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help - GuildLadder by chris

GM Takumirai


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//===== eAthena Script =======================================
//= Guild Manager
//===== By ===================================================
//= lllchrislll
//===== Version ==============================================
//= 1.0 - Script Made
// - Added many features (Didn't write that down...)
// - Added the possiblity to use the donation via an Shop
//   Items can only be set by the GM's, see 'OnInit'
// - Fixxed some bugs with the Reward Function
//   Reward can only be set by the GM's, see 'OnInit'
//= 1.1 - Changed Reward Giving via Quest, also fixxed some bugs reported by darkis
// - Rewritten the Ranking Check, well it is using more memory now.... (Sorry for that)
// - Added an Random EXP Boost depending how much "rank" points
//   you possess, also added an menu option for it, see 'G_EXP'.
// - Also rewritten the explanation how to add this system to WoE:SE 
//= 1.2 - Removed the Quest Area from preventing exploits.
//====== ToDo List ===========================================
//= Guild Shop: Looking for way to prevent the usage of your own Zeny instead
// of the donation for checking if you want to buy something
// Well, I found a way, but would cause a huge exploit.....
//= Ranking Decrease: - How about when you lost a castle?
//   Previous WoE: 3, This WoE: 2 > -1 Rank for Guild only or Member too? ;I
//===== Compatible/Created/Tested With ======================================
//= eAthena SQL 14434 Trunk
//===== Description ==========================================
//= This Script handles a Ranking System in the Guild itself,
//= the ranking itself can increase and decrease.
//= Increasing the Ranking:
// - Donating money to the guild, which can be used by the
//   Guild Master only
// - Emperium Break during WoE
//= Decreasing of the Ranking:
//  - Killing the Guild Members in PvP Rooms
//  - Being offline for 1 week without telling the 
//    guild master, to update the "Holiday List".
//= Also you can recieve other rewards from breaking the Emp,
// which is done by collecting points.
//===== MySQL Entries =======================================
/* //= Member Table:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_rank_mem`;
CREATE TABLE `guild_rank_mem` (
 `char_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `guild_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `rank` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `woe` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `donate` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `donate_am` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `holiday` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`)
//= Guild Table:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_rank_guild`;
CREATE TABLE  `guild_rank_guild` (
 `guild_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
 `type` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '1',
 `rank` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `woe` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `donate` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `donate_min` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 `donate_max` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (`guild_id`)
//===== Comments =============================================
//= You need to edit the following line in the
//  npc/guild/agit_template.txt
//========== Find this ==========//
// Adjust Economy Invest Level for Castle
set .@Economy,GetCastleData(strnpcinfo(2),2) - 5;
if (.@Economy < 0) set .@Economy, 0;

//========== Add above ==========//
// Callfunc for Guild Rank System
callfunc "GLD_RANK_WOE";

//= WoE:SE : Open these file under npc/guild2/
 arug_cas02.txt  arug_cas04.txt  schg_cas01.txt  schg_cas03.txt  schg_cas05.txt
 arug_cas01.txt  arug_cas03.txt  arug_cas05.txt  schg_cas02.txt  schg_cas04.txt

//========== Find this, which only shows up once every file. =========//
mapannounce "arug_cas01","The emperium has been shattered!",bc_map,"0x00FF00",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40; 
// ------- or -------- //
announce "The emperium has been shattered!",bc_map,"0x00FF00",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40;

//========== Add after ==========//
// Callfunc for Guild Rank System
callfunc "GLD_RANK_WOE";
- script GuildRanks#Events -1,{

query_sql "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'guild_rank_guild'",.@ch_gld_tbl$;
query_sql "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'guild_rank_mem'",.@ch_mem_tbl$;
if($gld_ranker_tbl == 1) {

