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Posts posted by Erba

  1. next time anything battleground related, PM me =/

    I found this topic when I run a search on the word "battleground"


    it opens every Hour and lasts for 30 mins

    most battleground script opens 24/7

    means this one only opens a certain time ?

    once the battleground opens 2 players can start the Battleground while waiting for other players to join the battleground

    I don't really understand this part

    you means 2 players can "start" the event, start fighting each other in the map

    and later more and more player can actually join in until 1 side become imbalance ?

    BG Castle will be a copy of Kriemhild Castle!

    similar to assault event ?

    only 1 emperium, and if emperium down, attacker wins

    if emperium still up when time limit up, defender wins ... something like this ?

    everything else seems ok

    btw, is this battleground rush ? that one in ramod



    Sorry for not contacting you regarding Battleground script.


    1. Yea it will only opens for a certain time => opens every hour and only last for 30mins


    2. Yea the battleground can be started by 2 players and they can already start fighting and later more and more players can join until it reaches 30 vs 30. players will only be warped in the battleground when an EVEN no. is inside the NPC CHat room and will randomly distribute the no. of players to each team


    3. hmm, not familiar with the assault event, yes you are right.


    Battleground Rush isnt in the ramod its different and can only be found in eAmod

  2. my server is 255/120 and it doesnt have quest using "#" and i wish to clean up my database so is it possible for me to empty the global_reg_value?

    and does converting myisam to innodb will affect scripts with sql queries?

  3. Quest Also Regarding.. global_reg_value, can i empty this portion even if i have lots of data in my whole ragnarok database?


    and how to convert MyISaM to InnoDB and how does this work, im very much confuse and willing to learn all this stuffs, since ive read that InnoDB gives better results than myIsAm i want to convert myisam to innodb can someone explain it to me in the simplest form?

  4. First and Foremost i dont know where to ask this question, forgive me if i posted on the wrong section..


    now the question is, i am using rathena 16797 and i wish to move on and use the latest svn which is 17701 the question is will my sql backups will be having problems when i import it in the sql tables of 17701?


  5. Requesting a battle ground which uses a custom First Edition WOE:


    it opens every Hour and lasts for 30 mins, once the battleground opens 2 players can start the Battleground while waiting for other players to join the battleground, the max players to join the battleground will be 30players( 15 vs 15 )


    there is only 1 waitingroom the there should be an even number of players to join and will be divided in to 2 groups ( like annie's custom BG ) then the succeeding players who will join will just enter the Waiting Room until the room is compose of EVEN number and will automatically be warped in the Entrance of the BG Castle.


    BG Castle will be a copy of Kriemhild Castle!


    the winner will be determined by team who was able to conquer the said BG castle upto the last minute


    Winner will get : 50 Valor Badge each player

    Loser will get : 20 Valor Badge each player


    i hope someone can do this one :)



    -	script	Sample	-1,{
    setarray .map$,"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05";
    set .map_size,getarraysize( .map$ );
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .map_size; .@i++ )
    	setmapflag .map$[.@i],mf_loadevent;
    .@map$ = strcharinfo(3);
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .map_size; .@i++ )
    	if( .@map$ == .map$[.@i] ){
    		if( getarraysize( @inventorylist_card1 ) || getarraysize( @inventorylist_card2 ) || getarraysize( @inventorylist_card3 ) || getarraysize( @inventorylist_card4 ) ){
    			mes "Make sure you didnt bring any Item that have Card Compounded or Signed with Name.";
    			warp "prontera",155,181;

    how to make this script disable specific equips and cards on a specific map every saturday at 7pm to 8pm only?


    can i just put  OnSat1900: ?



    Add this under the OnPCLoadMapEvent label to determine whether or not it's Saturday:

    if (gettime(4) == 6) {

    how about making it works to block all specified item not just the cards?

  7. -	script	Sample	-1,{
    setarray .map$,"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05";
    set .map_size,getarraysize( .map$ );
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .map_size; .@i++ )
    	setmapflag .map$[.@i],mf_loadevent;
    .@map$ = strcharinfo(3);
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .map_size; .@i++ )
    	if( .@map$ == .map$[.@i] ){
    		if( getarraysize( @inventorylist_card1 ) || getarraysize( @inventorylist_card2 ) || getarraysize( @inventorylist_card3 ) || getarraysize( @inventorylist_card4 ) ){
    			mes "Make sure you didnt bring any Item that have Card Compounded or Signed with Name.";
    			warp "prontera",155,181;

    how to make this script disable specific equips and cards on a specific map every saturday at 7pm to 8pm only?


    can i just put  OnSat1900: ?

  8. // KoE Exit
    guild_vs1,49,56,5    script    Exit#KoE    51,{
        mes "[Exit]";
        mes "See ya.";
        if ( getcharid(2) == $koegid && getguildmaster(getcharid(2)) == strcharinfo(0) )
            getitem 12039, 1; // configure prize here
        warp "Save",0,0;

    how about the Guild Master can obtain 5pcs TCG card while the Members obtain 10 pcs Valor badges?

  9. -	script	atcmd_example	-1,{
    	bindatcmd "item",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand";
    	setarray .item_restrict,
    	.item_restrict_size = getarraysize( .item_restrict );
    	.@gmlevel = getgmlevel();
    	if( .@gmlevel && .@atcmd_numparameters ){
    		.@itemid = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[0] );
    		if( .@gmlevel < 99 ){
    			for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_restrict_size; .@i++ )
    				if( .@itemid == .item_restrict[.@i] ){
    					message strcharinfo(0),"Cant create this items.";
    		if( getitemname( .@itemid ) != "null" ){
    			.@quantity = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[1] );
    			if ( .@quantity < 1 ) .@quantity = 1;
    			getitem .@itemid,.@quantity;

    still not able to use @item even with GM LVL 99 , using latest SVN



    buuuuuuump need help

  10. this script is expecting the `char` table already has `kills` and `deaths` column

    make sure that you have run

    alter table `char`
    add `kills` int(11) unsigned not null default 0 after unban_time,
    add `deaths` int(11) unsigned not null default 0 after `kills`;
    also, your getmapflag mf_gvg inside OnPCKillEvent seems to be doing correctly

    but mf_pvp doesn't add the query_sql stuffs ...


    i successfully added those sql queries in my phpmyadmin database mam annie but still the problem is that it doesnt add a Kills or Deaths upon pvping in PVP or GVG arenas

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