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  1. you rathena revision? please say sniper equipment.
  2. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/status.c #ifdef RENEWAL // Renewal formulas if (bl->type == BL_MOB) { //Hit stat = status->hit; stat += level + status->dex + 175; status->hit = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Flee stat = status->flee; stat += level + status->agi + 100; status->flee = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); } else if (bl->type == BL_HOM) { status->hit = cap_value(level + status->dex + 150,1,SHRT_MAX); // base level + dex + 150 status->flee = cap_value(level + status->agi + level/10,1,SHRT_MAX); // base level + agi + base level/10 } else { //Hit stat = status->hit; stat += level + status->dex + status->luk/3 + 175; // base level + ( every 1 dex = +1 hit ) + (every 3 luk = +1 hit) + 175 status->hit = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Flee stat = status->flee; stat += level + status->agi + status->luk/5 + 100; // base level + ( every 1 agi = +1 flee ) + (every 5 luk = +1 flee) + 100 status->flee = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); } status->matk_min = status->matk_max = status_base_matk(status, level); //Def2 stat = status->def2; stat += (int)(((float)level + status->vit)/2 + ((float)status->agi/5)); // base level + (every 2 vit = +1 def) + (every 5 agi = +1 def) status->def2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); //MDef2 stat = status->mdef2; stat += (int)(status->int_ + ((float)level/4) + ((float)status->dex/5) + ((float)status->vit/5)); // (every 4 base level = +1 mdef) + (every 1 int = +1 mdef) + (every 5 dex = +1 mdef) + (every 5 vit = +1 mdef) status->mdef2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); #else status->matk_min = status_base_matk_min(status); status->matk_max = status_base_matk_max(status); //Hit stat = status->hit; stat += level + status->dex; status->hit = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Flee stat = status->flee; stat += level + status->agi; status->flee = cap_value(stat,1,SHRT_MAX); //Def2 stat = status->def2; stat += status->vit; status->def2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); //MDef2 stat = status->mdef2; stat += status->int_ + (status->vit>>1); status->mdef2 = cap_value(stat,0,SHRT_MAX); #endif
  3. please screen to warning. i not search warning in folder src\char.
  4. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/battle.c else if(is_attack_right_handed(src, skill_id) && is_attack_left_handed(src, skill_id)) { //Dual-wield if (wd.damage) { if( (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_THIEF ) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,AS_RIGHT); ATK_RATER(wd.damage, 50 + (skill * 10)) } else if(sd->class_ == MAPID_KAGEROUOBORO) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,KO_RIGHT); ATK_RATER(wd.damage, 70 + (skill * 10)) } if(wd.damage < 1) wd.damage = 1; } if (wd.damage2) { if( (sd->class_&MAPID_BASEMASK) == MAPID_THIEF) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,AS_LEFT); ATK_RATEL(wd.damage2, 30 + (skill * 10)) } else if(sd->class_ == MAPID_KAGEROUOBORO) { skill = pc_checkskill(sd,KO_LEFT); ATK_RATEL(wd.damage2, 50 + (skill * 10)) } if(wd.damage2 < 1) wd.damage2 = 1; } } change: ATK_RATER(wd.damage, 50 + (skill * 10)) and: ATK_RATEL(wd.damage2, 30 + (skill * 10))
  5. Evil


    RC_BOSS and RC_NONBOSS = all race monsters bonus3 bSPDrainRatio,RC_BOSS,1,1000; bonus3 bSPDrainRatio,RC_NONBOSS,1,1000;
  6. AnnieRuru @invite - check target target_sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK @duel - check who use sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK if use command not bard - invite bard - command good work. my idea check who use all commands...
  7. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/status.c // Basic ASPD value i = status_base_amotion_pc(sd,status); status->amotion = cap_value(i,((sd->class_&JOBL_THIRD) ? battle_config.max_third_aspd : battle_config.max_aspd),2000); edit to: // Basic ASPD value i = status_base_amotion_pc(sd,status); status->amotion = cap_value(i-50,((sd->class_&JOBL_THIRD) ? battle_config.max_third_aspd : battle_config.max_aspd),2000); please tested and say result.
  8. I bad speak you. The problem persists?
  9. may be conf\battle\exp.conf // Use the contents of db/statpoint.txt when doing a stats reset and leveling up? (Note 1) // If no, an equation will be used which preserves statpoints earned/lost // through external means (ie: stat point buyers/sellers) use_statpoint_table: yes
  10. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/common/mmo.h #define MAX_GUILD 16+10*6 // increased max guild members +6 per 1 extension levels [Lupus]
  11. please edit file \conf\harmony_custom.conf client_checksum: 0, off
  12. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/db/re/skill_cast_db.txt // Skill Times Database // // Structure of Database: // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time //== Explained: // CastingTime : time to cast this skill, in miliseconds // AfterCastActDelay : "normal" delay, character cannot use skills, in miliseconds // AfterCastWalkDleay : amount of time before character can move again, in miliseconds // Duration1 / Duration2 : usually the durations used by the skill, at special cases it is used to hold special data // Cool Down : amount of time until character can re-use this skill, in miliseconds // Fixed Casting Time: the skills fixed casting time (when 0, uses 20% of cast time and less than 0 means no fixed cast time) //== Extra // On all fields you can use ':' as a delimiter to level-specific values, // - Example using SM_PROVOKE // - Original:6,0,0,0,30000,0,1000 // - ModifiedTo:6,0,0,0,30000,0,1000:2500:3000:etc // - Makes lvl 1 have 1000 (1s) cool down, lvl 2 2500 (2.5s), lvl 3 3000, and so on. //==========================================
  13. Traps: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/conf/battle/skill.conf // Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3) // Default on official servers: 1 (for players) gvg_traps_target_all: 1 Frost Joke: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/map/skill.c int skill_frostjoke_scream (struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { struct block_list *src; uint16 skill_id,skill_lv; unsigned int tick; nullpo_ret(bl); nullpo_ret(src=va_arg(ap,struct block_list*)); skill_id=va_arg(ap,int); skill_lv=va_arg(ap,int); if(!skill_lv) return 0; tick=va_arg(ap,unsigned int); if (src == bl || status_isdead(bl)) return 0; if (bl->type == BL_PC) { struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl; if ( sd && sd->sc.option&(OPTION_INVISIBLE|OPTION_MADOGEAR) ) return 0;//Frost Joke / Scream cannot target invisible or MADO Gear characters [Ind] } //It has been reported that Scream/Joke works the same regardless of woe-setting. [Skotlex] if(battle_check_target(src,bl,BCT_ENEMY) > 0) skill_additional_effect(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,BF_MISC,ATK_DEF,tick); else if(battle_check_target(src,bl,BCT_PARTY) > 0 && rnd()%100 < 10) skill_additional_effect(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,BF_MISC,ATK_DEF,tick); return 0; } del code: else if(battle_check_target(src,bl,BCT_PARTY) > 0 && rnd()%100 < 10) skill_additional_effect(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,BF_MISC,ATK_DEF,tick);
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