// If the tables exists
if(.@ch_gld_tbl$[0] != "" && .@ch_mem_tbl$[0] != "") {

// If one of the tables doesn't exists
} else if(.@ch_gld_tbl[0] == "" || .@ch_mem_tbl[0] == "") { 
query_sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_rank_guild`";
query_sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_rank_mem`";
set $gld_ranker_tbl,0;
// Checking if the System is on or not
if(!$gld_ranker_tbl) disablenpc "GuildRanks#Events"; end;

setarray .expboost[0],5,10,15,20,25; // Exp Boost in %
setarray .rankreq[0],15,30,60,120,240; // Rank Points required
// Example: To gain 15% EXP Bonus, you need 60 Rank Points.
set .boostuse,1; // Which day it will be activated on: 0-6 = Sunday - Saturday, 7 = Random
switch(.boostuse) { 
case 0: set .expdayn$,"Sunday"; break;
case 1: set .expdayn$,"Monday"; break;
case 2: set .expdayn$,"Tuesday"; break;
case 3: set .expdayn$,"Wednesday"; break;
case 4: set .expdayn$,"Thursday"; break;
case 5: set .expdayn$,"Friday"; break;
case 6: set .expdayn$,"Saturday"; break;
default: set .expdayn$,"a random day."; break;
set .GldEXPBoost,0;

if(gettime(4) == ( (.boostuse != 7) ? .boostuse : rand(7) ) ) {
set .GldEXPBoost,1;
announce "Guild Rank System: EXP Bonus has been activated.",0,0x00FF00;

if(!getcharid(2)) end; // If the player is not in a guild.
// =========== EXP Boost ============== //
if(.GldEXPBoost == 1) {
if(EXPLastRank < query_sql("SELECT `rank` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",@rank) ) {
set EXPLastRank,@rank;
for( set @b,0; @b < getarraysize(.rankreq); set @b,@b + 1) {
if(EXPLastRank >= .rankreq[@b]) {
if(.rankreq[@b+1] != 0) {
set EXPBoost,.expboost[@b];
if(EXPLastRank < .rankreq[@b+1] ) break;
} else {
set EXPBoost,.expboost[@b];
set @bexp,(getmonsterinfo(killedrid,3)*EXPBoost);
if(getgmlevel()) dispbottom "Debug: Monster: "+getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0)+" with "+@bexp+" Base EXP, "+@jexp+" Job EXP";
set @jexp,(getmonsterinfo(killedrid,4)*EXPBoost);
set BaseEXP,BaseEXP + @bexp;
set JobEXP,JobEXP + @jexp;
dispbottom "EXP Bonus: "+EXPBoost+"%. You have recieved additionally "+@bexp+" Base EXP and "+@jexp+" Job EXP.";

if(!getcharid(2)) end;
if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp) == 0) end;

query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"'",@gld_mem$;
set @Killer$,rid2name(killerrid);
for( set @gpvp,0; @gm < getarraysize(@gld_mem$); set @gpvp,@gpvp + 1) {
if(@Killer$ == @gld_mem$[@gpvp]) {
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_mem` SET `rank` = `rank` - 1 WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0,@Killer$)+"'";
donpcevent "::OnReset";

if(!getcharid(2)) end;
if(query_sql("SELECT `holiday` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",@holiday) == 0) {
set gld_off_log,gettimetick(2) + 691200; // 8 Days
set gld_last,getcharid(2);

if($gld_ranker_tbl) announce "The Guild Ranking System is online.",4,0x00FF00;
if(.GldEXPBoost == 1) announce "Guild Rank System: EXP Bonus has been activated.",4,0x00FF00;;
// Don't enable these lines, NEVER!! Need a solution for this problem 
// if(BkpZeny != 0) { set Zeny,BkpZeny; set BkpZeny,0; } // Guild Shop Exploit Preventing
if(!getcharid(2)) end;
set EXPBoost,0;
if(gld_last != getcharid(2)) set gld_off_log,0; end;
query_sql "SELECT `holiday` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",@holiday;
if(@holiday == 0 && (gettimetick(2) > gld_off_log)) {
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_mem` SET `rank` = `rank` - 1 WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";
} else {
set gld_off_log,0;

