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Posts posted by Erba

  1. how to make Poison Bottle or Empty Bottle as the item requirement for Enchant Deadly Poison Skill of Sinx?


    for example if the player doesnt have Poison bottle he can still use Empty Bottle to use the skill EDP


    thanks in advance

  2. I did try to search the forum to find a modification with Soul link status for Star gladiator but i cant find one..


    Can i Request a SL modification for the Star Glad Soul link effect that whenever a Star Glad is under Soul link effect it can use Lvl 10 lord of vermillion and Lvl 10 Parrying..


    thank you!

  3. Help me on this sir and madam


    [Error]: npc_event: event not found [bg_emp_register::OnRedDead]
    [Error]: npc_event: event not found [bg_emp_register::OnBlueDead]


    and how to put a 30mins cooldown in this BG? thanks XD

    [Error]: skill_unit_move_sub: Reached limit of unit objects per cell!
  4. -	script	custom_bg#control	-1,{
    	set .minplayer2start, 4; // minimum player to start ... please do not set to 1
    	setarray .rewarditem,
    		7829, 10, // reward to the winning team
    		7829, 3; // reward to the losing team
    	set .startingscore, 15; // score at start
    	set .eventlasting, 20*60; // event last 20 minutes or the system abort itself
    	set .red_cloth, 1; // color value from red clothing
    	set .blue_cloth, 2; // color value from blue clothing
    	set .grey_cloth, 3; // color value from grey clothing
    	if ( getwaitingroomstate( 0, .rednpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start || getwaitingroomstate( 0, .bluenpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start ) end;
    	.red = waitingroom2bg( "guild_vs3", 13,50, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnredQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnredDead", .rednpcname$ );
    	copyarray .team1aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum;
    	.team1count = .minplayer2start;
    	.blue = waitingroom2bg( "guild_vs3", 86,50, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnblueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnblueDead", .bluenpcname$ );
    	copyarray .team2aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum;
    	.team2count = .minplayer2start;
    	delwaitingroom .rednpcname$;
    	delwaitingroom .bluenpcname$;
    	bg_warp .red, "guild_vs3", 13,50;
    	bg_warp .blue, "guild_vs3", 86,50;
    	.score[1] = .score[2] =.startingscore;
    	bg_updatescore "guild_vs3", .score[1], .score[2];
    	callsub L_setleader, 1;
    	callsub L_setleader, 2;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .minplayer2start; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team1aid[.@i];
    		@clotes_color = getlook( look_clothes_color );
    		setlook look_clothes_color, ( .leader_aid[1] == getcharid(3) )? .grey_cloth : .red_cloth;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .minplayer2start; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team2aid[.@i];
    		@clotes_color = getlook( look_clothes_color );
    		setlook look_clothes_color, ( .leader_aid[2] == getcharid(3) )? .grey_cloth : .blue_cloth;
    	sleep .eventlasting * 1000;
    	if ( .score[1] > .score[2] ) {
    		mapannounce "guild_vs3", "red side wins !", 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 1, 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 2, 2;
    	else if ( .score[1] < .score[2] ) {
    		mapannounce "guild_vs3", "blue side wins !", 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 2, 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 1, 2;
    	else {
    		mapannounce "guild_vs3", "Draw !", 0;
    		callsub L_reward, 1, 2;
    		callsub L_reward, 2, 2;
    	bg_warp .red, "prontera",152,178;
    	bg_warp .blue, "prontera",154,178;
    	bg_destroy .red;
    	bg_destroy .blue;
    	donpcevent .rednpcname$ +"::OnStart";
    	donpcevent .bluenpcname$ +"::OnStart";
    	.leader_aid[1] = .leader_aid[2] = 0;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .team1count; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team1aid[.@i];
    		setlook look_clothes_color, @clotes_color;
    		@clotes_color = 0;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .team2count; .@i++ ) {
    		attachrid .team2aid[.@i];
    		setlook look_clothes_color, @clotes_color;
    		@clotes_color = 0;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count"); .@i++ )
    		getitem .rewarditem[ getarg(1) ], .rewarditem[ getarg(1) +1 ], getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" );
    OnredDead: callsub L_dead, 1;
    OnblueDead: callsub L_dead, 2;
    	if ( .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] != getcharid(3) )
    		.score[ getarg(0) ]--;
    	else {
    		callsub L_setleader, getarg(0);
    		.score[ getarg(0) ] -= 2;
    	bg_updatescore "guild_vs3", .score[1], .score[2];
    	if ( .score[ getarg(0) ] <= 0 )
    		awake strnpcinfo(0);
    	sleep2 1250;
    	percentheal 100,100;
    OnredQuit: callsub L_quit, 1, .red;
    OnblueQuit: callsub L_quit, 2, .blue;
    	percentheal 100, 100;
    	while ( getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ) != getcharid(3) && .@i < getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") ) .@i++;
    	deletearray getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ), 1;
    	setd ".team"+ getarg(0) +"count", getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") -1;
    	if ( .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] == getcharid(3) )
    		callsub L_setleader, getarg(0);
    	setlook look_clothes_color, @clotes_color;
    	@clotes_color = 0;
    	if ( bg_get_data( getarg(1), 0 ) > 1 ) end;
    	.score[ getarg(0) ] = 0;
    	awake strnpcinfo(0);
    	while ( ( .@tmp = getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ rand( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") ) +"]" ) ) == playerattached() );
    	.leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] = .@tmp;
    	.@origin = playerattached();
    	attachrid .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ];
    	addtimer 1, strnpcinfo(0) +"::Onteam"+ getarg(0) +"leader";
    	attachrid .@origin;
    Onteam1leader: callsub L_lead, 1, 548;
    Onteam2leader: callsub L_lead, 2, 549;
    	while ( .leader_aid[ getarg(0) ] == getcharid(3) ) {
    		specialeffect2 getarg(1);
    		sleep2 1000;
    prontera,152,178,5	script	red side	733,{
    	set getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "custom_bg#control" ), strnpcinfo(0);
    	waitingroom "Red Team", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" ) +1, "custom_bg#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" );
    prontera,154,178,5	script	blue side	734,{
    	set getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "custom_bg#control" ), strnpcinfo(0);
    	waitingroom "Blue Team", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" ) +1, "custom_bg#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "custom_bg#control" );
    guild_vs3	mapflag	battleground	2
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nowarp
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nowarpto
    guild_vs3	mapflag	noteleport
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nomemo
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nopenalty
    guild_vs3	mapflag	nobranch
    guild_vs3	mapflag	noicewall

    All Character is transformed in SWORDSMAN.. T_T


    then there it goes the errors

    bump needed badly

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