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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/23 in Posts

  1. Note: This map was made during my Browedit tutorial. * If you are interested to learn how to develop your own custom RO Map, please check the link below. prontera v0.1 Very simple prontera map with custom texture. Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Thanks for Downloading. speedrun_prt.grf
    1 point
  2. EDIT 2023: Hello ! it's been a long time ? As some people still looks interested in this, i reuploaded the file, and added some new things. This link contain: - 151 Pokemon Card + Sprite/item/collec for Pokemon Card item - 151 Mob pokemon (ACT need to be reworked though. As i didn't had the motivation to modify it for flying pokemon ? - 5 different types of Balls (Hyperball, Master Ball, Pokéball, Safari Ball, Superball) - Cries from 151 Pokemon And with this, i added: - The item_db for the pokemon items and more (Costumes to enable Santa, Summer, or even an item to @hide when you equip it if you are at least GM lvl 50) - A "Plan", which is an item that display the map of where you are in a cutin. (usefull if you want to make treasure maps or something like that) - A "Spiriteur" NPC, which is a quest to unlock a NPC to Soul Link your character (you need an item https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XrlUNJ-QHkzXydspmD2JtpVGuQ2IiypH/view?usp=share_link If you have any questions, or request, you can contact me on Discord @Varguen#9220 Hope you enjoy, even if it's not the best sprites in the world
    1 point
  3. mes "Pick your number!"; next; input(.@number); .@rowCount = query_sql("SELECT `number` FROM numberdb WHERE `number` = " + .@number + ";"); if(.@rowCount == 1) { mes "This number is already used. Try again."; close; } query_sql("INSERT INTO numberdb (`number`) VALUES (" + .@number + ");");
    1 point
  4. - script MVP_vs_MVP FAKE_NPC,{ OnMinute00: if (gettime(DT_HOUR) % 2 || .start) end; goto OnStart; end; OnStart: mapwarp "1@dth3", "prontera", 150, 150; killmonster "1@dth3", "All"; .start = 1; announce .npc$ + " We are going to have a MVP vs MVP Event.", bc_all; sleep 7000; announce .npc$ + " For those who want to join, you can participate by using @mvpjoin", bc_all; sleep 7000; announce .npc$ + " We will start the event after 1 minute", bc_all; sleep 60000; announce .npc$ + " The entry to the event is now closed", bc_all; .start = 2; sleep 7000; if (getmapusers("1@dth3") < 1) { announce .npc$ + " Not enough participants to continue the event", 0; .start = 0; end; } mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " The rules for this event is simple", bc_map; sleep 7000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " Two MVP's will spawn at the center of the map and will attack each other", bc_map; sleep 7000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " Before these MVP's spawn, I will give you 1 minute to make a bet", bc_map; sleep 7000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " The bet cost for this event is " + F_InsertComma(.bet_cost) + "z and when your chosen MVP wins you'll get as much as " + F_InsertComma(.bet_rewd) + "z !!!", bc_map; sleep 7000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " All good?? Let's start betting !!!", bc_map; sleep 7000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " To make a bet please use @mvpbet command, I will give 1 minute for you guys to make a bet", bc_map; .start = 3; sleep 55000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " Betting will close in 5...", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " 4...", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " 3...", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " 2...", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " 1...", bc_map; sleep 1000; .start = 4; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " Betting is now closed !!!", bc_map; sleep 7000; mapannounce "1@dth3", .npc$ + " Let's get ready to RUMBLE !!!", bc_map; .@mid = .MVP[rand(.size)]; monster "1@dth3", 68, 68, "MVP A", .@mid, 1, strnpcinfo(1) + "::OnDie1", Size_Small, AI_NONE; .ma = $@mobid; monster "1@dth3", 71, 68, "MVP B", .@mid, 1, strnpcinfo(1) + "::OnDie2", Size_Small, AI_ATTACK; .mb = $@mobid; unitattack .ma, .mb; unitattack .mb, .ma; end; OnDie1: unittalk .mb, "[MVP B] Mwahaha!~ Such a weak opponent!"; sleep 7000; killmonster "1@dth3", "All"; .start = 0; addrid(5, 0, "1@dth3"); if (2 == @mvp_bet) { message strcharinfo(0),"Congratulations! You won the event, Good choice!"; Zeny += .bet_rewd; } @mvp_bet = 0; setpcblock PCBLOCK_ATTACK | PCBLOCK_IMMUNE, false; warp "SavePoint", 0, 0; end; OnDie2: unittalk .ma, "[MVP A] Mwahaha!~ Such a weak opponent!"; sleep 7000; killmonster "1@dth3", "All"; .start = 0; addrid(5, 0, "1@dth3"); if (1 == @mvp_bet) { message strcharinfo(0),"Congratulations! You won the event, Good choice!"; Zeny += .bet_rewd; } @mvp_bet = 0; setpcblock PCBLOCK_ATTACK | PCBLOCK_IMMUNE, false; warp "SavePoint", 0, 0; end; OnEventBet: mes .npc$; if (!.start) mes "The event is not active."; else if (.start != 3) mes "The event cannot accept bets at the moment."; else if (Zeny < .bet_cost) mes "You don't have enough zeny to make a bet."; else if (@mvp_bet) mes "You already placed your bet."; else if (strcharinfo(3) != "1@dth3") mes "Hmm~"; else { mes "Which mvp will you bet on this match???"; next; .@s = select("MVP A:MVP B"); mes .npc$; mes "Are you sure you want to bet " + F_InsertComma(.bet_cost) + " on " + (.@s == 1 ? "MVP A" : "MVP B") + "?"; next; if (select("Yes:No") & 2) end; if (.start != 3) { // in case they delay the select ??? setpcblock PCBLOCK_ATTACK | PCBLOCK_IMMUNE, false; warp "SavePoint", 0, 0; end; } mes .npc$; mes "Good luck and have fun!"; Zeny -= .bet_cost; @mvp_bet = .@s; } end; OnEventJoin: if (!.start) message strcharinfo(0), "The event is not active."; else if (.start != 1) message strcharinfo(0), "The event is not yet allowing participants to enter."; else { setpcblock PCBLOCK_ATTACK | PCBLOCK_IMMUNE, true; switch (rand(1,4)) { case 1: warp "1@dth3", 49, 50; break; case 2: warp "1@dth3", 49, 88; break; case 3: warp "1@dth3", 89, 88; break; case 4: warp "1@dth3", 89, 50; break; } } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "mvpjoin", strnpcinfo(1) + "::OnEventJoin"; bindatcmd "mvpbet", strnpcinfo(1) + "::OnEventBet"; bindatcmd "mvpstart", strnpcinfo(1) + "::OnStart", 99, 99; // List of MVP's setarray .MVP[0], 1112, 1115, 1147, 1150, 1157, 1159; .size = getarraysize(.MVP); .npc$ = "[MVP vs MVP Event]"; .bet_cost = 5000; // 5,000z to bet in the event .bet_rewd = 1000000; // 1,000,000z if bet wins end; } 1@dth3 mapflag monster_noteleport 1@dth3 mapflag noskill 1@dth3 mapflag noloot 1@dth3 mapflag noitemconsumption 1@dth3 mapflag nomemo 1@dth3 mapflag nosave SavePoint 1@dth3 mapflag nowarpto 1@dth3 mapflag nowarp 1@dth3 mapflag noteleport
    1 point
  5. Luckily I have a copy of this ? Enjoy it. Pokemon by Tanos.rar
    1 point
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