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Blazing Spear

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Everything posted by Blazing Spear

  1. Elsa can you share that hokage sprite?? thanks
  2. im using win 8 64bit nevermind this post i already fix it i just have corrupted .dll files ill just replace with new one
  3. i already using that script that cause script error
  4. how to include the quest to event? can you give example? thanks
  5. what if auto mail like after the LMS event winner will have reward via mail?
  6. try to search here i tell you no emulator yet for LoTS
  7. it is GoTW i already did that before and its working for me. now kinda hard to get the GoTW client
  8. ohh i see...so I guess I need to find dual sword weapon sprites as alternatives... Right
  9. have you tried to search the sprite in your grf or data folder? i think all 2 sword when equip is default
  10. did you tried to search the right sprite of your weapon if you are using 2 sword? if there is no actual sprite if 2 sword are equip that will show default only
  11. btw what client are you using? did you tried to put in your item_db.txt view the weapon view id? if still using the default it will show default too. let me try this to find a solution
  12. i think its because your sword dont have the right sprite to view using assassin class. this is working when you use T.E.N.S[R] and T.E.N.S
  13. ow i missed the topic already let me try this AnnieRuru - can we add function like when player already have killing spree title have 3 when died -1 and auto remove the title to the character - and add some reward to the last title owned by the player - and is this work with pvp ladder? why everyone always think about me when nobody else can script @Skorm, @Capuche and @Missingno also can script very well, next time ask them as they are rathena scripting leaders screw that script, use mine [paste=5oruqcujcc6h] it hurt my eyes to see so many query_sql in the script, I rather rewrite this from scratch using string manipulations @Elektrochemiestry yeah ... it also means, you can get a title and go to war without fearing anyone invite you into party because it helps you auto-reject what do you mean by this ... this is a UNLOCK a title, right ? why do you want to steal the player's effort away after they have already unlock the title ? This function is for PVP only i wanna add to like refine ranking title the most successful refine acquired like master refiner or somethig that related
  14. if( tsc && tsc->data[SC_DEVOTION] && skill_id != PA_PRESSURE ) { struct status_change_entry *sce = tsc->data[SC_DEVOTION]; struct block_list *d_bl = map_id2bl(sce->val1); if( d_bl && ( (d_bl->type == BL_MER && ((TBL_MER*)d_bl)->master && ((TBL_MER*)d_bl)->master->bl.id == bl->id) || (d_bl->type == BL_PC && ((TBL_PC*)d_bl)->devotion[sce->val2] == bl->id) ) && check_distance_bl(bl, d_bl, sce->val3) ) { if(!rmdamage){ clif_damage(d_bl,d_bl, gettick(), 0, 0, damage, 0, 0, 0); status_fix_damage(NULL,d_bl, damage, 0); } else {//Reflected magics are done directly on the target not on paladin //This check is only for magical skill. //For BF_WEAPON skills types track var rdamage and function battle_calc_return_damage clif_damage(bl,bl, gettick(), 0, 0, damage, 0, 0, 0); status_fix_damage(bl,bl, damage, 0); } } else { status_change_end(bl, SC_DEVOTION, INVALID_TIMER); if( !dmg.amotion ) status_fix_damage(src,bl,damage,dmg.dmotion); } } Edit that code
  15. using onpckill for pvp i think i already tried its working but i dont know why till Killing Spree only what you dont understand? I already have that long time ago and i not expert to implement it XD We need Expert Scripter Here
  16. //CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `title` ( // `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, // `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, // PRIMARY KEY (`id`) //) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=9; // //CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `title_player` ( // `id` int(3) NOT NULL, // `char_id` int(6) NOT NULL, // `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL //) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; rachel,163,122,4 script name 1002,{ //======== Configuration ======= set @npc_name$,""; // NPC's name set @gm_level,99; // GM level required //============================== if(getgmlevel()>=@gm_level) if(select("Normal","Admin") == 2) goto L_admin; mes "["+@npc_name$+"]"; mes "Hi, I can give you titles."; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Here is the list."; query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`id`,`a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title` ASC",@title_id,@title$); query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title`",@title_no$); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +")",@title_count); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ getcharid(0) +")",@title_nocount); if(!@title_count && !@title_nocount) goto L_notitle; L_normal: menu "Avaible titles ("+ @title_count +")",L_avaible,"Unaivable titles ("+ @title_nocount +")",L_unaivable,"Remove my title",L_remove,"Cancel",-; close; L_avaible: if(!@title_count) goto L_normal; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) goto L_normal; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "The title : \"" + @title$[@title_choice] + "\" is avaible to you."; if(select("Change my title","Cancel")==2) close; atcommand "@fakename "+@title$[@title_choice] + strcharinfo(0); set title$,@title$[@title_choice]; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "That's it."; mes "Bye."; close; L_unaivable: if(!