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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/12 in Posts

  1. 1. Execute the sql below in your fluxcp database ALTER TABLE `ragsrvinfo` ADD `agit_status` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `drop`; 2. Download agit_status.txt. Place the file in rAthena/npc/custom/ and install it or copy below and create a new file named agit_status.txt and install //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Agit Status Checker //===== By: ================================================== //= Entwined //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN (SQL only) //===== Description: ========================================= //= Updates WoE status, so CeresCP can display //= if WoE is on or off in real time. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Run this SQL query: //= ALTER TABLE `ragsrvinfo` ADD `agit_status` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `drop`; //============================================================ - script AGIT_STATUS -1,{ OnInit: // check if `agit_status` column exists if (query_sql("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ragsrvinfo LIKE 'agit_status'", .@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$) == 0) { // Or... if we have the ALTER privilege, try to add the column query_sql "SELECT DATABASE()", .@rag_db$; query_sql "SHOW GRANTS", .@grants$; for (set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@grants$); set .@i,.@i+1) if (compare(.@grants$[.@i], "`"+.@rag_db$+"`")) { if (compare(.@grants$[.@i], "ALTER,") || compare(.@grants$[.@i], "ALTER ON")) query_sql "ALTER TABLE `ragsrvinfo` ADD `agit_status` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `drop`;"; break; } // verify if (query_sql("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ragsrvinfo LIKE 'agit_status'", .@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$,.@dummy$) == 0) { debugmes strnpcinfo(3)+" : unable to modify SQL table (needs ALTER privilege)"; atcommand "@unloadnpc " + strnpcinfo(3); end; } } OnAgitStart: OnAgitStart2: OnAgitEnd: OnAgitEnd2: query_sql "UPDATE ragsrvinfo SET agit_status = " + (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()); end; } 3. Open fluxcp/modules/server/status.php Copy below code and paste before ?> // Name : WoE Status // Email : [email protected] // Author : Jupeto // NOTE : Uncomment all commented lines below if you want to cache the checking of status // and add a line in your fluxcp/config/application.php /* find : ServerStatusTimeout add after : 'WoEStatusCache' => 2, // Store a cached woe status and refresh every X minutes. Default: 2 minutes (value is measured in minutes). 'WoEStatusTimeout' => 2, // For each server, spend X amount of seconds to determine whether it's up or not. */ // if (file_exists($cache_woe_status) && (time() - filemtime($cache_woe_status)) < (Flux::config('WoEStatusCache') * 60)) { // $woeStatus = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_woe_status)); // } // else { $woeStatus = array(); foreach (Flux::$loginAthenaGroupRegistry as $groupsName => $loginAthenaGroup) { if (!array_key_exists($groupsName, $woeStatus)) { $woeStatus[$groupsName] = array(); } foreach ($loginAthenaGroup->athenaServers as $athenaServer) { $serverName = $athenaServer->serverName; $sql = "SELECT agit_status AS woe_status FROM {$athenaServer->charMapDatabase}.ragsrvinfo WHERE `name` = '" . $serverName . "'"; $sth = $loginAthenaGroup->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(); $woe_status = $sth->fetch(); $woeStatus[$groupsName][$serverName] = array( 'woe_status' => $woe_status->woe_status ); } } // $fp = fopen($cache_woe_status, 'w'); // if (is_resource($fp)) { // fwrite($fp, serialize($woeStatus)); // fclose($fp); // } // } Save and exit. 4. Open fluxcp/themes/your_theme/server/status.php Copy below code and paste it after the end of file <?php foreach ($woeStatus as $privServerName => $gameServers): ?> <h3>War Of Emperium Status for <?php echo htmlspecialchars($privServerName) ?></h3> <table id="server_status"> <tr> <td class="status"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(Flux::message('ServerStatusServerLabel')) ?></td> <td class="status">Status</td> </tr> <?php foreach ($gameServers as $serverName => $gameServer): ?> <tr> <th class="server"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($serverName) ?></th> <td class="status"><?php echo $this->serverUpDown($gameServer['woe_status']) ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach ?> </table> <?php endforeach ?> Save and exit.
