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Posts posted by Tokei

  1. The issue isn't in your accessory files. By the way, you can end it with a comma or not; it's preferred to leave the comma because it's easier to add new items later on. The error comes from jobname.lub, so... go near the line 3413 and see if you can locate the issue; otherwise show us the content of that file.

  2. I think is this, thanks Toekei, I will check for this when arrive home.


    But I have some doubts. Its safe to put this kind of connect directy by the application?


    And the server will give privileges to run the application execute the insert ? Because what I want is to change a value in DB that the emulator uses .


    Example: Player login on launcher (see the gif up), The application insert in my "ragnarok" db, launcher = 1 where login and password = used on launcher.


    I do not know if I was clear , and excuse me my English and grammar , I'm a little rusty . Thank you again.


    Ah, no, I thought this was for 'personal' use. You can't use this method in a launcher because the security risk is way too high. You have two options...


    Create a new packet to communicate with the server

    What you would have to do is create a connection with the server itself, probably read the clientinfo.xml, and then send the information you want to the server. In packets.h you would add a new packet that you can treat yourself. This is similar to what a WPE tool would do I guess.


    Keep using SQL

    You could stick with SQL... Create a new user with very limited access (only grant them the insert command). That way you could use the code above but by using that restricted account, they wouldn't be able to do anything even if they found out your connection username/password. The only abuse I can think of is that someone might end up spamming the DB with insert commands, but... this can happen with any other solution you come up with anyway.

  3. Why not use C# to do this directly? First of, download and install the MySQL C# library : https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/net/6.9.html and then add the MySql.Data reference to your project.


    I made a basic sample you can start with (attached files to this post), it's... really straightforward :

    _sql.Connect("", "ragnarok", "username", "password", "3306");
    _sql.Execute("SELECT `userid` FROM `login`");

    For more information, you can go ahead and read this codeproject article : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/43438/Connect-C-to-MySQL


    If this isn't what you're looking for, please clarify xD


  4. 950 is "Chinese", what you're looking for is 932 (Japanese).


    To convert the file names with GRF Editor, set your encoding to 932, create a new empty GRF, add your files in it, save it, then go back in the encoding and put it back to whichever you prefer.


    Edit : don't use an existing GRF when changing to japanese's encoding; if you have some Korean characters in it they may not get translated properly when saving.

    • Upvote 2
  5. You can't resize sprites just by changing their scale. For starter, this character will appear like it's floating in the air (she's above the horizontal line) and the frames have anchors/reference positions to connect with other sprites (like the head, the hat, etc) together. If you look at your sprite :



    I'd advise you to base your sprite using these ACTs instead : http://www.mediafire.com/download/nfsklh6ct88bax2/bighead2.grf, which have already been resized correctly (just copy and rename the body ACT that corresponds to your current sprite).

  6. Fair piece of advice, don't treat members of the court as ignorant fools; it won't help your case in the slightest and will probably just make it worst. The intent, no matter how much you try to hide it, is to allow players to log on a Ragnarok Online server you own. The game client files, which you clearly stole from Gravity, have been modified and have been distributed BY YOU. (Making you responsible for this.)


    "If I have a gun store (server)..."

    First of, if you open a gun store, clearly the goal is to attract clients and sell weapons. What I think you're misunderstanding here is that you're not allowed to sell weapons, whoever buys them doesn't even matter. In RO terms, you're not allowed to distribute the client files, who plays on the client afterwards is of no importance.


    How do you know if someone is using sprites, palette or texture of Gravity?

    They know by downloading your server's client and looking at your files. Unless you do this whole thing on a closed network, but then what's the point?


    The only person informed is the one who uses the client, not the server.

    And who's responsible for distributing the client files required to connect to the server?


    In summary : you're allowed to run rAthena and open a server, you're not allowed to steal and distribute Gravity's client files. You might as well make a new game, with your own client and your own images, by opening your own company if you want to stay legal.

  7. You have to find the model textures for the trees, then replace those with a fully pink image. If you're using GRF Editor, just select the map, go in Extract resources and select all the leaves :



    Then click on "Export" at the top. Go in your data folder (where your opened your GRF) and start replacing the textures with pink squares. Just by replacingn those I selected above should cover almost all of the trees in Gefenia. Changing these leaves may have an impact on other maps obviously.

  8. Yes, the color component can be modified :

    foreach (var action in act) {
        foreach (var frame in action) {
            foreach (var layer in frame) {
                if (layer.Color == "#760ED1F4") {
                    layer.Color = "#763D0EF4";

    You could also go for...

    foreach (var action in act) {
        foreach (var frame in action) {
            foreach (var layer in frame) {
                var c = layer.Color;
                layer.Color = GrfColor.FromHsv(0.76f, c.Saturation, c.Brightness, c.A);

    On a side note, this is Act Editor, not Actor ;O.