@title_nocount) goto L_normal; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_nocount; set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? "^FF0000"+ @title_no$[i] +"^000000" : @menu$ +":^FF0000"+ @title_no$[i] +"^000000"; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; goto L_normal; L_remove: if(title$=="") { mes "You don't have any title."; close; } mes "That's it."; atcommand "@fakename"; set title$,""; close; L_admin: query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title`",@title_count); mes "Hi."; mes "What do you want to do?"; menu "Delete a title",-,"Add a title",addT,"Modify a title",modifyT,"Modify a player",modifyP; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "What title do you want to delete?"; if(!@title_count) goto L_noTitle; query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } next; mes "["+@npc_name$+"]"; mes "Are you sure you want to delete : \""+ @title$[@title_choice] +"\"?"; if(select("No","Yes")==2) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "The title has been deleted!"; query_sql("DELETE FROM `title` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); goto L_admin; } next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; addT: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "What title do you want to add?"; next; input @addT$; if(@addT$==" ") { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; if(!callfunc("Add a title",@addT$)) { mes "This title is already in use!"; goto L_admin; } mes "That's it!"; goto L_admin; modifyT: next; mes "["+@npc_name$+"]"; if(!@title_count) goto L_noTitle; mes "What title do you want to modify?"; query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } mes "Currently modifying : "+ @title$[@title_choice] +"."; mes "Those players have this title avaible."; fastMod: query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice],@title_player_count); query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice],@title_player_charid,@title_player_name$); if(!@title_player_count) mes "No player."; for(set i,0;i<@title_player_count;set i,i+1) mes "- "+ @title_player_name$[i]; menu "Add a player",L_addP,"Remove a player",remP,"Modify the title's name",modT,"Modify another title",modifyT,"Return to main menu",-; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; L_addP: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Please, enter the player's name."; input @addP$; if(@addP$==" ") goto fastMod; next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; switch(callfunc("Add a player",@title$[@title_choice],@addP$)) { case 1: mes "The player doesn't exist."; break; case 2: mes "The title doesn't exist."; break; case 3: mes "Player has already this title avaible."; break; default: mes "That's it!"; break; } next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto fastMod; remP: if(!@title_player_count) goto fastMod; mes "What player do you want to remove?"; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_player_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title_player_name$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title_player_name$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_player_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_player_choice==@title_player_count) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto fastMod; } query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice] +" AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +" AND `name`='"+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"'"); next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "That's it!"; goto fastMod; modT: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Title : \""+ @title$[@title_choice] +"\"."; if(select("Modify","Back")==2) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto fastMod; } next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Enter the new title."; input @newT$; next; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) { if(@title$[i]!=@newT$) continue; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "This title is already in use!"; goto modT; } if(select("Save names","Don't save names") == 2 ) query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "That's it!"; query_sql("UPDATE `title` SET `title`='"+ @newT$ +"' WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice]); query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); goto fastMod; modifyP: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; query_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `char_id`) FROM `title_player`",@player_count); mes ((@modGP) ? "What player do you want to add?" : "What player do you want to modify?"); query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name`,COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` GROUP BY `char_id` ORDER BY `name` ASC",@title_player_charid,@title_player_name$,@title_player_count); fastModP: set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@player_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title_player_name$[i] +"("+ @title_player_count[i] +")" : @menu$ +":"+ @title_player_name$[i] +"("+ @title_player_count[i] +")"; set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? "Type a name" : @menu$ +":Type a name"; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_player_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_player_choice==@player_count) { input @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice]; query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"'",@charid); if(!@charid[0]) { mes "Player doesn't exist."; goto fastModP; } set @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice],@charid[0]; } else if(@title_player_choice==@player_count+1 && !@modGP) { next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; goto L_admin; } fastModPP: next; mes "["+ @npc_name$ +"]"; mes "Currently modifying : "+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"."; menu "Add a title",-,"Remove a title",L_removeTP,"Modify another player",modifyP,"Return to main menu",L_admin; query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +")",@title_nocount); if(!