// ========================= Auto Guild Checking =========================//
// This part checks the Registered Guilds and their members.
// If the guild doesn't exists anymore or an Member has left a guild,
// they will be deleted from the ranking and if the new Guild is registered
// it will insert them into the new guild.
// ==========================================================================
set .GldEXPBoost,0;
if(gettime(4) == ( (.boostuse != 7) ? .boostuse : rand(7) ) ) {
set .GldEXPBoost,1;
announce "Guild Rank System: EXP Bonus has been activated.",0,0x00FF00;;
// Which Guild is registered and still exists
query_sql "SELECT `guild_id` FROM `guild_rank_guild`",.@gld_ids;
for( set .@w,0; .@w < getarraysize(.@gld_ids); set .@w,.@w + 1) {
  if(query_sql("SELECT `guild_id` FROM `guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gld_ids[.@w]+"'",.@c_gld) != 0) {

// Getting the Guild Member ID's from the Guild_Member Table
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gld_ids[.@w]+"'",.@gld_mem;

for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(.@gld_mem); set .@m,.@m+1) {
// Checking if the Member is in the ranking
if(query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gld_ids[.@w]+"' AND `char_id` = '"+.@gld_mem[.@m]+"'",.@c_chid) == 0) {

// Checking in which Guild the Member is
if(query_sql("SELECT `guild_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@gld_mem[.@m]+"'",.@c_gid) != .@gld_ids[.@w]) {

// If the Member doesn't exists anymore in this guild
query_sql "DELETE FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@gld_mem[.@m]+"'";

// Member is not in the ranking
query_sql "INSERT INTO `guild_rank_mem` ( `guild_id` , `char_id` ) VALUES ( '"+.@gld_ids[.@w]+"' , '"+.@gld_mem[.@m]+"' )";
// If the Guild doesn't exist anymore delete it from the ranking.
} else {
query_sql "DELETE FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gld_ids[.@w]+"'";
query_sql "DELETE FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gld_ids[.@w]+"'";
callsub OnGuildBreak;
donpcevent "::OnReset";

announce "The guild "+getguildname(.@gld_ids[.@w])+" has been disbanded.",0,0xFF0000;

deletearray .@gld_ids[0],getarraysize(.@gld_ids);
deletearray .@gld_mem[0],getarraysize(.@gld_mem);
deletearray .@c_chid[0],getarraysize(.@c_chid);
deletearray .@c_gid[0],getarraysize(.@c_gid);

function script GLD_RANK_WOE {
query_sql "SELECT `type` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"'",@type;
if(@type == 1) {
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_mem` SET `rank` = `rank` + 1 , `woe` = `woe` + 1 WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_guild` SET `rank` = `rank` + 1 , `woe` = `woe` + 1 WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"'";
announce "You have gained 1 Point for breaking an Emperium while WoE.",4,0xFF0000;

// ===================== Guild Shop Pre-Setting ==================== //
- shop GUILD_SHOP -1,512:-1

// ===================== Guild Rank Manager ====================== //
gonryun,151,92,4 script Guild Ranker#gldrank 857,{
callsub G_Array;
set .@n$,"[Guild Ranker]";
set .@last_id,25077; // Highest Item ID
set @guild_id,getcharid(2);

mes .@n$;
// **********************************************************************//
//      // GM Menu Selection \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 
if(getgmlevel() >= 80) {
mes "Player or GM Menu?";
menu "Player Menu",-,"GM Menu",G_GM;
mes .@n$;
// **********************************************************************//
//  // No MySQL Entries made \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 
if(!$gld_ranker_tbl) {
mes "I'm sorry, but";
mes "the System hasn't been";
mes "enabled yet.";
// **********************************************************************//
//   // Not in a Guild \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 
if(!@guild_id) {
mes "I'm sorry, but you";
mes "are not in a guild.";
// **********************************************************************//
//    // Main Greeting \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 
mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";
if(query_sql("SELECT `guild_id` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'",@gld_check) == 0) {
mes "As I can see your Guild has not been registered yet,";
if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@guild_id)) {
mes "wanna register it now?";
if(select("- Yes register:- No, thanks") == 2) {
goto G_Quit;
} else {
goto G_Register;
} else {
mes "if you want to join,";
mes "please inform your Guild Master about it.";
mes "How can I help ya?";
if(strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(@guild_id)) {
if(select("- Guild Master Menu:- Member Menu") == 1) {
menu "- Guild Summary",G_Summary,"- EXP Boost Info",G_EXP,"- Guild Shop",G_Shop,"- Donation Limit",G_Donate_L,"- Holiday List",G_Holiday,"- Nothing",G_Quit;
menu "- Guild Summary",G_Summary,"- EXP Boost Info",G_EXP,"- See Ranking",G_Rank,"- Get Reward",G_Reward,"- Donation",G_Donate,"- Nothing",G_Quit;

