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Everything posted by Evil

  1. you rathena revision? please say sniper equipment.
  2. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/status.c #ifdef RENEWAL // Renewal formulas if (bl->type == BL_MOB) { //Hit stat = status->hit; stat += level + status->dex + 175; status->hit = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Flee stat = status->flee; stat += level + status->agi + 100; status->flee = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); } else if (bl->type == BL_HOM) { status->hit = cap_value(level + status->dex + 150,1,SHRT_MAX); // base level + dex + 150 status->flee = cap_value(level + status->agi + level/10,1,SHRT_MAX); // base level + agi + base level/10 } else { //Hit stat = status->hit; stat += level + status->dex + status->luk/3 + 175; // base level + ( every 1 dex = +1 hit ) + (every 3 luk = +1 hit) + 175 status->hit = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Flee stat = status->flee; stat += level + status->agi + status->luk/5 + 100; // base level + ( every 1 agi = +1 flee ) + (every 5 luk = +1 flee) + 100 status->flee = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); } status->matk_min = status->matk_max = status_base_matk(status, level); //Def2 stat = status->def2; stat += (int)(((float)level + status->vit)/2 + ((float)status->agi/5)); // base level + (every 2 vit = +1 def) + (every 5 agi = +1 def) status->def2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); //MDef2 stat = status->mdef2; stat += (int)(status->int_ + ((float)level/4) + ((float)status->dex/5) + ((float)status->vit/5)); // (every 4 base level = +1 mdef) + (every 1 int = +1 mdef) + (every 5 dex = +1 mdef) + (every 5 vit = +1 mdef) status->mdef2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); #else status->matk_min = status_base_matk_min(status); status->matk_max = status_base_matk_max(status); //Hit stat = status->hit; stat += level + status->dex; status->hit = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Flee stat = status->flee; stat += level + status->agi; status->flee = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Def2 stat = status->def2; stat += status->vit; status->def2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); //MDef2 stat = status->mdef2; stat += status->int_ + (status->vit>>1); status->mdef2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); #endif
  3. please screen to warning. i not search warning in folder src\char.
  4. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/battle.c else if(is_attack_right_handed(src, skill_id) && is_attack_left_handed(src, skill_id)) { //Dual-wield if (wd.damage) { if( (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_THIEF ) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,AS_RIGHT); ATK_RATER(wd.damage, 50 + (skill * 10)) } else if(sd->class_ == MAPID_KAGEROUOBORO) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,KO_RIGHT); ATK_RATER(wd.damage, 70 + (skill * 10)) } if(wd.damage < 1) wd.damage = 1; } if (wd.damage2) { if( (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_THIEF) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,AS_LEFT); ATK_RATEL(wd.damage2, 30 + (skill * 10)) } else if(sd->class_ == MAPID_KAGEROUOBORO) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,KO_LEFT); ATK_RATEL(wd.damage2, 50 + (skill * 10)) } if(wd.damage2 < 1) wd.damage2 = 1; } } change: ATK_RATER(wd.damage, 50 + (skill * 10)) and: ATK_RATEL(wd.damage2, 30 + (skill * 10))
  5. Evil


