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  1. People, help please. Maybe new clients do not support SSO?
  2. Hi all! I use client EXE file 2020-09-02bRagexeRE and all fine, but when i enabled SSO Login Packet on NEMO i cant connect to my server. Client tell me "Unregistered ID" and in server logs i see "[Notice]: Unknown account (account: ▒$▒Ѧ^▒%▒}▒*T▒8mGj▒▒▒". Why know how to fix this? for passwords save i use MD5 if this informations needed.
  3. The same problem for changes to take effect needs to apply @reloadscript. @reloadmodb doesn't help.
  4. UP theme... i have some error... anyone known hot to fix this?
  5. Hello everyone! I have a NPC that causes two different aggressive mobs (Poison Spore and Argiope). These monsters kill another mobs. I also have another NPC that cause Porings. The task is to find out which monster (Poison Spore or Argiope) kills Poring. Or how to find Poring was killed by a player or a monster summoned by the first NPC?
  6. I have an idea to create a storage that could be used by several accounts. Does anyone know how to implement this? That is, if I have three accounts, I want to use one storage.
  7. Вам не нужно устанавливать репозиторий от федоры, это очень и очень плохая идея. Используйте стандартные репозитории, epel (yum install epel-release -y) и репозиторий для MySQL (rpm -Uvh http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm).
  8. Установи: yum groupinstall "Development tools" -y yum install gcc pcre-devel zlib-devel -y yum install cmake mysql-community-devel -y После чего компилируй!
  9. Hi! Can you show your work? Can i connect to your server with your roBrowser?
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