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  1. Peopleperson49's Script Collection Please enjoy my work. If you have any suggestions or find any issues/bugs please let me know! If you like or download my work please click the "Vote this post up" button to the right of the post and check out my server Ragnarok Underground. My scripts are written as I would use it for my Ragnarok Underground server, you might need to configure them before use. My scripts are written to work with the rAthena emulator. When reporting and bug/error/suggestion in this topic please give the emulator version, version of the script your using, and the issue in detail! Super Magnifier Identifys all unidientified items a player is holding at once. I made this a long time ago for my server, but I added here for Nipsino after reading a post he left. Function_SuperMagnifier.txt Rock, Paper, Scissors Roulette This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Allows the player to play roulette with a 5 chamber pistol. Only one bullet is loaded at a time. The script will continue to loop until somebody is shot. Version 2.0: rpsroulette.txt BlackJack Scratchcard Blackjack script that designed to work like a scratchcard. It is based on using eight decks or cards and both numbers and suits determine winning hands. Buster prize for scoring a 30 or 31, which can only be done if you already have a 20 or 21 adding one more element of gambling to it. Item data is included at the bottom of the script. Version 3.3: Scratchcard_BlackJack.txt Powerball Lottery This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Powerball lottery picks 5 miniballs and 1 powerball. Different pay amount based on type of matches made. Version 1.7: lottery.txt Advanced Banker This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Bank with varying account and interest based directly on balance. Also has trustfund which pays out only when the character reaches BaseLevel 150. Most of my scripts give trustfund bonuses and also 1% of any zeny spent goes toward the trustfund. Version 1.4: bank.txt Heads Or Tails This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. I remember making this one, but I'm not sure if I based it off of another script or not. Player starts by betting 500z and then flips a coin. If heads their money is disabled, if tails they loose all their money. Version 2.4: hot.txt Jackpot Leon This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design, however I'm not sure where to find that script anymore. The script picks a number between 1 and 100. The player pays 10,000z to make a guess. Each guess increases the size of the Jackpot by 9,000z until somebody wins. Version 2.3: jackpot.txt Double Dice Roll Very simple dice gambling game created for my custom Comodo casino package. You bet various amounts of zeny and roll two dice. The winner is the one with the highest total score. This was created from scratch as part of my casino package and had nothing to do with the rolladice script. Version 2.1: roll_a_dice.txt Saving Angel This script was written for my lovely wife after we were player and our whole party was wiped out in majos. It allows a character to resurrect another character anywhere in the server for a fee. Version 1.8: Saving_Angel.txt Magic 8 Ball Custom script that works just like using a magic 8 ball. Version 2.2: MagicEightball.txt Wishing Well Custom script that allows a player to throw zeny into the wishing well and make a wish. The wish is then sent to any online GM using @request. It is restricted to one use per day to help prevent annoying the crap out of the GM's! Version 1.7: WishingWell.txt Arch Bishop Job Quest This script was written for MelMel on rAthena.org. It is a compltely new version of the third job change quest for an Arch Bishop. I did not use any other scripts as a base. It allows a Priest/High Priest to gather items and then change jobs to an Arch Bishop. The Sub-scripts can be completed in any order and all work off of each other. Version 1.1: Job_AB.txt Guillotine Cross Job Quest This script was written to supplement the fact that the Guillotine Cross still has no official script release on rAthena.org. It is a compltely new version of the third job change quest for a Guillotine Cross. I did not use any other scripts as a base. It allows a Assassin/Assassin Cross to gather items and then change jobs to a Guillotine Cross. Version 1.2: Job_GC.txt Monster Of The Day Another Monster Of The Day script. I made this one from scratch to be very simple and work automatically. Uses almost the full list of monsters from the mob_branch. I included the dispbottom here when players login, but I actually perfer to use a login script with this in it. Version 1.4: MOTD.txt Security Manager Allows a player to set up a password to help protect their account. It uses a simple OnWhisperGlobal function. I nolonger support the use of the whisper system in my Security Manager script after version 1.3. I will still provide support for other issues that might be discovered in scripts prior to v1.4, but they will be fixed in a version that now uses bindatcmd. Version 1.5: Security_Manager.txt GM Headquarters Allows access to a part of the sec_in01 map that doesn't have any warps anyway. This is a nice areas to setup special NPC's or events. Whatever anybody wants to do with it. However the secutiry code is fun for everybody to try to crack. This script currently has shops that be used once a day as a reward for cracking code. It's my intent to eventually add a full warper script that can be used once a day also. Version 1.3: GMHeadquarters.txt Monster Hunter This script was written for vgrebirth on rAthena.org. It allows one party at a time to do the Monster Hunter event. If any member is killed the entire party looses and are warped out. If you kill all the mini-boss monsters the boss monster is spawned. Version 2.7: Monster_Hunter.txt
    1 point
