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  1. can u please can u please post the working script? tjhanks
  2. how to fix this? i got this error on my putty
  3. can u guide where can i put this script? thanks i mean i want to remove the gm title for my server is annie's post are already fix? opps... thanks i already fix my problem
  4. where i can see this?
  5. i make a patch to make custom prontera... the house plant etc. are ok but my floor did not change... ;(
  6. help me pls... i make patch for my new custom prontera it works but the tile on the floor didnt change whats wrong?? (
  7. any guide how to edit my guild member capacity? thanks..
  8. yohann21

    Status Frost

    @malufet didnt work to me i try to change luk == 400 and i make my chr into 200 luk they didnt frost pls help me ;(
  9. how to fix this? i dont want to make a cancel button in blackjack dealer because some of my player abuse the blackjack dealer, when the card show and they dont like they card they use cancel button and their own zeny did not reduce pls help me thanks!! here's the screen shot !!! and also heres the script!! // == Script Name ========================= // ---- Blackjack for CASINO pack // == Original Author ===================== // ---- kobra_k88 //===== Modified for CASINO pack by: ====== // ---- Zigbigidorlu (( [GM] Dionysus )) // == Designed For ======================== // ---- FaithRO (( [url="http://faithro.net"]http://faithro.net[/url] )) // == Version ============================= // ---- 8.05 rv2.05 // == Release ============================= // ---- 5.5.8 // == Description ========================= // ---- Black Jack card game. Gameplay // based off standard casino black jack // rules. Dealer must have at least 17 to // stay and will automatically stay at 17 // and up. Player must have at least 13 // to stay. Aces counted as 11 or 1. // Option to "Double Down". Currently // does not allow for "insurance", or // "splitting" of pairs. cmd_in02.gat,188,89,1 script Black Jack Dealer 57,{ mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Hello there! Would you like to play a game of Black Jack?"; M_Menu: next; menu "What are the rules?",M_0, "I want to play.",L_Play, "No thanks.",M_End; M_0: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "What would you like to know?"; sM_Menu0: next; menu "The basics.",sM_0a, "Winning and loosing.",sM_0b, "'Double Down'.",sM_0c, "Ace value.",sM_0d, "Nothing.",M_Menu; sM_0a: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Black Jack is a card game in which the goal is to get 21, or as"; mes "close to 21 points as possible, without going over 21."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Before the game starts, the player must make a bet. Once the bet"; mes "has been made, both the dealer and the player are dealt 2 cards"; mes "each. Depending on what cards you have, you can choose to ^5533FF'stay'^000000,"; mes "or you can choose to ^5533FF'pull'^000000."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "When you choose to 'stay', you are telling the dealer that you don't"; mes "need anymore cards. This allows the dealer to pull if he/she"; mes "wants to. In order to stay, you must have ^FF3355at least 13 points^000000. The"; mes "dealer can only stay when he/she has^FF3355 17 points or more^000000."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "When you choose to 'pull', you are telling the dealer that you want"; mes "another card. By pulling more cards you can increase your point"; mes "total. As long has you have ^FF3355less than 21^000000 points you can pull a"; mes "card from the deck."; goto sM_Menu0; sM_0b: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "There are 3 ways to win and loose at Black Jack."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "1.) At the end of a Black Jack round, if you have more points"; mes "than the dealer you will win the round. Conversely if you have"; mes "less points than the dealer you will loose."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "2.) If you pull a card that makes your point total go over 21 you"; mes "will automatically loose the round. This is called a ^5533FF'bust'^000000. If"; mes "the dealer busts then you will win the round."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "3.) If you have a point total of 21 with the first 2 cards, you"; mes "will automatically win the round. This is called a ^5533FF'Black Jack'^000000"; mes "and happens when you get an 'Ace' and a '10 valued' card. If the"; mes "dealer gets a Black Jack he/she will automatically win the round."