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Vince Jimenez

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  1. Someone can help me ? I want to make an NPC for floating rates. A. An NPC NAME "Request a x2 DROP RATE" B. Theres a choices on NPC Case #1: "X2 The EQUIP DROP RATE" Case #2: "X2 THE MVP EQUIP DROPRATE" "Enable X2 on BOTH EQUIP DROPRATE" C. Once Someone CLICK Case #1 : need 10m zeny to activate x2 in 24hours in whole server with announcement Case #2 : Need 20m Zeny to activate x2 in 24hours in whole server with announcement D. If Player dont have enough zeny other player on server can contribute to make 10m zeny. E. NPC TALKS : You need More ( Zeny requirements left to activate ) Example : Player 1 Donated 2m on NPC To activate the X2 EQUIP DROP RATE NPC TALK : Some player Already Contribute zeny You need more ( 8.000.000 ) To activate x2 equip drop rate F. Once NPC Collected exact requirements to to activate automatically activate x2 on whole server and NPC Will disappear and will back once x2 is over? SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH! HOPING SOME NICE SCRIPTER CAN DO IT FOR FREE
  2. save your file scripts_custom.conf trunk/npc/scripts_custom.conf
  3. in my server theres an item to enable to use lvl 3 earthquake skill is there anyway how i can edit i want earthquake skill bypass by landprotector every time professor used landprotector skill and someone use earthquake on her earthquake skill is miss just like stormgust any one?
  4. i have an script lucky pick event every 10mins random players online.. but my problem even my vendor win can someone help me how to ignore all vendors ? here is my script? - script AutoFunEvent -1,{ OnMinute00: OnMinute10: OnMinute20: OnMinute30: OnMinute40: OnMinute50: query_sql "select account_id from `char` where online = 1 order by rand() limit 1", .@aid; attachrid .@aid; announce strcharinfo(0) +" won on lucky pick event", 0; getitem 12248,3; getitem 20619,1; end; } thanks in advance
  5. Yes did You now how to fix it ? Yes my host said my ramod is updated
  6. Hello Guys, i have an problem my server using rAmod my problem is some of my vendor vending using Pods then every time i restart my server all items on cart is missing or disappeared please help! h
  7. Hello guys, can i request a Script every 10minutes auto command @killmonster2(WithoutDROP) on certain map? because on my deadbranch room NPC, some of my players spamming Bloody Branch! and some of the newbie can't hunt because so many MVP's So i request to have an script which is every 10minutes automtic @killmonster2(WithoutDROP) my branchroom map is New_1-3, New_2-3, New_3-3, New_4-3, New_5-3 Thanks in advance and sorry sorry for my Bad ENGLISH!
  8. Thank you sir, is it posible to announce on whole map "Charname" got ( How many PvP Points given by random ) by killing Punching BAG!.
  9. Can i have some Script every time my Punching bag kills its randomly get an PvP Points > #PvPPoints Random 5- 150 points every time kill my punching bag? PLEASE!