// **********************************************************************//
// // Guild Summary \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

query_sql "SELECT `type` , `donate` , `donate_min` , `donate_max` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'",@type,@donate,@donate_min,@donate_max;
mes .@n$;
mes "Guild Type: "+ ( (@type == 2) ? "Non-WoE" : "WoE");
mes " ";
mes "Donation Status:";
mes "Currently we have "+@donate+" Zeny on our Account.";
mes "Donation Limit:";
mes "Minium: " + @donate_min + " Zeny."; // Donate Minimum Amount
mes "Maximum: " + @donate_max + " Zeny."; // Donate Maximum Amount

// **********************************************************************//
// // EXP Boost Info \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

mes .@n$;
mes "The EXP Boost is global to every guild.";
mes "The boost depends on your rank and the percent set by the GM Team.";
mes "And will be activated on "+getvariableofnpc(.expdayn$,"GuildRanks#Events");
mes "Status: " + ( (getvariableofnpc(.GldEXPBoost,"GuildRanks#Events") == 1) ? "Active" : "Not Active.");
mes " ";
mes "Current Rank Requirements and EXP Boost.";
for( set @e,0; @e < getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.expboost,"GuildRanks#Events")); set @e,@e + 1) {
mes getvariableofnpc(.rankreq[@e],"GuildRanks#Events")+" Points = "+getvariableofnpc(.expboost[@e],"GuildRanks#Events")+"% EXP Boost.";

// **********************************************************************//
// // Ranking \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

mes .@n$;
mes "What kind of ranking";
mes "do you want to see?";
switch(select("- Donation:- WoE:- All")) {

// **********************************************************************//
// // Total Donation \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

case 1:
mes .@n$;
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` , `donate` , `donate_am` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' ORDER BY `donate_am` DESC",@char_id,@donate,@donate_am;
query_sql "SELECT `donate` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'",@donate_total;
mes "Total Donation:";
mes @donate_total;
mes " ";
mes "Name - Quantity - Donated Amount Total";
for( set @gm,0; @gm < getarraysize(@char_id); set @gm,@gm + 1) {
query_sql "SELECT `name`  FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id[@gm]+"'",@c_name$;
mes @c_name$+" - "+@donate[@gm]+" - "+@donate_am[@gm];

// **********************************************************************//
//  // Emperium Breaks \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

case 2:
mes .@n$;
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` , `woe` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' ORDER BY `woe` DESC",@char_id,@woe;
query_sql "SELECT `woe` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'",@woe2;
mes "Total Emp Breaks:";
mes @woe2;
mes " ";
mes "Name - Break Quantity";
for( set @gm,0; @gm < getarraysize(@char_id); set @gm,@gm + 1) {
query_sql "SELECT `name`  FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id[@gm]+"'",@c_name$;
mes @c_name$+" - "+@woe[@gm];

// **********************************************************************//
//   // Member Ranking \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

case 3:
mes .@n$;
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` , `rank` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' ORDER BY `rank` DESC",@char_id,@rank;
mes "Name - Ranking";
for( set @gm,0; @gm < getarraysize(@char_id); set @gm,@gm + 1) {
query_sql "SELECT `name`  FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id[@gm]+"'",@c_name$;
mes @c_name$+" - "+@rank[@gm];