@title_nocount) { mes "This player has all titles avaible."; goto fastModPP; } query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`id`,`a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title` ASC",@title_noid,@title_no$); mes "Add title ..."; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_nocount;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title_no$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title_no$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_nocount) goto fastModPP; callfunc("Add a player",@title_no$[@title_choice],@title_player_name$[@title_player_choice]); mes "Title \""+ @title_no$[@title_choice] +"\" added for player \""+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"\"."; goto fastModPP; L_removeTP: query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +")",@title_count); if(!@title_count) { mes "This player doesn't have any title."; goto fastModPP; } query_sql("SELECT `a1`.`id`,`a1`.`title` FROM `title` `a1` WHERE EXISTS(SELECT `id`,`char_id` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`=`a1`.`id` AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice] +") ORDER BY `a1`.`title` ASC",@title_id,@title$); mes "Remove the title ..."; set @menu$,""; for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) set @menu$,(@menu$=="") ? @title$[i] : @menu$ +":"+ @title$[i]; set @menu$,@menu$ +":Back"; menu @menu$,-; set @title_choice,@menu-1; if(@title_choice==@title_count) goto fastModPP; query_sql("DELETE FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[@title_choice] +" AND `char_id`="+ @title_player_charid[@title_player_choice]); mes "Title \""+ @title$[@title_choice] +"\" removed for player \""+ @title_player_name$[@title_player_choice] +"\"."; goto fastModPP; L_noTitle: mes "I don't have any title."; close; OnPCLoginEvent: if(title$!="") atcommand "@fakename "+$titles$[title] +strcharinfo(0); end; } function script Add a title { // callfunc "Add a title","Title name" query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title`",@title_count); query_sql("SELECT * FROM `title`",@title_id,@title$); for(set i,0;i<@title_count;set i,i+1) { if(getarg(0)!=@title$[i]) continue; return 0; } query_sql("INSERT INTO `title` VALUES(NULL,'"+ getarg(0) +"')"); return 1; } function script Add a player { // callfunc "Add a player","Title name","Player name" query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+ getarg(1) +"'",@title_charid_check); query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+ getarg(1) +"'",@title_charid); if(!@title_charid_check) return 1; query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title` WHERE `title`='"+ getarg(0) +"'",@title_check); if(!@title_check) return 2; query_sql("SELECT `char_id`,`name` FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[0],@title_player_charid,@title_player_name$); query_sql("SELECT `id` FROM `title` WHERE `title`='"+ getarg(0) +"'",@title_id); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[0],@title_player_count); for(set i,0;i<@title_player_count;set i,i+1) { if(@title_charid[0]!=@title_player_charid[i]) continue; return 3; } query_sql("INSERT INTO `title_player` VALUES("+ @title_id[0] +","+ @title_charid[0] +",'"+ getarg(1) +"')"); return 0; } function script Has Title { // callfunc "Has title","Title name",char_id query_sql("SELECT `id` FROM `title` WHERE `title`='"+ getarg(0) +"'",@title_id); query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `title_player` WHERE `id`="+ @title_id[0] +" AND `char_id`="+ getarg(1),@title_check); if(@title_check) return 1; else return 0; } - script test -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: set Kill,Kill+1; if(callfunc("Has Title","[KILLING SPREE]",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has Title","[DOMINATING]",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has Title","[MEGAKILL]",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has Title","[UNSTOPPABLE]",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has Title","[WICKEDSICK]",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has Title","[MONSTERKILL]",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has Title","[GODLIKE]",getcharid(0)) || callfunc("Has Title","[HOLYSHIT]",getcharid(0))) end; if(Kill==3) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[KILLING SPREE]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [KILLING SPREE] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [KILLING SPREE]."; } else if(Kill==4) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[DOMINATING]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [DOMINATING] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [DOMINATING]."; } else if(Kill==5) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[MEGAKILL]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [DOMINATING] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [MEGAKILL]."; } else if(Kill==6) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[UNSTOPPABLE]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [UNSTOPPABLE] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [UNSTOPPABLE]."; } else if(Kill==7) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[WICKEDSICK]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [WICKEDSICK] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [WICKEDSICK]."; } else if(Kill==8) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[MONSTERKILL]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [MONSTERKILL] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [MONSTERKILL]."; } else if(Kill==9) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[GODLIKE]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [GODLIKE] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [GODLIKE]."; } else if(Kill==10) { if(!callfunc("Add a player","[HOLYSHIT]",strcharinfo(0))) announce "You unlock [HOLYSHIT] Title",bc_self; else debugmes "Incorrect title [HOLYSHIT]."; } end; } Basically this script enable the player to gain title listed player can choose there own title to put with there character the problem is only [KILLING SPREE] title give to the player even if i kill more than 3 how can i add the anti-feed if the character already killed 3 times kill is not counted how can i add when player died -1 kill auto delete the title to the player or degrade the title example from holyshit to godlike for ask me for more clarification thanks