  9. All file hosters that I know of put the responsibility of the files to the uploader (read the ToS of these websites when you create an account). Any P2P system (such as Torrents) put the responsibility on the uploaders as well : which is everyone currently downloading the files, not just the original uploader.


    Running a RO private server as a whole isn't legal, no matter how you try to twist the laws. Just the client you're using isn't legal; it's been 'unpacked' and modified so that you can apply patches on it (Themida protection has been removed). Downloading such a client is against the law in most countries.


    Then there's the issue of using all of Gravity's copyrighted materials without their permission : you can't use any of the RO images (ingame or anywhere else), it doesn't belong to you. (Pretty sure you can't edit any of their other files either, as the formats belong to Gravity.)


    I'm not really sure why you're asking these questions though. If you want to open a server, go ahead if you want to. The likelyhood of Gravity bothering you about it is very slim (as in : they won't do anything).


    Edit : you can find such info online rather easily.



    • Upvote 2
  10. oh.. i thought you need the low res new prontera, beside it cant be loaded without texture/ model

    i suggest you using the old ones



    Just want to point out that it's not really a "low-res" GRF; the model versions have been downgraded, but the actual map that you see looks exactly the same as the new one from kRO ;O.

  11. Thank you for this grf! I am having an issue with walkable areas and was wondering if anyone could help.


    A couple of the map warps are not placed properly so I moved them (not hard to do). However, after I moved one of the portals I found that I could not walk to it. After walking around the main town more, I found multiple spots to which a character could not walk.


    I tried opening the files in browedit and checked the gat. The gat says it is walkable but gameplay says otherwise. It is as if the gat file from the previous town is still being used. So far I have: merged the prontera.grf with my data.grf and rdata.grf, recached using mapcache.exe.


    Any help is greatly appreciated!


    Hmm, well this looks like a mapcache issue. Use WeeMapCache and overwrite prontera's data.

  12. No one will be able to do it for you, the info in that GRF is lost. Take a lesson out of this and make sure you have back-ups next time!

    Also, if you yourself put a password on it, you should know what it is.


    SecureGRF doesn't allow you to decrypt your files in any way. That being said, even if the GRF has been encrypted with SecureGRF, you should still be able to see the content. The fact that it crashes in an editor means the GRF header is damaged and it can be repaired if it's nothing too serious. Either way, it's also possible to recover the files by guessing their location to some extent; you'd lose their names but it's not a big deal anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  13. what u means by that?


    He means you can easily extract any encrypted file, no matter what protection was used. Then again, these things shouldn't be mentionned too much because it's 'cheating' (and no, nobody will use this method for you...!). You can assume your GRF is lost and forget about it.

  14. I'm... confused with your script to be fair. You get the warning because 91260000 * 35 = 3194100000, which is greater than 2147483648. If you want to give 0.35% exp, you could use the following instead :


    BaseExp += NextBaseExp / 10000 * 35;

    • Upvote 1
  15. To add new items in your client version, you have to update the following files :

    data\lua files\datainfo\jobname.lub or lua
    data\lua files\datainfo\accessoryid.lub or lua
    data\lua files\datainfo\accname.lub or lua
    data\lua files\datainfo\npcidentity.lub or lua
    -your other sprites and textures
    • Upvote 1
  16. You seem a bit confused about patches here. A Thor patch is simply a bunch of files, there's no distinction between an item description patch or a sprite update patch. If you modified your item description files, then yes, you need to update your item description files. Any modified or added files needs to be patched.


    You can make your patches with GRF Editor (it's easier) :

    File > New > New Thor >



    Set your Thor settings in the "Container options" tab :



    Drag and drop your new files and save.

    • Upvote 1
  17. Thor's maximum patch size is 2 GB, so you don't have to worry about that. Some hosts will only allow you to download files up to 10 MB though, so that might be your issue. If you modified your lua files (inside datainfo), then yes, you have to add those as well while you're making your patch.


    About 3rd question, even though you said you've found the answer, you should always be using the 'weird' language instead of Korean. The client can only read ANSI strings, it will ignore Korean file names. As for GRF Editor, it detects and fixes encoding issues automatically, so you'll never run into trouble while editing a GRF.

    • Upvote 1
  18. I made a tool for myself at some point which does just what you're looking for (requires .net 3.5). It's rather basic, but it does the job.


    Put the executable where you want your local server to start. For example, if your RootURL in Thor Patcher is "",then you will want the following : 



    Start the executable, set your port (can be anything), press Start and you're good to go.




    I have to admit, I haven't tested it so much. I just needed something simple to test my patcher xD.


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