  10. Can i Request to have an usable items like Rebirth stone, every time you use additional +1 Rebirth ?
  11. Here is my Script. i have a problem! || Can some one edit this enable to use for gunslinger , ninja , and star gladiator ? And also working rebirth on expanded jobs! PLSSSS prontera,164,174,5 script Rebirth System 833,{ function checkItem; // check if player have all item required function colorItemrequired; // color the text. Red : not enough item, green otherwise function deleteItem; // delete all items required function displayItemneed; // display all items need at start function getItemReward; // give the items reward //function weightreq; // check if your current weight is highter than weight high novice .@eac = eaclass(); if ( num_rebirth4 == .reset_max ) { mes "You can only rebirth x"+ .reset_max +"."; emotion e_gasp; close; } else if( NextJobExp || NextBaseExp || !( .@eac&EAJL_2 ) || !Upper ) { mes "You must be rebirth max level/max job level."; close; } mes "Items need :"; displayItemneed(); next; switch( select( "^777777~ Rebirth", "~ Informations", "~ Rebirth ranking", "~ Good bye^000000" ) ) { case 1: checkItem(); deleteItem(); break; case 2: mes "You can only rebirth ^ff0000x"+ .reset_max +"^000000. You already rebirth ^ff0000x"+ num_rebirth4 +"^000000."; mes "Each rebirth you get ^ff0000"+ .num_status +"^000000 status points and after ^ff0000"+ .change_reward +"^000000 rebirth, you get only some items."; close; case 4: mes "Bye."; close; case 3: mes "TOP 50 of rebirth."; mes "Name - Number of rebirth"; .@size = query_sql( "select `name`, `num_rebirth4` from `rebirth_system` order by `num_rebirth4` desc limit 50", .@name$, .@value ); if( .@size ) { for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) mes "^777777"+ ( .@i +1 ) +"^000000 : "+ .@name$[.@i] +" : ^FF0000"+ .@value[.@i] +"^000000"; } else mes "^0000ff* the list is empty *^000000"; close; } num_rebirth4 += 1; if ( Upper ) { // just in case the user change the setting... lastJob = roclass( .@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK ); jobchange Job_Novice_High; } else jobchange Job_Novice; resetlvl 1; if ( num_rebirth < 30 ) StatusPoint = StatusPoint + .num_status * num_rebirth; else getItemReward(); query_sql "insert into `rebirth_system` values ( "+ getcharid(3) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) ) +"', '"+ num_rebirth4 +"', '"+ getcharip() +"' ) on duplicate key update `num_rebirth4` = `num_rebirth4` +1"; announce "[ Rebirth system ] : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" Successfully Rebirth!", 0; close; function checkItem { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) if ( countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) < .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth4 ) { mes "You don't have enought "+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ) +". ^ff0000["+ countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) +"/"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth4 ) +"]^000000"; close; } if ( num_rebirth4 >= .change_reward ) if ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth4 - .change_reward > countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) ) { mes "You don't have enought "+ getitemname( .add_item_req[0] ) +". ^ff0000["+ countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) +"/"+ ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth4 - .change_reward ) +"]^000000"; close; } return; } function colorItemrequired { if ( countitem( .item_req[ getarg(0) ] ) < .item_req[ getarg(0)+1 ] + num_rebirth4 ) return "^ff0000"; return "^00ff00"; } function deleteItem { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) delitem .item_req[.@i], ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth4 ); if ( num_rebirth4 >= .change_reward ) delitem .add_item_req[0], ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth4 - .change_reward ); return; } function displayItemneed { for ( ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 2 ) mes colorItemrequired( .@i ) +" - x"+ ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] + num_rebirth4 ) +" "+ getitemname( .item_req[.@i] ); if ( num_rebirth4 >= .change_reward ) { if ( .add_item_req[1] + num_rebirth4 - .change_reward > countitem( .add_item_req[0] ) ) .@color$ = "^ff0000"; else .@color$ = "^00ff00"; mes .@color$ +"- x"+ ( .add_item_req[1] + ( num_rebirth4 - .change_reward ) ) +" "+ getitemname( .add_item_req[0] ); } return; } function getItemReward { for ( ; .@i < .size_reward; .@i += 2 ) getitem .reward[.@i], .reward[ .@i+1 ]; return; } function weightreq { if ( Weight > 20000 ) { mes "You have too much items on you. Your weight will be too high after rebirth."; close; } return; } OnInit: .reset_max = 17; // how much reset max .change_reward = 15; // after 30 rebirth, change reward .num_status = 500; // + X number of status points // item required <item ID>, <number> setarray .item_req, 7179, 50, 20234, 50, 969, 300; .size_item = getarraysize( .item_req ); // additionnal items after rebirth >> .change_reward // <item ID>, <number> setarray .add_item_req, 7179, 100; // rewards <item ID>, <number> setarray .reward, 20234, 50; .size_reward = getarraysize( .reward ); end; }
  12. can i suggest a script for a game master @setreward for gm commands 1: @setrewards for gm commands @setrewards is like a mail system for example @setrewards Playerscharactername,IDNUMBER,AMOUNT,MESSAGE Example ( @setrewards Newbie1,2357,1,Congrats You complete your Task here is your reward ) then the items sent to newbie1 can automatically on players @mail? Thanks
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