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "4.) Besides winning and loosing, you can tie with the dealer. If"; mes "both you and the dealer have the same point total at the end of a"; mes "round, this will result in a tie with no winner and no loss or gain"; mes "in money."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "This is called a ^5533FF'push'^000000 with the dealer. This also"; mes "applies to both you and the dealer having Black Jack at the same"; mes "time."; goto sM_Menu0; sM_0c: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "The 'Double Down' option allows you to double your current bet,"; mes "but with the drawback that you will only be able to pull one"; mes "additional card. This option is only available at the beggining of"; mes "each round."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "An example of when doubling down is usefull, is when"; mes "your first 2 cards give you a point total of 11. You have a good"; mes "chance of getting 21 or 20 with the next card that you draw. This"; mes "would be a good hand to double down on."; goto sM_Menu0; sM_0d: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "The 'Ace' card is a unique card in the game of Black Jack because"; mes "it can have 2 values. An Ace can be counted as either 11 points,"; mes "or just 1 point. For example if you had an Ace and a 4, that would"; mes "give you either 15 or 5 points."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "If you decided to stay, the Ace would automatically be counted as"; mes "11 points to give you 15 points total."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "If you had decided to pull and recieved a 9, the ace would"; mes "automatically be counted as 1 point to give you a total of 14"; mes "points. If the Ace was counted as 11 points, you would have a"; mes "point total over 21 and would have lost."; next; mes "[Dealer]"; mes "It is because of the flexibilty you have with the 'Ace' that makes"; mes "it the most powerfull card in the game."; goto sM_Menu0; M_End: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Feel free to come back anytime"; close; //================ L_Play: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Please place your bets..."; next; menu "100k",M_1a, "500k",M_1b, "1m",M_1c, "10m",M_1d, "Too rich for my blood....",M_End; M_1a: if(tokens < 2) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 100000; goto L_Cont0; M_1b: if(tokens < 10) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 500000; goto L_Cont0; M_1c: if(tokens < 20) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 1000000; goto L_Cont0; M_1d: if(tokens < 100) goto sL_NotEnuf; set @bet, 10000000; goto L_Cont0; sL_NotEnuf: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "I'm sorry but you don't have enough tokens to make that bet."; close; L_Cont0: mes "(the cards are being dealt)"; next; deletearray $@card[0],13; set @dealerTurn, 0; set @numP, 0; set @numD, 0; set @pAce, 0; set @dAce, 0; callsub sF_GetCards, @numP, @playCard[@numP], @playCard$[@numP], @pAce; callsub sF_GetCards, @numP, @playCard[@numP], @playCard$[@numP], @pAce; callsub sF_GetCards, @numD, @dealCard[@numD], @dealCard$[@numD], @dAce; callsub sF_GetCards, @numD, @dealCard[@numD], @dealCard$[@numD], @dAce; //============== L_Start: callsub sF_GetTot; mes "- Here are the ^FF5533DEALER'S^000000 cards:"; if (@numD==2) callsub sF_D2cards; if (@numD==3) callsub sF_D3cards; if (@numD==4) callsub sF_D4cards; if (@numD==5) callsub sF_D5cards; mes " The DEALER has: ^FF5533"+@dealTot+"^000000"; mes " "; mes "- Here are ^5533FFYOUR^000000 cards:"; if (@numP==2) callsub sF_P2cards; if (@numP==3) callsub sF_P3cards; if (@numP==4) callsub sF_P4cards; if (@numP==5) callsub sF_P5cards; if(@pAce != 1 || @playTot == 21) mes " YOU have: ^5533FF" +@playTot+ "^000000"; if(@pAce == 1 && @playTot != 21) mes " You have: ^5533FF" +@playTot+ "^000000, or ^5533FF" +(@playTot-10)+ "^000000"; next; if(@playTot==21 && @dealTot==21) goto sL_Push; if(@numP==2 && @playTot == 21) goto sL_Win; if(@numD==2 && @dealTot == 21) goto sL_Lose; if(@playTot > 21) goto sL_Lose; if(@dealTot > 21) goto sL_Win; if(@numP==2 && @dealerTurn==0) menu "Hit me(pull)",M_Hit, "Stay",M_Stay, "Double Down",M_Double; if(@dealerTurn == 0) menu "Hit me(pull)",M_Hit, "Stay",M_Stay; M_Stay: mes "[Dealer]"; if(@playTot < 13) goto sL_PlayToLow; if(@dealTot > 