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Posts posted by jamesandrew

  1. Sorry for necroing an old thread. I'm encountering this issue too.
    I've tried to add a Warg skill to other classes, but the Warg sprite simply won't appear (it does work on Ranger).
    I have the flute in my inventory and the Warg sprite in the grf. I've also checked that the code for RA_WUGMASTERY isn't set exclusively for the Ranger class.

    Does anyone have any clues what I might be missing?

  2. Am I doing it correctly to block Warp Portal (skill) near warp portal (NPC)?
    I tried SC_CHAOSPANIC is not working as well https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/16e9d52204f8b9074bce87158858eb0348900ed8/db/pre-re/skill_db.yml#L22478
    Can someone confirm this?

    rathena hash: 673ef066fb261985b7be4526b444e8b735e7ed95

      - Id: 27
        Name: AL_WARP
        Description: Warp Portal
        MaxLevel: 4
        Type: Magic
        TargetType: Ground
          NoDamage: true
          DisableNearNpc: true
        Range: 9
        Hit: Single
        HitCount: 1
            WarpPortal: true
          AdditionalRange: 10 
  3. Sorry for reviving this old thread, but I would like to know as well.

    The idea is to prevent people from griefing by casting a warp portal (skill) exactly at the spawn point when you enter/exit the warp portal (npc)

  4. Sorry for resurrecting an old thread but I'm having same issue with my custom supportive skills. They require '/ns' to cast on players, yet they can be cast on mobs without using '/ns'
    I'm using 20220406, any thoughts on this?


        case NV_CLEARS:
            status_change_end(bl, SC_CURSE);


      - Id: 785
        Name: NV_CLEARS
        Description: Clears
        MaxLevel: 1
        Type: Weapon
        TargetType: Support
          NoDamage: true
          IsQuest: true
        Range: 1
        Hit: Single
        HitCount: 1
        CastCancel: true
        Cooldown: 5000
          SpCost: 20
  5. I haven't figured out how to change lex aeterna hit count
    But it has to be right here?

    		if (tsc->getSCE(SC_AETERNA) && skill_id != PF_SOULBURN) {
    			if (src->type != BL_MER || !skill_id)
    				damage *= 2; // Lex Aeterna only doubles damage of regular attacks from mercenaries
    #ifndef RENEWAL
    			if( skill_id != ASC_BREAKER || !(flag&BF_WEAPON) )
    				status_change_end(bl, SC_AETERNA); //Shouldn't end until Breaker's non-weapon part connects.

    I don't know how to change it, so I'd appreciate it if someone else could lend a hand in finding a solution.

  6. I blocked a player in the Adventure Agency, and now I can't figure out how to unblock them.
    Tried remaking the group and checking the database, but no luck. It's affecting all their characters on the same account, they're all blocked.
    Any quick fixes or tips?


    solved, both accounts have to relog

  7. I followed this guide for guild storage, but I'm getting 600 slots for a level 1 guild storage.
    Any ideas on what I might be missing?

    bump !

    		|| (gstor->max_amount != guild_checkskill(sd->guild->guild, GD_GUILD_STORAGE) * 100)


  8. On 11/19/2023 at 2:06 AM, AceofSpades said:

    search in nemo patcher RODEX then changr 2500 value to any amount you get the tax

    Yes. That's for item attachment tax (default 2500 each)
    What I'm looking is changing the tax for sending zeny (default 2%). It's hardcoded and I can't find it on nemo

  9. On 3/24/2023 at 10:06 AM, j3NvTRe said:

    Known Bugs:

    1. Upon login when Homu and Merc  is summon the default behavior of it is attack closest enemy. ( so aggressive xD )
    2. When player have both Homu and Merc summon they will try to "attack" each other to get the closest position beside there owner. ( they are clingy AF )  
    3. Homu and Merc are affected by @speed command so be aware they can run very fast ...

    If you have found more bugs please report it ...


    bumping, any update for this?

  10. On 7/25/2020 at 1:21 PM, jayvz17 said:

    I already did this no tax was deducted. But the tax in mail it always show. 
    Did you know how to diff the client like you said this one? 'this rate is hardcoded in the client, you need to diff your client accordingly if you change this value.'