    2 points
  2. tr0n's Questboard With this questboard you can easily add new quests! 2 categories are available (collection quests and hunting quests). Thanks to Michy, Jaypee, Euphy and everyone else who helped me A LOT with this <3 (sry if I didn't mentioned someone..) Files tr0ns_questboard_1.0.0.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.2.0.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.2.1.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.3.1.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.3.2.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.3.3.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.3.4.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.4.4.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.5.4.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.6.4.txt tr0ns_questboard_1.6.5.txt Changelogs 1.0.0 Release 1.1.0 Added zeny reward 1.1.0 Minor text fixes 1.2.0 Rewrote checkmob and killcounter 1.2.1 Fixed "currentquest$" (was set to 0 after finished quest) 1.3.1 Added level restriction 1.3.2 Fixed a bug in AddCollection function 1.3.3 Fixed a bug in AddHunting function 1.3.4 Added Reward Item Amount 1.4.4 Added Quest delay 1.5.4 Added repeatable Quests 1.6.4 Added party support (Thanks to Euphy for helping me) 1.6.5 Bug fixes for party support How to add new Quests There're two types of quests you can add, collection and hunting quests. Collection Quests: AddCollection("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Item ID>,<Item Amount>,...); Hunting Quests: AddHunting("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Monster ID>,<Monster Amount>,...); Features You can activate|deactivate categories (they're predefined) Add easily new quests shows dispbottom of each killed monster you can add as many items or mobs you want You can activate|deactivate if quests are repeatable or not You can activate|deactivate party support Change the range of party members to make kills count Change the delay of repeatable quests Terms of Use You are not allowed to reproduce or make any profit of this script! You are not allowed to take credits for this script! You are allowed to modify this script for your needs but not to repost it anywhere as your own work! I am not responsible of any damage on your server! Use at your own risk! How can you help me ? Give me feedback Report bugs Tell me if you like it If you like my script please support me. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. Hi all, In my opinion, the current FluxCP default theme is just .... bleh. So, I've decided to create a theme that will be included in the main branch of my " Xantara's FluxCP for rAthena" project. I'm not sure if I should replace the current default theme with this or just add it in as a custom theme. Anyways, please let me know what you like and dislike about this design~ Please don't just say "8/10" without explaining. Click image to see it in full dimensions. Note: I'm planning to make the navigation be able to dropdown but I forgot to show it in the design. Home Page: Things to Note - Server status will be extended to include WoE status and player online peak information - A "remember me" feature for logins - Rotating banner/screenshots (with FancyBox popups?) - Automatic RSS news (first shows full message, links to second and third previous) - Breadcrumb - Server logo in top left and middle footer Viewing Accounts Page: Things to Note - Account Management (link several in-game accounts to one CP account) - Avatar (linked to an in-game account for quicker recognition of which account you are currently using to view) - Generic class pictures (to be also used in ranking pages and such) - Better pagination system (includes "jump to page" selector and "display amount per page" dropdown) - Tables are skinned - More graphical approach to message displays for errors, success, etc Navigation Setup Page: SOON TO COME! Yes, it will be an admin page. Should be do-able without too much work... xD; Other Pages: There are quite a few more features that I have planned but I don't want to reveal too much just yet =p ~ Xantara
    1 point
  4. Yes! another mirror, and some usefull separate downloads for the lazy one. Additional Content: -RSU Patcher LITE: Ragnarok and Renewal. (v2.4.1.574) -Mouse Freedom (For old Servers) -Ragnarok OpenSetup (v2.1) -Setup (in english) Compressed using: Winrar v4.0 Links Ragnarok + Sakray Renewal from 2012-07-04: Mediafire: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 (10 Links of 200mb + 1 Link of 46mb) Copy/Paste Code (Jdownloader): - Separate download: Pack of BGMs: (*Include all BGMs from 1 to 155) Mediafire: Part 1 Part 2 (1 Link of 200mb + 1 Link of 67mb) Pack of dll files and others extensions: (*This include all the folders and files, without data.grf, rdata.grf, and the BGM folder) Mediafire: Part 1 (1 Link of 27mb || 2012/07/04) Credits to: Ai4rei for his wonderfull Patcher and Setup.
    1 point
  5. if(getcharid(3) == 3005983) {do it} else {do that}
    1 point
  6. max deadly combo has been discussed alot in both eA and rA both forum also got it's solution.... beside there is several way for doing this...so why do we need a "extra" when the current method work the same... you can just simple create a function in your server with this.. function script CountCombo { for( set .@i,0; .@i < getargcount(); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( countitem( getarg(.@i) ) ) set .@found,.@found + countitem( getarg(.@i) ); return .@found; } Dont know why the name CountItem2 didnt work.... maybe it is a keyword that's reserved... in the npc script...just do something like this if( CountCombo( 607,608,609,610,611 ) > 2 ){ overall.... -1 for create another CountItem2 script command ....