// **********************************************************************//
//   // Recieving Reward \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 
query_sql "SELECT `woe` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",@woe;
mes .@n$;
mes "Your current balance is:";
mes "WoE Points: "+@woe;
mes .@n$;
mes "Reward - Points needed"; 
mes .rew_woe_need[0] + ". " + .rew_woe_am[0] + "x " + ( (.rew_woe[0] == 1) ?  " Zeny": getitemname(.rew_woe[0]) + " (ID:" + .rew_woe[0] + ")" ) + " - "+.rew_woe_need[0];
set @r_menu$,"- "+.rew_woe_need[0] + " "+( (.rew_woe_need[0] > 1) ? "Points": "Point");
for( set @r,1; @r < getarraysize(.rew_woe); set @r,@r+1) {
mes .rew_woe_am[@r] + "x " + ( (.rew_woe[@r] == 1) ? " Zeny": getitemname(.rew_woe[@r]) + " (ID: " + .rew_woe[@r] + ")" ) + " - "+.rew_woe_need[@r];
set @r_menu$,@r_menu$ + ":- "+.rew_woe_need[@r] + " "+( (.rew_woe_need[@r] > 1) ? "Points": "Point"); 
mes " ";
mes "Please choose the reward you want.";
switch(prompt(@r_menu$)) {

set @m,@menu - 1;

case 255:
goto G_Quit;
mes .@n$;
mes "You have chosen:";
mes .rew_woe_am[@m] + "x " + ( (.rew_woe[@m] == 1) ? " Zeny": getitemname(.rew_woe[@m]) + " (ID: " + .rew_woe[@m] + ")" ) + " - "+.rew_woe_need[@m];
mes "Is that correct?";
if(select("- Yes:- No") == 2) {
goto G_Quit;
} else {
mes .@n$;
if(.rew_woe_need[@m] > @woe) {
mes "I'm sorry, but it seems you don't have enough points for this reward.";
if(.rew_woe[@m] == 1) {
mes "You have recieved "+.@rew_woe_am[@m]+" Zeny.";
set Zeny,Zeny + .rew_woe_am[@m];
} else {
mes "You have recieved "+.rew_woe_am[@m] + "x "+getitemname(.rew_woe[@m]);
getitem .rew_woe[@m],.rew_woe_am[@m];
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_mem` SET `woe` = `woe` - "+.rew_woe_need[@m]+" WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";

// **********************************************************************//
//   // Making Donation \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

query_sql "SELECT `donate` , `donate_min` , `donate_max` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'",@donate,@donate_min,@donate_max;
mes .@n$;
if(@donate_min < 1) {
mes "Your Guild Master hasn't set the";
mes "Donation Limit yet.";
mes "Total Donation: "+@donate;
mes "The account can hold up to "+.don_limit+" Zeny.";
if(@donate < .don_limit) {
mes (.don_limit - @donate) +" can be donated until the limit will be reached.";
} else if(@donate >= .don_limit) {
mes "Limit reached, the account is full.";
mes "Please wait until your Guild Master used some donations up.";
mes "You can donate once per week.";
mes "The minimum amount is " + @donate_min + " Zeny"; // Donate Minimum Amount
mes "and the maximum "+ @donate_max + " Zeny."; // Donate Maximum Amount
if(@guild_id == last_gld && gld_don_delay > gettimetick(2)) {
mes .@n$;
mes "I'm sorry, but the week hasn't passed yet.";

} else if(@guild_id != last_gld) { set gld_don_delay,0; }

if(input(@do_don,@donate_min,@donate_max) != 0) {
mes .@n$;
mes "You have put an invalid amount.";
if(Zeny < @do_don) {
mes .@n$;
mes "You don't have the needed money.";
if( (@donate + @do_don) >= .don_limit) {
mes "The donation you are trying to make is too much for the account to handle.";
mes "Please wait until your Guild Master uses some donations.";
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_mem` SET `donate` = donate + 1 , `donate_am` = donate_am + "+@do_don+" , `rank` = rank + 1 WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_guild` SET `donate` = donate + "+@do_don+" WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'";
set Zeny,Zeny - @do_don;
set gld_don_delay,gettimetick(2) + 604800; // 1 Week Delay
set last_gld,@guild_id;
mes .@n$;
mes "Thank you for your";
mes "donation.";