    RC_BOSS and RC_NONBOSS = all race monsters bonus3 bSPDrainRatio,RC_BOSS,1,1000; bonus3 bSPDrainRatio,RC_NONBOSS,1,1000;
  6. AnnieRuru @invite - check target target_sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK @duel - check who use sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK if use command not bard - invite bard - command good work. my idea check who use all commands...
  7. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/status.c // Basic ASPD value i = status_base_amotion_pc(sd,status); status->amotion = cap_value(i,((sd->class_&JOBL_THIRD) ? battle_config.max_third_aspd : battle_config.max_aspd),2000); edit to: // Basic ASPD value i = status_base_amotion_pc(sd,status); status->amotion = cap_value(i-50,((sd->class_&JOBL_THIRD) ? battle_config.max_third_aspd : battle_config.max_aspd),2000); please tested and say result.
  8. I bad speak you. The problem persists?
  9. may be conf\battle\exp.conf // Use the contents of db/statpoint.txt when doing a stats reset and leveling up? (Note 1) // If no, an equation will be used which preserves statpoints earned/lost // through external means (ie: stat point buyers/sellers) use_statpoint_table: yes
  10. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/common/mmo.h #define MAX_GUILD 16+10*6 // increased max guild members +6 per 1 extension levels [Lupus]
  11. please edit file \conf\harmony_custom.conf client_checksum: 0, off
  12. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/db/re/skill_cast_db.txt // Skill Times Database // // Structure of Database: // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time //== Explained: // CastingTime : time to cast this skill, in miliseconds // AfterCastActDelay : "normal" delay, character cannot use skills, in miliseconds // AfterCastWalkDleay : amount of time before character can move again, in miliseconds // Duration1 / Duration2 : usually the durations used by the skill, at special cases it is used to hold special data // Cool Down : amount of time until character can re-use this skill, in miliseconds // Fixed Casting Time: the skills fixed casting time (when 0, uses 20% of cast time and less than 0 means no fixed cast time) //== Extra // On all fields you can use ':' as a delimiter to level-specific values, // - Example using SM_PROVOKE // - Original:6,0,0,0,30000,0,1000 // - ModifiedTo:6,0,0,0,30000,0,1000:2500:3000:etc // - Makes lvl 1 have 1000 (1s) cool down, lvl 2 2500 (2.5s), lvl 3 3000, and so on. //==========================================
  13. Traps: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/conf/battle/skill.conf // Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3) // Default on official servers: 1 (for players) gvg_traps_target_all: 1 Frost Joke: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/skill.c int skill_frostjoke_scream (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { struct block_list *src; uint16 skill_id,skill_lv; unsigned int tick; nullpo_ret(bl); nullpo_ret(src=va_arg(ap,struct block_list*)); skill_id=va_arg(ap,int); skill_lv=va_arg(ap,int); if(!skill_lv) return 0; tick=va_arg(ap,unsigned int); if (src == bl || status_isdead(bl)) return 0; if (bl->type == BL_PC) { struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl; if ( sd && sd->sc.option&(OPTION_INVISIBLE|OPTION_MADOGEAR) ) return 0;//Frost Joke / Scream cannot target invisible or MADO Gear characters [Ind] } //It has been reported that Scream/Joke works the same regardless of woe-setting. [Skotlex] if(battle_check_target(src,bl,BCT_ENEMY) > 0) skill_additional_effect(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,BF_MISC,ATK_DEF,tick); else if(battle_check_target(src,bl,BCT_PARTY) > 0 && rnd()%100 < 10) skill_additional_effect(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,BF_MISC,ATK_DEF,tick); return 0; } del code: else if(battle_check_target(src,bl,BCT_PARTY) > 0 && rnd()%100 < 10) skill_additional_effect(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,BF_MISC,ATK_DEF,tick);
  14. *getequipid(<equipment slot>) This function returns the item ID of the item equipped in the equipment slot specified on the invoking character. If nothing is equipped there, it returns -1. Valid equipment slots are: EQI_HEAD_TOP (1) - Upper Headear EQI_ARMOR (2) - Armor (jackets, robes) EQI_HAND_L (3) - Left hand (weapons, shields) EQI_HAND_R (4) - Right hand (weapons) EQI_GARMENT (5) - Garment (mufflers, hoods, manteaus) EQI_SHOES (6) - Footgear (shoes, boots) EQI_ACC_L (7) - Accessory 1 EQI_ACC_R (8) - Accessory 2 EQI_HEAD_MID (9) - Middle Headgear (masks, glasses) EQI_HEAD_LOW (10) - Lower Headgear (beards, some masks) EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW (11) - Lower Costume Headgear EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID (12) - Middle Costume Headgear EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP (13) - Upper Costume Headgear EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT (14) - Costume Garment EQI_AMMO (15) - Arrow/Ammunition EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR (16) - Shadow Armor EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON (17) - Shadow Weapon EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD (18) - Shadow Shield EQI_SHADOW_SHOES (19) - Shadow Shoes EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R (20) - Shadow Accessory 2 EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L (21) - Shadow Accessory 1 getequipid(1) change to 11-14
  15. add code to file /src/map/atcommand.c in commands ACMD_FUNC(duel), ACMD_FUNC(invite) and ACMD_FUNC(accept) if(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK == MAPID_BARDDANCER) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "command not use job Bard and Dancer"); return 0; } not tested. P.S. i bad speak English.
  16. Evil

    No Skill Mapflag

    rathena / npc / mapflag / restricted.txt //Towns alberta mapflag restricted 7 aldebaran mapflag restricted 7 amatsu mapflag restricted 7 ayothaya mapflag restricted 7 brasilis mapflag restricted 7 comodo mapflag restricted 7 einbroch mapflag restricted 7 einbech mapflag restricted 7 geffen mapflag restricted 7 gonryun mapflag restricted 7 izlude mapflag restricted 7 jawaii mapflag restricted 7 hugel mapflag restricted 7 lighthalzen mapflag restricted 7 louyang mapflag restricted 7 manuk mapflag restricted 7 mid_camp mapflag restricted 7 moc_ruins mapflag restricted 7 morocc mapflag restricted 7 moscovia mapflag restricted 7 niflheim mapflag restricted 7 prontera mapflag restricted 7 payon mapflag restricted 7 pay_arche mapflag restricted 7 rachel mapflag restricted 7 splendide mapflag restricted 7 umbala mapflag restricted 7 veins mapflag restricted 7 xmas mapflag restricted 7 yuno mapflag restricted 7 add you zone and skills to rathena / db / re / skill_nocast_db.txt
  17. 1. add item to file: db/pre-re/item_trade.txt 2. item bound: *getitembound <item id>,<amount>,<bound type>{,<account ID>}; *getitembound "<item name>",<amount>,<bound type>{,<account ID>}; This command behaves identically to 'getitem', but the items created will be bound to the target character as specified by the bound type. All items created in this manner cannot be dropped, sold, vended, auctioned, or mailed, and in some cases cannot be traded or stored. Valid bound types are: 1 - Account Bound 2 - Guild Bound 3 - Party Bound 4 - Character Bound --------------------------------------- *getitembound2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>,<bound type>{,<account ID>}; *getitembound2 "<item name>",<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>,<bound type>{,<account ID>}; This command behaves identically to 'getitem2', but the items created will be bound to the target character as specified by the bound type. All items created in this manner cannot be dropped, sold, vended, auctioned, or mailed, and in some cases cannot be traded or stored. For a list of bound types see 'getitembound'.
  18. Please create script to rAthena, not eAthena.
  19. Мое решение: http://rus-ea.ru/for...posts&p=165#165 Сейчас не могу опробовать, но хотел бы узнать, верно или нет
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