16) mes "The Dealer stays."; if(@dealTot > 16 || @numD == 5) goto L_Check; mes "The Dealer is going to pull"; next; callsub sF_GetCards, @numD, @dealCard[@numD], @dealCard$[@numD], @dAce; set @dealerTurn, 1; goto L_Start; sL_PlayToLow: mes "I'm sorry but you do not have a high enough total to stay. You must pull."; next; goto M_Hit; M_Hit: if(@numP == 5) goto M_Stay; callsub sF_GetCards, @numP, @playCard[@numP], @playCard$[@numP], @pAce; goto L_Start; M_Double: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Player has chosen to Double Down. You're current bet will be"; mes "doubled, and you will only be able to pull 1 extra card."; next; set @dealerTurn, 1; set @bet, @bet*2; callsub sF_GetCards, @numP, @playCard[@numP], @playCard$[@numP], @pAce; goto L_Start; //============= L_Check: next; if(@playTot < @dealTot) goto sL_Lose; if(@playTot == @dealTot) goto sL_Push; sL_Win: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Congratulations, you've won!"; next; set tokens, tokens + @bet; goto L_Play; sL_Lose: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "I'm sorry but you've lost."; set tokens, tokens - @bet; next; goto L_Play; sL_Push: mes "[Dealer]"; mes "Its a push. You tied with the Dealer."; next; goto L_Play; //================================== // Sub function for dealing/pulling the cards sF_GetCards: set @rnd, rand(1,13); if($@card[@rnd] == 4) goto sF_GetCards; set $@card[@rnd], $@card[@rnd] + 1; set getarg(1), @rnd; if(getarg(1) > 10) set getarg(1), 10; if(getarg(1) == 1 && getarg(3) < 1) set getarg(1), 11; if(getarg(1) == 11) set getarg(3), 1; set getarg(2), " " + getarg(1) + " "; if(@rnd == 10) set getarg(2), getarg(1); if(@rnd == 1) set getarg(2), " A "; if(@rnd == 11) set getarg(2), " J "; if(@rnd == 12) set getarg(2), " Q "; if(@rnd == 13) set getarg(2), " K "; set getarg(0), getarg(0) + 1; return; //================================== // Sub function for getting the total score for each hand sF_GetTot: set @i, 0; set @dealTot, 0; set @playTot, 0; GetDealTot: set @dealTot, @dealTot + @dealCard[@i]; set @i, @i + 1; if(@i < @numD) goto GetDealTot; if(@dAce == 1 && @dealTot > 21) set @dealTot, @dealTot - 10; set @i, 0; GetPlayTot: set @playTot, @playTot + @playCard[@i]; set @i, @i + 1; if(@i < @numP) goto GetPlayTot; if(@pAce == 1 && @playTot > 21) set @pAce, 2; if(@pAce > 0 && @playTot > 21) set @playTot, @playTot - 10; return; //======================================= // Sub function for displaying the Cards sF_D2cards: mes " .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@dealCard$[0]+" | | "+@dealCard$[1]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' "; return; sF_P2cards: mes " .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@playCard$[0]+" | | "+@playCard$[1]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' "; return; sF_D3cards: mes " .-----. .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@dealCard$[0]+" | | "+@dealCard$[1]+" | | "+@dealCard$[2]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' '-----' "; return; sF_P3cards: mes " .-----. .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@playCard$[0]+" | | "+@playCard$[1]+" | | "+@playCard$[2]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' '-----' "; return; sF_D4cards: mes " .-----. .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@dealCard$[0]+" | | "+@dealCard$[1]+" | | "+@dealCard$[2]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' '-----' "; mes " .-----. "; mes " | "+@dealCard$[3]+" |"; mes " '-----' "; return; sF_P4cards: mes " .-----. .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@playCard$[0]+" | | "+@playCard$[1]+" | | "+@playCard$[2]+" |"; mes " '-----' '-----' '-----' "; mes " .-----. "; mes " | "+@playCard$[3]+" |"; mes " '-----' "; return; sF_D5cards: mes " .-----. .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@dealCard$[0]+" | | "+@dealCard$[1]+" | | "+@dealCard$[2]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' '-----' "; mes " .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@dealCard$[3]+" | | "+@dealCard$[4]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' "; return; sF_P5cards: mes " .-----. .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@playCard$[0]+" | | "+@playCard$[1]+" | | "+@playCard$[2]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' '-----' "; mes " .-----. .-----. "; mes " | "+@playCard$[3]+" | | "+@playCard$[4]+" | "; mes " '-----' '-----' "; return; }
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