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Voting on Flux CP



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Can't  seem to find why time left is  Vote now XD!!
The voting works.
Except for cash

Can anyone fix it?

Here is my INDEX.PHP


<?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit;



$vfp_sites		= Flux::config('FluxTables.vfp_sites');

$vfp_logs		= Flux::config('FluxTables.vfp_logs');

$errorMessage	= NULL;

if (isset($_POST['id']))


	$id 		= (int) $params->get('id');

	$ip 		= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

	$account_id = (int) $session->account->account_id;

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM $server->loginDatabase.$vfp_sites WHERE id = ?";

	$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);


	$res = $sth->fetch();

	// voting site doesn't exists

	if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


		$errorMessage = Flux::message("VoteDontExists");

	} else

	// voter is using invalid ip

	if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']))


		$errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("UnableToVote"), 1);

	} else {

		// validate for ip address

		if (Flux::config('EnableIPVoteCheck'))


			$sql = "SELECT timestamp_expire FROM $server->loginDatabase.$vfp_logs WHERE ipaddress = ? AND sites_id = ? AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp_expire) > ? LIMIT 1";

			$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

			$bind = array($ip, $id, time());


			if ($sth->rowCount() === 1) $errorMessage = Flux::message("AlreadyVoted");


		// validate for account_id

		if (is_null($errorMessage))


			$sql = "SELECT timestamp_expire FROM $server->loginDatabase.$vfp_logs WHERE account_id = ? AND sites_id = ? AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp_expire) > ? LIMIT 1";

			$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

			$bind = array($account_id, $id, time());


			if ($sth->rowCount() === 1) 


				$errorMessage = Flux::message("AlreadyVoted");

			} else {

				// update the existing row

				$sql = "UPDATE $server->loginDatabase.$vfp_logs SET timestamp_expire = ?, timestamp_voted = ?, ipaddress = ? WHERE account_id = ? AND sites_id = ?";

				$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

				$bind = array(

					date(Flux::config("DateTimeFormat"), strtotime("+".$res->voteinterval." hours")),







				if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


					// insert new row

					$sql = "INSERT INTO $server->loginDatabase.$vfp_logs VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

					$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

					$bind = array(


						date(Flux::config("DateTimeFormat"), strtotime("+".$res->voteinterval." hours")),






					if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


						$errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("UnableToVote"), 2);

					} else {

						switch (Flux::config('PointsType'))


							case "vote":

								// update votepoints

								$sql = "UPDATE $server->loginDatabase.cp_createlog SET votepoints = votepoints + ? WHERE account_id = ?";

								$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

								$sth->execute(array((int) $res->votepoints, $account_id));

								if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


									$errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("UnableToVote"), 3);



							case "cash":

								// insert or update cashpoints

								$cashpoints_var = "#CASHPOINTS";

								$sql = "UPDATE global_reg_value SET value = value + ? WHERE str = ? AND account_id = ?";

								$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

								$sth->execute(array((int) $res->votepoints, $cashpoints_var, $account_id));

								// account doesn't have a record for cashpoints

								// so we will add a row

								if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


									$sql = "INSERT INTO global_reg_value VALUES (0, ?, ?, 2, ?)";

									$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

									$bind = array($cashpoints_var, $res->votepoints, $account_id);


									if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


										$errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("UnableToVote"), 4);





								// update credits row

								$sql = "UPDATE $server->loginDatabase.cp_credits SET balance = balance + ? WHERE account_id = ?";

								$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

								$sth->execute(array((int) $res->votepoints, $account_id));

								if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


									// insert new credits row

									$sql = "INSERT INTO $server->loginDatabase.cp_credits VALUES (?, ?, NULL, NULL)";

									$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);

									$sth->execute(array($account, $res->votepoints));

									if ($sth->rowCount() === 0)


										$errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("UnableToVote"), 6);











// fetch all voting sites

$sql = "SELECT * FROM $server->loginDatabase.$vfp_sites";

$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);


$votesites_res = $sth->fetchAll();



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