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  1. change hexed ! Ex : 2013-12-23cRagexe
  2. Hi guys My emulator only understands this: set Zeny, Zeny - 1000; Now Zeny -= 1000; Zeny += 1000; Zeny = 1000; or .@qualquercoisa = 1000; He does not understand . Can anyone give me tips on how to add this feature or because it is not working , I'm scouring the script.c but it 's hard not to know where to start ? Função SET - rAthena Currently BUILDIN(__setr) { TBL_PC* sd = NULL; struct script_data* data; //struct script_data* datavalue; int64 num; const char* name; char prefix; data = script_getdata(st,2); //datavalue = script_getdata(st,3); if (!data_isreference(data) || reference_toconstant(data)) { ShowError("script:set: nao e uma variavel\n"); script->reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return false; } num = reference_getuid(data); name = reference_getname(data); prefix = *name; if (not_server_variable(prefix)) { sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { ShowError("script:set: nao existe jogador anexado para a variavel '%s'\n", name); return true; } } #if 0 // TODO: see de43fa0f73be01080bd11c08adbfb7c158324c81 if (data_isreference(datavalue)) { // the value being referenced is a variable const char* namevalue = reference_getname(datavalue); if (!not_array_variable(*namevalue)) { // array variable being copied into another array variable if (sd == NULL && not_server_variable(*namevalue) && (sd = script->rid2sd(st)) == NULL) { // player must be attached in order to copy a player variable ShowError("script:set: nao existe jogador anexado para a variavel '%s'\n", namevalue); return true; } if (is_string_variable(namevalue) != is_string_variable(name)) { // non-matching array value types ShowWarning("script:set: duas variaveis arrays nao coicidem o mesmo tipo.\n"); return true; } // push the maximum number of array values to the stack script->push_val(st->stack, C_INT, SCRIPT_MAX_ARRAYSIZE,NULL); // call the copy array method directly return buildin_copyarray(st); } } #endif if (script_hasdata(st, 4)) { // Optional argument used by post-increment/post-decrement constructs to return the previous value if (is_string_variable(name)) { script_pushstrcopy(st, script_getstr(st, 4)); } else { script_pushint(st, script_getnum(st, 4)); } } else { // return a copy of the variable reference script_pushcopy(st,2); } if (is_string_variable(name)) script->set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)script_getstr(st,3),script_getref(st,2)); else script->set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)h64BPTRSIZE(script_getnum(st,3)),script_getref(st,2)); return true; } My old rAthena. BUILDIN_FUNC(set) { TBL_PC* sd = NULL; struct script_data* data; int num; const char* name; char prefix; data = script_getdata(st,2); if( !data_isreference(data) ) { ShowError("script:set: not a variable\n"); script_reportdata(script_getdata(st,2)); st->state = END; return 1; } num = reference_getuid(data); name = reference_getname(data); prefix = *name; if( not_server_variable(prefix) ) { sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) { ShowError("script:set: no player attached for player variable '%s'\n", name); return 0; } } if( is_string_variable(name) ) set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)script_getstr(st,3),script_getref(st,2)); else set_reg(st,sd,num,name,(void*)script_getnum(st,3),script_getref(st,2)); // return a copy of the variable reference script_pushcopy(st,2); return 0; } Ai eu tentei trocar toda função set pela setr, trocando em todos outros arquivos utilizavam ela
  3. If the emulator is adapted to receive the mac address, ta problem in creating the socket and put the tool that will send pro server along with the hexed. If someone available and it would be wonderful.
  4. does anyone know craker because it is only edit the dll 's and exe internalguard and take the conultar the xxx.php function on his website. This way, you can continue to use internal, on my visa is a very good shild .
