(!@title_player_count) goto fastMod; mes "What player do you want to remove?"; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_player_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title_player_name$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title_player_name$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_player_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_player_choice==@title_player_count) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto fastMod; } query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice] +" AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +" AND `name`='"+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"'"); next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "That's it!"; goto fastMod; modT: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Title : \""+ @title$[@title_choice] +"\"."; if(select("Modify","Back")==2) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto fastMod; } next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Enter the new title."; input @newT$; next; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) { if(@title$[i]!=@newT$) continue; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "This title is already in use!"; goto modT; } if(select("Save names","Don't save names") == 2 ) query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "That's it!"; query_sql("UPDATE `title` SET `title`='"+ @newT$ +"' WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); goto fastMod; modifyP: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; query_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `char_id`) FROM `title_player`",@player_count); mes ((@modGP) ? "What player do you want to add?" : "What player do you want to modify?"); query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name`,COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` GROUP BY `char_id` ORDER BY `name` ASC",@title_player_charid,@title_player_name$,@title_player_count); fastModP: set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@player_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title_player_name$[i] +"("+ @title_player_count[i] +")" : @menu$ +":"+ @title_player_name$[i] +"("+ @title_player_count[i] +")"; set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? "Type a name" : @menu$ +":Type a name"; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_player_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_player_choice==@player_count) { input @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice]; query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"'",@charid); if(!@charid[0]) { mes "Player doesn't exist."; goto fastModP; } set @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice],@charid[0]; } else if(@title_player_choice==@player_count+1 && !@modGP) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } fastModPP: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Currently modifying : "+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"."; menu "Add a title",-,"Remove a title",L_removeTP,"Modify another player",modifyP,"Return to main menu",L_admin; query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +")",@title_nocount); if(!@title_nocount) { mes "This player has all titles avaible."; goto fastModPP; } query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`id`,`a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title` ASC",@title_noid,@title_no$); mes "Add title ..."; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_nocount;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title_no$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title_no$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_nocount) goto fastModPP; callfunc("Add a player",@title_no$[@title_choice],@title_player_name$[@title_player_choice]); mes "Title \""+ @title_no$[@title_choice] +"\" added for player \""+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"\"."; goto fastModPP; L_removeTP: query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +")",@title_count); if(!@title_count) { mes "This player doesn't have any title."; goto fastModPP; } query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`id`,`a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title` ASC",@title_id,@title$); mes "Remove the title ..."; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) goto fastModPP; query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice] +" AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice]); mes "Title \""+ @title$[@title_choice] +"\" removed for player \""+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"\"."; goto fastModPP; L_noTitle: mes "I don't have any title."; close; OnPCLoginEvent: if(title$!="") atcommand "@fakename "+ strcharinfo(0)+title$; end; } function script Add a title { // callfunc "Add a title","Title name" query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title`",@title_count); query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) { if(getarg(0)!=@title$[i]) continue; return 0; } query_sql("INSERT INTO `title` VALUES(NULL,'"+ getarg(0) +"')"); return 1; } function script Add a player { // callfunc "Add a player","Title name","Player name" query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+ getarg(1) +"'",@title_charid_check); query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+ getarg(1) +"'",@title_charid); if(!@title_charid_check) return 1; query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` WHERE `title`='"+ getarg(0) +"'",@title_check); if(!@title_check) return 2; query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[0],@title_player_charid,@title_player_name$); query_sql("SELECT `id` FROM `title` WHERE `title`='"+ getarg(0) +"'",@title_id); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[0],@title_player_count); for(set i,0;i<@title_player_count;set i,i+1) { if(@title_charid[0]!=@title_player_charid[i]) continue; return 3; } query_sql("INSERT INTO `title_player` VALUES("+ @title_id[0] +","+ @title_charid[0] +",'"+ getarg(1) +"')"); return 0; } function script Has Title { // callfunc "Has title","Title name",char_id query_sql("SELECT `id` FROM `title` WHERE `title`='"+ getarg(0) +"'",@title_id); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[0] +" AND `char_id`="+ getarg(1),@title_check); if(@title_check) return 1; else return 0; } //==================================================================================================================================== - script pvptitle -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(callfunc("Has title","Killer",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has title","God Like",getcharid(0))) end; set player_count,player_count+1; if(player_count==10) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","Killer",strcharinfo(0))) announce "something",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title (Killer)."; } else if(player_count==100) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","God Like",strcharinfo(0))) announce "something",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title (God Like)."; } end; } //==================================================================================================================================== // SQL //==================================================================================================================================== //CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `title` ( // `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, // `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, // PRIMARY KEY (`id`) //) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=9; // //CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `title_player` ( // `id` int(3) NOT NULL, // `char_id` int(6) NOT NULL, // `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL //==================================================================================================================================== i got error with this while im trying to kill in pvp room help please
  15. actually i have eamod ceres control panel and i already set it up well and it is working. but that thing is i want to use it in flux integ
  16. oo meron n rin nklgay dun s themes baka pde makahinge ng guys about sa paglalagay ng ranking?
