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About Noire

  • Birthday 07/19/1995

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    Tokyo Japan

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  1. it works, but can i ask for somethig else? there is a bug when Player : A just stay on dialogue box , and Player B wins the last slot player A still can able to access the npc even is was already disabled how can i prevent this?
  2. Can you help me make this script have 1 to 10 winners then the NPC will be disabled after that.
  3. thank yoooooooooooooooooooou
  4. Does anyone have a script like this? when you click the item it will preview it... not like euphy script
  5. Noire

    Guild Room

    Can someone make a guildroom script for the main castle holder warper and players who try to enter inside that is not part of guild will be automatically get kicked of the map.
  6. payon,155,238,6 script Stop the Clock 856,{ if(.game == 1 && stopped != 1) { set stopped, 1; set @stopped, .i; message strcharinfo(0), "You stopped the clock at "+@stopped+"."; if(.lowest > @stopped) { set .lowest, @stopped; set .winner$, strcharinfo(0); } end; } else if(.game == 1) { message strcharinfo(0), "You already stopped the clock."; end; } set .name$, "[ STC Manager ]"; set .menu$, "Information:Price:Leave"; if(strcharinfo(0) == .winner$) { set stopped, 0; mes .name$; mes "Here you get your price."; //mes "Your Price is :"; getitem 22654,1; //mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000"; //getitem $prize_id, $prize_amount; set .winner$, ""; close; } if(stopped == 1) { set stopped, 0; mes .name$; mes "You activated your char for the next round."; close; } if(getgmlevel() > 60) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":Start Game"; mes .name$; mes "Welcome to the ^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000."; next; switch(select(.menu$)) { //case 1: //mes .name$; //mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000 starts each day at:"; //mes "^0080001:00^000000, ^00800018:00^000000 and ^00800021:00^000000 o'clock."; //mes"^008000STC always starts at 10:00/19:00 Server Time^000000"; //close; case 1: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000"; mes "is a game where you need to"; mes "click on me exactly when the counter reached 0."; next; mes .name$; mes "It counts down from ^0080001000^000000 to ^ff00000^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "To win, you need to have the ^ff0000closest value to 0^000000 but at least ^ff0000below 50^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "The winner will recieve a prize."; mes "^ff0000Don't forget to talk to me after the Event is over,"; mes "to reset your counter to take part on the next event.^000000"; close; case 2: mes .name$; mes "The Price is : 1 Event Card."; //mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000"; close; case 3: close; case 4: sleep2 100; close2; goto l_start; end; } //case 5: //mes .name$; //mes "Enter the item id of the prize:"; //input $prize_id; //next; //mes .name$; //mes "Enter the amount if items the winner will recieve:"; //input $prize_amount; //next; //mes .name$; //mes "The price id is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id+"^000000"; //mes "^008000("+getitemname($prize_id)+")^000000."; //mes "The amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount+"^000000."; //close; //} //OnClock1000: //OnClock1900: //OnClock2010: l_start: announce "STC Event Manager : We are going to start an Stop the Clock Event in 1 Minute at Payon Town @go 3 !",bc_all; sleep2 60000; announce "STC Event Manager : We are going to start in 30 Seconds !",bc_map; sleep2 20000; announce "STC Event Manager : Hurry up! Event starts in 10 Seconds !",bc_map; sleep2 5000; announce "STC Event Manager : Get Ready only 5 seconds left !",bc_map; sleep2 5000; announce "STC Event Manager : START !!!",bc_map; sleep2 5000; set .winner$, ""; set .game, 1; set .lowest, 1000; for(set .i, 1000; .i > 300;set .i, .i - 100) { mapannounce"payon",":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map; misceffect 377; sleep2 1000; } for(set .i, 300; .i > 50;set .i, .i - 10) { mapannounce"payon",":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map; misceffect 377; sleep2 100; } for(set .i, 50; .i > 0;set .i, .i - 1) { mapannounce"payon",":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map; misceffect 377; sleep2 10; } set .game, 0; if(.winner$ == "") { announce "Nobody hit the clock at the right moment, There is no winner.",bc_map; end; } announce .winner$+" won Stop the Clock. He stopped it at "+.lowest+".",bc_map; sleep2 5000; announce .winner$+" please talk to me to get your prize.",blue; //sleep2 5000; //announce "Event Manager : To activate your char for the next round, please talk to me, too.",bc_map; end; OnInit: waitingroom "STC Event",0; end; }
  7. Can someone help with STC event. i would like to add if someone stopped the clock at the exact "1" the player will gain 2x of the current prize instead of 1x. thank you! STC.txt
  8. For example if Player 1 send the materials required of the npc, the npc will record the first player name same as the 2nd player after that if the npc detect there are already 2 players who finished the quest the npc will be locked but the npc will still show the players name who finished the event.
  9. do i need to add a new column to make it work? it doesnt count when i break the emperium.
  10. having an error >.< and if i tried to view the top 10 list sql error.
  11. The script function well it counts how many times you broke the emperium, but when the player a (breaker on list) logout their name disappear from the list and cause an error from the map server. the error occurs when you tried to view the top 10 emp breakers not when you destroyed the emperium on agit. Credits to Mabuhay for his script. empbreaker_ladder.txt
  12. Help, my npc dont do ./dice emoticon having a problem on my script T_T close2; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : Let's start, click the switch below for your answer..",0,0xFFFF00; enablenpc "Odd#550"; enablenpc "Even#551"; sleep2 3000; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : I will roll the dice in..",0,0xFFFF00; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : 5",0,0xFFFF00; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : 4",0,0xFFFF00; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : 3",0,0xFFFF00; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : 2",0,0xFFFF00; sleep2 1500; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : 1",0,0xFFFF00; sleep2 2000; disablenpc "Odd#550"; disablenpc "Even#551"; areawarp "guild_room",228,370,232,366,"prontera",150,150; mapannounce "guild_room","[ Dice Machine ] : Watch guys.",0,0xFFFF00; sleep2 1500; set @rdice, rand(1,6); setarray .@dicemots[1],58,59,60,61,62,63; emotion .@dicemots[@rdice]; end; }
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