// **********************************************************************//
//      // Adding Donation Limit \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

mes .@n$;
mes "Type the minimum amount";
mes "Note: Highest is 10,000,000";
input @don_min;
if(@don_min < 1 || @don_min > 10000000) close;
mes .@n$;
mes "Now the maximum amount:";
mes "Note: Highest is 10,000,000 too";
input @don_max;
if(@don_max < @don_min || @don_max > 10000000) close;
mes .@n$;
mes "Result:";
mes "Minium: "+@don_min;
mes "Maximum: "+@don_max;
mes " ";
mes "Correct?";
if(select("- Yes:- No") == 1) {
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_guild` SET `donate_min` = '"+@don_min+"' , `donate_max` = '"+@don_max+"' WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'";

// **********************************************************************//
//      // Guild Shop - using Donations \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

query_sql "SELECT `donate` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'",@don_total;
mes .@n$;
mes "Hello Master,";
mes "how can I help you?";
mes "You guild members have donated "+@don_total+" Zeny so far.";
menu "Open Shop",-,"Nothing",G_Quit;

mes .@n$;
mes "I will now open the shop for you.";
mes "Note: The Skill Discount won't work here.";
mes "The difference will be shown, but I will use the actual costs.";
mes "Also it checks the Zeny in your inventory, so if you get enough";
mes "donations, but not enough Zeny with you, it could result in an error.";
// Don't enable these lines, NEVER!! Need a solution for this problem 
// set BkpZeny,Zeny; // A way to surprass the bug by having not enough Zeny with you even if he uses the donations?
// if(@don_total > .don_limit) set Zeny,.don_limit; else set Zeny,@don_total;
callshop "GUILD_SHOP",1;
npcshopattach "GUILD_SHOP";

for( set @bid,0; @bid < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @bid,@bid + 1) {
for( set @sid,0; @sid < getarraysize(.gshop_id); set @sid,@sid + 1) {
if(.gshop_id[@sid] == @bought_nameid[@bid]) {
set @cost_item,(.gshop_cost[@sid]*@bought_quantity[@bid]);
set @cost_total,(@cost_total+@cost_item);
query_sql "SELECT `donate` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'",@don_total;
if(@cost_total > .don_limit) {
dispbottom "I'm sorry, but you can't buy this much at once.";
dispbottom "Maximum is " + .don_limit + " Zeny.";
} else {
if(@cost_total > @don_total) {
dispbottom "You don't have enough Zeny.";
} else {
for( set @buy,0; @buy < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @buy,@buy + 1) {
getitem @bought_nameid[@buy],@bought_quantity[@buy];
dispbottom "Thank you for shopping.";
dispbottom "You have used "+@cost_total+" Zeny of the Donations.";
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_guild` SET `donate` = `donate` - '"+@cost_total+"' WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"'";
set @cost_total,0;
deletearray @bought_nameid[0],128;
deletearray @bought_quantity[0],128;
// Don't enable this line, NEVER!! Need a solution for this problem 
// if(BkpZeny != 0) { set Zeny,BkpZeny; set BkpZeny,0; }

// **********************************************************************//
//   // Holiday List \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

mes .@n$;
mes "What do you like to do?";
switch(select("- Add:- Remove:- Show List:- Nothing")) {

// **********************************************************************//
//      // Adding Member on the Holiday List \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

case 1:
mes .@n$;
mes "Type the member name you want to add:";
input @hl_name$;
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `name` = '"+escape_sql(@hl_name$)+"'",@char_id;
if(!@char_id) {
mes .@n$;
mes "The name you have put is wrong.";
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_mem` SET `holiday` = '1' WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id+"'";
mes .@n$;
mes "The member "+@hl_name$+" has been added to the \"Holiday List\".";

// **********************************************************************//
//     // Removing Member from the Holiday List \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

case 2:
mes .@n$;
mes "Select the member from the list";
mes "which you want to remove.";
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `holiday` = '1'",@char_id;
if(!@char_id) {
mes .@n$;
mes "There is no member in the list.";
query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id[0]+"'",@char_n$;
set @menu$,"- "+@char_n$[0];
for( set @gm_s,1; @gm_s < getarraysize(@char_id); set @gm_s,@gm_s + 1) {
query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id[@gm_s]+"'",@char_n$;
set @menu$,@menu$ + ":- "+@char_n$[@gm_s];
switch(prompt(@menu$)) {

set @h,@menu - 1;

mes .@n$;
mes "You have chosen "+ @char_n$[@h];
mes " ";
mes "Wanna remove him/her?";
if(select("- Yes:- No") == 2) close;
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `name` = '"+escape_sql(@char_n$[@h])+"'",@char_id_n;
query_sql "UPDATE `guild_rank_mem` SET `holiday` = '0' WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id_n+"'";
mes .@n$;
mes "The member "+@char_n$[@h]+" has been removed from the List.";

case 255:
goto G_Quit;

