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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/24 in Posts

  1. Good day everynyan~ I'm here again to showcase a newly finish system for a server that I am helping out with~ It's a simple Sell Character system, much like Shakto's but also not quite the exact same. Feature: Preview character information (Status/Equipment) Sold characters are categorized based on their Class Checks if character/account is online (in-game or in the server select/character select screen) Blocks usage of character that is being sold - will be prompted to either remove the character from Sell List or will be blocked from moving indefinitely Sellers can receive their earnings via the same NPC Logs buyer ID, seller ID, character ID and time of purchase Logs earnings and time of claim for earnings Lots of configuration options, such as to check for Bound items (account,party,guild) and more\ Credit to @Cydhfor making this script possible via:
    2 points
  2. View File @itemrain command I know it exists somewhere in the forum but for the sake of lazy people searching in forum, here is @itemrain command as what the command name says, it will make / drop items around the one who used the command on 14 cells wide ( about the size of the screen ) @item <item_id> <amount> Items created by this command is limited to 100 only just to put a little bit of cap into it. use at your own risk. Compatibility is your responsibility. Submitter Mabuhay Submitted 11/04/2019 Category Utilities Video Content Author Mabuhay  
    1 point
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