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About Nana

  • Birthday April 26

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Poring (1/15)



  1. You can use this //-[TAB]script[TAB]item[TAB]-1,{ - script jellopy -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if ( getmonsterinfo(killedrid,22) ){ // si da experiencia de MOB_MVPEXP, es un MVP. // If exp = MOB_MVPEXP then is an MVP if ( rand(100) < 15 ){ // 15% probabilidad de dropeo.// Drop rate getitem 909 ,1;// ID de item que quieres que drope y cantidad // ID item you want the MVP drop } } end; }
  2. I think he sell it, just contact him
  3. Que es lo que ocupas realmente, o.o no los vendo pero si los tengo con gusto los comparto
  4. Hola estoy intentando actualizar el JRO pero me abre un explorador D: ya no recuerdo que hacer para que actualice :S Busqué y la carpeta tiene permisos totales, no se que mas sea; recuerdo hace mucho se borraba un archivo, pero no recuerdo donde era Gracias de abtemano
  5. I search about this error but i cant find the solution Here: http://hercules.ws/b...rror-in-client/ They try solved with "Use client dated 2014-02-05 or below" -- done but still with error 1) Client is having some issue locating ws2_32.dll in your system (corrupted client maybe?) -- C:\Windows\System32/ws2_32.dll 2) Client is referring a different dll to get the send and recv functions. (maybe the client was used with PEEK?) -- is a new client of themon i just diff it x_x Thanks in advance
  6. Contact him/her n deviantart http://limited-illusion.deviantart.com/art/GM-Sprite-Edit-166999323
  7. thanks ! sorry long time away from ro
  8. idk how to do it but there's some way to check if the last slot is empty or not? maybe that way u can do it ^^
  9. Actually i use AwS for other stuffs, actually i recomend u that if u go with amazon configure the proper alarms to know when you exced the free tier. AWS charge 1 usd when u create your account, after that u can have free tier for 1 year (if u dont exceed the quota) there u can configure your servers, but remember, they give you an empty box, u'll need how confiure everything or think about pay a preconfigured AMI regards
  10. Hi, i'm making an npc, the point is that players need "lvl" from novice lvl 1 to second class no rebirth max lvl normally but when u are base 99 job lvl 50 u can talk with the npc, and he makes u max lvl rebirth (ex priest 99/50 to HP 99/70) i want remove extra skill and stats points how can i do it? thanks!
  11. i guess u can try with something in this file https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/clif.c#L11002
  12. Hi u can change it here https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/pc.c#L6338 if(sd->state.showexp) { char output[256]; sprintf(output, "Experience Gained Base:%u (%.2f%%) Job:%u (%.2f%%)",base_exp,nextbp*(float)100,job_exp,nextjp*(float)100); clif_disp_onlyself(sd,output,strlen(output)); }
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