// **********************************************************************//
//   // Showing Holiday List \\  //
// **********************************************************************// 

case 3:
mes .@n$;
mes "These members has been";
mes "put on the list:";
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild_rank_mem` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `holiday` = '1'",@char_id;
if(!@char_id) {
mes .@n$;
mes "There is no member";
mes "in the list.";
query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id[0]+"'",@char_n$;
mes @char_n$[0];
for( set @gm_s,1; @gm_s < getarraysize(@char_id); set @gm_s,@gm_s + 1) {
query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' AND `char_id` = '"+@char_id[@gm_s]+"'",@char_n$;
mes @char_n$[@gm_s];

case 4:
goto G_Quit;

// **********************************************************************//
//   // Guild Registering \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

mes .@n$;
mes "You want to register your Guild for the our Ranking System?";
mes "^FF0000Note: This ranking will be permanent until you are disbanding the guild.^000000";
if(select("- Yes, please:- No, thanks") - 1) {
} else {
mes .@n$;
mes "What type is your Guild?";
set @type,select("- WoE:- Non-WoE");
query_sql "INSERT INTO `guild_rank_guild` ( `guild_id` , `type` , `rank` , `woe` , `donate` , `donate_min` , `donate_max` ) VALUES ( '"+@guild_id+"' , '"+@type+"' , '0' , '0' , '0' , '0' , '0' )";
query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+@guild_id+"' ORDER BY `char_id` ASC",@char_id;
for( set @g,0; @g < getarraysize(@char_id); set @g,@g+1) {
query_sql "INSERT INTO `guild_rank_mem` ( `guild_id` , `char_id` , `holiday` ) VALUES ( '"+@guild_id+"' , '"+@char_id[@g]+"' , '0' )";

// **********************************************************************//
//   // GM Menu \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 

mes .@n$;
mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",";
if($gld_ranker_tbl) {
mes "how can I help you?";
switch(select("- Guild Ranks:- Re-Check Rank List:- Delete Tables")) {

case 1:
query_sql "SELECT `guild_id` , `rank` , `woe` FROM `guild_rank_guild` WHERE `rank` > '0' ORDER BY `rank` DESC",.@r_gld,.@r_rank,.@r_woe;
mes .@n$;
mes "Only Guilds with Ranking Points will be displayed!";
if(.@r_gld[0] == 0) {
mes "There is no guild to display.";
mes "The format of the list";
mes "will be like this:";
mes " ";
mes " Guild Name: Points";
mes "===== Emp Breaks: ===";
mes "x";
mes "*******************";
for( set @r,0; @r < getarraysize(.@r_gld); set @r,@r + 1) {
mes getguildname(.@r_gld[@r])+": "+.@r_rank;
mes "===== Emp Breaks: ===";
mes .@r_woe[@r];
mes "*******************";

case 2:
mes .@n$;
mes "I will now re-check the Ranking Status for all guilds.";
doevent "GuildRanks#Events::OnRankCheck";

case 3:
mes .@n$;
mes "Are you sure to delete everything?";
if(select("- Delete:- Nevermind") - 1) {
} else {
query_sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_rank_guild`";
query_sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `guild_rank_mem`";
disablenpc "GuildRanks#Events";
announce "The Guild Ranking System is offline.",0,0xFF0000;
set $gld_ranker_tbl,0;
} else {
mes "I'm sorry, but the ranking has not been activated yet,";
mes "but it's also necessary to install the required entries in";
mes "your database.";
mes .@n$;
mes "First I will check if you installed it through the entries at the top of the script file.";
mes "Then I will activate it.";
mes "If that is not the case, I will install and activate the system for you if you want.";
query_sql "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'guild_rank_guild'",.@c_tbl$;
if(.@c_tbl$[0] == "") {
mes .@n$;
mes "Result:";
mes "The entries are not yet installed wanna install them?";
if(select("- Install it~:- Na, it would fail!") - 1) {
mes .@n$;
mes "How do you wanna know without installing it!!";
emotion e_bzz;
percentheal -99,-99;
sleep2 2000;
percentheal 100,100;