  17. paano maglgay ng extended ranking system like eamod s flux? nagtry ko pero wlang lumalabas sa link e2 po ung link sa website support Here
  18. 'Extended Ranking' => array( 'Class Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'ladder'), 'Guild Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'guild'), 'Castle Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'castles'), 'WoE Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'woerank'), 'Zeny Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'top100zeny'), 'Homunculus Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'homunculus'), 'Mercenary Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'mercenary'), 'MVP Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'topmvp'), 'PK Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'toppk'), 'TK Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'toptk'), 'Forge Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'topforge'), 'Potion Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'toppotion'), 'PVP Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'pvprank'), 'BG Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'bgrank'), 'Playtime Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'topplaytime'), 'Hunting Ranking' => array('module' => 'extranking', 'action' => 'hunting'), Please check what is wrong about this? thanks
  19. How to make Achievement system + Title System for example Achievement System Quest: 1. Newbie Req lvl 2 reward: Title - Newbie - + [ item or zeny ] 2. Beginner Req lvl 25 reward: Title - Beginner - + [ item or zeny ] 3. Adventurer Req lvl 50 reward: Title - Adventurer - + [ item or zeny ] 4. Expert Req lvl 99 reward: Title - Expert - + [ item or zeny ] 5. Master Req lvl max reward: Title - Master - + [ item or zeny ] Using this link: Achievement System + Title System
  20. setarray .@P29[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P30[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P31[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P32[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P33[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@Default[0],13517,1; you set a 80% change of 13517 same as your default that why
  21. this is just like a poring catcher after the event the npc will appear and tell your name to give reward right? - script poringwin -1,{ OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Poring : Congratulations. You've got me."; set PORING,1; atcommand "@doommap"; killmonster "poring_w01","All"; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Come to me and tell me your name.",0; hideoffnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2"; end; } mes "[Poring Catcher]"; if(PORING == 1) goto L_PORING; mes "Please tell me your name"; next; input .@name$; if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) { mes "[Poring Catcher]"; mes "Are you sure thats your character name?"; close; } mes "[Poring Catcher]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; close2; announce "Poring Catcher : All laugh at, "+.@name$+". - This player tried to cheat the system. Muhahahahaha!",0; warp "prontera",155,182; end; modify it in your script itry it also in me
  22. you need to set right packets to your client 2012-04-10
  23. im done here but my problem here is how to connection achievement and title Achievement: Kill x1 Poring Title: [Poring Slayer] Automatic title will add to the character list of title every login message pop up would you like to change your title then next list of title would you like to activate using this Here OnNPCKillEvent: if(callfunc("Has title",", the Baphomet King",getcharid(0)) || killedrid!=1039) end; // Check if the player kills a baphomet / already has the title set baphomet_count,baphomet_count+1; if(baphomet_count<100) end; if(!callfunc("Add a player",", the Baphomet King",strcharinfo(0))) // dispbottom "You achieved : Baphomets suck. You acquired a new title : "+ strcharinfo(0) +", the Baphomet King."; else debugmes "Incorrect title name (, the Baphomet King)."; i found that code and its not working to me
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