  2. ChangeLog V 1.0 Complete * Login, Register & Logout function added. * Logout with Click Jacking Protection (Fake URL won't work for logout e.g. http://yourcp.com/logout won't work, every login will have unique logout key which is private) As per our task and deadline, we've finished above tasks with SQL Injection protected, Cross Site Scripting Protected, and Clickjacking protected. Also Adding first look of CP. ============================================================================================ For further milestones, Check @ https://github.com/phpmonkeys/ragnarokcp/issues/milestones And waiting for your suggestions. ============================================================================================ Current first look of CP We know we suck at designing . Slot for designer is open if anyone's intrested ================================================================================================ Hey guys, Hello To Everyone We're phpmonkey's, And few of our members are die hard fans of Ragnarok... True that rest don't understand anything. But still due to their devotion towards ragnarok, we started a project. New control panel for Ragnarok. PHPMonkey's Ragnarok CPanel According to us, there are few control panels of ragnarok running well but just satisfying the basic needs. Not all the potential a cpanel can have. So we started our project with base of strong PHP framework. We've already started working on cPanel source & its available on our github repository. The project is opensource & Free to use and modify as you want. We've already created a list of required functions in cPanel. We won't revel all the functions here, as they're surprise for developers like you, and really reveling the real power of control panel. Currently we've milestone of V 1.0 with simple Login & Register function with multiple combinations of configurations giving expanded capabilities to developers to configure their controlpanel as they want. This project is MVC based, The main headache of existing control panel is you can't simple design them as you want them to be. so You can simple pikup any HTML template from the internet or design yourself and integrate it with existing cpanel within hour or two. Current Deisgn of cpanel on github is not so good but we will improve it by time. If any designer, developer is intrested in contributing, You're welcome folks. Just drop me a message. Thats is also one of our main motives. As the source code is availble. Any bug, suggestions for functions will be appriciated. Here's the link of our repository https://github.com/phpmonkeys/ragnarokcp This project is not at all to compete with anyone, this is just a geniune payback to ragnarok who made my life's segment so special for it. Thanks for reading the topic
    1 point
  3. No Discount: "Disable Discount on a map' const.txt: mf_nodiscount mapflag: nodiscount No Over Charge: "Disable Overcharge on a map" const.txt: mf_noovercharge mapflag: noovercharge Just a simple release. mf_nodiscount-overcharge-rA.diff mf_nodiscount-overcharge-eA.patch
    1 point
  4. I would like to add to black list this server: http://www.takiryu-ro.com/
    1 point
  5. conf/char_athena.conf and look for this start_point:
    1 point
  6. Heyho, I stopped my work on any ragnarok server. So this is a small farewell gift. This small scripts can be used as Cronjob (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronjob) to decrease you administrative work. You normaly just have to change the config variables. Script 1: Auto RO server restart when crashed (should be started via cronjob every 5 minutes or less) #!/bin/bash ###CONFIG START### SERVER_USER="foo" PATH_TO_RO="/home/bar/rathena/" ###CONFIG END### ERROR=0 if [ "$(ps auxf | grep 'login-server' | grep -v 'grep')" == "" ]; then ERROR=1 fi if [ "$(ps auxf | grep 'char-server' | grep -v 'grep')" == "" ]; then ERROR=1 fi if [ "$(ps auxf | grep 'map-server' | grep -v 'grep')" == "" ]; then ERROR=1 fi if [ $ERROR == 1 ]; then su $SERVER_USER | $PATH_TO_RO/athena-start restart fi Script 2: SQL Backup (should be started every day) #!/bin/bash ###CONFIG START### PATH_TO_BACKUPS="/home/foo/backups" DB_HOST="localhost" DB_USER="foo" DB_PASSWORD="secretpw" WHICH_DATABASES="ragnarok" USER_NAME="foo" USER_GROUP="bar" ###CONFIG END### find -P $PATH_TO_BACKUPS -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name '*.sql' \) -ctime +15 -exec rm {} \; mysqldump -h$DB_HOST -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD --databases $WHICH_DATABASES > $PATH_TO_BACKUPS/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).sql chown $USER_NAME:$USER_GROUP $PATH_TO_BACKUPS/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).sql Script 3: Logs -> History DB If you have the logs and ragnarok tables in the same database, you can may think of archive some of old logs to another database. (should be started 2 times a month) #!/bin/bash ###CONFIG START### PATH_TO_RO="/home/bar/rathena" DB_HOST="localhost" DB_USER="bar" DB_PASSWORD="secretpw" DB_RAGNAROK_DATABASE="ragnarok" DB_LOG_DATABASE="ragnarok-log" ###CONFIG END### mysqldump -h$DB_HOST -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD --compact --no-create-info $DB_RAGNAROK_DATABASE atcommandlog branchlog charlog chatlog npclog picklog zenylog > $PATH_TO_RO/temp.sql mysql -h$DB_HOST -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD -D$DB_RAGNAROK_DATABASE -e"DELETE FROM atcommandlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM branchlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM charlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM chatlog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM npclog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM picklog WHERE 1=1; DELETE FROM zenylog WHERE 1=1;" mysql -h$DB_HOST -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD -D$DB_LOG_DATABASE < $PATH_TO_RO/temp.sql rm $PATH_TO_RO/temp.sql (before you start this script, you should insert a structure only dump into your history database) I hope this may help you and the config is understandable. Greetings, Loki1991(before you start this script, you should insert a structure only dump into your history database)
    1 point
  7. File Name: Narrator PvP File Submitter: Evanio File Submitted: 18 Feb 2014 File Category: PvP, GvG, WoE, Battleground Content Author: Evanio A Narrator PvP where you have the option to choose which speaker you want. There are 4 types of Narrators: UnrealTournament Badass Flamboyant Pimp If you prefer, you can engage in your main NPC PvP, just add the whole body of the NPC "Narrator PvP" in a Case in your script pvp. If your system already has a system of narrator advise to disable it. Configurations: The only configuration necessary is add in to array $@MapName$ the names of the maps you want the script to act. Instalation: To install the NPC completely, just grab the wav folder, which is in the .rar file, and put it in your data folder. And narrator.txt file post it in your folder loading scripts. Badass Flamboyant Pimp UnrealTournament Click here to download this file
    1 point
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