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About eug2b

  • Birthday 03/12/1986

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  1. Hi, i get strange resource file error when i go to prt_cas upper the prontera, i searched in all full patched clients but nothing. Where i can search this file ?
  2. View File Hero Ring Enchant & Exchange in Flame Cave This two NPC located inside Flame Cave let your players get Heroic Ring and Enchant them. It is my version of official Heroic Ring Enchant npc`s, based over infos took here, videos and irowiki. You'll still need up to date client (I personnaly use 20160201). Have fun. Submitter eug2b Submitted 04/03/2018 Category Games, Events, Quests Video Content Author eug2b  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This two NPC located inside Flame Cave let your players get Heroic Ring and Enchant them. It is my version of official Heroic Ring Enchant npc`s, based over infos took here, videos and irowiki. You'll still need up to date client (I personnaly use 20160201). Have fun.
    5.00 USD
  4. Hello, in your mob_db file have 13 lines and I do not have a place for the last one with id 3010, i tried to solve this trouble but instanse freez on second or third scene. Here is piece of my mob_db without your lines : 2995,XM_TEDDY_BEAR,Abandoned Teddy Bear,Abandoned Teddy Bear,148,180000,1,6666,7332,1,1347,1924,106,44,44,166,44,44,166,44,10,12,0,6,69,0x2003295,150,512,780,504,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7317,1900,615,150,12074,100,12734,1000,12738,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,31022,1 2996,XM_CELINE_KIMI,Celine Kimi,Celine Kimi,160,66666666,1,4444444,4033332,2,5636,8303,479,444,144,166,44,444,166,166,10,12,2,1,28,0x6283695,100,768,1056,480,444444,616,10000,617,10000,22534,10000,22534,4000,18549,4000,7642,4000,19701,100,13442,100,712,10000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 2997,G_XM_CELINE_KIMI,Kimi's Phantom,Kimi's Phantom,160,66666666,1,0,0,2,6666,13332,479,444,144,166,44,444,166,166,10,12,2,1,28,0x6203695,100,768,1056,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6683,10000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //2998,EP14_MORS_EVENT //2999,EP14_MORS_BOSSA //3000,EP14_MORS_BOSSB //3001,EP14_MORS_MOB1 //3002,EP14_MORS_MOB2 //3003,EP14_MORS_MOB3 //3004,EP14_MORS_MOB4 //3005,EP14_MORS_MOB5 //3006,EP14_MORS_MOB6 //3007,EP14_MORS_DUMMY //3008,EP14_MORS_HIDDEN //3009,EP14_3_DEATH_BOSS 3010,EP14_3_DEATH_A_MOB1,Corrupt Orc Baby,Corrupt Orc Baby,158,250000,1,12390,14640,1,948,215,240,50,120,85,80,60,88,50,10,12,0,7,42,14469,150,672,864,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,522,1,603,1,604,1,607,1,715,1,716,1,717,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 3011,EP14_3_DEATH_A_MOB2,Corrupt Desert Wolf Baby,Corrupt Baby Desert Wolf,158,232890,1,12390,14640,1,948,215,240,45,100,85,100,88,120,50,10,12,0,2,43,14469,150,1600,900,240,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,522,1,603,1,604,1,607,1,715,1,716,1,717,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 3012,EP14_3_DEATH_A_MOB3,Corrupt Familiar,Corrupt Familiar,158,222550,1,12390,14640,1,948,215,240,70,86,85,75,53,100,50,10,12,0,5,41,14469,120,1276,576,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,522,1,603,1,604,1,607,1,715,1,716,1,717,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 3013,EP14_3_DEATH_B_MOB1,Corrupt Orc Warrior,Corrupt Orc Warrior,158,300000,1,12390,14640,1,948,215,240,60,150,85,150,40,122,70,10,12,1,7,42,14469,150,1864,864,288,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,522,1,603,1,604,1,607,1,715,1,716,1,717,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 Another thing that scares me is the movement speed of mobs in the first part. There is no spawn sequence of monsters in the parts of scenes. It's not like what I saw on videos on the iRO but thank you.
  5. I tried to patch 2013-12-23cRagexe and 2014-10-22bRagexe: Clent crush after char select menu.17% loading indicator stoped and client crush. Nemo - selected patches:
  6. "Enable mail box for all lang types" option in NEMO not work. In game mail box and @mail command not work. Not have any server Errors or Warnings. Error in NEMO:
  7. I get clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x70ee,l:19) in rAthena svn rev: 20020. (NEMO) - Disable Packet Encryption - enabled. mmo.h #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20151104 //#define PACKETVER 20120410 #endif packet_db packet_db_ver: 55 packet_keys_use: default clientinfo <version>55</version> clif.h num { // packet DB MIN_PACKET_DB = 0x064, MAX_PACKET_DB = 0xAFF, MAX_PACKET_VER = 55, MAX_PACKET_POS = 20, }; client.conf // default value: 0x7FFFFFFF (all clients/versions [5;39]) packet_ver_flag: 0x7FFFFFFF // default value: 0x7FFFFFFF (all clients/versions [41;72]) packet_ver_flag2: 0x7FFFFFFF login_athena.conf check_client_version: no core.h //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION Solved.
  8. Hi! I need some help. I try to do Abracadabra event, but i have some problem. Conception: On map allowed only 1 skill - abracadabra. So it's PVP on abra skill. My way to do this: 1) custom map flag "skill deny" - deny all skill, but no abra. 2) add in src of abra skill custom skill db, what used only special abra maps 3) for special abra map, was removed all required parametrs (SP cost, gems) So on special map i can use only abra. BUT problem is: if i not use skill what abra give me (click right mouse click), i can use any own skills. So i add debug message in most function of skill.c and have this: Some reason flag abra_flag not set to 0 and i don't know in what place i need add this action (set abra_flag to 0) on screenshot: first 2: call function if i use abra skill, and then use skill gained from abracadabra. then : if i use any my character skill and last i use abra skill, then rigth mouse click and use any my character skill on mob i try add checking in function "skillnotok", but not work. So i need some idea, or help. Previously thanks for help
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