  5. Hi, i want to make next thing. As we all know we have at db/pre or re/skill_require_db.txt With next structure: I need to modify that to: Original: RequiredItemID1,RequiredItemAmount1 I want to: RequiredItemID1 : ORRequiredItemID1 : ORRequiredItemID1,RequiredItemAmount1 If player don't have item in inventory -> player can use ANOTHER item for requirement after ":". EXAMPLES I need to modify sources & that db to next prototype: Original: Modified: What i want to get by this edit: IF player have itemID 715 (yellow gemstone) -> he can use spell and that item will be removed (like by default) IF player DON'T have itemID 715 map-server will be looking for player inventory for next value after ":", the next value in this example 505. So, if player Don't have 715, but have 505 -> the skill will require this item for skill. IF player don't have 715 or 505 in inventory -> server will looking for next item_id after ":", the next item is 506. So if player don't have 715 or 505 item in inventory (order is important) the skill will require and use 506 item id. IF player don't have any item of that list (715, 505, 506) in inventory -> skill will fail. Requirement Amount (715:505:506,1) is the same for all of this items. In few words: I want to make alternative require_db for spell in txt file which is divided by ":" (like weapon's (Spiral Pierce in renewal (it's required OR Spear or Sword))
  6. Acho que esse tópico seria encaixado melhor em Edições na Source, mas não consigo abrir um novo tópico naquela sessão. skill_require_db.txt (Original) 479,0,0,40,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,7139,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //CR_FULLPROTECTION## Funciona perfeito e requer o item ID: 7139 { Id: 7139 AegisName: "Coating_Bottle" Name: "Frasco de Revestimento" Type: 3 Buy: 200 Weight: 10 }, Beleza... eu criei o item ID: 20509 e 20510 (Frasco BG/WOE) { Id: 20509 AegisName: "BG_Coating_Bottle" Name: "BG Frasco de Revestimento" Type: 3 Buy: 0 Weight: 1 Trade: { override: 99 nodrop: true notrade: true partneroverride: true noselltonpc: true nocart: true nostorage: false nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } }, skill_require_db.txt (Editado) funciona perfeito, só que teria como ao invez de colocar o requerimento E, colocar OU aqui no skill_require_db.txt ? 479,0,0,40,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,20509,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //CR_FULLPROTECTION## Pois se coloco dessa forma ele pede os dois itens e não um dos dois, em vez de ser E ser OU resolve meu problema porque o resto eu faço bloqueio com mapflags 479,0,0,40,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,7139,1,20509,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //CR_FULLPROTECTION## Tentei ver alguma coisa na source, ve ai meus prints, procurei pela skill/id do item mas não achei nada relacionado ao item que será usado na skill em questão, achei algumas coisas relacionado a remoção, criação de poção, mas nada que requer o item para uso da skill. Qualquer exemplo que me arrumarem(eu uso o Cronus Atual mas pode ser exemplo de qualquer emulador opensource) de qualquer skill que requer um item eu agradeço e me viro aqui para ajustar (pq esse é um exemplo, vou precisar dos outros itens tipo: Garrafa de Veneno e os outros Frascos do Alquemista)! OBS: não resolve em nada você tentar me ajudar falando para colocar um script no item custom e deixa-lo "usavel" com a skill em questão, isso eu sei fazer e não é isso que quero. Valeu galera.
  7. Ou vLw ! mesmo funcionou, pegando o embalo aqui você consegue identificar pq meu item não deleta? { Id: 11553 AegisName: "Turmalina_Paraiba" Name: "Turmalina Paraíba" Type: 11 Trade:{ override: 99 nodrop: true notrade: true partneroverride: true noselltonpc: true nocart: true nostorage: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Buy: 300 Weight: 0 View: 1336 Script: <" query_sql "SELECT `Vip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`='"+getcharid(3)+"'",@Vip; if(@Vip<=0){delitem 11553,1,getcharid(3);}else{warp "vip",65,45;}; "> },
  8. Pessoal, boa tarde. Estou com a seguinte dificuldade preciso bloquear certos id's de itens para não poder ser dropavel ou negociavel. Sendo assim, alguem sabe como fazer? lembrando que meu emulador e mais novo é só possui os arquivos item_db.conf e item_group.conf. { Id: 11552 AegisName: "Tick_Vip" Name: "Tick Vip" Type: 0 Buy: 1000 Weight: 0 View: 1335 Script: <"callfunc("AddVipTick",getcharid(3),1,1);"> }, Deve ficar assim .: Type.. Trade:{ xxx : true xxx : false yyy: true www: false } Porém, não sei esses comandos , ou syntax pra fazer no arquivo item_group.conf . Vlw pessoal !
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