    Sorry for bumping this old thread.
    Did you solved it?
    I can't find diff for mail zeny fee

  11. I'm facing a problem where players are abusing vending to rmt their zeny. I know pickup_log only has vending log but without the prices for what they sold.

    Can someone please help me making a script that could record price of sold vending items to sql?


  12. skill.cpp

    	case SM_ENDURE:
    			int splash = skill_get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv);
    			skill_reveal_trap_inarea(src, splash, src->x, src->y);
    			map_foreachinallrange( status_change_timer_sub, src,
    				splash, BL_CHAR, src, NULL, type, tick);

    No errors but it didn't detects hidden characters

    the idea is coming from archer Improve Concentration
    Can someone please help me?

  13. On 7/8/2022 at 6:44 PM, Gouki said:

    Are you using the Rare Drop Announce on drops.conf or this is the flag: dropAnnounce on item yml?

    Do you happen to know how to enable to DropAnnounce under flags on itemdb.yml?

    bumping an old thread !

    Same question, how to enable to DropAnnounce under flags on itemdb.yml?
    I can make them work in offline client, wanna bring them in online but I can't find the settings
    no src edit was made on offline client

    The first one rare_drop_announce: 0 with *DropAnnounce: true* in item db (this only triggers when you actually pickup the items)

    The second one rare_drop_announce: 1000 without any changes in item db (this triggers instantly on mob dead)



    If I enabled both they're overlapping

  14. How do I change the default regen tick from 10s to 5s?
    Am I looking on correct codes?

    		// Only players have skill/sitting skill regen for now.
    		sregen = regen->sregen;
    		val = 0;
    		if( (skill=pc_checkskill(sd,SM_RECOVERY)) > 0 )
    			val += skill*5 + skill*status->max_hp/500;
    		if (sc && sc->count) {
    			if (sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXHP))
    				val += val * sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXHP)->val2 / 100;
    		sregen->hp = cap_value(val, 0, SHRT_MAX);
    		val = 0;
    		if( (skill=pc_checkskill(sd,MG_SRECOVERY)) > 0 )
    			val += skill*3 + skill*status->max_sp/500;
    		if( (skill=pc_checkskill(sd,NJ_NINPOU)) > 0 )
    			val += skill*3 + skill*status->max_sp/500;
    		if( (skill=pc_checkskill(sd,WM_LESSON)) > 0 )
    			val += 3 + 3 * skill;
    		if (sc && sc->count) {
    			if (sc->getSCE(SC_ANCILLA))
    				val += sc->getSCE(SC_ANCILLA)->val2 / 100;
    			if (sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXSP))
    				val += val * sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXSP)->val2 / 100;
    		sregen->sp = cap_value(val, 0, SHRT_MAX);
    		// Skill-related recovery (only when sit)

    I tried changing both of these codes but the tick time didn't change.
    val += val * sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXHP)->val2 / 100;
    val += val * sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXSP)->val2 / 100;
    val += val * sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXHP)->val2 / 50;
    val += val * sc->getSCE(SC_INCREASE_MAXSP)->val2 / 50;

  15. Where do I look to change the success rate of MG_STONECURSE?
    I want to make Lv1 at 20% chance and +10% chance for each level.

    		sc_start2(src,bl,SC_STONEWAIT,(16+4*skill_lv),skill_lv,src->id,skill_get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv),skill_get_time(skill_id, skill_lv));

    Is this correct?

  16. 4 hours ago, Chaos92 said:

    you didnt specify which part for the refine.

    Example :

          if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R) >= 7) {
             autobonus "{ bonus bIgnoreDefClass,Class_Normal; }",1000,3000,BF_SHORT|BF_NORMAL;


    It didn't work. I'm still getting same error.

      - Combos:
          - Combo:
              - Mastering_Card
              - Poring_Card
        Script: |
          bonus bCritical,3;
          if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT) >= 8) {
             bonus bLuk,2;
             bonus bCritical,3;
      - Combos:
          - Combo:
              - Mastering_Card
              - Poring_Card
        Script: |
          bonus bCritical,3;
          .@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT);
          if (.@r>=8) {
             bonus bLuk,2;
             bonus bCritical,3;

    both didn't work

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