    1 point
  7. I only found food under "visually similar images" on Google. XD
    1 point
  8. Oh my god... please use functions or something, this is just plain scary:
    1 point
  9. Remaining simple stuff might come during the week. More complicated (custom hair styles) probably next weekend.
    1 point
  10. Click mo lang yung green up arrow icon sa baba ng post na to http://rathena.org/board/topic/69754-q-about-woe-status-like-server-status-for-flux-cp/#entry133060
    1 point
  11. ok here is your request. 2010-11-17_lua_files.rar
    1 point
  12. Got it working na without search function! final code below po, in modules/castle/index.php copy below and replace your current castle index code <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $title = 'Castles'; // $sql = "SELECT castles.castle_id, castles.guild_id, guild.name AS guild_name, guild.emblem_len FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild_castle AS castles "; // $sql .= "LEFT JOIN guild ON guild.guild_id = castles.guild_id ORDER BY castles.castle_id ASC"; // $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); // $sth->execute(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(castle_id) AS total FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild_castle"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(); $paginator = $this->getPaginator($sth->fetch()->total,array('perPage'=>(int)Flux::config('CastleLimit'))); $sql = "SELECT castles.castle_id, castles.guild_id, guild.name AS guild_name, guild.emblem_len FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild_castle AS castles "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN guild ON guild.guild_id = castles.guild_id ORDER BY castles.castle_id ASC"; $sql = $paginator->getSQL($sql); $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(); $castles = $sth->fetchAll(); $castleNames = Flux::config('CastleNames')->toArray(); ?> save and exit. in themes/your_theme_name/castle/index.php copy below and replace your current castle index code <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?> <h2>Castles</h2> <p>This page shows what castles are activated and which guilds own them.</p> <?php if ($castles): ?> <?php echo $paginator->infoText() ?> <table class="vertical-table"> <tr> <th>Castle ID</th> <th>Castle</th> <th colspan="2">Guild</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($castles as $castle): ?> <tr> <td align="right"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($castle->castle_id) ?></td> <td> <?php if (array_key_exists($castle->castle_id, $castleNames) && $castleNames[$castle->castle_id]): ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($castleNames[$castle->castle_id]) ?> <?php else: ?> <span class="not-applicable">Unknown<?php echo " (".$castle->castle_id.")" ?></span> <?php endif ?> </td> <?php if ($castle->guild_name): ?> <?php if ($castle->emblem_len): ?> <td width="24"><img src="<?php echo $this->emblem($castle->guild_id) ?>" /></td> <td> <?php if ($auth->actionAllowed('guild', 'view') && $auth->allowedToViewGuild): ?> <?php echo $this->linkToGuild($castle->guild_id, $castle->guild_name) ?> <?php else: ?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($castle->guild_name) ?> <?php endif ?> </td> <?php else: ?> <td colspan="2"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($castle->guild_name) ?></td> <?php endif ?> <?php else: ?> <td colspan="2"><span class="not-applicable"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(Flux::message('NoneLabel')) ?></span></td> <?php endif ?> </tr> <?php endforeach ?> </table> <?php echo $paginator->getHTML() ?> <?php else: ?> <p>No castles found. <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Go back</a>.</p> <?php endif ?> save and exit. in lib/Flux/Paginator.php find public function infoText() { $currPage = $this->currentPage; $results = Flux::config('ResultsPerPage'); $infoText = sprintf( Flux::message('FoundSearchResults'), $this->total, $this->numberOfPages, ($currPage*$results-($results - 1)), $currPage * $results < $this->total ? ($currPage*$results) : ($this->total) ); return sprintf('<p class="info-text">%s</p>', $infoText); } change to public function infoText() { $currPage = $this->currentPage; // $results = Flux::config('ResultsPerPage'); $results = $this->perPage; $infoText = sprintf( Flux::message('FoundSearchResults'), $this->total, $this->numberOfPages, ($currPage*$results-($results - 1)), $currPage * $results < $this->total ? ($currPage*$results) : ($this->total) ); return sprintf('<p class="info-text">%s</p>', $infoText); } save and exit. in config/application.php find 'CharRankingLimit' => 10, // add above 'CastleLimit' => 5, // Number of castle limit result per page save and exit. now try your castle list
    1 point
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