} else {
mes .@n$;
mes "Here we go~";
//= Member Table:
query_sql "CREATE TABLE `guild_rank_mem` ( `char_id` int(10) , `guild_id` smallint(5) , `rank` smallint(5) , `woe` smallint(5) , `donate` int(11) , `donate_am` int(11) , `holiday` smallint(5) )";
//= Guild Table:
query_sql "CREATE TABLE  `guild_rank_guild` ( `guild_id` smallint(5) , `type` smallint(5) , `rank` smallint(5) , `woe` smallint(5) , `donate` int(11) , `donate_min` int(11) , `donate_max` int(11) )";

enablenpc "GuildRanks#Events";
announce "The Guild Ranking System is online.",0,0x00FF00;
set $gld_ranker_tbl,1;
} else {
mes .@n$;
mes "It seems like the entries has been installed,";
mes "then I will activate the system if you want.";
if(select("- Please proceed~:- Stop please") - 1) {
} else {
enablenpc "GuildRanks#Events";
announce "The Guild Ranking System is online.",0,0x00FF00;
set $gld_ranker_tbl,1;
// **********************************************************************//
//   // Closing Message \\    //
// **********************************************************************// 
mes .@n$;
mes "See ya again.";

set @r_menu$,"";
set .@rew_it_list$,"";
deletearray .@c_tbl$[0],getarraysize(.@c_tbl$);
deletearray @gld_mem$[0],getarraysize(@gld_mem$);
deletearray @char_id[0],getarraysize(@char_id);
deletearray @donate[0],getarraysize(@donate);
deletearray @donate_am[0],getarraysize(@donate_am);
deletearray @woe[0],getarraysize(@woe);
deletearray @rank[0],getarraysize(@rank);
deletearray .@r_gld[0],getarraysize(.@r_gld);
deletearray .@r_rank[0],getarraysize(.@r_rank);
deletearray .@r_woe[0],getarraysize(.@r_woe);

// Guild Rewards:
// .rew_woe: Item ID, when you put 1 it will give Zeny as Reward.
// .rew_woe_am: Amount of the Items or Zeny.
// .rew_woe_need: The points needed
// For Emp Breaking
setarray .rew_woe[0],1,969;
setarray .rew_woe_am[0],50000,10;
setarray .rew_woe_need[0],1,5;
// Maximum Zeny for Donation Account
set .don_limit,2000000000; // 2b Zeny
// Attaching Items To the Shop
npcshopdelitem "GUILD_SHOP",512;
setarray .gshop_id[0],7619,7620;
setarray .gshop_cost[0],200000,200000;

for ( set .@s,0; .@s < getarraysize(.gshop_id); set .@s,.@s + 1 ) {
npcshopadditem "GUILD_SHOP",.gshop_id[.@s],.gshop_cost[.@s];
}} // End function

[Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/AGNRO/ingame-npc/breaker-ladder.txt', line '165'. Stopping...

* w1=end;

* w2=

* w3=

* w4=

- i don't know what to change on end. because when i tried something in end command the next line will be error

bump please ~


anyone can help please?

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line 192 has two semi colons

if(.GldEXPBoost == 1) announce "Guild Rank System: EXP Bonus has been activated.",4,0x00FF00;;

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2 semi-colons doesn't break the script

dispbottom "EXP Bonus: "+EXPBoost+"%. You have recieved additionally "+@bexp+" Base EXP and "+@jexp+" Job EXP.";

there are 2 closing brackets

remove either of them

last line

}} // End function

same here, remove either 1 of them

I wonder is the original script also doesn't have proper indent ?

edit, ok original script has proper indent ... you edited it

Edited by AnnieRuru
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