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  3. Does anyone have colorful damage font and how to install it. Saw in some PV have it. Love the colorful animation
  4. Currently, finding anime servers to play in 2020 is very difficult. You can play naruto, dragon ball,... on anime 2023 servers flappy bird
  5. I made the script for the Soul Reaper job change quest, i send the commit to rathena, and i think is under some review. Im currentrly using this script on a server and is working fine, so i left this here to people to use it. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/8159 In the commit you can find the changes required to implement this in db and script. hop u like it
  6. Yesterday
  7. /* setcell types */ export_constant(CELL_WALKABLE); export_constant(CELL_SHOOTABLE); export_constant(CELL_WATER); export_constant(CELL_NPC); export_constant(CELL_BASILICA); export_constant(CELL_LANDPROTECTOR); export_constant(CELL_NOVENDING); export_constant(CELL_NOCHAT); export_constant(CELL_MAELSTROM); export_constant(CELL_ICEWALL); export_constant(CELL_NOBUYINGSTORE);
  8. *setcell "<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,<type>,<flag>; what are all the possible values for type?
  9. Every monster command erase data on $@mobid. Like this only the last monster will be modified.
  10. For those coming here through search, Chaos92 is right. I ran into the same issue on a small test instance. I temporarily resized from 2GB to 4GB and it compiled fine. If that's not an option for you, try making sure swap is enabled and seeing if you can squeeze by with that.
  11. Im trying to make this work on latest rathena pull. but im having error of "Item sub type is not supported for this item type. on my mapserv".
  12. Hi my friends, Where can I edit some texts in the hexed client, on the home page and in the option to select character. exemple:
  13. However, I want to change the mob's HP only in one map. I know it can be done with setunitdata, but when I add more mobs, it stops working, like this, for example: but, like this doesn't working:
  14. I already tried messaging him but haven't heard back yet. My client date is 2019.
  15. edit it on db/pre/mob_db.yml find the id's of each monster sample Garm 1252, - Id: 1252 AegisName: GARM Name: Hatii JapaneseName: Garm Level: 73 Hp: 197000
  16. have you asked Functor then ? What clientdate is this ?
  17. im having same problem with this im using rathena version 2021 11 03 i can't find this on "#define MAX_SKILL_TREE 85" pc.hpp
  18. Hello! i am new to making a ragnarok server. currently i have a offline mode and i would like to implement a command that shows multiple attributes of the current character. previously i have played a server in which they use @battlestats as command. could anyone help me how to make it? or where to get it? any help would be really appreciated. the battlestats shows in the chatbox as the screenshot shown below
  19. Yes sir, they have the same client date.
  20. Did your server side and client side using the same clientdate as it should be ?
  21. Awesome! hopefully you can add more mir4 content! a big fan of that game!
  22. I am always getting this Gepard error in game. Any one knows how to fix this?
  23. good day guys i'm using 2018 client and my emperium and treasure chest is not rotating, but in 2020+ client it's rotating can you help me
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