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Fluffle Puff

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Status Updates posted by Fluffle Puff

  1. *Alejandra gives a Candy to Emistry* good boy (:

    1. Emistry
    2. Fluffle Puff

      Fluffle Puff

      well, if you dont like it you can return it >:/

    3. Emistry


      LOL..i like it..thx xD ~

  2. Bah~ Que facil es atacar en grupo y a una sola chica, verdad?

  3. Con nueva firmita. Os mola tios? (:

  4. enemies, enemies everywhere!

  5. enemies, enemies everywhere!

  6. first profile feed!

  7. i dont like ur new avatar

    1. Emistry


      lol....then ? O.o ~

    2. Fluffle Puff

      Fluffle Puff

      then change it :(

    3. Emistry


      any suggested avatar ? xD

  8. I dont like your new avatar :(

    1. Euphy


      But it's so fat and adorable! D:

  9. I miss you :(

    1. Emistry


      LOL..xD luckily i still have some free time to online xD

      saw your comment..feel shock !!! LOL...miss you too Alejandra !!! hahahaa


  10. I need a man :(

    1. Emistry


      here i am ...; )

    2. Fluffle Puff

      Fluffle Puff

      but but but D: I need a strong man D:!

    3. Emistry
  11. I still being your fan! you helped me alot!

  12. I'm not on vacation anymore but.. dont look for me anymore...

  13. Johnny, la gente está muy loca

  14. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

    1. mrjnumber1


      keep your friends close and your animes closer

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