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  1. Hey guys, I was trying to make a custom @command named @reward that gives zeny to a player as an event reward, but if player has spaces on their name eg: M y C h A r N a m e, then the custom command fails. I know # commands work on this by adding " " before and after the character name but how do I make my own custom #command? Example: #reward "N a M e" 10000 To give 10000 zeny reward to that player. Thanks!
  2. Hi, I'd like to remove Zen(Dangerous Soul Collect) champ skill animation from /effect. I removed some other effects in the data/luafiles514/luafiles/effecttool/forcerenderereffect.lub but I cannot seem to remove the Zen one since it wasn't there. I have 20180620 RagExeRe patched with Nemo4144 EDIT - NVM seems like its hardcoded into the client. Kinda annoyign since it makes the champ class glowing and it feels like I'm gonna get epilepsy from it. ?
  3. Thank u sir The fury effect cast was disabled but the lightning effect still persist event if /effect is off. It has some sort of electric effect. Anyone know how to disable this?
  4. Thank you very much. I tested and it worked madam/sir.
  5. Hi can someone point me to where I can read about protecting my server against RPE or WPE and such programs? Thanks!
  6. Hello, I need help in capping Taekwon Ranker points (the points you see when you do /taekwon). Can someone point me to the right direction on this problem? Thanks!
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