  17. you need to edit the source code SC_DEVOTION
  18. Using This patch Error \src\map\../custom/script.inc(81): error C2198: 'itemdb_searchrandomid' : too few arguments for call Code: if(nameid < 0) { nameid = itemdb_searchrandomid(-nameid); flag = 1; }
  19. Im currently working with this modification Here Im not expert enough for src coding i really need some help Alchemist Soul link mods - Acid Terror becomes a splash skill in an area of 4x4 around the target player or mob and does 100%+110%*SkillLV ATK. case AM_ACIDTERROR: if (!(flag&1) && sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ALCHEMIST) { //Become a slash attack when Soul Linked. map_foreachinrange(skill_area_sub, bl, skill_get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv),splash_target(src), src_skill_id,skill_lv,tick, flag|BCT_ENEMY|1, skill_castend_damage_id); } else skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,tick,flag); break; for 100%+110%*SkillLV ATK case AM_ACIDTERROR: skillratio += 10*(skill_lv-1); if (sd && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT] && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ALCHEMIST) skillratio += 110; break; Enable to use parrying using one handed sword skill.c bool skill_check_condition_castend(struct map_session_data* sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { struct skill_condition require; struct status_data *status; int i; int index[MAX_SKILL_ITEM_REQUIRE]; + struct status_change *sc = &sd->sc; skill.c if(require.weapon && !(pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) || (skill == LK_PARRYING && sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT && sd->status.weapon == W_1HSWORD)) ){ clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); return false; } status.c case SC_PARRYING: + if(sd && sd->status.weapon == W_1HSWORD) + val2 = val1 * 3; Reducing all after cast delay of knight and lord knight skill when linked by 40% if ( sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] ) { + if(sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT) + time /= 10; switch (skill_id) { case CR_SHIELDBOOMERANG: if (sc->data[sC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_CRUSADER) time /= 2; break; case AS_SONICBLOW: if (!map_flag_gvg3(bl->m) && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ASSASIN) time /= 2; break; } } Correct the code if im wrong
  20. Soul link effect Modification Alchemist - Acid Terror becomes a splash skill in an area of 4x4 around the targetted player or mob and does 100%+110%*SkillLV ATK. Sage - HP will also increase by BaseLvl * 100 HP and his/her Vit will increase by 35. Crusader - increasing the damage of Smite by 300% with a bonus of 100 HIT. Therefore at level 5, - damage will be 500% ATK instead of 200%. - It will also increase the damage of Shield Chain by 150% and add a HIT bonus of 50. Super Novice - you can use skill 'Act Dead' during the buff Knight - Parrying can also be used with One Hand Swords with a block chance of 3*SkillLV%. - All skills have their after delay reduced by 40%. - Spear Boomerang does an additional 200% ATK damage (i.e. 550% at level 5). Wizard - HP will also increase by BaseLvl * 200 HP and his/her Vit will increase by Int/5 (For example, 255 Int will give you an additional bonus of 255/5 = 51 Vit). Rogue - Increase the damage dealt from Double Strafe by (STR/2)% - You can divest through Full Protection by consuming one Glistening Coat for each attempt - It doesn't work with Full Divest but only with Divest Weapon/Shield/Armor/Helm. Assassin - boosting the damage from Throw Venom Knife by 100%. Blacksmith - Full adrenaline rush gives Str +10, Dex +10 and Flee +15. - Maximum Power Thrust is buffed with +100% ATK, giving 300% ATK at Lv5. Hunter - There is a 0.3%*LUK chance of Falcon Assault occurring automatically per shot with a bow Help me to modify this soul link
  21. "My question about custom item addition is that do I need to change anything with the lub files after changing the accessoryid and accname luas?" correct me if im wrong with your rephrase your question do you need to change other lub files after changing the accessoryid and accname lua if that is you question the answer: is it depends to your client if your client read ItemInfo.lua or Iteminfo.lub you need to put there your itemdisplayname, itemdescription, itemresourcename
  22. [15014] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Ebone Armor", unidentifiedResourceName = "¿ìµç¸ÞÀÏ", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "An unknown item requiring appraisal. It can be identified by using a magnifier." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Ebone Armor", identifiedResourceName = "Ä¥ÈæÀÇ°©¿Ê", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A armor made of a metal called Opcidium.", "The decoration of a black crystal looks profound.", "Class: ^777777Armor^000000", "Defense: ^77777793^000000", "Weight:: ^777777450^000000", "Required Level: ^777777100^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All third class jobs^000000" }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 0 }, FROM KRO
  23. BEWARE OF ALLSTARRO OWNER FORUM NAME: BENORMAL Here DONT ACCEPT ANY PAID SERVICE WORK TO THAT SERVER actually 10$ is no that big deal for me that thing is don't trust him to work with. after he got your trust then the service is done suddenly gone with the wind XD =============== POLL ===================== For all PAID DEVELOPER out there are you willing to work without any initial payment? yes no and why?
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