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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/18 in Posts

  1. I'm looking for this illust files. I hope some jRO player has them. https://ragnarokonline.gungho.jp/store/summer-package2014.html Thanks!
    6 points
  2. Found at itemInfo_true.lub (mains servers) ultra high items ID (now in version test, except ID 200001). Example: be careful ^^ Programs like as SeperateItemInfo of (Dastgir) skip this ID when decompile iteminfo...
    1 point
  3. - script Megaphone -1,{ OnCommand: if(vip_status(VIP_ACTIVE)) { setarray .@color$[0],"ff0000","00ff00","0000ff"; for(.@size = getarraysize(.@color$);.@i < .@size;.@i++) .@menu$+= "^"+.@color$[.@i]+"Sample:"; .@color = select(.@menu$) - 1; input .@msg$; if(.@msg$ != " " && .@msg$ != "0") announce .@msg$,bc_all,"0x"+.@color$[.@color]; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"This command is only avaiaible to VIPs."; } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "torpedo","Megaphone::OnCommand"; end; }
    1 point
  4. Based on Mahiro's suggestion: - script paytowinbuffs -1,{ OnPCStatCalcEvent: if(isequippedcnt(4263,1755) > 0) { for(;.@i < .ele_size;.@i++) sc_end .elements[.@i]; } end; OnBuffs: if(gettimetick(2) < @use_delay){ dispbottom( "You have to wait "+Time2Str(@use_delay)+" to use the command again.", 0xFF0000 ); end; } if(getgroupid() <= 4) { message strcharinfo(0),"Falha, você não possui VIP."; end; } if(isequippedcnt(4263,1755) > 0) { message strcharinfo(0),"Não funciona equipado com Samurai Encarnado."; end; } for(;.@i < .ele_size;.@i++) sc_end .elements[.@i]; .@menu$ = implode(.buffs$,":"); .@i = prompt(.@menu$) -1; if(.@i < 254 && gettimetick(2) >= @use_delay && isequippedcnt(4263,1755) < 1) { sc_start .elements[.@i],180000,5; @use_delay = gettimetick(2) + .use_delay; } end; OnInit: .use_delay = 30; // 30 second use delay setarray .buffs$, "^800080Envenenar Arma^000000", "^40E0D0Aspersio^000000", "^000000Sombrio^000000", "^FFD700Encantar com Ventania^000000", "^0000FFEncantar com Geada^000000", "^FF0000Encantar com Chama^000000", "^B8860BEncantar com Terremoto^000000"; setarray .elements, 26, 37, 144, 98, 97, 96, 99; .ele_size = getarraysize(.elements); bindatcmd "encantar","paytowinbuffs::OnBuffs",0,99; end; }
    1 point
  5. *sc_end <effect type>{,<GID>}; Maybe that's what you're looking for, just make sure that when you equip the Card remove those BUFFs from the variable.
    1 point
  6. Some clients exe you can get here http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/
    1 point
  7. i think this should do the trick. itemID, ..........., { progressbar "0xFFFFFF", 5; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), "NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION", 1; },{ },{ }
    1 point
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